
194 lines
5.2 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "nexus.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace vcg;
using namespace nxs;
Nexus::Nexus(): index_file(NULL) {}
Nexus::~Nexus() {
bool Nexus::Create(const string &file) {
index_file = fopen((file + ".nxs").c_str(), "wb+");
if(!index_file) {
cerr << "Could not create file: " << file << ".nxs\n";
return false;
totvert = 0;
totface = 0;
sphere = Sphere3f();
//Important: chunk_size must be 1 so that i can use Region in VFile.
if(!patches.Create(file + ".nxp", 1)) {
cerr << "Could not create file: " << file << ".nxp" << endl;
return false;
if(!borders.Create(file + ".nxb", 1)) {
cerr << "Could not create file: " << file << ".nxb" << endl;
return false;
return true;
bool Nexus::Load(const string &file) {
index_file = fopen((file + ".nxs").c_str(), "rb+");
if(!index_file) return false;
unsigned int readed;
readed = fread(&totvert, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
if(!readed) return false;
readed = fread(&totface, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
if(!readed) return false;
readed = fread(&sphere, sizeof(Sphere3f), 1, index_file);
if(!readed) return false;
unsigned int size; //size of index
readed = fread(&size, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
if(!readed) return false;
readed = fread(&index[0], sizeof(Entry), size, index_file);
if(readed != size) return false;
if(!patches.Load(file + ".nxp", 1)) return false;
if(!borders.Load(file + ".nxb", 1)) return false;
return true;
void Nexus::Close() {
if(!index_file) return;
fwrite(&totvert, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
fwrite(&totface, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
fwrite(&sphere, sizeof(Sphere3f), 1, index_file);
unsigned int size = index.size(); //size of index
fwrite(&size, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, index_file);
fwrite(&(index[0]), sizeof(Entry), size, index_file);
index_file = NULL;
Patch Nexus::GetPatch(unsigned int patch) {
Entry &entry = index[patch];
Chunk *start = patches.GetRegion(entry.patch_start, entry.patch_size);
return Patch(start, entry.nvert, entry.nface);
Border Nexus::GetBorder(unsigned int patch) {
Entry &entry = index[patch];
Link *start = borders.GetRegion(entry.border_start, entry.border_size);
return Border(start, entry.border_size);
unsigned int Nexus::AddPatch(unsigned int nvert, unsigned int nface,
unsigned int nbord) {
Entry entry;
entry.patch_start = patches.Size();
entry.patch_size = Patch::ChunkSize(nvert, nface);
entry.border_start = borders.Size();
entry.border_size = nbord;
entry.nvert = nvert;
entry.nface = nface;
patches.Resize(patches.Size() + entry.patch_size);
borders.Resize(borders.Size() + nbord);
totvert += nvert;
totface += nface;
return index.size() -1;
void Nexus::Join(const std::set<unsigned int> &patches,
std::vector<Point3f> &newvert,
std::vector<unsigned int> &newface,
std::vector<Link> &newbord) {
map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int> > remap;
set<unsigned int>::const_iterator i;
for(i = patches.begin(); i != patches.end(); i++) {
unsigned int patch = *i;
Nexus::Entry &entry = index[patch];
remap[*i].resize(entry.nvert, 0xffffffff);
unsigned int vcount = 0;
unsigned int fcount = 0;
unsigned int bcount = 0;
for(i = patches.begin(); i != patches.end(); i++) {
unsigned int patch = *i;
Nexus::Entry &entry = index[patch];
fcount += entry.nface;
assert(fcount < 0xffff);
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < entry.nvert; k++) {
if(remap[patch][k] == 0xffffffff) { //first time
remap[patch][k] = vcount++;
Border border = GetBorder(patch);
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < border.Size(); k++) {
Link &link = border[k];
if(!remap.count(link.end_patch)) {
if(remap[link.end_patch][link.end_vert] == 0xffffffff) { //first time
remap[link.end_patch][link.end_vert] = remap[patch][link.start_vert];
fcount = 0;
bcount = 0;
for(i = patches.begin(); i != patches.end(); i++) {
Patch patch = GetPatch(*i);
Border border = GetBorder(*i);
vector<unsigned int> &vmap = remap[*i];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.VertSize(); i++)
newvert[vmap[i]] = patch.Vert(i);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < patch.FaceSize(); i++) {
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
newface[3*fcount + k] = vmap[patch.Face(i)[k]];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < border.Size(); i++) {
Link &link = border[i];
if(remap.count(link.end_patch)) continue;
Link newlink = link;
newlink.start_vert = vmap[link.start_vert];
newbord[bcount++] = newlink;
/* unsigned int newentry = AddPatch(vcount, fcount, bcount);
Patch newpatch = GetPatch(newentry);
Border newborder = GetBorder(newentry);
memcpy(newpatch.VertBegin(), &(newvert)[0],
newvert.size() * sizeof(Point3f));
memcpy(newpatch.FaceBegin(), &(newface)[0],
newface.size() * sizeof(unsigned short));
memcpy(&(newborder[0]), &(newbord[0]),
newbord.size() * sizeof(Link));*/