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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
// standard headers
#include <assert.h>
// vcg headers
#include <vcg/space/point2.h>
#include <vcg/space/ray2.h>
#include <vcg/space/box2.h>
namespace vcg {
Class SpatialIndex
This class exposes the base interface for all spatial indexing data
structures, i.e. grids, bounding volume trees.
Template Parameters:
OBJTYPE: Type of the indexed objects.
SCALARTYPE: Scalars type for structure's internal data (may differ from
object's scalar type).
template <class OBJTYPE, class SCALARTYPE>
class SpatialIndex2D {
Commonly used typedefs.
typedef SpatialIndex2D<OBJTYPE, SCALARTYPE> ClassType;
typedef OBJTYPE ObjType;
typedef SCALARTYPE ScalarType;
typedef ObjType * ObjPtr;
typedef Point2<ScalarType> CoordType;
typedef vcg::Box2<ScalarType> BoxType;
Method Set.
The Set method initializes the spatial structure.
Template Parameters:
OBJITER: Objects Container's iterator type.
Method Parameters:
_oBegin : [IN] begin objects container's iterator
_oEnd : [IN] end objects container's iterator
Return Value:
template <class OBJITER>
void Set(const OBJITER & _oBegin, const OBJITER & _oEnd) {
assert(0); // this is a base interface.
(void)_oBegin; // avoid "unreferenced parameter" compiler warning.
Method Empty.
check if the spatial structure is empty.
Return Value:
true if it is empty.
bool Empty() {
assert(0); // this is a base interface.
return true;
Method GetClosest.
The GetClosest method finds the closest object given a point.
It also finds the closest point and minimum distance.
Template Parameters:
OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR : Object-Point distance functor type;
this type must implement an operator () with signature
bool operator () (const ObjType & obj, const CoordType & p, ScalarType & d, CoordType & q)
obj [IN] is a reference to the current object being tested,
p [IN] is the query point,
d [IN/OUT] is in input the reject distance and in output the closest distance,
q [OUT] is the closest point.
The operator returns true if the closest distance is less than input reject distance.
OBJMARKER : The type of a marker functor.
Method Parameters:
_getPointDistance : [IN] Functor for point-distance calculation.
_marker : [IN] Functor for marking objects already tested.
_p : [IN] The query point.
_maxDist : [IN] Maximum reject distance.
_minDist : [OUT] Closest distance.
_closestPt : [OUT] Closest point.
Return Value:
A pointer to the closest object (if any).
ObjPtr GetClosest(
OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR & _getPointDistance, OBJMARKER & _marker, const CoordType & _p, const ScalarType & _maxDist,
ScalarType & _minDist, CoordType & _closestPt) {
return ((ObjPtr)0);
Method GetKClosest.
The GetKClosest method finds the K closest object given a point.
It also finds the closest points and minimum distances.
Template Parameters:
OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR : Object-Point distance functor type;
this type must implement an operator () with signature
bool operator () (const ObjType & obj, const CoordType & p, ScalarType & d, CoordType & q)
obj [IN] is a reference to the current object being tested,
p [IN] is the query point,
d [IN/OUT] is in input the reject distance and in output the closest distance,
q [OUT] is the closest point.
The operator returns true if the closest distance is less than input reject distance.
OBJMARKER : The type of a marker functor.
OBJPTRCONTAINER : The type of a object pointers container.
DISTCONTAINER : The type of a container which, in return, will contain the closest distances.
POINTCONTAINER : The type of a container which, in return, will contain the closest points.
Method Parameters:
_getPointDistance : [IN] Functor for point-distance calculation.
_marker : [IN] Functor for marking objects already tested.
_k : [IN] The number of closest objects to search for.
_p : [IN] The query point.
_maxDist : [IN] Maximum reject distance.
_objectPtrs : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain pointers to the closest objects.
_distances : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain the closest distances.
_objectPtrs : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain the closest points.
Return Value:
The number of closest objects found.
//unsigned int GetKClosest(
// OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR & _getPointDistance, OBJMARKER & _marker, const unsigned int _k, const CoordType & _p, const ScalarType & _maxDist,
// OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) {
// assert(0);
// (void)_getPointDistance;
// (void)_marker;
// (void)_k;
// (void)_p;
// (void)_maxDist;
// (void)_objectPtrs;
// (void)_distances;
// (void)_points;
// return (0);
Method GetInSphere.
The GetInSphere method finds all the objects in the specified sphere
Template Parameters:
OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR : Object-Point distance functor type;
this type must implement an operator () with signature
bool operator () (const ObjType & obj, const CoordType & p, ScalarType & d, CoordType & q)
obj [IN] is a reference to the current object being tested,
p [IN] is the query point,
d [IN/OUT] is in input the reject distance and in output the closest distance,
q [OUT] is the closest point.
The operator returns true if the closest distance is less than input reject distance.
OBJMARKER : The type of a marker functor.
OBJPTRCONTAINER : The type of a object pointers container.
DISTCONTAINER : The type of a container which, in return, will contain the closest distances.
POINTCONTAINER : The type of a container which, in return, will contain the closest points.
Method Parameters:
_getPointDistance : [IN] Functor for point-distance calculation.
_marker : [IN] Functor for marking objects already tested.
_p : [IN] The query point.
_r : [IN] The radius of the specified sphere.
_objectPtrs : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain pointers to the in-sphere objects.
_distances : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain the in-sphere distances.
_objectPtrs : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain the in-sphere nearests points for each object.
Return Value:
The number of in-sphere objects found.
//unsigned int GetInCircle(
// OBJPOINTDISTFUNCTOR & _getPointDistance, OBJMARKER & _marker,const CoordType & _p, const ScalarType & _r,OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs, DISTCONTAINER & _distances, POINTCONTAINER & _points) {
// assert(0);
// (void)_getPointDistance;
// (void)_marker;
// (void)_p;
// (void)_r;
// (void)_objectPtrs;
// (void)_distances;
// (void)_points;
// return (0);
Method GetInBox.
The GetInBox returns all the object in the specified bbox
Template Parameters:
OBJMARKER : The type of a marker functor.
OBJPTRCONTAINER : The type of a object pointers container.
Method Parameters:
_marker : [IN] Functor for marking objects already tested.
_bbox : [IN] The bounding box of spatial query.
_objectPtrs : [OUT] Container which, in return, will contain pointers to the closest objects.
Return Value:
The number of in-box objects found.
template <class OBJMARKER, class OBJPTRCONTAINER>
unsigned int GetInBox(OBJMARKER & _marker, const BoxType _bbox,OBJPTRCONTAINER & _objectPtrs) {
return (0);
Method DoRay.
The DoRay method finds the first object in the structure hit by a ray.
Template Parameters:
OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR : Object-Ray intersection functor type;
this type must implement an operator () with signature
bool operator () (const ObjType & obj, const Ray3<scalarType> ray, ScalarType & t)
obj [IN] is a reference to the current object being tested,
ray [IN] is the query ray,
t [OUT] is the parameter of the ray equation at which intersection occurs.
The operator returns true if the the object has been hit by the ray (i.e. they intersect).
OBJMARKER : The type of a marker functor.
Method Parameters:
_rayIntersector : [IN] Functor for object-ray intersection.
_marker : [IN] Functor for marking objects already tested.
_ray : [IN] The query ray.
_maxDist : [IN] Maximum reject distance.
_t : [OUT] the parameter of the ray equation at which intersection occurs.
Return Value:
A pointer to the first object hit by the ray (if any).
/*template <class OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR, class OBJMARKER>
ObjPtr DoRay(OBJRAYISECTFUNCTOR & _rayIntersector, OBJMARKER & _marker, const Ray3<ScalarType> & _ray, const ScalarType & _maxDist, ScalarType & _t) {
return ((ObjPtr)0);
} // end namespace vcg
#endif // #ifndef __VCGLIB_SPATIALINDEX_H