744 lines
24 KiB
744 lines
24 KiB
* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.30 2008/04/29 11:51:28 corsini
set defaut callback (in save) to null
Revision 1.29 2008/01/24 11:54:23 cignoni
passed the callback in the save
Revision 1.28 2007/12/13 00:20:34 cignoni
removed harmless printf cast warnings
Revision 1.27 2007/11/06 10:59:41 ponchio
Revision 1.26 2007/11/06 10:51:55 ponchio
Fixed wrong 'return false' in Save.
Revision 1.25 2007/10/22 14:47:19 cignoni
Added saving of per vertex normals
Revision 1.24 2007/07/23 13:27:50 tarini
fixed bug on saving flags-per-face
Revision 1.23 2007/03/12 16:40:17 tarini
Texture coord name change! "TCoord" and "Texture" are BAD. "TexCoord" is GOOD.
Revision 1.22 2007/02/18 08:01:07 cignoni
Added missing typename
Revision 1.21 2007/02/14 16:07:41 ganovelli
added HasPerFaceFlag
Revision 1.20 2007/02/14 15:40:20 ganovelli
a wrong "!" corrected
Revision 1.19 2007/02/14 15:30:13 ganovelli
added treatment of HasPerVertexFlags absent
Revision 1.18 2006/12/18 09:46:39 callieri
camera+shot revamp: changed field names to something with more sense, cleaning of various functions, correction of minor bugs/incongruences, removal of the infamous reference in shot.
Revision 1.17 2006/11/30 22:49:32 cignoni
Added save with (unused) callback
Revision 1.16 2006/10/14 00:39:22 cignoni
Added a comment on an assert
Revision 1.15 2006/01/30 13:43:59 cignoni
Added GetExportMaskCapability
Revision 1.14 2006/01/27 09:11:48 corsini
fix signed/unsigned mismatch
Revision 1.13 2006/01/13 15:47:43 cignoni
Uniformed return type to the style of Open. Now every export function returns 0 in case of success.
Revision 1.12 2006/01/10 13:20:42 cignoni
Changed ply::PlyMask to io::Mask
Revision 1.11 2005/11/23 15:48:25 pietroni
changed shot::similarity to shot::Similarity() and shot::camera to shot::Camera()
Revision 1.10 2004/10/28 00:52:45 cignoni
Better Doxygen documentation
Revision 1.9 2004/10/27 09:33:10 ganovelli
cast from scalar type to float added
Revision 1.8 2004/10/07 14:19:06 ganovelli
shot/camera io added
Revision 1.7 2004/07/15 10:54:48 ganovelli
std added
Revision 1.6 2004/05/28 14:11:13 ganovelli
changes to comply io_mask moving in vcg::ply namesp
Revision 1.5 2004/05/12 14:43:36 cignoni
removed warning of unused variables
Revision 1.4 2004/05/12 10:19:30 ganovelli
new line added at the end of file
Revision 1.3 2004/03/18 15:30:46 cignoni
Removed float/double warning
Revision 1.2 2004/03/09 21:26:47 cignoni
cr lf mismatch
Revision 1.1 2004/03/08 09:21:33 cignoni
Initial commit
Revision 1.1 2004/03/03 15:00:51 cignoni
Initial commit
@name Load and Save in Ply format
#include <stdio.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
namespace io {
template <class SaveMeshType>
class ExporterPLY
// Si occupa di convertire da un tipo all'altro.
// usata nella saveply per matchare i tipi tra stotype e memtype.
// Ad es se in memoria c'e' un int e voglio salvare un float
// src sara in effetti un puntatore a int il cui valore deve
// essere convertito al tipo di ritorno desiderato (stotype)
template <class StoType>
static void PlyConv(int mem_type, void *src, StoType &dest)
switch (mem_type){
case ply::T_FLOAT : dest = (StoType) (* ((float *) src)); break;
case ply::T_DOUBLE: dest = (StoType) (* ((double *) src)); break;
case ply::T_INT : dest = (StoType) (* ((int *) src)); break;
case ply::T_SHORT : dest = (StoType) (* ((short *) src)); break;
case ply::T_CHAR : dest = (StoType) (* ((char *) src)); break;
case ply::T_UCHAR : dest = (StoType) (* ((unsigned char *)src)); break;
default : assert(0);
typedef ::vcg::ply::PropDescriptor PropDescriptor ;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::FacePointer FacePointer;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename SaveMeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
static int Save(SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary=true)
PlyInfo pi;
return Save(m,filename,binary,pi);
static int Save(SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, int savemask, CallBackPos *cb=0 )
PlyInfo pi;
return Save(m,filename,true,pi,cb);
static int Save(SaveMeshType &m, const char * filename, bool binary, PlyInfo &pi, CallBackPos *cb=0) // V1.0
FILE * fpout;
int i;
const char * hbin = "binary_little_endian";
const char * hasc = "ascii";
const char * h;
bool multit = false;
if(binary) h=hbin;
else h=hasc;
fpout = fopen(filename,"wb");
if(fpout==NULL) {
return ::vcg::ply::E_CANTOPEN;
"format %s 1.0\n"
"comment VCGLIB generated\n"
if( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD )
const char * TFILE = "TextureFile";
for(i=0; i < static_cast<int>(m.textures.size()); ++i)
fprintf(fpout,"comment %s %s\n", TFILE, (const char *)(m.textures[i].c_str()) );
if(m.textures.size()>1 && (m.HasPerWedgeTexCoord() || m.HasPerVertexTexCoord())) multit = true;
if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA))
"element camera 1\n"
"property float view_px\n"
"property float view_py\n"
"property float view_pz\n"
"property float x_axisx\n"
"property float x_axisy\n"
"property float x_axisz\n"
"property float y_axisx\n"
"property float y_axisy\n"
"property float y_axisz\n"
"property float z_axisx\n"
"property float z_axisy\n"
"property float z_axisz\n"
"property float focal\n"
"property float scalex\n"
"property float scaley\n"
"property float centerx\n"
"property float centery\n"
"property int viewportx\n"
"property int viewporty\n"
"property float k1\n"
"property float k2\n"
"property float k3\n"
"property float k4\n"
"element vertex %d\n"
"property float x\n"
"property float y\n"
"property float z\n"
if( m.HasPerVertexNormal() &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
"property float nx\n"
"property float ny\n"
"property float nz\n"
if( m.HasPerVertexFlags() &&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
"property int flags\n"
if( m.HasPerVertexColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
"property uchar red\n"
"property uchar green\n"
"property uchar blue\n"
"property uchar alpha\n"
if( m.HasPerVertexQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
"property float quality\n"
fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.VertexData[i].stotypename(),pi.VertexData[i].propname);
"element face %d\n"
"property list uchar int vertex_indices\n"
if(m.HasPerFaceFlags() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
"property int flags\n"
if( ( m.HasPerVertexTexCoord() && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ) ||
( m.HasPerWedgeTexCoord() && pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ) )
"property list uchar float texcoord\n"
"property int texnumber\n"
if( m.HasPerFaceColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
"property uchar red\n"
"property uchar green\n"
"property uchar blue\n"
"property uchar alpha\n"
if ( m.HasPerWedgeColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) )
"property list uchar float color\n"
if( m.HasPerFaceQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
"property float quality\n"
fprintf(fpout,"property %s %s\n",pi.FaceData[i].stotypename(),pi.FaceData[i].propname);
fprintf(fpout, "end_header\n" );
// Salvataggio camera
if((pi.mask & Mask::IOM_CAMERA))
float t[17];
t[ 0] = (float)-m.shot.Extrinsics.tra[0];
t[ 1] = (float)-m.shot.Extrinsics.tra[1];
t[ 2] = (float)-m.shot.Extrinsics.tra[2];
t[ 3] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[0][0];
t[ 4] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[0][1];
t[ 5] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[0][2];
t[ 6] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[1][0];
t[ 7] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[1][1];
t[ 8] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[1][2];
t[ 9] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[2][0];
t[10] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[2][1];
t[11] = (float)m.shot.Extrinsics.rot[2][2];
t[12] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.FocalMm;
t[13] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[0];
t[14] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.PixelSizeMm[1];
t[15] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[0];
t[16] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.CenterPx[1];
fwrite( &m.shot.Intrinsics.ViewportPx[0],sizeof(int),2,fpout );
t[ 0] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[0];
t[ 1] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[1];
t[ 2] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[2];
t[ 3] = (float)m.shot.Intrinsics.k[3];
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d %g %g %g %g\n"
int j;
std::vector<int> FlagV;
VertexPointer vp;
VertexIterator vi;
SimpleTempData<typename SaveMeshType::VertContainer,int> indices(m.vert);
indices[j] = j;
if( !m.HasPerVertexFlags() || !vp->IsD() )
float t;
t = float(vp->UberP()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
t = float(vp->UberP()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
t = float(vp->UberP()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
if( m.HasPerVertexNormal() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
t = float(vp->N()[0]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
t = float(vp->N()[1]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
t = float(vp->N()[2]); fwrite(&t,sizeof(float),1,fpout);
if( m.HasPerVertexFlags() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS) )
if( m.HasPerVertexColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
fwrite(&( vp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
if( m.HasPerVertexQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
fwrite(&( vp->Q() ),sizeof(float),1,fpout);
double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc;
switch (pi.VertexData[i].stotype1)
case ply::T_FLOAT : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tf ); fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_DOUBLE : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, td ); fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_INT : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ti ); fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_SHORT : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, ts ); fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_CHAR : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tc ); fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_UCHAR : PlyConv(pi.VertexData[i].memtype1, ((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1, tuc); fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
default : assert(0);
else // ***** ASCII *****
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g " ,vp->P()[0],vp->P()[1],vp->P()[2]);
if( m.HasPerVertexNormal() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL) )
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g " ,double(vp->N()[0]),double(vp->N()[1]),double(vp->N()[2]));
if( m.HasPerVertexFlags() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS))
fprintf(fpout,"%d ",vp->UberFlags());
if( m.HasPerVertexColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR) )
fprintf(fpout,"%d %d %d %d ",vp->C()[0],vp->C()[1],vp->C()[2],vp->C()[3] );
if( m.HasPerVertexQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY) )
fprintf(fpout,"%g ",vp->Q());
float tf(0); double td(0);
int ti;
switch (pi.VertexData[i].memtype1)
case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=*( (float *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=*( (double *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
case ply::T_INT : ti=*( (int *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_SHORT : ti=*( (short *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_CHAR : ti=*( (char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)vp)+pi.VertexData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
default : assert(0);
// this assert triggers when the vn != number of vertexes in vert that are not deleted.
char c = 3;
unsigned char b9 = 9;
unsigned char b6 = 6;
FacePointer fp;
int vv[3];
FaceIterator fi;
int fcnt=0;
if( ! fp->IsD() )
{ fcnt++;
if(m.HasPerFaceFlags()&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS) )
if( m.HasPerVertexTexCoord() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
float t[6];
for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
t[k*2+0] = fp->V(k)->T().u();
t[k*2+1] = fp->V(k)->T().v();
else if( m.HasPerWedgeTexCoord() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) )
float t[6];
for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
t[k*2+0] = fp->WT(k).u();
t[k*2+1] = fp->WT(k).v();
int t = fp->WT(0).n();
if( m.HasPerFaceColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
fwrite(&( fp->C() ),sizeof(char),4,fpout);
if( m.HasPerWedgeColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) )
float t[3];
for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
t[0] = float(fp->WC(z)[0])/255;
t[1] = float(fp->WC(z)[1])/255;
t[2] = float(fp->WC(z)[2])/255;
fwrite( t,sizeof(float),3,fpout);
if( m.HasPerFaceQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
fwrite( &(fp->Q()),sizeof(float),1,fpout);
double td(0); float tf(0);int ti;short ts; char tc; unsigned char tuc;
switch (pi.FaceData[i].stotype1){
case ply::T_FLOAT : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tf ); fwrite(&tf, sizeof(float),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_DOUBLE : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, td ); fwrite(&td, sizeof(double),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_INT : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ti ); fwrite(&ti, sizeof(int),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_SHORT : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, ts ); fwrite(&ts, sizeof(short),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_CHAR : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tc ); fwrite(&tc, sizeof(char),1,fpout); break;
case ply::T_UCHAR : PlyConv(pi.FaceData[i].memtype1, ((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1, tuc); fwrite(&tuc,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fpout); break;
default : assert(0);
else // ***** ASCII *****
fprintf(fpout,"3 %d %d %d ",
indices[fp->cV(0)], indices[fp->cV(1)], indices[fp->cV(2)] );
if(m.HasPerFaceFlags()&&( pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS ))
fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->Flags());
if( m.HasPerVertexTexCoord() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD) )
fprintf(fpout,"6 ");
for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g "
else if( m.HasPerWedgeTexCoord() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD) )
fprintf(fpout,"6 ");
for(int k=0;k<3;++k)
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g "
fprintf(fpout,"%d ",fp->WT(0).n());
if( m.HasPerFaceColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR) )
float t[3];
t[0] = float(fp->C()[0])/255;
t[1] = float(fp->C()[1])/255;
t[2] = float(fp->C()[2])/255;
fprintf(fpout,"9 ");
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g ",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
else if( m.HasPerWedgeColor() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR) )
fprintf(fpout,"9 ");
for(int z=0;z<3;++z)
fprintf(fpout,"%g %g %g "
if( m.HasPerFaceQuality() && (pi.mask & Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY) )
fprintf(fpout,"%g ",fp->Q());
float tf(0); double td(0);
int ti;
switch (pi.FaceData[i].memtype1)
case ply::T_FLOAT : tf=*( (float *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
case ply::T_DOUBLE : td=*( (double *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%g ",tf); break;
case ply::T_INT : ti=*( (int *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_SHORT : ti=*( (short *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_CHAR : ti=*( (char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
case ply::T_UCHAR : ti=*( (unsigned char *) (((char *)fp)+pi.FaceData[i].offset1)); fprintf(fpout,"%i ",ti); break;
default : assert(0);
return 0;
static const char *ErrorMsg(int error)
static std::vector<std::string> ply_error_msg;
ply_error_msg.resize(PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS );
ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOERROR ]="No errors";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_CANTOPEN ]="Can't open file";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOTHEADER ]="Header not found";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_UNESPECTEDEOF ]="Eof in header";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_NOFORMAT ]="Format not found";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_SYNTAX ]="Syntax error on header";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPOUTOFELEMENT]="Property without element";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPENAME ]="Bad type name";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_ELEMNOTFOUND ]="Element not found";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_PROPNOTFOUND ]="Property not found";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADTYPE ]="Bad type on addtoread";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_INCOMPATIBLETYPE]="Incompatible type";
ply_error_msg[ply::E_BADCAST ]="Bad cast";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_VERTEX ]="No vertex field found";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_FACE ]="No face field found";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_SHORTFILE ]="Unespected eof";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_3VERTINFACE ]="Face with more than 3 vertices";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_BAD_VERT_INDEX ]="Bad vertex index in face";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_NO_6TCOORD ]="Face with no 6 texture coordinates";
ply_error_msg[PlyInfo::E_DIFFER_COLORS ]="Number of color differ from vertices";
if(error>PlyInfo::E_MAXPLYINFOERRORS || error<0) return "Unknown error";
else return ply_error_msg[error].c_str();
static int GetExportMaskCapability()
int capability = 0;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOORD ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTFLAGS ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTQUALITY ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTTEXCOORD ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEINDEX ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEFLAGS ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACECOLOR ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACEQUALITY ;
// capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_FACENORMAL ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGCOLOR ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGTEXMULTI ;
capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL ;
return capability;
}; // end class
} // end namespace tri
} // end namespace io
} // end namespace vcg