* VCGLib                                                            o o     *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
*                                                                _   O  _   *
* Copyright(C) 2004-2016                                           \/)\/    *
* Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
*                                                                    \      *
* All rights reserved.                                                      *
*                                                                           *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *   
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
* (at your option) any later version.                                       *
*                                                                           *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
* for more details.                                                         *
*                                                                           *


#include <vcg/math/base.h>
#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
#include <vcg/space/line3.h>
#include <vcg/space/ray3.h>
#include <vcg/space/plane3.h>
#include <vcg/space/segment3.h>
#include <vcg/space/sphere3.h>
#include <vcg/space/triangle3.h>
#include <vcg/space/intersection/triangle_triangle3.h>

namespace vcg {
/** \addtogroup space */
    Function computing the intersection between couple of geometric primitives in
    3 dimension
  /// interseciton between sphere and line
  template<class T>
    inline bool IntersectionLineSphere( const Sphere3<T> & sp, const Line3<T> & li, Point3<T> & p0,Point3<T> & p1 ){

    // Per prima cosa si sposta il sistema di riferimento
    // fino a portare il centro della sfera nell'origine
    Point3<T> neworig=li.Origin()-sp.Center();
    // poi si risolve il sistema di secondo grado (con maple...)
    T t1 = li.Direction().X()*li.Direction().X();
    T t2 = li.Direction().Y()*li.Direction().Y();
    T t3 = li.Direction().Z()*li.Direction().Z();
    T t6 = neworig.Y()*li.Direction().Y();
    T t7 = neworig.X()*li.Direction().X();
    T t8 = neworig.Z()*li.Direction().Z();
    T t15 = sp.Radius()*sp.Radius();
    T t17 = neworig.Z()*neworig.Z();
    T t19 = neworig.Y()*neworig.Y();
    T t21 = neworig.X()*neworig.X();
    T t28 = T(2.0*t7*t6+2.0*t6*t8+2.0*t7*t8+t1*t15-t1*t17-t1*t19-t2*t21+t2*t15-t2*t17-t3*t21+t3*t15-t3*t19);
    if(t28<0) return false;
    T t29 = sqrt(t28);
    T val0 = 1/(t1+t2+t3)*(-t6-t7-t8+t29);
    T val1 = 1/(t1+t2+t3)*(-t6-t7-t8-t29);

    return true;

    * Function computing the intersection between a sphere and a segment.
    * @param[in]	sphere				the sphere
    * @param[in]	segment				the segment
    * @param[out]	intersection  the intersection point, meaningful only if the segment intersects the sphere
    * \return			(0, 1 or 2)		the number of intersections between the segment and the sphere.
    *														t1 is a valid intersection only if the returned value is at least 1;
    *														similarly t2 is valid iff the returned value is 2.
    template < class SCALAR_TYPE >
    inline int IntersectionSegmentSphere(const Sphere3<SCALAR_TYPE>& sphere, const Segment3<SCALAR_TYPE>& segment, Point3<SCALAR_TYPE> & t0, Point3<SCALAR_TYPE> & t1)
        typedef SCALAR_TYPE													ScalarType;
        typedef typename vcg::Point3< ScalarType >	Point3t;

        Point3t s = segment.P0() - sphere.Center();
        Point3t r = segment.P1() - segment.P0();

        ScalarType rho2 = sphere.Radius()*sphere.Radius();

        ScalarType sr = s*r;
        ScalarType r_squared_norm = r.SquaredNorm();
        ScalarType s_squared_norm = s.SquaredNorm();
        ScalarType sigma = sr*sr - r_squared_norm*(s_squared_norm-rho2);

        if (sigma<ScalarType(0.0)) // the line containing the edge doesn't intersect the sphere
            return 0;

        ScalarType sqrt_sigma = ScalarType(sqrt( ScalarType(sigma) ));
        ScalarType lambda1 = (-sr - sqrt_sigma)/r_squared_norm;
        ScalarType lambda2 = (-sr + sqrt_sigma)/r_squared_norm;

        int solution_count = 0;
        if (ScalarType(0.0)<=lambda1 && lambda1<=ScalarType(1.0))
      ScalarType t_enter = std::max< ScalarType >(lambda1, ScalarType(0.0));
            t0 = segment.P0() + r*t_enter;

        if (ScalarType(0.0)<=lambda2 && lambda2<=ScalarType(1.0))
            Point3t *pt = (solution_count>0) ? &t1 : &t0;
      ScalarType t_exit  = std::min< ScalarType >(lambda2, ScalarType(1.0));
            *pt = segment.P0() + r*t_exit;
        return solution_count;
    }; // end of IntersectionSegmentSphere

    * Compute the intersection between a sphere and a triangle.
    * \param[in]	sphere		the input sphere
    * \param[in]	triangle	the input triangle
    * \param[out]	witness		it is the point on the triangle nearest to the center of the sphere (even when there isn't intersection)
    * \param[out] res				if not null, in the first item is stored the minimum distance between the triangle and the sphere,
    *                       while in the second item is stored the penetration depth
    * \return			true			iff there is an intersection between the sphere and the triangle
    template < class SCALAR_TYPE, class TRIANGLETYPE >
    bool IntersectionSphereTriangle(const vcg::Sphere3	< SCALAR_TYPE >		& sphere  ,
                                                                    TRIANGLETYPE														triangle,
                                                                    vcg::Point3					< SCALAR_TYPE >		& witness ,
                                                                    std::pair< SCALAR_TYPE, SCALAR_TYPE > * res=NULL)
        typedef SCALAR_TYPE														ScalarType;
        typedef typename vcg::Point3< ScalarType >		Point3t;

        bool penetration_detected = false;

        ScalarType radius = sphere.Radius();
        Point3t	center = sphere.Center();
        Point3t p0 = triangle.P(0)-center;
        Point3t p1 = triangle.P(1)-center;
        Point3t p2 = triangle.P(2)-center;

        Point3t p10 = p1-p0;
        Point3t p21 = p2-p1;
        Point3t p20 = p2-p0;

        ScalarType delta0_p01 =  p10.dot(p1);
        ScalarType delta1_p01 = -p10.dot(p0);
        ScalarType delta0_p02 =  p20.dot(p2);
        ScalarType delta2_p02 = -p20.dot(p0);
        ScalarType delta1_p12 =  p21.dot(p2);
        ScalarType delta2_p12 = -p21.dot(p1);

        // the closest point can be one of the vertices of the triangle
        if			(delta1_p01<=ScalarType(0.0) && delta2_p02<=ScalarType(0.0)) { witness = p0; }
        else if (delta0_p01<=ScalarType(0.0) && delta2_p12<=ScalarType(0.0)) { witness = p1; }
        else if (delta0_p02<=ScalarType(0.0) && delta1_p12<=ScalarType(0.0)) { witness = p2; }
            ScalarType temp = p10.dot(p2);
            ScalarType delta0_p012 = delta0_p01*delta1_p12 + delta2_p12*temp;
            ScalarType delta1_p012 = delta1_p01*delta0_p02 - delta2_p02*temp;
            ScalarType delta2_p012 = delta2_p02*delta0_p01 - delta1_p01*(p20.dot(p1));

            // otherwise, can be a point lying on same edge of the triangle
            if (delta0_p012<=ScalarType(0.0))
                ScalarType denominator = delta1_p12+delta2_p12;
                ScalarType mu1 = delta1_p12/denominator;
                ScalarType mu2 = delta2_p12/denominator;
                witness = (p1*mu1 + p2*mu2);
            else if (delta1_p012<=ScalarType(0.0))
                ScalarType denominator = delta0_p02+delta2_p02;
                ScalarType mu0 = delta0_p02/denominator;
                ScalarType mu2 = delta2_p02/denominator;
                witness = (p0*mu0 + p2*mu2);
            else if (delta2_p012<=ScalarType(0.0))
                ScalarType denominator = delta0_p01+delta1_p01;
                ScalarType mu0 = delta0_p01/denominator;
                ScalarType mu1 = delta1_p01/denominator;
                witness = (p0*mu0 + p1*mu1);
                // or else can be an point internal to the triangle
                ScalarType denominator =  delta0_p012 + delta1_p012 + delta2_p012;
                ScalarType lambda0 = delta0_p012/denominator;
                ScalarType lambda1 = delta1_p012/denominator;
                ScalarType lambda2 = delta2_p012/denominator;
                witness = p0*lambda0 + p1*lambda1 + p2*lambda2;

        if (res!=NULL)
            ScalarType witness_norm = witness.Norm();
      res->first  = std::max< ScalarType >( witness_norm-radius, ScalarType(0.0) );
      res->second = std::max< ScalarType >( radius-witness_norm, ScalarType(0.0) );
        penetration_detected = (witness.SquaredNorm() <= (radius*radius));
        witness += center;
        return penetration_detected;
    }; //end of IntersectionSphereTriangle

  /// intersection between line and plane
  template<class T>
    inline bool IntersectionPlaneLine( const Plane3<T> & pl, const Line3<T> & li, Point3<T> & po){
    const T epsilon = T(1e-8);

    T k = pl.Direction().dot(li.Direction());						// Compute 'k' factor
    if( (k > -epsilon) && (k < epsilon))
      return false;
    T r = (pl.Offset() - pl.Direction().dot(li.Origin()))/k;	// Compute ray distance
    po = li.Origin() + li.Direction()*r;
    return true;
    /// intersection between line and plane
    template<class T>
    inline bool IntersectionLinePlane(const Line3<T> & li, const Plane3<T> & pl, Point3<T> & po){

      return IntersectionPlaneLine(pl,li,po);

   /// intersection between segment and plane
  template<class T>
    inline bool IntersectionPlaneSegment( const Plane3<T> & pl, const Segment3<T> & s, Point3<T> & p0){
        T p1_proj = s.P1()*pl.Direction()-pl.Offset();
        T p0_proj = s.P0()*pl.Direction()-pl.Offset();
    if ( (p1_proj>0)-(p0_proj<0)) return false;

    if(p0_proj == p1_proj) return false;

    // check that we perform the computation in a way that is independent with v0 v1 swaps
    if(p0_proj < p1_proj)
           p0 =  s.P0() + (s.P1()-s.P0()) * fabs(p0_proj/(p1_proj-p0_proj));
    if(p0_proj > p1_proj)
           p0 =  s.P1() + (s.P0()-s.P1()) * fabs(p1_proj/(p0_proj-p1_proj));

        return true;

  /// intersection between segment and plane
  template<class ScalarType>
    inline bool IntersectionPlaneSegmentEpsilon(const Plane3<ScalarType> & pl,
                                                const Segment3<ScalarType> & sg,
                                                Point3<ScalarType> & po,
                                                const ScalarType epsilon = ScalarType(1e-8)){

    typedef ScalarType T;
    T k = pl.Direction().dot((sg.P1()-sg.P0()));
    if( (k > -epsilon) && (k < epsilon))
      return false;
    T r = (pl.Offset() - pl.Direction().dot(sg.P0()))/k;	// Compute ray distance
    if( (r<0) || (r > 1.0))
      return false;
    po = sg.P0()*(1-r)+sg.P1() * r;
    return true;

  /// intersection between plane and triangle
  // not optimal: uses plane-segment intersection (and the fact the two or none edges can be intersected)
  // its use is rather dangerous because it can return inconsistent stuff on degenerate cases.
  // added assert to underline this danger.
  template<typename TRIANGLETYPE>
    inline bool IntersectionPlaneTriangle( const Plane3<typename TRIANGLETYPE::ScalarType> & pl,
                  const  TRIANGLETYPE & tr,
            Segment3<typename TRIANGLETYPE::ScalarType> & sg)
      typedef typename TRIANGLETYPE::ScalarType T;
          return true;
            return true;
          else assert(0);
              return true;
          if(IntersectionPlaneSegment(pl,Segment3<T>(tr.cP(0),tr.cP(2)),sg.P1()))return true;
          return true;
      return false;

    /// intersection between two triangles
    template<typename TRIANGLETYPE>
    inline bool IntersectionTriangleTriangle(const TRIANGLETYPE & t0,const TRIANGLETYPE & t1){
      return NoDivTriTriIsect(t0.cP(0),t0.cP(1),t0.cP(2),

  template<class T>
    inline bool IntersectionTriangleTriangle(Point3<T> V0,Point3<T> V1,Point3<T> V2,
                 Point3<T> U0,Point3<T> U1,Point3<T> U2){
    return NoDivTriTriIsect(V0,V1,V2,U0,U1,U2);
#if 0
  template<class T>
    inline bool Intersection(Point3<T> V0,Point3<T> V1,Point3<T> V2,
                 Point3<T> U0,Point3<T> U1,Point3<T> U2,int *coplanar,
                 Point3<T> &isectpt1,Point3<T> &isectpt2){

    return tri_tri_intersect_with_isectline(V0,V1,V2,U0,U1,U2,

  template<typename TRIANGLETYPE,typename SEGMENTTYPE >
    inline bool Intersection(const TRIANGLETYPE & t0,const TRIANGLETYPE & t1,bool &coplanar,
                 SEGMENTTYPE  & sg){
    Point3<typename SEGMENTTYPE::PointType> ip0,ip1;
    return  tri_tri_intersect_with_isectline(t0.P0(0),t0.P0(1),t0.P0(2),


    * Function computing the intersection between a line and a triangle.
    * from:
    * Tomas Moller and Ben Trumbore,
    * ``Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection'',
    * journal of graphics tools, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21-28, 1997
    * @param[in]	line
    * @param[in]	triangle vertices
    * @param[out]=(t,u,v)	the intersection point, meaningful only if the line intersects the triangle
    *            t is the line parameter and
    *            (u,v) are the baricentric coords of the intersection point
    *                 Line.Orig + t * Line.Dir = (1-u-v) * Vert0 + u * Vert1 +v * Vert2

template<class T>
bool IntersectionLineTriangle( const Line3<T> & line, const Point3<T> & vert0,
                  const Point3<T> & vert1, const Point3<T> & vert2,
                  T & t ,T & u, T & v)
    #define EPSIL 0.000001

    vcg::Point3<T> edge1, edge2, tvec, pvec, qvec;
    T det,inv_det;

   /* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
   edge1 = vert1 - vert0;
   edge2 = vert2 - vert0;

   /* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
   pvec =  line.Direction() ^ edge2;

   /* if determinant is near zero, line lies in plane of triangle */
   det =  edge1 *  pvec;

   /* calculate distance from vert0 to line origin */
   tvec = line.Origin() - vert0;
   inv_det = 1.0 / det;

   qvec = tvec ^ edge1;

   if (det > EPSIL)
      u =  tvec * pvec ;
      if ( u < 0.0 ||  u > det)
     return 0;

      /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
       v =  line.Direction() * qvec;
      if ( v < 0.0 ||  u +  v > det)
     return 0;

   else if(det < -EPSIL)
      /* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
       u =  tvec * pvec ;
      if ( u > 0.0 ||  u < det)
     return 0;

      /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
       v =  line.Direction() * qvec  ;
      if ( v > 0.0 ||  u +  v < det)
     return 0;
   else return 0;  /* line is parallell to the plane of the triangle */

    t = edge2 *  qvec  * inv_det;
   ( u) *= inv_det;
   ( v) *= inv_det;

   return 1;

template<class T>
bool IntersectionRayTriangle( const Ray3<T> & ray, const Point3<T> & vert0,
                  const Point3<T> & vert1, const Point3<T> & vert2,
                  T & t ,T & u, T & v)
    Line3<T> line(ray.Origin(), ray.Direction());
    if (IntersectionLineTriangle(line, vert0, vert1, vert2, t, u, v))
        if (t < 0) return 0;
        else return 1;
    }else return 0;

// line-box
template<class T>
bool IntersectionLineBox( const Box3<T> & box, const Line3<T> & r, Point3<T> & coord )
    const int NUMDIM = 3;
    const int RIGHT  = 0;
    const int LEFT	 = 1;
    const int MIDDLE = 2;

    int inside = 1;
    char quadrant[NUMDIM];
    int i;
    int whichPlane;
    Point3<T> maxT,candidatePlane;

    // Find candidate planes; this loop can be avoided if
    // rays cast all from the eye(assume perpsective view)
    for (i=0; i<NUMDIM; i++)
        if(r.Origin()[i] < box.min[i])
            quadrant[i] = LEFT;
            candidatePlane[i] = box.min[i];
            inside = 0;
        else if (r.Origin()[i] > box.max[i])
            quadrant[i] = RIGHT;
            candidatePlane[i] = box.max[i];
            inside = 0;
            quadrant[i] = MIDDLE;

        // Ray origin inside bounding box
        coord = r.Origin();
        return true;

    // Calculate T distances to candidate planes
    for (i = 0; i < NUMDIM; i++)
        if (quadrant[i] != MIDDLE && r.Direction()[i] !=0.)
            maxT[i] = (candidatePlane[i]-r.Origin()[i]) / r.Direction()[i];
            maxT[i] = -1.;

    // Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection
    whichPlane = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < NUMDIM; i++)
        if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i])
            whichPlane = i;

    // Check final candidate actually inside box
    if (maxT[whichPlane] < 0.) return false;
    for (i = 0; i < NUMDIM; i++)
        if (whichPlane != i)
            coord[i] = r.Origin()[i] + maxT[whichPlane] *r.Direction()[i];
            if (coord[i] < box.min[i] || coord[i] > box.max[i])
                return false;
            coord[i] = candidatePlane[i];
    return true;			// ray hits box

// ray-box
template<class T>
bool IntersectionRayBox( const Box3<T> & box, const Ray3<T> & r, Point3<T> & coord )
    Line3<T> l;

// segment-box return fist intersection found  from p0 to p1
template<class ScalarType>
bool IntersectionSegmentBox( const Box3<ScalarType> & box,
                              const Segment3<ScalarType> & s,
                              Point3<ScalarType> & coord )
    //as first perform box-box intersection
    Box3<ScalarType> test;
    if (!test.Collide(box))
        return false;
        Line3<ScalarType> l;
        Point3<ScalarType> dir=s.P1()-s.P0();
            return (test.IsIn(coord));
        return false;

// segment-box intersection , return number of intersections and intersection points
template<class ScalarType>
int IntersectionSegmentBox( const Box3<ScalarType> & box,
                             const Segment3<ScalarType> & s,
                             Point3<ScalarType> & coord0,
                             Point3<ScalarType> & coord1 )
    int num=0;
    Segment3<ScalarType> test= s;
  if (IntersectionSegmentBox(box,test,coord0 ))
        Point3<ScalarType> swap=test.P0();
    if (IntersectionSegmentBox(box,test,coord1 ))
    return num;

* Compute the intersection between a segment and a triangle.
* It relies on the lineTriangle Intersection
* @param[in]	segment
* @param[in]	triangle vertices
* @param[out]=(t,u,v)	the intersection point, meaningful only if the line of segment intersects the triangle
*            t     is the baricentric coord of the point on the segment
*            (u,v) are the baricentric coords of the intersection point in the segment
template<class ScalarType>
bool IntersectionSegmentTriangle( const vcg::Segment3<ScalarType> & seg,
                                   const Point3<ScalarType> & vert0,
                                    const Point3<ScalarType> & vert1, const
                                    Point3<ScalarType> & vert2,
                                    ScalarType & a ,ScalarType & b)
    //control intersection of bounding boxes
    vcg::Box3<ScalarType> bb0,bb1;
    Point3<ScalarType> inter;
    if (!bb0.Collide(bb1))
        return false;
  if (!vcg::IntersectionSegmentBox(bb1,seg,inter))
        return false;

    //first set both directions of ray
  vcg::Line3<ScalarType> line;
    vcg::Point3<ScalarType> dir;
    ScalarType length=seg.Length();
    ScalarType orig_dist;
    return (orig_dist>=0 && orig_dist<=length);
  return false;
* Compute the intersection between a segment and a triangle.
* Wrapper of the above function
template<class TriangleType>
bool IntersectionSegmentTriangle( const vcg::Segment3<typename TriangleType::ScalarType> & seg,
                  const TriangleType &t,
                  typename TriangleType::ScalarType & a ,typename TriangleType::ScalarType & b)
  return IntersectionSegmentTriangle(seg,t.cP(0),t.cP(1),t.cP(2),a,b);

template<class ScalarType>
bool IntersectionPlaneBox(const vcg::Plane3<ScalarType> &pl,
                            vcg::Box3<ScalarType> &bbox)
    ScalarType dist,dist1;
    if(bbox.IsNull()) return false; // intersection with a  null bbox is empty
    dist = SignedDistancePlanePoint(pl,bbox.P(0)) ;
    for (int i=1;i<8;i++)  if(  SignedDistancePlanePoint(pl,bbox.P(i))*dist<0) return true;
    return true;

template<class ScalarType>
bool IntersectionTriangleBox(const vcg::Box3<ScalarType>   &bbox,
                               const vcg::Point3<ScalarType> &p0,
                               const vcg::Point3<ScalarType> &p1,
                               const vcg::Point3<ScalarType> &p2)
    typedef typename vcg::Point3<ScalarType> CoordType;
    CoordType intersection;
    /// control bounding box collision
    vcg::Box3<ScalarType> test;
    if (!test.Collide(bbox))
        return false;
    /// control if each point is inside the bouding box
    if ((bbox.IsIn(p0))||(bbox.IsIn(p1))||(bbox.IsIn(p2)))
        return true;

    /////control plane of the triangle with bbox
    //vcg::Plane3<ScalarType> plTri=vcg::Plane3<ScalarType>();
  //if (!IntersectionPlaneBox<ScalarType>(plTri,bbox))
    //	return false;

    ///then control intersection of segments with box
  if (IntersectionSegmentBox<ScalarType>(bbox,vcg::Segment3<ScalarType>(p0,p1),intersection)||
        return true;
    ///control intersection of diagonal of the cube with triangle

    Segment3<ScalarType> diag[4];

    ScalarType a,b;
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
    if (IntersectionSegmentTriangle<ScalarType>(diag[i],p0,p1,p2,a,b))
            return true;

    return false;

template <class SphereType>
bool IntersectionSphereSphere( const SphereType & s0,const SphereType & s1){
    return (s0.Center()-s1.Center()).SquaredNorm() < (s0.Radius()+s1.Radius())*(s0.Radius()+s1.Radius());

template<class T>
bool IntersectionPlanePlane (const Plane3<T> & plane0, const Plane3<T> & plane1,
                             Line3<T> & line)
    // If Cross(N0,N1) is zero, then either planes are parallel and separated
    // or the same plane.  In both cases, 'false' is returned.  Otherwise,
    // the intersection line is
    //   L(t) = t*Cross(N0,N1) + c0*N0 + c1*N1
    // for some coefficients c0 and c1 and for t any real number (the line
    // parameter).  Taking dot products with the normals,
    //   d0 = Dot(N0,L) = c0*Dot(N0,N0) + c1*Dot(N0,N1)
    //   d1 = Dot(N1,L) = c0*Dot(N0,N1) + c1*Dot(N1,N1)
    // which are two equations in two unknowns.  The solution is
    //   c0 = (Dot(N1,N1)*d0 - Dot(N0,N1)*d1)/det
    //   c1 = (Dot(N0,N0)*d1 - Dot(N0,N1)*d0)/det
    // where det = Dot(N0,N0)*Dot(N1,N1)-Dot(N0,N1)^2.

    T n00 = plane0.Direction()*plane0.Direction();
    T n01 = plane0.Direction()*plane1.Direction();
    T n11 = plane1.Direction()*plane1.Direction();
    T det = n00*n11-n01*n01;

    const T tolerance = (T)(1e-06f);
        if ( math::Abs(det) < tolerance )
        return false;

    T invDet = 1.0f/det;
    T c0 = (n11*plane0.Offset() - n01*plane1.Offset())*invDet;
    T c1 = (n00*plane1.Offset() - n01*plane0.Offset())*invDet;

    line.SetOrigin(plane0.Direction()*c0+ plane1.Direction()*c1);

    return true;

// Ray-Triangle Functor
template <bool BACKFACETEST = true>
class RayTriangleIntersectionFunctor {
    template <class TRIANGLETYPE, class SCALARTYPE>
    inline bool operator () (const TRIANGLETYPE & f, const Ray3<SCALARTYPE> & ray, SCALARTYPE & t) {
        typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
        ScalarType u;
        ScalarType v;

        bool bret = IntersectionRayTriangle(ray, Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(0)), Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(1)), Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(2)), t, u, v);
        if (BACKFACETEST) {
            if (!bret) {
                bret = IntersectionRayTriangle(ray, Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(0)), Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(2)), Point3<SCALARTYPE>::Construct(f.cP(1)), t, u, v);
        return (bret);


} // end namespace