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280 lines
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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2006 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details. *
* *
namespace vcg
namespace edg
namespace io
* SVG Properties.
* Support class to set the properties of the SVG exporter.
class SVGProperties
// definitions
// When multiple meshes are passed, they are arranged in a grid according these two values.
// the default is two column and enough row. If numRow is not sufficient it is automatically enlarged.
int numCol;
int numRow;
bool crossHairs; //toggle crossHairs printing
float crossHairRad; //crossHair radius in cm
Point2f sizeCm; // The size, in the drawing, of each ViewBox (in cm)
Point2f marginCm; // how much space between each slice box (in cm)
Point2f pageSizeCm() // This is automatically computed from the above values
float xSize = numCol*sizeCm[0] + numCol*marginCm[0] + marginCm[0];
float ySize = numRow*sizeCm[1] + numRow*marginCm[1] + marginCm[1];
return Point2f(xSize,ySize);
Point3f projDir; // Direction of the Projection
Point3f projUp;
Point3f projCenter; // the 3d point that after projection will fall exactly in the center of the ViewBox.
// How the mesh will be scaled.
// if this value is 0 the bounding box of all the passed meshes will be used to compute the scale and center
// otherwise it is a scaling factor that is used to place the mesh in a unit cube (-1..1)
// usually it is 2/bbox.Diag
float scale;
// SVG Style Parameters
int lineWidthPt; // Line width.
std::string strokeColor; // Stroke color (see StrokeColor).
std::string strokeLineCap;// Stroke linecap (see StrokeLineCap).
//Text details
bool showTextDetails;
lineWidthPt = 1;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeLineCap = "round";
// default projection (XZ plane with the z up)
projDir= Point3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
projUp = Point3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//viewBox=Point2f(10, 10);
projCenter=Point3f(0, 0, 0);
* SVG exporter.
* This exporter save a mesh of EdgeMesh type in the SVG format.
* Most of the features of the SVG format are not supported.
* The given EdgeMesh is saved as a set lines. The properties
* of the SVG export can be set through the SVGProp class.
template <class EdgeMeshType>
class ExporterSVG
// Standard saving Function
// just a wrapper to the below
static bool Save(EdgeMeshType &m, const char *filename, SVGProperties & pro)
std::vector<EdgeMeshType*> MeshVec;
return Save(MeshVec,filename,pro);
// Main saving function
// save a Multiple Set of Edge Meshes on a single SVG files
static bool Save(std::vector<EdgeMeshType*> &meshVec, const char *filename, SVGProperties & pro)
FILE * fpo = fopen(filename,"w");
if (fpo==NULL) return false;
WriteXmlHead(fpo, pro);
for(int i=0;i<meshVec.size();++i)
WriteXmlBody(fpo, *meshVec[i], pro, i );
fprintf(fpo, "</svg>");
return true;
static void WriteXmlHead(FILE *o, SVGProperties & pro)
fprintf(o, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
fprintf(o, "<!-- Created with vcg library -->\n");
fprintf(o, "<svg width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" \n",pro.pageSizeCm()[0], pro.pageSizeCm()[1]);
fprintf(o, " xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" \n");
fprintf(o, " xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" \n");
fprintf(o, " xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" \n");
fprintf(o, " xmlns:cc=\"http://web.resource.org/cc/\" \n");
fprintf(o, " xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\" \n");
fprintf(o, " xmlns:svg=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" \n \n");
fprintf(o, "id=\"svg2\"> \n");
fprintf(o, " <defs id=\"defs4\"/> \n");
fprintf(o, " <metadata id=\"metadata7\"> \n");
fprintf(o, " <rdf:RDF> \n");
fprintf(o, " <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> \n");
fprintf(o, " <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> \n");
fprintf(o, " <dc:type rdf:resource=\"http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage\" /> \n");
fprintf(o, " </cc:Work> \n");
fprintf(o, " </rdf:RDF> \n");
fprintf(o, "</metadata> \n \n");
static void WriteXmlBody(FILE* fpo, EdgeMeshType &mp, SVGProperties &pro, int meshIndex)
int rowInd = meshIndex / pro.numCol;
int colInd = meshIndex % pro.numCol;
fprintf(fpo, " <rect width= \" %fcm \" height= \" %fcm \" x=\"%fcm \" y=\"%fcm \" "
" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" /> \n",
pro.sizeCm[0], pro.sizeCm[1], pro.marginCm[0]+colInd*(pro.sizeCm[0]+pro.marginCm[0]), pro.marginCm[1]+rowInd*(pro.sizeCm[1]+pro.marginCm[1]));
// write crosshairs
if (pro.crossHairs){
// WriteCrossHairs(fpo);
float r=pro.crossHairRad;
fprintf(fpo, " <svg id = \"ch1%d\" viewBox=\"0,0,100,100\" x=\"%fcm\" y=\"%fcm\" width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" >\n",meshIndex,
fprintf(fpo," <ellipse cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" rx=\"50\" ry=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"50\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"50\" y2=\"100\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"0\" y1=\"50\" x2=\"100\" y2=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," </svg>");
fprintf(fpo, " <svg id = \"ch1%d\" viewBox=\"0,0,100,100\" x=\"%fcm\" y=\"%fcm\" width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" >\n",meshIndex,
fprintf(fpo," <ellipse cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" rx=\"50\" ry=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"50\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"50\" y2=\"100\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"0\" y1=\"50\" x2=\"100\" y2=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," </svg>");
fprintf(fpo, " <svg id = \"ch1%d\" viewBox=\"0,0,100,100\" x=\"%fcm\" y=\"%fcm\" width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" >\n",meshIndex,
fprintf(fpo," <ellipse cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" rx=\"50\" ry=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"50\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"50\" y2=\"100\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"0\" y1=\"50\" x2=\"100\" y2=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," </svg>");
fprintf(fpo, " <svg id = \"ch1%d\" viewBox=\"0,0,100,100\" x=\"%fcm\" y=\"%fcm\" width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" >\n",meshIndex,
fprintf(fpo," <ellipse cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" rx=\"50\" ry=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"50\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"50\" y2=\"100\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," <line x1=\"0\" y1=\"50\" x2=\"100\" y2=\"50\" style= \" stroke-width:1pt; fill-opacity:0.0; stroke:rgb(0,0,0)\" />");
fprintf(fpo," </svg>");
fprintf(fpo, "<g stroke=\"%s\" stroke-linecap=\"%s\" stroke-width = \"%fpt\" > \n", pro.strokeColor.c_str(), pro.strokeLineCap.c_str(),pro.lineWidthPt/100.0f);
fprintf(fpo, " <svg id = \"SliceNum%d\" viewBox=\"-1000 -1000 2000 2000\" width=\"%fcm\" height=\"%fcm\" x=\"%fcm\" y=\"%fcm\" >\n", meshIndex,pro.sizeCm[0],pro.sizeCm[1],
pro.marginCm[0]+colInd*(pro.sizeCm[0]+pro.marginCm[0]), pro.marginCm[1]+rowInd*(pro.sizeCm[1]+pro.marginCm[1]) );
// Main loop of edge printing
typename EdgeMeshType::EdgeIterator i;
// XY projection.
// It is a classcial ortho projection
// eg it resolves to a rotation Matrix such that
// - the passed projDir become the z axis
// - the passed projUp lie on the upper YZ plane.
// First Step align projDir to Z
Matrix33f rotM = RotationMatrix(pro.projDir,Point3f(0,0,1),false);
Point3f rotatedUp = rotM * pro.projUp;
Point3f rotCenter = rotM * pro.projCenter;
float scale = pro.scale;
if(scale==0) scale = 2.0/mp.bbox.Diag();
for (i = mp.edges.begin(); i != mp.edges.end(); ++i)
Point3f p0 = (-rotCenter + rotM * ((*i).V(0)->P()))*scale*1000;
Point3f p1 = (-rotCenter + rotM * ((*i).V(1)->P()))*scale*1000;
fprintf(fpo, " <line x1=\"%f\" y1=\"%f\" x2=\"%f\" y2=\"%f\" />\n", p0[0],p0[1],p1[0],p1[1]);
fprintf(fpo, " </svg>\n");
fprintf(fpo, "</g>\n");
}; // namespace io
}; // namespace edge
}; // namespace vcg