
557 lines
16 KiB

* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
#ifdef WIN32
#include "getopt.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "crude.h"
#include "nexus.h"
#include "voronoichain.h"
#include "pintersect.h"
#include "vert_remap.h"
using namespace vcg;
using namespace nxs;
struct RemapLink {
unsigned int rel_vert;
unsigned int patch;
unsigned int abs_vert;
/*void RemapFaces(Crude &crude,
VoronoiChain &vchain,
VFile<unsigned int> &face_remap,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_faces);*/
void RemapVertices(Crude &crude,
VertRemap &vert_remap,
VFile<unsigned int> &face_remap,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_verts);
void NexusAllocate(Crude &crude,
Nexus &nexus,
VFile<unsigned int> &face_remap,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_faces,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_verts);
void NexusFill(Crude &crude,
Nexus &nexus,
VertRemap &vert_remap,
VFile<RemapLink> &border_remap);
void NexusFixBorder(Nexus &nexus,
VFile<RemapLink> &border_remap);
void NexusSplit(Nexus &nexus, VoronoiChain &vchain,
unsigned int level,
vector<Point3f> &newvert,
vector<unsigned int> &newface,
vector<Link> &newbord);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int patch_size = 1000;
unsigned int patch_threshold = 200;
unsigned int max_level = 0xffffffff;
int option;
while((option = getopt(argc, argv, "f:t:l:")) != EOF) {
switch(option) {
case 'f': patch_size = atoi(optarg);
if(patch_size == 0 || patch_size > 32000) {
cerr << "Invalid number of faces per patch: " << optarg << endl;
return -1;
case 't': patch_threshold = atoi(optarg);
if(patch_threshold == 0 || patch_threshold > patch_size) {
cerr << "Invalid patch threshold: " << optarg << endl;
return -1;
case 'l': max_level = atoi(optarg);
if(max_level == 0) {
cerr << "Invalid number of levels: " << optarg << endl;
return -1;
default: cerr << "Unknown option: " << (char)option << endl;
return -1;
//Test there are still 2 arguments
if(optind != argc - 2) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <crude> <output> [options]\n";
cerr << " Options:\n";
cerr << " -f N: use N faces per patch (default 1000, max 32000)\n";
cerr << " -t N: mini faces per patch (default 200)\n";
cerr << " -l N: number of levels\n\n";
return -1;
Crude crude;
if(!crude.Load(argv[optind])) {
cerr << "Could not open crude input: " << argv[optind] << endl;
return -1;
if(patch_size > crude.vert.Size()/2) {
cerr << "Patch size too big: " << patch_size << " ~ " << crude.vert.Size()
<< endl;
return -1;
string output = argv[optind+1];
Nexus nexus;
if(!nexus.Create(output)) {
cerr << "Could not create nexus output: " << output << endl;
return -1;
VoronoiChain vchain;
vchain.Initialize(patch_size, patch_threshold);
//Now building level 0 of the Nexus
VFile<unsigned int> face_remap;
if(!face_remap.Create(output + ".rmf")) {
cerr << "Could not create remap files: " << output << ".frm\n";
return -1;
VertRemap vert_remap;
if(!vert_remap.Create(output)) {
cerr << "Could not create remap files: " << output << ".rmv and .rmb\n";
return -1;
VFile<RemapLink> border_remap;
if(!border_remap.Create(output + string(".tmp"))) {
cerr << "Could not create temporary border remap file\n";
return -1;
//Remapping faces and vertices using level 0 and 1 of the chain
vector<unsigned int> patch_faces;
vchain.RemapFaces(crude, face_remap, patch_faces);
vector<unsigned int> patch_verts;
patch_verts.resize(patch_faces.size(), 0);
RemapVertices(crude, vert_remap, face_remap, patch_verts);
//allocate chunks for patches and copy faces (absoklute indexing) into them.
NexusAllocate(crude, nexus, face_remap, patch_faces, patch_verts);
//insert vertices and remap faces, prepare borders
NexusFill(crude, nexus, vert_remap, border_remap);
NexusFixBorder(nexus, border_remap);
unsigned int oldoffset = 0;
for(unsigned int level = 1; level < max_level; level++) {
cerr << "Level: " << level << endl;
unsigned int newoffset = nexus.index.size();
vchain.BuildLevel(nexus, oldoffset);
map<unsigned int, set<unsigned int> >::iterator fragment;
for(fragment = vchain.oldfragments.begin();
fragment != vchain.oldfragments.end(); fragment++) {
cerr << "Joining: ";
set<unsigned int> &fcells = (*fragment).second;
set<unsigned int>::iterator s;
for(s = fcells.begin(); s != fcells.end(); s++)
cerr << " " << (*s) << endl;
cerr << endl;
vector<Point3f> newvert;
vector<unsigned int> newface;
vector<Link> newbord;
nexus.Join((*fragment).second, newvert, newface, newbord);
//simplyfy mesh
NexusSplit(nexus, vchain, level, newvert, newface, newbord);
vchain.oldfragments = vchain.newfragments;
oldoffset = newoffset;
//Clean up:
//TODO remove vert_remap, face_remap, border_remap
return 0;
void RemapVertices(Crude &crude,
VertRemap &vert_remap,
VFile<unsigned int> &face_remap,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_verts) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < crude.Faces(); i++) {
Crude::Face &face = crude.GetFace(i);
unsigned int patch = face_remap[i];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
set<unsigned int> pp;
vert_remap.GetValues(face[k], pp);
if(!pp.count(patch)) {
vert_remap.Insert(face[k], patch);
void NexusAllocate(Crude &crude,
Nexus &nexus,
VFile<unsigned int> &face_remap,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_faces,
vector<unsigned int> &patch_verts) {
unsigned int totchunks = 0;
//now that we know various sizes, lets allocate space
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) {
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[i];
if(patch_faces[i] == 0 || patch_verts[i] == 0)
cerr << "Warning! Empty patch.\n";
entry.patch_start = totchunks;
entry.patch_size = Patch::ChunkSize(patch_verts[i], patch_faces[i]);
totchunks += entry.patch_size;
entry.border_start = 0xffffffff;
entry.nvert = patch_verts[i];
entry.nface = 0;
//now we sort the faces into the patches (but still using absolute indexing
//instead of relative indexing
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < crude.face.Size(); i++) {
Crude::Face &face = crude.face[i];
unsigned int npatch = face_remap[i];
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[npatch];
Patch patch = nexus.GetPatch(npatch);
Crude::Face *faces = (Crude::Face *)patch.VertBegin();
faces[entry.nface] = face;
void NexusFill(Crude &crude,
Nexus &nexus,
VertRemap &vert_remap,
VFile<RemapLink> &border_remap) {
//finally for every patch we collect the vertices
//and fill the patch.
//we need to remember start and size in border_remap;
// vector<unsigned int> border_start;
// vector<unsigned int> border_size;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) {
Patch patch = nexus.GetPatch(i);
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[i];
//make a copy of faces (we need to write there :P)
Crude::Face *faces = new Crude::Face[patch.FaceSize()];
memcpy(faces, (Crude::Face *)patch.VertBegin(),
patch.FaceSize() * sizeof(Crude::Face));
//collect all vertices we need.
//TODO an hash_map would be faster?
unsigned int count = 0;
map<unsigned int, unsigned short> remap;
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < patch.FaceSize(); k++) {
Crude::Face &face = faces[k];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if(!remap.count(face[j])) {
assert(count < patch.VertSize());
Point3f &v = crude.vert[face[j]];
patch.VertBegin()[remap.size()] = v;
remap[face[j]] = count++;
patch.FaceBegin()[k*3 + j] = remap[face[j]];
assert(count == remap.size());
assert(entry.nvert == remap.size());
//record start of border:
entry.border_start = border_remap.Size();
//TODO hash_set?
set<unsigned int> border_patches;
map<unsigned int, unsigned short>::iterator m;
for(m = remap.begin(); m != remap.end(); m++) {
RemapLink link;
link.abs_vert = (*m).first;
link.rel_vert = (*m).second;
vert_remap.GetValues(link.abs_vert, border_patches);
assert(border_patches.size() >= 1);
if(border_patches.size() == 1) continue; //its not a border
set<unsigned int>::iterator s;
for(s = border_patches.begin(); s != border_patches.end(); s++) {
if((*s) == i) continue;
link.patch = *s;
//and number of borders:
entry.border_size = border_remap.Size() - entry.border_start;
delete []faces;
//we can now update bounding sphere.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++)
void NexusFixBorder(Nexus &nexus,
VFile<RemapLink> &border_remap) {
//and last convert RemapLinks into Links
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) {
Nexus::Entry &local = nexus.index[i];
// K is the main iterator (where we write to in nexus.borders)
for(unsigned int k = local.border_start;
k < local.border_start + local.border_size; k++) {
RemapLink start_link = border_remap[k];
assert(start_link.rel_vert < local.nvert);
Nexus::Entry &remote = nexus.index[start_link.patch];
bool found = false;
for(unsigned int j = remote.border_start;
j < remote.border_start + remote.border_size; j++) {
RemapLink end_link = border_remap[j];
assert(end_link.rel_vert < remote.nvert);
if(start_link.abs_vert == end_link.abs_vert &&
end_link.patch == i) { //found the match
nexus.borders[k] = Link(start_link.rel_vert,
end_link.rel_vert, start_link.patch);
found = true;
assert(nexus.borders[k].start_vert < local.nvert);
//Checking border consistency:
/* for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nexus.index.size(); i++) {
Border border = nexus.GetBorder(i);
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[i];
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < border.Size(); k++) {
Link &link = border[k];
if(link.start_vert >= entry.nvert) {
cerr << "K: " << k << endl;
cerr << "patch: " << i << " nvert: " << entry.nvert << " startv: "
<< link.start_vert << endl;
cerr << "bstart: " << entry.border_start
<< "bsize: " << entry.border_size << endl;
assert(link.end_patch < nexus.index.size());
assert(link.start_vert < entry.nvert);
Nexus::Entry &remote = nexus.index[link.end_patch];
assert(link.end_vert < remote.nvert);
void NexusSplit(Nexus &nexus, VoronoiChain &vchain,
unsigned int level,
vector<Point3f> &newvert,
vector<unsigned int> &newface,
vector<Link> &newbord) {
//if != -1 remap global index to cell index
map<unsigned int, vector<int> > vert_remap;
map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vert_count;
//simply collects faces
map<unsigned int, vector<int> > face_remap;
map<unsigned int, unsigned int> face_count;
for(unsigned int f = 0; f < newface.size(); f += 3) {
Point3f bari = (newvert[newface[f]] +
newvert[newface[f+1]] +
unsigned int cell = vchain.Locate(level+1, bari);
vector<int> &f_remap = face_remap[cell];
if(!vert_remap.count(cell)) {
vert_remap[cell].resize(newvert.size(), -1);
vert_count[cell] = 0;
vector<int> &v_remap = vert_remap[cell];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(v_remap[newface[f+i]] == -1)
v_remap[newface[f+i]] = vert_count[cell]++;
//TODO prune small count cells
//for every new cell
map<unsigned int, unsigned int >::iterator c;
for(c = vert_count.begin(); c != vert_count.end(); c++) {
unsigned int cell = (*c).first;
cerr << "Processing cell: " << cell << endl;
vector<unsigned short> faces;
vector<Point3f> verts;
vector<Link> bords;
vector<int> &v_remap = vert_remap[cell];
vector<int> &f_remap = face_remap[cell];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[i] != -1)
verts[v_remap[i]] = newvert[i];
// verts.push_back(newvert[v_remap[i]]);
assert(verts.size() == vert_count[cell]);
assert(f_remap.size()/3 == face_count[cell]);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f_remap.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[f_remap[i]] == -1) {
cerr << "i: " << i << " f_remap[i]: " << f_remap[i] << endl;
assert(v_remap[f_remap[i]] != -1);
faces[i] = v_remap[f_remap[i]];
//process external borders
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newbord.size(); i++) {
Link link = newbord[i];
if(v_remap[link.start_vert] == -1) continue;
link.start_vert = v_remap[link.start_vert];
//process internal borders;
//TODO higly inefficient!!!
map<unsigned int, unsigned int >::iterator t;
for(t = vert_count.begin(); t != vert_count.end(); t++) {
if(cell == (*t).first) continue;
vector<int> &vremapclose = vert_remap[(*t).first];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < newvert.size(); i++) {
if(v_remap[i] != -1 && vremapclose[i] != -1) {
Link link;
link.end_patch = (*t).first;
link.start_vert = v_remap[i];
link.end_vert = vremapclose[i];
//create new nexus patch
unsigned int patch_idx = nexus.AddPatch(verts.size(),
Nexus::Entry &entry = nexus.index[patch_idx];
Patch patch = nexus.GetPatch(patch_idx);
memcpy(patch.FaceBegin(), &faces[0],
faces.size() * sizeof(unsigned short));
memcpy(patch.VertBegin(), &verts[0], verts.size() * sizeof(Point3f));
for(int v = 0; v < verts.size(); v++) {
Border border = nexus.GetBorder(patch_idx);
memcpy(&border[0], &bords[0], bords.size());