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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
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* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
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* All rights reserved. *
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
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/*! \file refine_loop.h
* \brief This file contain code for Loop's subdivision scheme for triangular
* mesh and some similar method.
#include <cmath>
#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
#include <vcg/complex/complex.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/refine.h>
#include <vcg/space/color4.h>
#include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/color.h>
namespace vcg{
namespace tri{
Metodo di Loop dalla documentazione "Siggraph 2000 course on subdivision"
d4------d3 d4------d3
/ \ / \ / \ / \ u
/ \ / \ / e4--e3 \ / \
/ \/ \ / / \/ \ \ / \
d5------d1------d2 -> d5--e5--d1--e2--d2 l--M--r
\ /\ / \ \ /\ / / \ /
\ / \ / \ e6--e7 / \ /
\ / \ / \ / \ / d
d6------d7 d6------d7
* \brief Weight class for classical Loop's scheme.
* See Zorin, D. & Schröeder, P.: Subdivision for modeling and animation. Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH [Courses], 2000
template<class SCALAR_TYPE>
struct LoopWeight {
inline SCALAR_TYPE beta(int k) {
return (k>3)?(5.0/8.0 - std::pow((3.0/8.0 + std::cos(2.0*M_PI/SCALAR_TYPE(k))/4.0),2))/SCALAR_TYPE(k):3.0/16.0;
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentRegular(int) {
return 3.0/8.0;
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentIrregular(int) {
return 3.0/8.0;
inline SCALAR_TYPE opposite(int) {
return 1.0/8.0;
* \brief Modified Loop's weight to optimise continuity.
* See Barthe, L. & Kobbelt, L.: Subdivision scheme tuning around extraordinary vertices. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2004, 21, 561-583
template<class SCALAR_TYPE>
struct RegularLoopWeight {
inline SCALAR_TYPE beta(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?(1.0-bkPolar[k-3])/k:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().beta(k);
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentRegular(int k) {
return 1.0 - incidentIrregular(k) - opposite(k)*2;
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentIrregular(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?bkPolar[k-3]:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().incidentIrregular(k);
inline SCALAR_TYPE opposite(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?bkPolar[k-3]:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().opposite(k);
template<class SCALAR_TYPE>
struct ContinuityLoopWeight {
inline SCALAR_TYPE beta(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?(1.0-bkPolar[k-3])/k:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().beta(k);
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentRegular(int k) {
return 1.0 - incidentIrregular(k) - opposite(k)*2;
inline SCALAR_TYPE incidentIrregular(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?bkPolar[k-3]:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().incidentIrregular(k);
inline SCALAR_TYPE opposite(int k) {
static SCALAR_TYPE bkPolar[] = {
return (k<=12)?bkPolar[k-3]:LoopWeight<SCALAR_TYPE>().opposite(k);
// Centroid and LS3Projection classes may be pettre placed in an other file. (which one ?)
* \brief Allow to compute classical Loop subdivision surface with the same code than LS3.
template<class MESH_TYPE, class LSCALAR_TYPE = typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType>
struct Centroid {
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType Scalar;
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::CoordType Coord;
typedef LSCALAR_TYPE LScalar;
typedef vcg::Point3<LScalar> LVector;
LVector sumP;
LScalar sumW;
Centroid() { reset(); }
inline void reset() {
sumW = 0.;
inline void addVertex(const typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &v, LScalar w) {
LVector p(v.cP().X(), v.cP().Y(), v.cP().Z());
LVector n(v.cN().X(), v.cN().Y(), v.cN().Z());
sumP += p * w;
sumW += w;
inline void project(typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &v) const {
LVector position = sumP / sumW;
v.P() = Coord(position.X(), position.Y(), position.Z());
/*! Implementation of the APSS projection for the LS3 scheme.
* See Gael Guennebaud and Marcel Germann and Markus Gross
* Dynamic sampling and rendering of algebraic point set surfaces.
* Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2008), 2008, 27, 653-662
* and Simon Boye and Gael Guennebaud and Christophe Schlick
* Least squares subdivision surfaces
* Computer Graphics Forum, 2010
template<class MESH_TYPE, class LSCALAR_TYPE = typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType>
struct LS3Projection {
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType Scalar;
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::CoordType Coord;
typedef LSCALAR_TYPE LScalar;
typedef vcg::Point3<LScalar> LVector;
Scalar beta;
LVector sumP;
LVector sumN;
LScalar sumDotPN;
LScalar sumDotPP;
LScalar sumW;
inline LS3Projection(Scalar beta = 1.0) : beta(beta) { reset(); }
inline void reset() {
sumDotPN = 0.;
sumDotPP = 0.;
sumW = 0.;
inline void addVertex(const typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &v, LScalar w) {
LVector p(v.cP().X(), v.cP().Y(), v.cP().Z());
LVector n(v.cN().X(), v.cN().Y(), v.cN().Z());
sumP += p * w;
sumN += n * w;
sumDotPN += w *;
sumDotPP += w * vcg::SquaredNorm(p);
sumW += w;
void project(typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &v) const {
LScalar invSumW = Scalar(1)/sumW;
LScalar aux4 = beta * LScalar(0.5) *
(sumDotPN - invSumW*
/(sumDotPP - invSumW*vcg::SquaredNorm(sumP));
LVector uLinear = (sumN-sumP*(Scalar(2)*aux4))*invSumW;
LScalar uConstant = -invSumW*( + sumDotPP*aux4);
LScalar uQuad = aux4;
LVector orig = sumP*invSumW;
// finalize
LVector position;
LVector normal;
if (fabs(uQuad)>1e-7)
LScalar b = 1./uQuad;
LVector center = uLinear*(-0.5*b);
LScalar radius = sqrt( vcg::SquaredNorm(center) - b*uConstant );
normal = orig - center;
position = center + normal * radius;
normal = uLinear + position * (LScalar(2) * uQuad);
else if (uQuad==0.)
LScalar s = LScalar(1)/vcg::Norm(uLinear);
assert(!vcg::math::IsNAN(s) && "normal should not have zero len!");
uLinear *= s;
uConstant *= s;
normal = uLinear;
position = orig - uLinear * ( + uConstant);
// normalize the gradient
LScalar f = 1./sqrt(vcg::SquaredNorm(uLinear) - Scalar(4)*uConstant*uQuad);
uConstant *= f;
uLinear *= f;
uQuad *= f;
// Newton iterations
LVector grad;
LVector dir = uLinear+orig*(2.*uQuad);
LScalar ilg = 1./vcg::Norm(dir);
dir *= ilg;
LScalar ad = uConstant + + uQuad * vcg::SquaredNorm(orig);
LScalar delta = -ad*std::min<Scalar>(ilg,1.);
LVector p = orig + dir*delta;
for (int i=0 ; i<2 ; ++i)
grad = uLinear+p*(2.*uQuad);
ilg = 1./vcg::Norm(grad);
delta = -(uConstant + + uQuad * vcg::SquaredNorm(p))*std::min<Scalar>(ilg,1.);
p += dir*delta;
position = p;
normal = uLinear + position * (Scalar(2) * uQuad);
v.P() = Coord(position.X(), position.Y(), position.Z());
v.N() = Coord(normal.X(), normal.Y(), normal.Z());
template<class MESH_TYPE, class METHOD_TYPE=Centroid<MESH_TYPE>, class WEIGHT_TYPE=LoopWeight<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> >
struct OddPointLoopGeneric : public std::unary_function<face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> , typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType>
typedef METHOD_TYPE Projection;
typedef WEIGHT_TYPE Weight;
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<int> ValenceAttr;
Projection proj;
Weight weight;
ValenceAttr *valence;
inline OddPointLoopGeneric(MESH_TYPE &_m, Projection proj = Projection(), Weight weight = Weight()) :
m(_m), proj(proj), weight(weight), valence(0) {}
void operator()(typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &nv, face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> ep) {
face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> he(ep.f,ep.z,ep.f->V(ep.z));
typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType *l,*r,*u,*d;
l = he.v;
r = he.v;
if( tri::HasPerVertexColor(m))
if (he.IsBorder()) {
proj.addVertex(*l, 0.5);
proj.addVertex(*r, 0.5);
else {
he.FlipE(); he.FlipV();
u = he.v;
he.FlipV(); he.FlipE();
assert(he.v == r); // back to r
he.FlipF(); he.FlipE(); he.FlipV();
d = he.v;
if(valence && ((*valence)[l]==6 || (*valence)[r]==6)) {
int extra = ((*valence)[l]==6)?(*valence)[r]:(*valence)[l];
proj.addVertex(*l, ((*valence)[l]==6)?weight.incidentRegular(extra):weight.incidentIrregular(extra));
proj.addVertex(*r, ((*valence)[r]==6)?weight.incidentRegular(extra):weight.incidentIrregular(extra));
proj.addVertex(*u, weight.opposite(extra));
proj.addVertex(*d, weight.opposite(extra));
// unhandled case that append only at first subdivision step: use Loop's weights
else {
proj.addVertex(*l, 3.0/8.0);
proj.addVertex(*r, 3.0/8.0);
proj.addVertex(*u, 1.0/8.0);
proj.addVertex(*d, 1.0/8.0);
Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> WedgeInterp(Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> &c0, Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> &c1)
Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> cc;
return cc.lerp(c0,c1,0.5f);
template<class FL_TYPE>
TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> WedgeInterp(TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> &t0, TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> &t1)
TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> tmp;
return tmp;
inline void setValenceAttr(ValenceAttr *valence) {
this->valence = valence;
template<class MESH_TYPE, class METHOD_TYPE=Centroid<MESH_TYPE>, class WEIGHT_TYPE=LoopWeight<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> >
struct EvenPointLoopGeneric : public std::unary_function<face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> , typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType>
typedef METHOD_TYPE Projection;
typedef WEIGHT_TYPE Weight;
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<int> ValenceAttr;
Projection proj;
Weight weight;
ValenceAttr *valence;
inline EvenPointLoopGeneric(Projection proj = Projection(), Weight weight = Weight()) :
proj(proj), weight(weight), valence(0) {}
void operator()(typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType &nv, face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> ep) {
face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> he(ep.f,ep.z,ep.f->V(ep.z));
typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType *r, *l, *curr;
curr = he.v;
face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType> heStart = he;
// compute valence of this vertex or find a border
int k = 0;
do {
} while(!he.IsBorder() && he != heStart);
if (he.IsBorder()) { // Border rule
// consider valence of borders as if they are half+1 of an inner vertex. not perfect, but better than nothing.
if(valence) {
k = 0;
do {
} while(!he.IsBorder());
(*valence)[he.V()] = std::max(2*(k-1), 3);
// (*valence)[he.V()] = 6;
r = he.v;
l = he.v;
proj.addVertex(*curr, 3.0/4.0);
proj.addVertex(*l, 1.0/8.0);
proj.addVertex(*r, 1.0/8.0);
else { // Inner rule
// assert(!he.v->IsB()); border flag no longer updated (useless)
(*valence)[he.V()] = k;
typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType beta = weight.beta(k);
proj.addVertex(*curr, 1.0 - (typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType)(k) * beta);
do {
proj.addVertex(*he.VFlip(), beta);
} while(he != heStart);
} // end of operator()
Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> WedgeInterp(Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> &c0, Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> &c1)
Color4<typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> cc;
return cc.lerp(c0,c1,0.5f);
Color4b WedgeInterp(Color4b &c0, Color4b &c1)
Color4b cc;
return cc;
template<class FL_TYPE>
TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> WedgeInterp(TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> &t0, TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> &t1)
TexCoord2<FL_TYPE,1> tmp;
// assert(t0.n()== t1.n());
return tmp;
inline void setValenceAttr(ValenceAttr *valence) {
this->valence = valence;
template<class MESH_TYPE>
struct OddPointLoop : OddPointLoopGeneric<MESH_TYPE, Centroid<MESH_TYPE> >
OddPointLoop(MESH_TYPE &_m):OddPointLoopGeneric<MESH_TYPE, Centroid<MESH_TYPE> >(_m){}
template<class MESH_TYPE>
struct EvenPointLoop : EvenPointLoopGeneric<MESH_TYPE, Centroid<MESH_TYPE> >
template<class MESH_TYPE,class ODD_VERT, class EVEN_VERT>
bool RefineOddEven(MESH_TYPE &m, ODD_VERT odd, EVEN_VERT even,float length,
bool RefineSelected=false, CallBackPos *cbOdd = 0, CallBackPos *cbEven = 0)
EdgeLen <MESH_TYPE, typename MESH_TYPE::ScalarType> ep(length);
return RefineOddEvenE(m, odd, even, ep, RefineSelected, cbOdd, cbEven);
* \brief Perform diadic subdivision using given rules for odd and even vertices.
template<class MESH_TYPE, class ODD_VERT, class EVEN_VERT, class PREDICATE>
bool RefineOddEvenE(MESH_TYPE &m, ODD_VERT odd, EVEN_VERT even, PREDICATE edgePred,
bool RefineSelected=false, CallBackPos *cbOdd = 0, CallBackPos *cbEven = 0)
typedef typename MESH_TYPE::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<int> ValenceAttr;
// momentaneamente le callback sono identiche, almeno cbOdd deve essere passata
cbEven = cbOdd;
// to mark visited vertices
int evenFlag = MESH_TYPE::VertexType::NewBitFlag();
for (int i = 0; i < ; i++ ) {
int j = 0;
// di texture per wedge (uno per ogni edge)
ValenceAttr valence = vcg::tri::Allocator<MESH_TYPE>:: template AddPerVertexAttribute<int>(m);
// store updated vertices
std::vector<bool> updatedList(, false);
std::vector<typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType> newEven(;
typename MESH_TYPE::VertexIterator vi;
typename MESH_TYPE::FaceIterator fi;
for (fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++) if(!(*fi).IsD() && (!RefineSelected || (*fi).IsS())){ //itero facce
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //itero vert
if ( !(*fi).V(i)->IsUserBit(evenFlag) && ! (*fi).V(i)->IsD() ) {
// use face selection, not vertex selection, to be coherent with RefineE
//if (RefineSelected && !(*fi).V(i)->IsS() )
// break;
face::Pos<typename MESH_TYPE::FaceType>aux (&(*fi),i);
if( tri::HasPerVertexColor(m) ) {
(*fi).V(i)->C().lerp((*fi).V0(i)->C() , (*fi).V1(i)->C(),0.5f);
if (cbEven) {
(*cbEven)(int(100.0f * (float)j / (float)m.fn),"Refining");
int index = tri::Index(m, (*fi).V(i));
updatedList[index] = true;
even(newEven[index], aux);
// refine dei vertici odd, crea dei nuovi vertici in coda
RefineE< MESH_TYPE, ODD_VERT > (m, odd, edgePred, RefineSelected, cbOdd);
typename std::vector<typename MESH_TYPE::VertexType>::iterator nei;
for (nei=newEven.begin(); nei!=newEven.end(); ++nei) {
if(updatedList[nei-newEven.begin()]) {
assert(m.vert[nei-newEven.begin()].N() == nei->N());
vcg::tri::Allocator<MESH_TYPE>::DeletePerVertexAttribute(m, valence);
return true;
} // namespace tri
} // namespace vcg