
64 lines
1.4 KiB

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "pserver.h"
namespace nxs {
struct PatchInfo {
unsigned short nvert;
unsigned short nface;
vcg::Sphere3f sphere;
float error;
class NexusBase {
//TODO optimize to be vector with offset.
struct Update {
std::vector<unsigned int> erased;
std::vector<unsigned int> created;
NexusBase(): index_file(NULL) {}
// bool Create(const std::string &filename, Signature signature,
// unsigned int chunk_size = 1024);
// bool Load(const std::string &filename, bool readonly = false);
// void Close();
bool IsCompressed() { return (signature & NXS_COMPRESSED) != 0; }
bool HasStrips() { return (signature & NXS_STRIP) != 0; }
bool HasColors() { return (signature & NXS_COLORS) != 0; }
bool HasNormalsShort() { return (signature & NXS_NORMALS_SHORT) != 0; }
bool HasNormalsFloat() { return (signature & NXS_NORMALS_FLOAT) != 0; }
//BE CAREFUL: this 2 members get replicated into patchserver
//TODO fix this nasty thing it is dangerous as it is.
Signature signature;
unsigned int chunk_size;
unsigned int totvert;
unsigned int totface;
vcg::Sphere3f sphere;
std::vector<PatchInfo> index;
std::vector<Update> history;
bool readonly;
FILE *index_file;