#ifndef PARAM_STATS_H #define PARAM_STATS_H #ifdef MIQ_USE_ROBUST #include #endif #include template inline bool IsFlipped(const CoordType2D &uv0, const CoordType2D &uv1, const CoordType2D &uv2) { #ifdef MIQ_USE_ROBUST double pa[2] = {uv0.X(), uv0.Y()}; double pb[2] = {uv1.X(), uv1.Y()}; double pc[2] = {uv2.X(), uv2.Y()}; return (orient2d(pa, pb, pc) < 0); #else vcg::Triangle2 t2(uv0,uv1,uv2); return (!t2.IsCCW()); #endif } template inline bool IsFlipped( FaceType &f) { typedef typename FaceType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename vcg::Point2 CoordType2D; CoordType2D uv0=f.WT(0).P(); CoordType2D uv1=f.WT(1).P(); CoordType2D uv2=f.WT(2).P(); return (IsFlipped(uv0,uv1,uv2)); } template< class MeshType> int NumFlips(MeshType &Tmesh) { int numFl=0; for (unsigned int i=0;i void SelectFlippedFaces(MeshType &Tmesh) { typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename vcg::Point2 CoordType2D; vcg::tri::UpdateFlags::FaceClearS(Tmesh); for (unsigned int i=0;i typename FaceType::ScalarType Distortion(FaceType &f,typename FaceType::ScalarType h) { typedef typename FaceType::CoordType CoordType3D; typedef typename FaceType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename vcg::Point2 CoordType2D; typedef typename FaceType::ScalarType ScalarType; //Facet_const_handle self = f; assert(h > 0); //TriangleIndex ftri = m_flattenedTriangles[f.index()]; //TriangleIndex tri = m_triangles[f.index()]; CoordType2D uv0 = f.WT(0).P(); CoordType2D uv1 = f.WT(1).P(); CoordType2D uv2 = f.WT(2).P(); CoordType3D p0 = f.P(0); CoordType3D p1 = f.P(1); CoordType3D p2 = f.P(2); CoordType3D norm = (p1 - p0) ^ (p2 - p0); ScalarType area2 = (norm).Norm(); ScalarType area2_inv = 1.0 / area2; norm *= area2_inv; if (area2 > 0) { // Singular values of the Jacobian CoordType3D neg_t0 = norm ^ (p2 - p1); CoordType3D neg_t1 = norm ^ ( p0 - p2); CoordType3D neg_t2 = norm ^ ( p1 - p0); /*CoordType3D diffu = area2_inv * (uv0.X() * neg_t0 + uv1.X() * neg_t1 + uv2.X() * neg_t2); CoordType3D diffv = area2_inv * (uv0.Y() * neg_t0 + uv1.Y() * neg_t1 + uv2.Y() * neg_t2);*/ CoordType3D diffu = (neg_t0 * uv0.X() +neg_t1 *uv1.X() + neg_t2 * uv2.X() )*area2_inv; CoordType3D diffv = (neg_t0 * uv0.Y() + neg_t1*uv1.Y() + neg_t2*uv2.Y() )*area2_inv; // first fundamental form ScalarType I00 = diffu*diffu; // guaranteed non-neg ScalarType I01 = diffu*diffv; // I01 = I10 ScalarType I11 = diffv*diffv; // guaranteed non-neg // eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix // [a00 a01] // [a10 a11] // 1/2 * [ (a00 + a11) +/- sqrt((a00 - a11)^2 + 4 a01 a10) ] ScalarType trI = I00 + I11; // guaranteed non-neg ScalarType diffDiag = I00 - I11; // guaranteed non-neg ScalarType sqrtDet = sqrt(std::max(0.0, diffDiag*diffDiag + 4 * I01 * I01)); // guaranteed non-neg ScalarType sig1 = 0.5 * (trI + sqrtDet); // higher singular value ScalarType sig2 = 0.5 * (trI - sqrtDet); // lower singular value // Avoid sig2 < 0 due to numerical error if (fabs(sig2) < 1.0e-8) sig2 = 0; assert(sig1 >= 0); assert(sig2 >= 0); if (sig2 < 0) { printf("Distortion will be NaN! sig1^2 is negative (%lg)\n", sig2); } // The singular values of the Jacobian are the sqrts of the // eigenvalues of the first fundamental form. sig1 = sqrt(sig1); sig2 = sqrt(sig2); // distortion ScalarType tao = IsFlipped(f) ? -1 : 1; ScalarType factor = tao / h; ScalarType lam = fabs(factor * sig1 - 1) + fabs(factor * sig2 - 1); return lam; } else { return 10; // something "large" } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Approximate the distortion laplacian using a uniform laplacian on // the dual mesh: // ___________ // \-1 / \-1 / // \ / 3 \ / // \-----/ // \-1 / // \ / // // @param[in] f facet on which to compute distortion laplacian // @param[in] h scaling factor applied to cross field // @return distortion laplacian for f /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template< class FaceType> typename FaceType::ScalarType LaplaceDistortion(FaceType &f ,typename FaceType::ScalarType h) { typedef typename FaceType::ScalarType ScalarType; ScalarType mydist = Distortion(f, h); ScalarType lapl=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) lapl += (mydist- Distortion(*f.FFp(i), h)); return lapl; } template< class MeshType> void UpdateUVBox(MeshType &mesh) { typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; typename MeshType::template PerMeshAttributeHandle > Handle_UVBox; Handle_UVBox=vcg::tri::Allocator::template GetPerMeshAttribute >(mesh,std::string("UVBox")); Handle_UVBox().SetNull(); for (unsigned int i=0;i void SetFaceQualityByDistortion(MeshType &Tmesh, typename MeshType::ScalarType h) { typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType; typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType; ScalarType minD=100; ScalarType maxD=0; ///evaluate min and max for (unsigned int i=0;i(Tmesh.face[i],h); if (dist>maxD)maxD=dist; if (dist