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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.15 2007/09/21 11:34:10 ponchio
Just a clarification comment
Revision 1.14 2006/06/08 08:52:02 zifnab1974
gcc 4 needs the extra template keyword
Revision 1.13 2005/06/24 12:21:48 ponchio
Fixed "lerp" function.
Revision 1.12 2005/04/14 11:35:09 ponchio
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.11 2004/09/09 12:51:28 fasano
corrected ColorRamp code (template specialization)
Revision 1.10 2004/09/09 08:39:33 cignoni
added a 'template<>' to the specialized constructors from a enum
Revision 1.9 2004/09/03 13:58:48 fasano
Corretto errore sintattico nelle specializzazioni parziali (float e char) di due costruttori di Color4
Revision 1.8 2004/07/15 11:01:43 ganovelli
added inclusion of point3.h
Revision 1.7 2004/06/24 07:55:50 cignoni
Now color ramp can do reverse color ramp
Revision 1.6 2004/05/26 15:10:29 cignoni
Corrected bug in setgrayshade
Revision 1.5 2004/05/07 12:46:55 cignoni
added ifdef for gcc [Bug c++/14479]
Revision 1.4 2004/05/07 10:06:55 cignoni
Corrected template specialization syntax for gcc compiling
Revision 1.3 2004/03/10 21:38:40 cignoni
Written some documentation and added to the space module
Revision 1.2 2004/03/10 00:35:01 cignoni
Removed a wrong (?) copy constructor
Revision 1.1 2004/02/10 01:11:28 cignoni
Edited Comments and GPL license
#ifndef __VCGLIB_COLOR4
#define __VCGLIB_COLOR4
#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
#include <vcg/space/point4.h>
namespace vcg {
/** \addtogroup space */
The templated class for representing 4 entity color.
The class is templated over the ScalarType. class that is used to represent color with float or with unsigned chars. All the usual
operator overloading (* + - ...) is present.
template <class T>
class Color4 : public Point4<T>
typedef Point4<T> Base;
/// Constant for storing standard colors.
/// Each color is stored in a simple in so that the bit pattern match with the one of Color4b.
enum ColorConstant {
Black =0xff000000,
Gray =0xff808080,
White =0xffffffff,
Red =0xff0000ff,
Green =0xff00ff00,
Blue =0xffff0000,
Cyan =0xffffff00,
Yellow =0xff00ffff,
LightGray =0xffc0c0c0,
LightRed =0xff8080ff,
LightGreen =0xff80ff80,
LightBlue =0xffff8080,
DarkGray =0xff404040,
DarkRed =0xff000040,
DarkGreen =0xff004000,
DarkBlue =0xff400000
inline Color4 ( const T nx, const T ny, const T nz , const T nw ) :Point4<T>(nx,ny,nz,nw) {};
// inline Color4 ( Color4 &c) :Point4<T>(c) {};
inline Color4 ( const Point4<T> &c) :Point4<T>(c) {};
inline Color4 (){};
inline Color4 (ColorConstant cc);
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline Color4 (const Eigen::MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) : Base(other)
// TODO make sure the types are the same
template <class Q>
inline void Import(const Color4<Q> & b )
(*this)[0] = T(b[0]);
(*this)[1] = T(b[1]);
(*this)[2] = T(b[2]);
(*this)[3] = T(b[3]);
template <class Q>
inline void Import(const Point4<Q> & b )
(*this)[0] = T(b[0]);
(*this)[1] = T(b[1]);
(*this)[2] = T(b[2]);
(*this)[3] = T(b[3]);
template <class Q>
static inline Color4 Construct( const Color4<Q> & b )
return Color4(T(b[0]),T(b[1]),T(b[2]),T(b[3]));
//inline void Import(const Color4<float> &b);
//inline void Import(const Color4<unsigned char> &b);
inline Color4 operator + ( const Color4 & p) const
return Color4( (*this)[0]+p.V()[0], (*this)[1]+p.V()[1], (*this)[2]+p.V()[2], (*this)[3]+p.V()[3] );
inline void lerp(const Color4 &c0, const Color4 &c1, const float x);
inline void lerp(const Color4 &c0, const Color4 &c1, const Color4 &c2, const Point3f &ip);
/// given a float and a range set the corresponding color in the well known red->green->blue color ramp. To reverse the direction of the ramp just swap minf and maxf.
inline void SetColorRamp(const float &minf,const float &maxf ,float v );
inline void SetRGB( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
(*this)[0] = r;
(*this)[1] = g;
(*this)[2] = b;
(*this)[3] = 0;
void SetHSVColor( float h, float s, float v){
float r,g,b;
if(s==0.0){ // gray color
r = g = b = v;
(*this)[0]=(unsigned char)(255*r);
(*this)[1]=(unsigned char)(255*g);
(*this)[2]=(unsigned char)(255*b);
if(h==1.0) h = 0.0;
int i = int( floor(h*6.0) );
float f = float(h*6.0f - floor(h*6.0f));
float p = v*(1.0f-s);
float q = v*(1.0f-s*f);
float t = v*(1.0f-s*(1.0f-f));
case 0: r=v; g=t; b=p; break;
case 1: r=q; g=v; b=p; break;
case 2: r=p; g=v; b=t; break;
case 3: r=p; g=q; b=v; break;
case 4: r=t; g=p; b=v; break;
case 5: r=v; g=p; b=q; break;
default: r=0;g=0;b=0; assert(0);break;
(*this)[0]=(unsigned char)(255*r);
(*this)[1]=(unsigned char)(255*g);
(*this)[2]=(unsigned char)(255*b);
// V()[0]=r*256;V()[1]=g*256;V()[2]=b*256;
inline static Color4 GrayShade(float f)
return Color4(f,f,f,1);
inline void SetGrayShade(float f)
/** Given an integer returns a well ordering of colors
// so that every color differs as much as possible form the previous one
// params:
// range is the maximum expected value (max of the range)
// value is the requested position (it must be <range);
inline static Color4 Scatter(int range, int value,float Sat=.3f,float Val=.9f)
int b, k, m=range;
int r =range;
for (b=0, k=1; k<range; k<<=1)
if (value<<1>=m) {
if (b==0) r = k;
b += k;
value -= (m+1)>>1;
m >>= 1;
else m = (m+1)>>1;
if (r>range-b) r = range-b;
//TRACE("Scatter range 0..%i, in %i out %i\n",n,a,b);
Color4 rc;
return rc;
inline static Color4 ColorRamp(const float &minf,const float &maxf ,float v )
Color4 rc;
return rc;
template <class T>
inline void Color4<T>::lerp(const Color4<T> &c0, const Color4<T> &c1, const float x)
(*this)[0]=(T)(c1.V()[0]*x + c0.V()[0]*(1.0f-x));
(*this)[1]=(T)(c1.V()[1]*x + c0.V()[1]*(1.0f-x));
(*this)[2]=(T)(c1.V()[2]*x + c0.V()[2]*(1.0f-x));
(*this)[3]=(T)(c1.V()[3]*x + c0.V()[3]*(1.0f-x));
template <class T>
inline void Color4<T>::lerp(const Color4<T> &c0, const Color4<T> &c1, const Color4<T> &c2, const Point3f &ip)
(*this)[0]=(T)(c0[0]*ip[0] + c1[0]*ip[1]+ c2[0]*ip[2]);
(*this)[1]=(T)(c0[1]*ip[0] + c1[1]*ip[1]+ c2[1]*ip[2]);
(*this)[2]=(T)(c0[2]*ip[0] + c1[2]*ip[1]+ c2[2]*ip[2]);
(*this)[3]=(T)(c0[3]*ip[0] + c1[3]*ip[1]+ c2[3]*ip[2]);
template <class T>
inline void Color4<T>::SetColorRamp(const float &minf,const float &maxf ,float v )
if(minf>maxf) { SetColorRamp(maxf,minf,maxf+(minf-v)); return; }
if(v < minf ) { *this=Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Red); return; }
//the case v > maxf is handled automatically at the end of the function
float step=(maxf-minf)/4;
if(v<step) {lerp(Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Red), Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Yellow),v/step); return;}
if(v<step) {lerp(Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Yellow),Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Green),v/step);return;}
if(v<step) {lerp(Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Green),Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Cyan),v/step); return;}
if(v<step) {lerp(Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Cyan),Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Blue),v/step); return;}
*this= Color4<T>(Color4<T>::Blue);
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
template <>
template <>
inline void Color4<float>::Import(const Color4<unsigned char> &b)
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
template <> // [Bug c++/14479] enum definition in template class with template methods causes error.
template <>
inline void Color4<unsigned char>::Import(const Color4<float> &b)
(*this)[0]=(unsigned char)(b[0]*255.0f);
(*this)[1]=(unsigned char)(b[1]*255.0f);
(*this)[2]=(unsigned char)(b[2]*255.0f);
(*this)[3]=(unsigned char)(b[3]*255.0f);
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
template <> // [Bug c++/14479] enum definition in template class with template methods causes error.
template <>
inline void Color4<unsigned char>::Import(const Point4<float> &b)
(*this)[0]=(unsigned char)(b[0]*255.0f);
(*this)[1]=(unsigned char)(b[1]*255.0f);
(*this)[2]=(unsigned char)(b[2]*255.0f);
(*this)[3]=(unsigned char)(b[3]*255.0f);
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
template <>
template <>
inline Color4<unsigned char> Color4<unsigned char>::Construct( const Color4<float> & b )
return Color4<unsigned char>(
(unsigned char)(b[0]*255.0f),
(unsigned char)(b[1]*255.0f),
(unsigned char)(b[2]*255.0f),
(unsigned char)(b[3]*255.0f));
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
template <>
template <>
inline Color4<float> Color4<float>::Construct( const Color4<unsigned char> & b )
return Color4<float>(
//template <class T,class S>
//inline void Color4<T>::Import(const Color4<S> &b)
// V()[0] = T(b[0]);
// V()[1] = T(b[1]);
// V()[2] = T(b[2]);
// V()[3] = T(b[3]);
inline Color4<unsigned char>::Color4(Color4<unsigned char>::ColorConstant cc)
*((int *)this )= cc;
inline Color4<float>::Color4(Color4<float>::ColorConstant cc)
Import(Color4<unsigned char>((Color4<unsigned char>::ColorConstant)cc));
inline Color4<float> Clamp(Color4<float> &c)
return c;
inline Color4<unsigned char> Color4<unsigned char>::operator + ( const Color4<unsigned char> & p) const
return Color4<unsigned char>(
(unsigned char)(math::Clamp(int((*this)[0])+int(p[0]),0,255)),
(unsigned char)(math::Clamp(int((*this)[1])+int(p[1]),0,255)),
(unsigned char)(math::Clamp(int((*this)[2])+int(p[2]),0,255)),
(unsigned char)(math::Clamp(int((*this)[3])+int(p[3]),0,255))
typedef Color4<unsigned char> Color4b;
typedef Color4<float> Color4f;
typedef Color4<double> Color4d;
} // end of NameSpace