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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.3 2006/06/08 20:32:10 ganovelli
aggiunte wedge coord
Revision 1.2 2005/10/18 14:27:22 ganovelli
EdgePLaneType added (_RT)
Revision 1.1 2005/10/15 16:23:39 ganovelli
Working release (compilata solo su MSVC), component_occ <20> migrato da component_opt
OCC = Optional Component Compact
compare with OCF(Optional Component Fast)
#include <vcg/simplex/faceplus/component.h>
#include <vcg/container/vector_occ.h>
#include <vcg/space/plane3.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace face {
///*-------------------------- WedgeTextureOcc ----------------------------------------*/
template <class A, class T> class WedgeTextureOcc: public T {
typedef A WedgeTextureType;
WedgeTextureType &WT(const int&i) {return CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,WedgeTextureType>::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this);}
static bool HasWedgeTexture() { return true; }
static bool HasWedgeTextureOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class WedgeTexturefOcc: public WedgeTextureOcc<TCoord2<float,1>, T> {};
///*-------------------------- FACEINFO ----------------------------------------*/
template <class A, class T> class InfoOccBase: public T {
typedef A InfoType;
InfoType &N() {return CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,InfoType>::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this);}
static bool HasInfo() { return true; }
static bool HasInfoOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class InfoOcc: public InfoOccBase<int, T> {};
///*-------------------------- NORMAL ----------------------------------------*/
template <class A, class T> class NormalOcc: public T {
typedef A NormalType;
NormalType &N() {return CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,NormalType>::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this);}
static bool HasFaceNormal() { return true; }
static bool HasFaceNormalOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class Normal3sOcc: public NormalOcc<vcg::Point3s, T> {};
template <class T> class Normal3fOcc: public NormalOcc<vcg::Point3f, T> {};
template <class T> class Normal3dOcc: public NormalOcc<vcg::Point3d, T> {};
///*-------------------------- MARK ----------------------------------------*/
template <class T> class MarkOcc: public T {
typedef int MarkType;
int &IMark() {return CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,MarkType>::Instance()->Get((MarkType*)this);}
static bool HasFaceMark() { return true; }
static bool HasFaceMarkOcc() { return true; }
inline void InitIMark() { IMark() = 0; }
///*-------------------------- COLOR ----------------------------------------*/
template <class A, class T> class ColorOcc: public T {
typedef A ColorType;
ColorType &C() { return CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,ColorType>::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this); }
static bool HasFaceColor() { return true; }
static bool HasfaceColorOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class Color4bOcc: public ColorOcc<vcg::Color4b, T> {};
/*----------------------------- VFADJ ---------------------------------------*/
// questo tipo serve per tenere tutte le informazioni sull'adiacenza dentro una
// singola classe
template <class FP>
struct VFAdjTypeSup {
FP _vfp[3];
char _vfi[3];
template <class A, class T> class VFAdjOccBase: public T {
typedef A VFAdjType;
typename T::FacePointer &VFp(const int j) {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._vfp[j];}
typename T::FacePointer cVFp(const int j) const {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._vfp[j];}
char &VFi(const int j) { return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._vfi[j];}
static bool HasVFAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasVFAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class VFAdjOcc : public VFAdjOccBase<VFAdjTypeSup<typename T::FacePointer>,T>{};
/*----------------------------- FFADJ -----------------------------------*/
// questo tipo serve per tenere tutte le informazioni sull'adiacenza dentro una
// singola classe
template <class FP>
struct FFAdjTypeSup {
FP _ffp[3];
char _ffi[3];
template <class A, class T> class FFAdjOccBase: public T {
// typedef A FFAdjType;
typedef FFAdjTypeSup<typename T::FacePointer> FFAdjType;
typename T::FacePointer &FFp(const int j) {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,FFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._ffp[j];}
typename T::FacePointer const FFp(const int j) const {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,FFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._ffp[j];}
typename T::FacePointer const cFFp(const int j) const {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,FFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._ffp[j];}
char &FFi(const int j) {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,FFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this))._ffi[j];}
char cFFi(const int j) const{
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,FFAdjTypeSup<T::FacePointer> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this ))._ffi[j];
static bool HasFFAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasFFAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class FFAdjOcc : public FFAdjOccBase<FFAdjTypeSup<typename T::FacePointer>,T>{};
/*----------------------------- EdgePlane -----------------------------------*/
// questo tipo serve per tenere tutte le informazioni sull'adiacenza dentro una
// singola classe
template <class ScalarType>
struct EdgePlaneSup {
vcg::Point3<ScalarType> edge[3];
vcg::Plane3<ScalarType> plane[3];
template <class A, class T> class EdgePlaneOcc: public T {
typedef A EdgePlaneType;
Point3<typename T::ScalarType> &Edge(const int j) {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,EdgePlaneSup<T::ScalarType> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).edge[j];}
Point3<typename T::ScalarType> const Edge(const int j) const {
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,EdgePlaneSup<T::ScalarType> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).edge[j];}
vcg::Plane3<typename T::ScalarType> Plane(){
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,EdgePlaneSup<T::ScalarType> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).plane;}
static bool HasEdgePlane() { return true; }
static bool HasEdgePlaneOcc() { return true; }
template <class T> class EdgePlane : public EdgePlaneOcc<EdgePlaneSup<typename T::ScalarType>,T>{};
template <class T> class VertexRefOcc: public T {
// typedef typename T::VertexType VertexType;
// typedef typename T::VertexType::CoordType CoordType;
inline typename T::VertexType * & V( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<3);
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VertexRef<T> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).V(j); }
inline typename T::VertexType * const & V( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<3);
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VertexRef<T> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).V(j); }
inline typename T::VertexType * const cV( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<3);
return (CAT< vector_occ<FaceType>,VertexRef<T> >::Instance()->Get((FaceType*)this)).V(j); }
// Shortcut per accedere ai punti delle facce
inline typename T::CoordType & P( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<3); return V(j)->P(); }
inline const typename T::CoordType & P( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<3); return V(j)->cP(); }
inline const typename T::CoordType &cP( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<3); return V(j)->cP(); }
/** Return the pointer to the ((j+1)%3)-th vertex of the face.
@param j Index of the face vertex.
inline typename T::VertexType * & V0( const int j ) { return V(j);}
inline typename T::VertexType * & V1( const int j ) { return V((j+1)%3);}
inline typename T::VertexType * & V2( const int j ) { return V((j+2)%3);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & V0( const int j ) const { return V(j);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & V1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%3);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & V2( const int j ) const { return V((j+2)%3);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV0( const int j ) const { return cV(j);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%3);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV2( const int j ) const { return cV((j+2)%3);}
/// Shortcut per accedere ai punti delle facce
inline typename T::CoordType & P0( const int j ) { return V(j)->P();}
inline typename T::CoordType & P1( const int j ) { return V((j+1)%3)->P();}
inline typename T::CoordType & P2( const int j ) { return V((j+2)%3)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & P0( const int j ) const { return V(j)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & P1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%3)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & P2( const int j ) const { return V((j+2)%3)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & cP0( const int j ) const { return cV(j)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & cP1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%3)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & cP2( const int j ) const { return cV((j+2)%3)->P();}
inline typename T::VertexType * & UberV( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<3); return v[j]; }
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & UberV( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<3); return v[j]; }
static bool HasVertexRef() { return true; }
} // end namespace face
template < class, class > class TriMesh;
namespace tri
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType >
bool HasVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , vector_occ< FaceType > > & m)
if(FaceType::HasVFAdjacencyOcc()) return m.face.IsEnabledAttribute<FaceType::VFAdjType >();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasVFAdjacency();
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType >
bool HasFFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , vector_occ< FaceType > > & m)
if(FaceType::HasFFAdjacencyOcc()) return m.face.IsEnabledAttribute<FaceType::FFAdjType >();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasFFAdjacency();
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType >
bool HasPerWedgeTexture (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , vector_occ< FaceType > > & m)
if(FaceType::HasWedgeTextureOcc()) return m.face.IsEnabledAttribute<FaceType::WedgeTextureType >();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasWedgeTexture();
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType >
bool HasPerFaceColor (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , vector_occ< FaceType > > & m)
if(FaceType::HasFaceColorOcc()) return m.face.IsEnabledAttribute<FaceType::ColorType>();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasFaceColor();
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType >
bool HasPerFaceMark (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , vector_occ< FaceType > > & m)
if(FaceType::HasFaceMarkOcc()) return m.face.IsEnabledAttribute<FaceType::MarkType>();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasFaceMark();
}; // end namesace tri
}// end namespace vcg