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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.19 2006/10/15 07:31:21 cignoni
typenames and qualifiers for gcc compliance
Revision 1.18 2006/10/09 20:09:40 cignoni
Changed some access to VertexFaceIterator to reflect the shorter new operators.
Revision 1.17 2005/10/12 10:44:01 cignoni
Now creation of new edge use Ordered() constructor to comply the fact that the basic collapse is simmetric.
Revision 1.16 2005/01/19 10:35:28 cignoni
Better management of symmetric/asymmetric edge collapses
Revision 1.15 2004/12/10 01:03:53 cignoni
better comments and removed logging
Revision 1.14 2004/11/23 10:34:23 cignoni
passed parameters by reference in many funcs and gcc cleaning
Revision 1.13 2004/10/25 16:28:32 ganovelli
pos to edge
Revision 1.12 2004/09/15 11:16:02 ganovelli
changed P() to cP()
Revision 1.11 2004/09/09 13:23:01 ponchio
Header guards typo
Revision 1.10 2004/09/09 13:01:12 ponchio
Linux compatible path in #include
Revision 1.9 2004/09/08 15:13:29 ganovelli
changes for gc
Revision 1.8 2004/09/08 14:33:31 ganovelli
*** empty log message ***
namespace vcg{
namespace tri{
/** \addtogroup trimesh */
/// This Class is specialization of LocalModification for the edge collapse.
/// It wraps the atomic operation EdgeCollapse to be used in a optimizatin routine.
/// Note that it has knowledge of the heap of the class LocalOptimization because
/// it is responsible of updating it after a collapse has been performed;
/// This is the base class of all the specialized collapse classes like for example Quadric Edge Collapse.
/// Each derived class
template<class TriMeshType, class MYTYPE>
class TriEdgeCollapse: public LocalOptimization<TriMeshType>::LocModType , public EdgeCollapse<TriMeshType>
/// static data to gather statistical information about the reasons of collapse failures
class FailStat {
static int &Volume() {static int vol=0; return vol;}
static int &LinkConditionFace(){static int lkf=0; return lkf;}
static int &LinkConditionEdge(){static int lke=0; return lke;}
static int &LinkConditionVert(){static int lkv=0; return lkv;}
static int &OutOfDate() {static int ofd=0; return ofd;}
static int &Border() {static int bor=0; return bor;}
static void Init()
Volume() =0;
OutOfDate() =0;
Border() =0;
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::FaceType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename VertexType::EdgeType EdgeType;
typedef typename FaceType::VertexType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename TriMeshType::VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename LocalOptimization<TriMeshType>::HeapElem HeapElem;
typedef typename LocalOptimization<TriMeshType>::HeapType HeapType;
TriMeshType *mt;
///the pair to collapse
EdgeType pos;
///mark for up_dating
static int& GlobalMark(){ static int im=0; return im;}
///mark for up_dating
int localMark;
/// priority in the heap
ScalarType _priority;
/// Default Constructor
inline TriEdgeCollapse()
///Constructor with postype
inline TriEdgeCollapse(const EdgeType &p, int mark)
localMark = mark;
_priority = ComputePriority();
inline ScalarType ComputePriority()
_priority = Distance(pos.V(0)->cP(),pos.V(1)->cP());
return _priority;
virtual const char *Info(TriMeshType &m) {
mt = &m;
static char buf[60];
sprintf(buf,"%i -> %i %g\n", int(pos.V(0)-&m.vert[0]), int(pos.V(1)-&m.vert[0]),-_priority);
return buf;
inline void Execute(TriMeshType &m)
CoordType MidPoint=(pos.V(0)->P()+pos.V(1)->P())/2.0;
DoCollapse(m, pos, MidPoint);
static bool IsSymmetric() { return true;}
// This function is called after an action to re-add in the heap elements whose priority could have been changed.
// in the plain case we just put again in the heap all the edges around the vertex resulting from the previous collapse: v[1].
// if the collapse is not symmetric you should add also backward edges (because v0->v1 collapse could be different from v1->v0)
inline void UpdateHeap(HeapType & h_ret)
GlobalMark()++; int nn=0;
VertexType *v[2];
v[0]= pos.V(0);v[1]=pos.V(1);
v[1]->IMark() = GlobalMark();
// First loop around the remaining vertex to unmark visited flags
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> vfi(v[1]);
while (!vfi.End()){
// Second Loop: add all the outgoing edges around v[1]
// for each face add the two edges outgoing from v[1] and not visited.
vfi = face::VFIterator<FaceType>(v[1]);
while (!vfi.End())
for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
if( !(vfi.V1()->IsV()) && (vfi.V1()->IsRW()))
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType( vfi.V(),vfi.V1() ),GlobalMark())));
if(! this->IsSymmetric()){
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType( vfi.V1(),vfi.V()),GlobalMark())));
if( !(vfi.V2()->IsV()) && (vfi.V2()->IsRW()))
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType(vfi.F()->V(vfi.I()),vfi.F()->V2(vfi.I())),GlobalMark())));
if(! this->IsSymmetric()){
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType (vfi.F()->V1(vfi.I()),vfi.F()->V(vfi.I())),GlobalMark())));
// if(vfi.V1()->IsRW() && vfi.V2()->IsRW() )
// {
// h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType(vfi.V1(),vfi.V2()),this->GlobalMark())));
// std::push_heap(h_ret.begin(),h_ret.end());
// if(IsSymmetric()){
// h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(EdgeType(vfi.V2(),vfi.V1()), this->GlobalMark())));
// std::push_heap(h_ret.begin(),h_ret.end());
// }
// }
// printf("ADDED %d\n",nn);
ModifierType IsOfType(){ return TriEdgeCollapseOp;}
inline bool IsFeasible(){
return LinkConditions(pos);
inline bool IsUpToDate(){
// if(pos.V(1)->IsD()) {
// ++FailStat::OutOfDate();
// return false;
// if(pos.V(1)->IsD()) {
// ++FailStat::OutOfDate();
// return false;
VertexType *v0=pos.V(0);
VertexType *v1=pos.V(1);
//if(! (( (!v0->IsD()) && (!v1->IsD())) &&
// localMark>=v0->IMark() &&
// localMark>=v1->IMark()))
if( v0->IsD() || v1->IsD() ||
localMark < v0->IMark() ||
localMark < v1->IMark() )
return false;
return true;
virtual ScalarType Priority() const {
return _priority;
static void Init(TriMeshType&m,HeapType&h_ret){
typename TriMeshType::FaceIterator fi;
for(fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end();++fi)
for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
EdgeType p=EdgeType::OrderedEdge((*fi).V(j),(*fi).V((j+1)%3));
h_ret.push_back(HeapElem(new MYTYPE(p, IMark(m))));
//printf("Inserting in heap coll %3i ->%3i %f\n",p.V()-&m.vert[0],p.VFlip()-&m.vert[0],h_ret.back().locModPtr->Priority());
}//end namespace tri
}//end namespace vcg