
906 lines
29 KiB

#ifndef VCG_PIVOT_H
#define VCG_PIVOT_H
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <wrap/callback.h>
#include "vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h"
#include "vcg/complex/trimesh/closest.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
template <class MESH>
class Pivot {
typedef GridStaticPtr<typename MESH::VertexType, typename MESH::ScalarType > StaticGrid;
typedef typename MESH::VertexType CVertex;
typedef typename MESH::FaceType CFace;
typedef typename MESH::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename CVertex::CoordType Point3x;
ScalarType radius; //default 1 (not meaningful
ScalarType mindist; //minimum distance between points in the mesh (% of radius)
ScalarType crease; // -0.5
bool normals; //default false
Box3<ScalarType> box;
MESH &mesh;
StaticGrid grid;
template <class Coord> class Edge {
int v0, v1, v2; //v0, v1 represent the edge, v2 the other vertex in the face
//this edge belongs to
int face; //corresponding face
Coord center; //center of the sphere touching the face
int count; //test delay touch edges.
bool active; //keep tracks of wether it is in front or in deads
float angle;
int candidate;
Coord newcenter;
//the loops in the front are mantained as a double linked list
typename std::list<Edge>::iterator next;
typename std::list<Edge>::iterator previous;
Edge() {}
Edge(int _v0, int _v1, int _v2, int _face, Point3f &_center):
v0(_v0), v1(_v1), v2(_v2),
face(_face), center(_center), count(-1), active(true) {
assert(v0 != v1 && v1 != v2 && v0 != v2);
typedef Edge<Point3x> Edgex;
/* front edges of the mesh:
to expand the front we get the first edge
if an edge cannot create a new triangle it is marked dead and moved
to the end of the list
the new edges are inserted to the back (before dead_begin) */
std::list<Edgex> front;
std::list<Edgex> deads;
std::vector<int> nb; //number of fronts a vertex is into,
//this is used for the Visited and Border flags
//but adding topology may not be needed anymode
int last_seed;
Pivot(MESH &_mesh, ScalarType _radius, ScalarType _mindist = 0.1, ScalarType _crease = -0.5):
mesh(_mesh), radius(_radius), mindist(_mindist), crease(_crease), normals(true), last_seed(0) {
//Compute bounding box. (this may be passed as a parameter?
for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vert.size(); i++)
//estimate radius if not provided
if(radius <= 0.0f)
radius = sqrt((box.Diag()*box.Diag())/;
/* we need to enlarge the grid to allow queries from little outside of the box
Someone is a bit lazy... */
grid.Set(mesh.vert.begin(), mesh.vert.end(), box);
nb.resize(mesh.vert.size(), 0);
if(mesh.face.size()) {
//init border from mesh
Point3x center;
CVertex *start = &*mesh.vert.begin();
for(int i = 0; i < mesh.face.size(); i++) {
CFace &face = mesh.face[i];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if(!face.V(k)->IsB()) face.V(k)->SetV();
cluster(face.V(k) - start);
if(face.IsB(k)) {
//compute center:
findSphere(face.P(k), face.P((k+1)%3), face.P((k+2)%3), center);
newEdge(Edgex(face.V((k)%3) -start, face.V((k+1)%3) - start, face.V((k+2)%3) - start,
i, center));
for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator s = front.begin(); s != front.end(); s++) {
(*s).previous = front.end();
(*s).next = front.end();
printf("%d %d\n", (*s).v0, (*s).v1);
//now create loops:
for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator s = front.begin(); s != front.end(); s++) {
for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator j = front.begin(); j != front.end(); j++) {
if(s == j) continue;
if((*s).v1 != (*j).v0) continue;
if((*j).previous != front.end()) continue;
(*s).next = j;
(*j).previous = s;
/* for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator s = front.begin(); s != front.end(); s++) {
assert((*s).next != front.end());
assert((*s).previous != front.end());
} */
/* for(int i = 0; i < mesh.face.size(); i++) {
CFace &face = mesh.face[i];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
face.V(k) = (CVertex *)(face.V(k) - start);
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vert.size(); i++) {
/* return false if you want to stop.\n */
void buildMesh(CallBackPos *call = NULL, int interval = 512) {
bool done = false;
float estimated_faces =*2;
while(!done) {
//estimating progress
float vdeleted = mesh.vert.size() -;
float vused = mesh.face.size()/2.0f;
float progress = 100*(vdeleted + vused)/mesh.vert.size();
if(progress > 99) progress = 99;
if(call) call((int)progress, "Pivoting");
for(int i = 0; i < interval; i++) {
if(addFace() == -1) {
done = true;
/* select a vertex at random, a small group of nearby vertices and looks
for a sphere that touches 3 and contains none.
Use the center of the box to get a sphere inside (or outside) the model
You may be unlucky... */
bool seed(bool outside = true, int start = -1) {
//pick a random point (well...)
if(start == -1) start = 0;//rand()%mesh.vert.size();
//get a sphere of neighbours
std::vector<int> targets;
std::vector<ScalarType> dists;
int n = getInSphere(mesh.vert[start].P(), 2*radius, targets, dists);
if(n < 3) {
//bad luck. we should call seed again (assuming random pick) up to
//some maximum tries. im lazy.
cout << "Isolated\n";
return false;
//find the closest visited or boundary
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(dists[i] < radius) {
int id = targets[i];
CVertex &v = mesh.vert[id];
if(v.IsB() || v.IsV()) {
cout << "visited near\n";
return false;
int v0, v1, v2;
bool found = false;
//find a triplet that does not contains any other point
Point3x center;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v0 = targets[i];
CVertex &vv0 = mesh.vert[v0];
if(vv0.IsD() || vv0.IsB() || vv0.IsV()) continue;
Point3x &p0 = mesh.vert[v0].P();
Point3x out = (p0 - box.Center());
if(!outside) out = -out;
for(int k = i+1; k < n; k++) {
v1 = targets[k];
CVertex &vv1 = mesh.vert[v1];
if(vv1.IsD() || vv1.IsB() || vv1.IsV()) continue;
Point3x &p1 = mesh.vert[v1].P();
if((p1 - p0).Norm() < mindist*radius) continue;
for(int j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
v2 = targets[j];
CVertex &vv2 = mesh.vert[v2];
if(vv2.IsD() || vv2.IsB() || vv2.IsV()) continue;
Point3x &p2 = mesh.vert[v2].P();
if((p2 - p0).Norm() < mindist*radius) continue;
if((p2 - p1).Norm() < mindist*radius) continue;
Point3x normal = (p1 - p0)^(p2 - p0);
if(!normals) {
//check normal pointing inside
if(normal * out < 0) continue;
} else {
if(normal * vv0.N() < 0) continue;
if(normal * vv1.N() < 0) continue;
if(normal * vv2.N() < 0) continue;
if(!findSphere(p0, p1, p2, center)) continue;
bool failed = false;
//check no other point inside
for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
Point3x &p = mesh.vert[targets[t]].P();
if((center - p).Norm() <= radius) {
failed = true;
//check on the other side there are not a surface
Point3x recenter;
if(!findSphere(p0, p2, p1, recenter)) continue;
for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
CVertex &v = mesh.vert[targets[t]];
Point3x &p = v.P();
if((center - p).Norm() <= radius && (v.IsV() || v.IsB())) {
failed = true;
if(failed) continue;
found = true;
i = k = j = n;
if(!found) { //see bad luck above
cout << "No empty sphere\n";
return false;
//TODO: should i check the edgex too?
addFace(v0, v1, v2);
//create the border of the first face
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e = front.end();
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator last;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int v0 = mesh.face.back().V0(i) - &*mesh.vert.begin();
int v1 = mesh.face.back().V1(i) - &*mesh.vert.begin();
int v2 = mesh.face.back().V2(i) - &*mesh.vert.begin();
nb[v0] = 1;
Edgex edge(v0, v1, v2, 0, center);
edge.previous = e;
e = front.insert(front.begin(), edge);
if(i == 0) last = e;
(*edge.previous).next = e;
//connect last and first
(*e).next = last;
(*last).previous = e;
return true;
/* expand the front adding 1 face. Return false on failure (id when
all edges are dead returns:
1: added a face
0: added nothing
-1: finished */
int addFace() {
//We try to seed again
/* if(!mesh.face.size()) {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
CVertex &v = mesh.vert[last_seed-1];
if(v.IsD() || v.IsV() || v.IsB()) continue;
printf("seeding new: %i\n", last_seed-1);
if(seed(true, last_seed-1)) return 1;
return -1;
if(!front.size()) {
//maybe there are unconnected parts of the mesh:
//find a non D, V, B point and try to seed if failed D it.
while(last_seed < mesh.vert.size()) {
CVertex &v = mesh.vert[last_seed-1];
if(v.IsD() || v.IsV() || v.IsB()) continue;
printf("seeding new: %i\n", last_seed-1);
if(seed(true, last_seed-1)) return 1;
return 0;
return -1;
if(last_seed > 1) printf("frontsixe: %d\n", front.size());
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator ei = front.begin();
Edgex &e = *ei;
Edgex &previous = *e.previous;
Edgex &next = *;
int v0 = e.v0, v1 = e.v1;
assert(nb[v0] < 10 && nb[v1] < 10);
int v2;
Point3x center;
bool success = pivot(e);
v2 = e.candidate;
center = e.newcenter;
//if no pivoting or we are trying to connect to the inside of the mesh.
if(!success || mesh.vert[v2].IsV()) {
return 0;
//does v2 belongs to a front? (and which?)
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator touch = touches(ei);
assert(v2 != v0 && v2 != v1);
int fn = mesh.face.size();
if(touch != front.end()) {
//check for orientation and manifoldness
if(!checkEdge(v0, v2) || !checkEdge(v2, v1)) {
return 0;
if(v2 == previous.v0) {
/*touching previous edge (we reuse previous)
------->v2 -----> v1------>
\ /
\ /
previous \ / e
\ /
v0 */
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator up = newEdge(Edgex(v2, v1, v0, fn, center));
(*up).previous = previous.previous;
(*up).next =;
(*previous.previous).next = up;
next.previous = up;
} else if(v2 == next.v1) {
/*touching next edge (we reuse next)
------->v0 -----> v2------>
\ /
\ /
\ / next
\ /
v1 */
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator up = newEdge(Edgex(v0, v2, v1, fn, center));
(*up).previous = e.previous;
(*up).next = (*; = up;
(* = up;
} else {
//touching some loop: split (or merge it is local does not matter.
//like this
left right
/ \
up / \ down
/ \
/ V
----v0 - - - > v1---------
e */
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator left = touch;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator right = (*touch).previous;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator up = ei;
//this would be a really bad join
if(v1 == (*right).v0 || v0 == (*left).v1) {
return 0;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator down = newEdge(Edgex(v2, v1, v0, fn, center));
(*right).next = down;
(*down).previous = right;
(*down).next =;
next.previous = down;
(*left).previous = up;
(*up).next = left;
(*up).v2 = v1;
(*up).v1 = v2;
(*up).face = fn;
(*up).center = center;
} else {
/* adding a new vertex
/ \
up / \ down
/ \
/ V
----v0 - - - > v1--------- */
assert(!mesh.vert[v2].IsB()); //fatal error! a new point is already a border?
//clustering points aroundf v2
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator down = newEdge(Edgex(v2, v1, v0, fn, center));
(*down).previous = ei;
(*down).next =;
next.previous = down;
e.v2 = v1;
e.v1 = v2;
e.face = fn; = center; = down;
addFace(v0, v2, v1);
return 1;
/* return new vertex and the center of the new sphere pivoting from edge
if the vertex belongs to another edge, touch points to it. */
bool pivot(Edgex &edge) {
Point3x v0 = mesh.vert[edge.v0].P();
Point3x v1 = mesh.vert[edge.v1].P();
Point3x v2 = mesh.vert[edge.v2].P();
/* TODO why using the face normals everything goes wrong? should be
exactly the same................................................
Check if the e.face is correct.
Point3x &normal = mesh.face[edge.face].N();
Point3x normal = ((v1 - v0)^(v2 - v0)).Normalize();
Point3x middle = (v0 + v1)/2;
Point3x start_pivot = - middle;
Point3x axis = (v1 - v0);
ScalarType axis_len = axis.SquaredNorm();
if(axis_len > 4*radius*radius) return false;
// r is the radius of the thorus of all possible spheres passing throug v0 and v1
ScalarType r = sqrt(radius*radius - axis_len/4);
std::vector<int> targets;
std::vector<ScalarType> dists;
getInSphere(middle, r + radius, targets, dists);
if(targets.size() == 0) {
cout << "Isolated\n";
return false; //this really would be strange but one never knows.
edge.candidate = -1;
ScalarType minangle = 0;
Point3x center; //to be computed for each sample
for(int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
int id = targets[i];
if(id == edge.v0 || id == edge.v1 || id == edge.v2) continue;
Point3x p = mesh.vert[id].P();
/* Find the sphere through v0, p, v1 (store center on end_pivot */
if(!findSphere(v0, p, v1, center)) {
/* Angle between old center and new center */
ScalarType alpha = angle(start_pivot, center - middle, axis);
/* adding a small bias to already chosen vertices.
doesn't solve numerical problems, but helps. */
// if(mesh.vert[id].IsB()) alpha -= 0.001;
/* Sometimes alpha might be little less then M_PI while it should be 0,
by numerical errors: happens for example pivoting
on the diagonal of a square. */
if(alpha > 2*M_PI - 0.8) {
// Angle between old center and new *point*
//TODO is this really overshooting? shouldbe enough to alpha -= 2*M_PI
Point3x proj = p - axis * (axis * p - axis * middle);
ScalarType beta = angle(start_pivot, proj - middle, axis);
if(alpha > beta) alpha -= 2*M_PI;
//scale alpha by distance:
if(edge.candidate == -1 || alpha < edge.angle) {
edge.candidate = id;
edge.angle = alpha;
edge.newcenter = center;
if(edge.candidate == -1) {
cout << "No candidate\n";
return false;
Point3x n = ((mesh.vert[edge.candidate].P() - v0)^(v1 - v0)).Normalize();
//found no point suitable.
if(normal * mesh.vert[edge.candidate].N() < 0 ||
n * normal < crease ||
nb[edge.candidate] >= 2) {
cout << "failed normal or crease\n";
return false;
assert(edge.candidate != edge.v0 && edge.candidate != edge.v1);
return true;
//front management:
//Add a new edge to the back of the queue
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator newEdge(Edgex e) { = true;
return front.insert(front.end(), e);
//move an Edge among the dead ones
void killEdge(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
(*e).active = false;
deads.splice(deads.end(), front, e);
void erase(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
if((*e).active) front.erase(e);
else deads.erase(e);
//move an Edge to the back of the queue
void moveBack(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
front.splice(front.end(), front, e);
void moveFront(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
front.splice(front.begin(), front, e);
bool checkEdge(int v0, int v1) {
int tot = 0;
//HACK to speed up things until i can use a seach structure
int i = mesh.face.size() - 4*(front.size());
if(front.size() < 100) i = mesh.face.size() - 100;
// i = 0;
if(i < 0) i = 0;
CVertex *start = &*mesh.vert.begin();
for(; i < mesh.face.size(); i++) {
CFace &f = mesh.face[i];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if(v1== f.V(k)-start && v0 == f.V((k+1)%3)-start) ++tot;
else if(v0 == f.V(k)-start && v1 == f.V((k+1)%3)-start) { //orientation non constistent
return false;
if(tot >= 2) { //non manifold
return false;
return true;
void cluster(int v) {
/* clean up too close points */
std::vector<int> targets;
std::vector<ScalarType> dists;
getInSphere(mesh.vert[v].P(), mindist*radius, targets, dists);
for(int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
int id = targets[i];
if(id == v) continue;
CVertex &v = mesh.vert[id];
if(v.IsD() || v.IsV() || v.IsB()) continue;
bool trovamiunnome(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
return glue((*e).previous, e) || glue(e, (*e).next);
//glue toghether a and b (where = b
bool glue(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator a, typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator b) {
if((*a).v0 != (*b).v1) return false;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator previous = (*a).previous;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator next = (*b).next;
(*previous).next = next;
(*next).previous = previous;
return true;
void detach(int v) {
assert(nb[v] > 0);
if(--nb[v] == 0) {
/* compute angle from p to q, using axis for orientation */
ScalarType angle(Point3x p, Point3x q, Point3x &axis) {
Point3x vec = p^q;
ScalarType angle = acos(p*q);
if(vec*axis < 0) angle = -angle;
if(angle < 0) angle += 2*M_PI;
return angle;
/* add a new face. compute normals. */
/* void addFace(int a, int b, int c) {
CFace face;
face.V(0) = (CVertex *)a;
face.V(1) = (CVertex *)b;
face.V(2) = (CVertex *)c;
Point3x &p0 = mesh.vert[a].P();
Point3x &p1 = mesh.vert[b].P();
Point3x &p2 = mesh.vert[c].P();
face.N() = ((p1 - p0)^(p2 - p0)).Normalize();
} */
void addFace(int v0, int v1, int v2) {
assert(v0 < mesh.vert.size() && v1 < mesh.vert.size() && v2 < mesh.vert.size());
CFace face;
face.V(0) = &mesh.vert[v0];
face.V(1) = &mesh.vert[v1];
face.V(2) = &mesh.vert[v2];
//update topology?
// FaceIterator f = Allocator<MESH>::AddFaces(mesh, 1);
void addVertex(CVertex &vertex) {
CVertex *oldstart = &*mesh.vert.begin();
// VertexIterator v = Allocator<MESH>::AddVertices(mesh, 1);
CVertex *newstart = &*mesh.vert.begin();
if(oldstart != newstart) {
for(int i = 0; i < mesh.face.size(); i++) {
CFace &face = mesh.face[i];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
face.V(k) = newstart + (face.V(k) - oldstart);
assert(nb.size() == mesh.vert.size());
/* intersects segment [v0, v1] with the sphere of radius radius. */
bool intersect(int v0, int v1, Point3x &center) {
Point3x m = mesh.vert[v1].P() - mesh.vert[v0].P();
ScalarType t = m*(center - mesh.vert[v0].P());
if(t < 0) return false;
if(t > m*m) return false;
return true;
ScalarType distance(int v0, int v1, Point3x &center) {
Point3x m = mesh.vert[v1].P() - mesh.vert[v0].P();
ScalarType t = m*(center - mesh.vert[v0].P())/(m*m);
Point3x p = mesh.vert[v0].P() + m*t;
return (p - center).Norm();
/* return all point in a given ball, notice as i want the index
of the vertices not the pointers... this may change in future */
unsigned int getInSphere(Point3x &p, ScalarType distance,
std::vector<int> &results,
std::vector<ScalarType> &dists) {
std::vector<CVertex *> ptr;
std::vector<Point3x> points;
int n = trimesh::GetInSphereVertex(mesh, grid, p, distance, ptr, dists, points);
for(int i = 0; i < ptr.size(); i++)
results.push_back(ptr[i] - &(mesh.vert[0]));
return n;
/* returns the sphere touching p0, p1, p2 of radius r such that
the normal of the face points toward the center of the sphere */
bool findSphere(Point3x &p0, Point3x &p1, Point3x &p2, Point3x &center) {
Point3x q1 = p1 - p0;
Point3x q2 = p2 - p0;
Point3x up = q1^q2;
ScalarType uplen = up.Norm();
//the three points are aligned
if(uplen < 0.001*q1.Norm()*q2.Norm()) return false;
up /= uplen;
ScalarType a11 = q1*q1;
ScalarType a12 = q1*q2;
ScalarType a22 = q2*q2;
ScalarType m = 4*(a11*a22 - a12*a12);
ScalarType l1 = 2*(a11*a22 - a22*a12)/m;
ScalarType l2 = 2*(a11*a22 - a12*a11)/m;
center = q1*l1 + q2*l2;
ScalarType circle_r = center.Norm();
if(circle_r > radius) return false; //need too big a sphere
ScalarType height = sqrt(radius*radius - circle_r*circle_r);
center += p0 + up*height;
return true;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator touches(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator e) {
//TODO what happens when it touches more than one front?
//might still work.
int v = (*e).candidate;
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator touch = front.end();
if(mesh.vert[v].IsB()) {
//test nearby Edges: it is faster
typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator p = e;
p = (*e).previous;
if(v == (*p).v0) return p;
e = (*e).next;
if(v == (*e).v0) return e;
p = (*p).previous;
if(v == (*p).v0) return p;
e = (*e).next;
if(v == (*e).v0) return e;
//test all. sigh.
for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator k = front.begin(); k != front.end(); k++) {
if(v == (*k).v0) {
touch = k;
for(typename std::list<Edgex>::iterator k = deads.begin(); k != deads.end(); k++) {
if(v == (*k).v0) {
touch = k;
assert(touch != front.end());
return touch;
//if touch we want to check the ball could really pivot around that point
if(touch != front.end() && touch != (* && touch != Hinge.previous) {
Point3x &hinge = mesh.vert[min].P();
Point3x target = (*touch).center - hinge;
float d = (target * start_pivot)/(target.Norm()*start_pivot.Norm());
if(d < -0.8) {
return false;
if(d < 0.5) { //they are far enough so test .
Point3x naxis = (target ^ start_pivot).Normalize();
Point3x d1 = naxis^start_pivot;
Point3x d2 = target^naxis;
for(int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
int id = targets[i];
if(id == Hinge.v0 || id == Hinge.v1 || id == Hinge.v2 || id == min) continue;
if(mesh.vert[id].IsD()) {
Point3x intruder = mesh.vert[targets[i]].P() - hinge;
float h = intruder*naxis;
if(fabs(h) > radius) continue;
intruder -= naxis*h;
assert(fabs(intruder *naxis) < 0.01);
float off = radius - intruder.Norm(); //(distance from the center ring of the thorus
if(h*h + off*off > radius*radius) continue; //outside of thorus
if(d1*intruder < 0 || d2*intruder < 0) continue; //ouside of sector
cout << "could not pivot while touching;\n";
return false;