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Main namespace.
It contain all the other namespaces and
namespace vcg {}
Everything about triangular meshes lie in this namespace
namespace vcg::tri {}
Everything about tetrahedral meshes lie in this namespace
namespace vcg::tetra {}
Global algorithms and classes working on generic faces are defined in this namespace.
Typical example are the topological surgery functions (like vcg::face::Detach and vcg::face::IsBorder) and the class vcg::face::Pos
for defining \e positions over a mesh. Note that for sake of brevity the main face class is defined outside this namespace.
namespace vcg::face {}
Wrapper for symbols and structs defind in the old ply library
namespace vcg::ply {}
For all the functions and classes used to read and write meshes
namespace vcg::tri::io {}
For all the functions and classes used to read and write Tetrahedral Meshes
namespace vcg::tetra::io {}
For all the generic math functions and classes.
namespace vcg::math {}