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* VertexBase.h o o *
* o o *
* Visual Computing Group _ O _ *
* IEI Institute, CNUCE Institute, CNR Pisa \/)\/ *
* /\/| *
* Copyright(C) 1999 by Paolo Cignoni, Paolo Pingi, Claudio Rocchini | *
* All rights reserved. \ *
* *
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and *
* its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided *
* that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that *
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting *
* documentation. the author makes no representations about the suitability *
* of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express *
* or implied warranty. *
* *
* It is automatically included by Mesh.h *
* *
2000 Jan 31 First Working release
2000 Feb 04 USER0 added to the flag's enum
11 Aggiunta funzione InitIMark()
Jun 13 Aggiunta adiacenze vertice faccia
Jun 26 Aggiunto cP() per forzare l'accesso costante alle coord.
27 Vertex e' stato templatato anche sul tipo della faccia per
far resitutire a Fp il tipo giusto. Tale tipo ha un valore di
default = a DUMMYFACETYPE, per permettere l'uso della classe
secondo lo stile precedente.
Sep 27 Aggiunto cN() per forzare l'accesso costante alla Normale.
Oct 31 Tolti i flag del bordo per vertice e le funzioni collegate
che erano inutili e scorretti (pc)
Nov 01 Aggiunte assert(0) e commenti se si tenta di usare vf topology
senza averla
Nov 30 Cambiato il tipo flags da int in unsigned int (??);
Dec 18 Aggiunto NewBitFlag() e DeleteBitFlag()
2001 Jan 03 Aggiunto Supervisor_Normal e assert(0) in normal
Jan 27 Aggiunta flags BORDER (C.R.)
Feb 16 Aggiunto colore
Aggiunte coordinate texture
Corretti public e protected per le facce;
Mar 08 Aggiunto assert(0) se si cerca di accedere a C() in
modo non costante e il vertice non ha il colore (pc)
20 Corretto VF per i casi sbagliati ( return *(VFTYPE **)flags; invece di return (void *)this; )
May 16 Aggiunta gestione qualita' (CR)
Aggiunta gestione OBJ per qualita' (CR)
Jun 12 Aggiunte assert(0) ai lettori di dati inesistenti
13 Cambiato scalare coordinata texture default
19 Commentate funzioni normal
Modificate funzione N, cN , in modo da rispettare lo standard
Jul 27 Aggiunto supervisor_flags const (pc)
Sep 28 Aggiunto Supervisor_N() (pc)
Oct 16 Tolte un paio di parentesi a DeleteBitFlag (facevano un warning nel compilatore intel) (pc)
2002 Jan Modificato in operator [] v[i] con V(i) (PP)
Dic Tolto IsMF() (gano)
2003 Mag Aggiunto dati per TensorMass(particle)
July 10: Add 2 properties to the particle (in case of an explicit FEM).
Damping and fixed status. (cesar)
Oct 7, 2003 Damping and fixed status of the particle also for TensorMass
Oct 21 Aggiunte IsUserBit(USERBIT),ClearUserBit(..) e SetUserBit(..) (gano)
People should subclass his vertex class from these one...
#pragma message("\nYou should never directly include this file\n")
namespace vcg {
/** @name Vertex
Class Vertex.
This is the base class for definition of a vertex of the mesh.
@param FLTYPE (Template Parameter) Specifies the scalar field of the vertex coordinate type.
@param VFTYPE (Template Parameter) Specifies the type for the face, needed only for VF adjacency.
template <class FLTYPE, class VFTYPE = DUMMYFACETYPE, class TCTYPE = TCoord<float,1> > class VERTEX_TYPE
/// The scalar type
typedef FLTYPE scalar_type;
/// The coordinate type
typedef Point3<FLTYPE> coord_type;
/// The type base of the vertex
typedef VERTEX_TYPE vertex_base;
typedef VFTYPE face_type;
/// Spatial coordinates of the vertex
coord_type p;
/// This are the flags of vertex, the default value is 0
int flags;
// Definizione texture
return t;
return *(TCTYPE*)(&flags);
const TCTYPE & T() const
return t;
return *(TCTYPE*)(&flags);
// Definizione del colore
ColorUB c;
ColorUB & C()
return c;
return *(ColorUB*)(&flags);
const ColorUB & C() const
return c;
return ColorUB(ColorUB::White);
// Definizione Qualita'
float quality;
float & Q()
return quality;
return *(float*)(&flags);
const float & Q() const
return quality;
return 1;
// Field to contains the index of the object in the CONTAINER
* Puntatore ad una faccia di v star*
#if ((defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_A) || (defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_AS))
/// Puntatore ad una faccia appartenente alla stella del vertice, implementa l'adiacenza vertice-faccia
int zp;
* Mark Members *
/// The incremental vertex mark
int imark;
#endif // Mark
* Normal Members *
/// The normal to the vertex
coord_type n;
#endif // Normal
/// Return the spatial coordinate of the vertex
inline coord_type & P()
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTWRITE) == 0 );
return p;
/// Return the constant spatial coordinate of the vertex
inline const coord_type & P() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return p;
/// Return the constant spatial coordinate of the vertex
inline const coord_type & cP() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return p;
/// Return the spatial coordinate of the vertex, senza effettuare controlli sul flag
inline coord_type & Supervisor_P()
return p;
/// Return the constant spatial coordinate of the vertex, senza effettuare controlli sul flag
inline const coord_type & Supervisor_P() const
return p;
/// Return the Normal of the vertex
inline coord_type & Normal()
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTWRITE) == 0 );
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
#if 0 // Inizio commentatura vecchio stile normali
/// Return the constant normal of the vertex
inline const coord_type & Normal() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
#endif // Fine commentatura vecchio stile normali
/// Return the Normal of the vertex
inline coord_type & Supervisor_N()
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
/// Return the constant normal of the vertex
inline const coord_type & Supervisor_N() const
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
/// Return the vector of flags
inline int & Flags ()
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return flags;
/// Return the vector of flags, senza effettuare controlli sui bit
inline int & Supervisor_Flags ()
return flags;
inline const int Supervisor_Flags() const
return flags;
/// Return the vertex normal
inline coord_type & N()
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTWRITE) == 0 );
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
/// Return the constant vertex normal
inline const coord_type & N() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return n;
return *(coord_type *)this;
inline const coord_type cN() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return n;
return coord_type(0,0,0);
/// This function return the vertex incremental mark
inline int & IMark()
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTWRITE) == 0 );
return imark;
/// This function return the constant vertex incremental mark
inline const int & IMark() const
assert( (flags & DELETED) == 0 );
assert( (flags & NOTREAD) == 0 );
return imark;
/// Initialize the imark system of the vertex
inline void InitIMark()
imark = 0;
inline VFTYPE * & Fp()
#if ((defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_A) || (defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_AS))
return fp;
assert(0);// you are probably trying to use VF topology in a vertex without it
return *((VFTYPE **)(flags));
inline const VFTYPE * & Fp() const
#if ((defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_A) || (defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_AS))
return fp;
assert(0);// you are probably trying to use VF topology in a vertex without it
return (VFTYPE *)this;
inline int & Zp()
#if ((defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_A) || (defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_AS))
return zp;
assert(0);// you are probably trying to use VF topology in a vertex without it
return flags;
inline const int & Zp() const
#if ((defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_A) || (defined __VCGLIB_VERTEX_AS))
return zp;
assert(0);// you are probably trying to use VF topology in a vertex without it
return (void *)this;
#ifdef __PARTICLE
// variable declaration
/** external force acting on the particle */
coord_type extForce;
/** internal force acting on the particle */
coord_type intForce;
/** mass of the particle */
double mas;
/** velocity of the particle */
coord_type vel;
/** accelleration of the particle */
coord_type acc;
/** current position of the particle */
coord_type pos;
/** damping of the particle */
coord_type _damping;
/** Fixed particle. */
bool _pointFixed;
void computeAccelleration()
// acc=( ( extForce + intForce )/mas);
acc=( ( extForce + intForce + _damping )/mas);
void resImpFor(){extForce = coord_type(0.0,0.0,0.0);}
/** ComputeExternal forces */
void computeExternalForces( coord_type value)
extForce = value;
bool fixedParticle( void ) { return _pointFixed; }
void fixParticle( bool value ) { _pointFixed = value;}
enum {
OBJ_TYPE_N = 0x0001,
OBJ_TYPE_M = 0x0002,
OBJ_TYPE_A = 0x0004,
OBJ_TYPE_AS = 0x0008,
OBJ_TYPE_C = 0x0010,
OBJ_TYPE_T = 0x0020,
OBJ_TYPE_Q = 0x0040,
enum {
enum {
// This bit indicate that the vertex is deleted from the mesh
DELETED = 0x0001, // cancellato
// This bit indicate that the vertex of the mesh is not readable
NOTREAD = 0x0002, // non leggibile (ma forse modificabile)
// This bit indicate that the vertex is not modifiable
NOTWRITE = 0x0004, // non modificabile (ma forse leggibile)
// This bit indicate that the vertex is modified
MODIFIED = 0x0008, // modificato
// This bit can be used to mark the visited vertex
VISITED = 0x0010, // Visited
// This bit can be used to select
SELECTED = 0x0020, // Selection flag
// Border Flag
BORDER = 0x0100,
// First user bit
USER0 = 0x0200 // Fisrt user bit
Queste funzioni servono per ottenere a runtime un bit per i flag
static int &LastBitFlag()
static int b =USER0;
return b;
static inline int NewBitFlag()
return LastBitFlag();
static inline bool DeleteBitFlag(int bitval)
if(LastBitFlag()==bitval) {
LastBitFlag()= LastBitFlag()>>1;
return true;
return false;
/** Return the i-th spatial value of the vertex coordinate.
@param i Index of the spatial vertex coordinate (x=0 y=1 z=2).
inline FLTYPE & operator [] ( const int i ){
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return P().V(i);
/** Return the i-th spatial value of the const vertex coordinate.
@param i Index of the spatial vertex coordinate (x=0 y=1 z=2).
inline const FLTYPE & operator [] ( const int i ) const {
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return P().V(i);
/// Operator to compare two vertices using lexicographic order
inline bool operator < ( const VERTEX_TYPE & ve) const {
return p < ve.p;
inline VERTEX_TYPE() {
#ifdef _DEBUG
/// This function checks if the vertex is deleted
bool IsD() const {return (flags & DELETED) != 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is readable
bool IsR() const {return (flags & NOTREAD) == 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is modifiable
bool IsW() const {return (flags & NOTWRITE)== 0;}
/// This funcion checks whether the vertex is both readable and modifiable
bool IsRW() const {return (flags & (NOTREAD | NOTWRITE)) == 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is Modified
bool IsM() const {return (flags & MODIFIED)!= 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is marked as visited
bool IsV() const {return (flags & VISITED) != 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is selected
bool IsS() const {return (flags & SELECTED) != 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is readable
bool IsB() const {return (flags & BORDER) != 0;}
// bool IsMF() const {return (flags & NOTMANIFOLD) == 0;}
/// This function checks if the vertex is deleted from the mesh
bool IsDeleted() const {return IsD();}
/// This function checks if the vertex is readable
bool IsReadable() const {return IsR();}
/** Set the flag value
@param flagp Valore da inserire nel flag
void SetFlags(int flagp) {flags=flagp;}
/// This function deletes the vertex from the mesh
void SetD() {flags |=DELETED;}
/// This funcion execute the inverse operation of SetD()
void ClearD() {flags &=(~DELETED);}
/// This function marks the vertex as modified. It's necessary to mark all modified vertex to have a consistent mesh
void SetM() {flags |=MODIFIED;}
/// This function marks the vertex as not modified
void ClearM() {flags &=(~MODIFIED);}
/// This function marks the vertex as readable
void SetR() {flags &=(~NOTREAD);}
/// This function marks the vertex as not readable
void ClearR() {flags |=NOTREAD;}
/// This function marks the vertex as writable
void ClearW() {flags |=NOTWRITE;}
/// This function marks the vertex as not writable
void SetW() {flags &=(~NOTWRITE);}
/// This funcion marks the vertex as visited
void SetV() {flags |=VISITED;}
/// This function marks the vertex as not visited. This flag, initially, is setted to random value, therefore, to the beginnig of every function it is necessary to clean up the flag
void ClearV() {flags &=(~VISITED);}
/// This function select the vertex
void SetS() {flags |=SELECTED;}
/// This funcion execute the inverse operation of SetS()
void ClearS() {flags &= ~SELECTED;}
void SetB() {flags |=BORDER;}
void ClearB() {flags &=~BORDER;}
/// This function checks if the given user bit is true
bool IsUserBit(int userBit){return (flags & userBit) != 0;}
/// This function set the given user bit
void SetUserBit(int userBit){flags |=userBit;}
/// This function clear the given user bit
void ClearUserBit(int userBit){flags &= (~userBit);}
} // end namespace
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