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VCGLib o o
Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o
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Copyright(C) 2005-2006 \/)\/
Visual Computing Lab /\/|
ISTI - Italian National Research Council |
TriMeshInfo 1.22 2006/10/30
All rights reserved.
2006/10/30 Release 1.22
Better support of off and obj files.
Now it can parse also slightly incorrect
files reporting warnings without blocking.
2006/03/27 Release 1.21
Now trimeshinfo support OFF,STL,OBJ and PLY format
Added normal, color and texture information
Fix mesh info data initialization
2005/12/21 Release 1.2
Fix orientability and genus computation.
Re-design output (add HTML info support).
2005/09/28 Release 1.02
Added possibility of saving File in OFF format
Changed main file name from main.cpp intp trimeshinfo.cpp to uniform with other projects.
Fixed some errors in counting edges and holes routines.
2005/2/16 Release 1.01
Added new functionality to the application:
- Volume (Computed only for Closed Manifold Datasets)
- Color (Computed only if the information is embedded in the model)
- Genus (Computed only for Manifold Datasets)
- Number of Duplicated Vertices
- Self-Intersection (Currently computed only for Datasets with less than 3M faces)
Modified output layout.
2005/01/19 Release 1.0
First working version.