/**************************************************************************** * VCGLib o o * * Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o * * _ O _ * * Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ * * Visual Computing Lab /\/| * * ISTI - Italian National Research Council | * * \ * * All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) * * for more details. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /*include the base definition for the vertex */ #include /*include the base definition for the face */ #include /*include the base definition for the edge */ #include /*include the base definition for the trimesh*/ #include /*include the algorithms for updating: */ #include /* topology */ #include /* bounding box */ #include /* normal */ /*include the algorithms for mesh fixing */ #include /*include the importer from disk*/ #include #include /* include the support for polygon meshes (function to convert from/to trimesh)*/ #include /* include the support for polygon meshes (the component for the face )*/ #include /* include the support for half edges */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace vcg; using namespace std; // forward declarations class CFace; class CVertex; class CHEdge; class CEdge; class MyPolyVertex; struct CUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedTypes< vcg::Use::AsVertexType, vcg::Use::AsFaceType >{}; // Mesh of triangles class CVertex : public Vertex< CUsedTypes, vertex::BitFlags, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::VFAdj, vertex::Mark, vcg::vertex::Curvaturef, vcg::vertex::CurvatureDirf, vertex::Color4b, vertex::Qualityf >{}; class CFace : public Face< CUsedTypes, face::VertexRef, face::Normal3f, face::BitFlags, face::FFAdj, face::VFAdj, face::Mark, face::EdgePlane > {}; class CMesh : public vcg::tri::TriMesh< vector, vector > {}; // Poly mesh class MyPolyFace; class MyPolyVertex; struct PolyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedTypes< vcg::Use ::AsVertexType, vcg::Use ::AsEdgeType, vcg::Use ::AsHEdgeType, vcg::Use ::AsFaceType >{}; class MyPolyVertex:public Vertex< PolyUsedTypes, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::Mark, vertex::BitFlags, vertex::VHAdj, vertex::VFAdj >{}; class CEdge : public Edge{}; class CHEdge : public HEdge< PolyUsedTypes, hedge::BitFlags, hedge::HFAdj, hedge::HOppAdj, hedge::HNextAdj, hedge::HVAdj, hedge::HPrevAdj, hedge::Mark >{}; class MyPolyFace:public Face< PolyUsedTypes, face::PolyInfo, face::PFVAdj, face::PFFAdj, face::PFHAdj, face::BitFlags, face::Normal3f, face::Mark > {}; class MyPolyMesh: public tri::TriMesh< std::vector, std::vector, std::vector, std::vector >{}; /*! * \brief Collapse operation for adaptive simplification using fitmaps * */ class MyCollapseAdaptive: public vcg::tri::QuadDiagonalCollapse< MyPolyMesh, MyCollapseAdaptive, CMesh , vcg::tri::VertReg ,vcg::tri::FitmapsCollapse , vcg::tri::FitmapsCollapse > { public: typedef vcg::tri::QuadDiagonalCollapse< MyPolyMesh, MyCollapseAdaptive, CMesh , vcg::tri::VertReg, vcg::tri::FitmapsCollapse , vcg::tri::FitmapsCollapse > constructor; MyCollapseAdaptive(HEdgePointer he, int mark):constructor(he,mark){} }; /*! * \brief Collapse for uniform simplification * */ class MyCollapse: public vcg::tri::QuadDiagonalCollapseBase< MyPolyMesh, MyCollapse, CMesh , vcg::tri::VertReg > { public: typedef vcg::tri::QuadDiagonalCollapseBase< MyPolyMesh, MyCollapse, CMesh , vcg::tri::VertReg > constructor; MyCollapse(HEdgePointer he, int mark):constructor(he,mark){} }; typedef CMesh::FaceType TriFaceType; typedef vcg::GridStaticPtr GRID; typedef CMesh::PerVertexAttributeHandle Fitmap_attr; /*! Initializes the grid for smoothing and fitmaps * * \param m Reference mesh * */ void initGrid(CMesh & m) { GRID* grid = new GRID(); vcg::tri::UpdateBounding::Box(m); vcg::tri::UpdateEdges::Set(m); grid->Set(m.face.begin(), m.face.end()); // grid->ShowStats(stdout); MyCollapse::grid() = grid; MyCollapseAdaptive::grid() = grid; } /*! Initializes the heap of operations on a mesh * * \param m Mesh * \param loc * \param Adaptive Specifies if simplificaton will be adaptive * */ void init_heap(MyPolyMesh &m, vcg::LocalOptimization &loc, bool adaptive) { if(adaptive) MyCollapseAdaptive::Init(m, loc.h); else MyCollapse::Init(m,loc.h); std::make_heap(loc.h.begin(),loc.h.end()); if(!loc.h.empty()) loc.currMetric=loc.h.front().pri; } /*! Read fitmaps values from a file and loads them into a mesh * * \param m Mesh * \param fn Name of the file to read * */ bool read_fitmaps(CMesh &m, const char *fn) { ifstream fitmaps; fitmaps.open(fn); if(! fitmaps.is_open()) return false; Fitmap_attr S_Fit = tri::Allocator::GetPerVertexAttribute(m,"S-Fitmap"); Fitmap_attr M_Fit = tri::Allocator::GetPerVertexAttribute(m,"M-Fitmap"); int index; float S_fit, M_fit; do { fitmaps >> index >> S_fit >> M_fit; S_Fit[m.vert[index]] = S_fit; M_Fit[m.vert[index]] = M_fit; }while(fitmaps.good()); bool eof = fitmaps.eof(); fitmaps.close(); return eof; } /*! Writes fitmaps values into a file * * \param m Mesh * \param fn Name of the file to write * */ bool store_fitmaps(CMesh &m, const char *fn) { ofstream fitmaps; fitmaps.open(fn); if(! fitmaps.is_open()) return false; Fitmap_attr S_Fit = tri::Allocator::GetPerVertexAttribute(m,"S-Fitmap"); Fitmap_attr M_Fit = tri::Allocator::GetPerVertexAttribute(m,"M-Fitmap"); for(unsigned int i =0; i< m.vert.size(); i++) { if( !(m.vert[i].IsD()) ) { fitmaps << i << " " << S_Fit[m.vert[i]] << " " << M_Fit[m.vert[i]] << endl; if(!fitmaps.good()) { fitmaps.close(); return false; } } } fitmaps.close(); return true; } /*! Load fitmaps for a mesh, computing them or reading values from a file * * \param m Mesh * \param fn Name of the mesh file * */ void load_fitmaps(CMesh &m, char* fn) { Fitmap_attr S_Fit = tri::Allocator::AddPerVertexAttribute (m, string("S-Fitmap")); Fitmap_attr M_Fit = tri::Allocator::AddPerVertexAttribute (m, string("M-Fitmap")); string filename(fn); int found = filename.find_last_of("/"); string name = filename.substr(found+1); string suffix = ".fmp"; if( !read_fitmaps( m, (name + suffix).c_str()) ) { tri::Fitmaps::computeSFitmap(m); for(CMesh::VertexIterator vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); ++vi) S_Fit[vi] = vi->Q(); tri::Fitmaps::computeMFitmap(m, 5); for(CMesh::VertexIterator vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); ++vi) M_Fit[vi] = vi->Q(); store_fitmaps(m, ( name + suffix).c_str()); } } /*! Load a mesh, from a file * * \param m Mesh that will be filled with data from a file * \param fn Name of the mesh file * \param loadFitmaps Specifies if fitmaps have to be loaded * */ void loadMesh(CMesh & m, char* fn, bool loadFitmaps = false) { int ret = vcg::tri::io::Importer::Open(m,fn); if(ret != 0) { cerr << "Error reading file " << fn << endl; exit(1); } tri::Clean::RemoveDegenerateFace(m); tri::Clean::RemoveDuplicateFace(m); tri::Clean::RemoveDuplicateVertex(m); tri::Clean::RemoveUnreferencedVertex(m); tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(m); tri::Clean::RemoveNonManifoldFace(m); tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(m); tri::Clean::RemoveNonManifoldVertex(m); tri::UpdateTopology::FaceFace(m); // update bounding box vcg::tri::UpdateBounding::Box (m); // update Normals vcg::tri::UpdateNormals::PerVertexNormalizedPerFace(m); vcg::tri::UpdateNormals::PerFaceNormalized(m); if(loadFitmaps) load_fitmaps(m,fn); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // HE mesh MyPolyMesh pm; // Tri meshes CMesh mesh,refMesh; char* meshfile = NULL; char* trimeshfile = NULL; char* outfile = NULL; int faces; bool adaptive = false; if(argc < 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " -meshfile filename [-trimeshfile filename] -faces num_faces [-adaptive] [-outfile filename]" << endl; } for(int i=1; i< argc; i++) { string arg = string(argv[i]); if ( arg == "-meshfile") meshfile = argv[++i]; else if (arg == "-trimeshfile") trimeshfile = argv[++i]; else if (arg == "-faces") { stringstream myStream(argv[++i], stringstream::in | stringstream::out); myStream >> faces; } else if (arg == "-outfile") outfile = argv[++i]; else if (arg == "-adaptive") adaptive = true; } if( !meshfile) { cerr << "Missing mesh filename" << endl; exit(1); } if(faces < 0) { cerr << "Missing faces number" << endl; exit(1); } // Load the mesh to simplify loadMesh(mesh, meshfile); // Load the reference mesh if(trimeshfile) loadMesh(refMesh, trimeshfile, adaptive); else loadMesh(refMesh, meshfile, adaptive); initGrid(refMesh); MyCollapse::refMesh() = &refMesh; MyCollapseAdaptive::refMesh() = &refMesh; vcg::tri::PolygonSupport::ImportFromTriMesh(pm,mesh); vcg::tri::UpdateHalfEdges::FromIndexed(pm); // After loading check mesh consistency assert(vcg::tri::UpdateHalfEdges::CheckConsistency(pm)); HalfedgeQuadClean::remove_singlets(pm); HalfedgeQuadClean::remove_doublets(pm); vcg::LocalOptimization loc(pm); init_heap(pm, loc, adaptive); loc.HeapSimplexRatio = 9; loc.SetTargetSimplices(faces); // Perform simplification loc.DoOptimization(); assert(vcg::tri::UpdateHalfEdges::CheckConsistency(pm)); vcg::tri::UpdateIndexed::FromHalfEdges(pm ); int ret; if(outfile) ret = tri::io::ExporterOFF::Save(pm, outfile, tri::io::Mask::IOM_BITPOLYGONAL ); else ret = tri::io::ExporterOFF::Save(pm, "output.off", tri::io::Mask::IOM_BITPOLYGONAL ); if(ret != 0 ) { cerr << "Error saving file" << endl; exit(1); } cout << "Simplification ended successfully!" << endl; }