169 lines
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169 lines
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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.12 2005/02/19 10:45:05 ponchio
Patch generalized and small fixes.
Revision 1.11 2005/02/08 12:43:03 ponchio
Added copyright
#ifndef NXS_PATCH_H
#define NXS_PATCH_H
#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
#include <vcg/space/sphere3.h>
namespace nxs {
struct Signature {
enum Face { TRIANGLES = 1, STRIPS = 2, TETRAS = 3, SLICE = 4 };
enum Vert { POINT2F = 1, POINT2D = 2,
POINT3F = 2, POINT3D = 3,
POINT4F = 4, POINT4D = 5 };
enum Compr { LZO = 1 };
unsigned char face;
unsigned char vert;
unsigned char compr;
unsigned char future; //who knows...
unsigned char fcolor;
unsigned char fnorm;
unsigned char ftext;
unsigned char fdata;
unsigned char vcolor;
unsigned char vnorm;
unsigned char vtext;
unsigned char vdata;
Signature(): face(1), vert(2), compr(0), future(0),
fcolor(0), fnorm(0), ftext(0), fdata(0),
vcolor(0), vnorm(0), vtext(0), vdata(0) {}
struct Encoding {
unsigned char bytes; //size per element
unsigned char comps; //number of components
void (*pack)(char *start, unsigned int nelem);
void (*unpack)(char *start, unsigned int nelem);
unsigned int size(unsigned short n) {
unsigned int s = (int)n * (int)bytes * (int)comps;
//padding a 64 bytes
if((s & 0x0000003f) != 0) {
s>>=6; s++; s<<=6;
return s;
struct Encodings {
enum Name { EMPTY = 0,
BYTE1 = 1, SHORT1 = 2, FLOAT1 = 3, DOUBLE1 = 4,
BYTE2 = 5, SHORT2 = 6, FLOAT2 = 7, DOUBLE2 = 8,
BYTE3 = 9, SHORT3 = 10, FLOAT3 = 11, DOUBLE3 = 12,
BYTE4 = 13, SHORT4 = 14, FLOAT4 = 15, DOUBLE4 = 16 };
Encoding &operator[](int n) { return e[n]; }
Encoding e[17];
class Patch {
static Encodings encodings;
Patch(Signature &signature, char *s,
unsigned short nv, unsigned short nf);
void Init(Signature &signature, unsigned short nv, unsigned short nf);
vcg::Point3f *Vert3fBegin() { return (vcg::Point3f *)vstart; }
vcg::Point3f &Vert3f(int n) { return Vert3fBegin()[n]; }
unsigned short *FaceBegin() { return (unsigned short *)fstart; }
unsigned short *Face(int n) { return FaceBegin() + 3 * n; }
//vcg::Point3f &Vert(unsigned short v) { return VertBegin()[v]; }
// unsigned short *Face(unsigned short f) { return FaceBegin() + f * 3; }
char *VColorBegin() { return vstart + 64*(int)vstartc; }
char *VNormBegin() { return vstart + 64*(int)vstartn; }
char *VTextBegin() { return vstart + 64*(int)vstartt; }
char *VDataBegin() { return vstart + 64*(int)vstartd; }
char *FColorBegin() { return fstart + 64*(int)fstartc; }
char *FNormBegin() { return fstart + 64*(int)fstartn; }
char *FTextBegin() { return fstart + 64*(int)fstartt; }
char *FDataBegin() { return fstart + 64*(int)fstartd; }
static unsigned int ChunkSize(Signature &signature,
unsigned short nvert,
unsigned short nface,
unsigned int chunk_size);
static unsigned int ByteSize(Signature &signature,
unsigned short nvert,
unsigned short nface);
char *Compress(unsigned int ram_size, unsigned int &size);
void Decompress(unsigned int ram_size, void *src, unsigned int src_sz);
char *fstart;
char *vstart;
unsigned short nf;
unsigned short nv;
//these offset are from fstart in 64 bytes
unsigned short fstartc;
unsigned short fstartn;
unsigned short fstartt;
unsigned short fstartd;
//these offset are from vstart in 64 bytes
unsigned short vstartc;
unsigned short vstartn;
unsigned short vstartt;
unsigned short vstartd;
} //namespace