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* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
#include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
#include <vcg/math/base.h>
#include <vcg/math/matrix.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/topology.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/pos.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/jumping_pos.h>
#include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/update/normal.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/point_sampling.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/append.h>
#include <vcg/complex/intersection.h>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/inertia.h>
#include <vcg/math/matrix33.h>
#include <vcg/Eigen/Core>
#include <vcg/Eigen/QR>
#include <vcg/Eigen/LU>
#include <vcg/Eigen/SVD>
// GG include
#include <vector>
#include <vcg/complex/trimesh/nring.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
/// \ingroup trimesh
/// \headerfile curvature_fitting.h vcg/complex/trimesh/update/curvature_fitting.h
/// \brief Computation of per-vertex directions and values of curvature.
This class is used to compute the per-vertex directions and values of curvature using a quadric fitting method.
template <class MeshType>
class UpdateCurvatureFitting
typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename MeshType::FacePointer FacePointer;
typedef typename MeshType::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename MeshType::VertContainer VertContainer;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexPointer VertexTypeP;
typedef vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> VFIteratorType;
typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename CoordType::ScalarType ScalarType;
class Quadric
Quadric(double av, double bv, double cv, double dv, double ev)
a() = av;
b() = bv;
c() = cv;
d() = dv;
e() = ev;
double& a() { return data[0];}
double& b() { return data[1];}
double& c() { return data[2];}
double& d() { return data[3];}
double& e() { return data[4];}
double data[5];
double evaluate(double u, double v)
return a*u*u + b*u*v + c*v*v + d*u + e*v;
double du(double u, double v)
return 2.0*a()*u + b()*v + d();
double dv(double u, double v)
return 2.0*c()*v + b()*u + e();
double duv(double u, double v)
return b();
double duu(double u, double v)
return 2.0*a();
double dvv(double u, double v)
return 2.0*c();
static Quadric fit(std::vector<CoordType> VV)
assert(VV.size() >= 5);
Eigen::MatrixXf A(VV.size(),5);
Eigen::MatrixXf b(VV.size(),1);
Eigen::MatrixXf sol(VV.size(),1);
for(unsigned int c=0; c < VV.size(); ++c)
double u = VV[c].X();
double v = VV[c].Y();
double n = VV[c].Z();
A(c,0) = u*u;
A(c,1) = u*v;
A(c,2) = v*v;
A(c,3) = u;
A(c,4) = v;
b[c] = n;
sol = ((A.transpose()*A).inverse()*A.transpose())*b;
return Quadric(sol[0],sol[1],sol[2],sol[3],sol[4]);
static CoordType project(VertexType* v, VertexType* vp)
return vp->P() - (v->N() * ((vp->P() - v->P()) * v->N()));
static std::vector<CoordType> computeReferenceFrames(VertexTypeP vi)
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> vfi(vi);
int i = (vfi.I()+1)%3;
VertexTypeP vp = vfi.F()->V(i);
CoordType x = (project(&*vi,vp) - vi->P()).Normalize();
assert(fabs(x * vi->N()) < 0.1);
std::vector<CoordType> res(3);
res[0] = x;
res[1] = (vi->N() ^ res[0]).Normalize();
res[2] = (vi->N())/(vi->N()).Norm();
return res;
static std::set<CoordType> getSecondRing(VertexTypeP v)
std::set<VertexTypeP> ris;
std::set<CoordType> coords;
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> vvi(v);
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> vvi2(vvi.F()->V((vvi.I()+1)%3));
typename std::set<VertexTypeP>::iterator it;
for(it = ris.begin(); it != ris.end(); ++it)
return coords;
static Quadric fitQuadric(VertexTypeP v, std::vector<CoordType>& ref)
std::set<CoordType> ring = getSecondRing(v);
if (ring.size() < 5)
return Quadric(1,1,1,1,1);
std::vector<CoordType> points;
typename std::set<CoordType>::iterator b = ring.begin();
typename std::set<CoordType>::iterator e = ring.end();
while(b != e)
// vtang non e` il v tangente!!!
CoordType vTang = *b - v->P();
double x = vTang * ref[0];
double y = vTang * ref[1];
double z = vTang * ref[2];
return Quadric::fit(points);
static void computeCurvature(MeshType & m)
assert(tri::HasPerVertexVFAdjacency(m) && tri::HasPerFaceVFAdjacency(m) );
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi = m.vert.begin(); vi!=m.vert.end(); ++vi )
std::vector<CoordType> ref = computeReferenceFrames(&*vi);
Quadric q = fitQuadric(&*vi,ref);
double a = q.a();
double b = q.b();
double c = q.c();
double d = q.d();
double e = q.e();
double E = 1.0 + d*d;
double F = d*e;
double G = 1.0 + e*e;
CoordType n = CoordType(-d,-e,1.0).Normalize();
vi->N() = ref[0] * n[0] + ref[1] * n[1] + ref[2] * n[2];
double L = 2.0 * a * n.Z();
double M = b * n.Z();
double N = 2 * c * n.Z();
// ----------------- Eigen stuff
Eigen::Matrix2d m;
m << L*G - M*F, M*E-L*F, M*E-L*F, N*E-M*F;
m = m / (E*G-F*F);
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix2d> eig(m);
Eigen::Vector2d c_val = eig.eigenvalues();
Eigen::Matrix2d c_vec = eig.eigenvectors();
c_val = -c_val;
CoordType v1, v2;
v1[0] = c_vec[0];
v1[1] = c_vec[1];
v1[2] = 0;
v2[0] = c_vec[2];
v2[1] = c_vec[3];
v2[2] = 0;
v1 = v1.Normalize();
v2 = v2.Normalize();
v1 = v1 * c_val[0];
v2 = v2 * c_val[1];
CoordType v1global = ref[0] * v1[0] + ref[1] * v1[1] + ref[2] * v1[2];
CoordType v2global = ref[0] * v2[0] + ref[1] * v2[1] + ref[2] * v2[2];
if (c_val[0] > c_val[1])
(*vi).PD1() = v1global;
(*vi).PD2() = v2global;
(*vi).K1() = c_val[0];
(*vi).K2() = c_val[1];
(*vi).PD1() = v2global;
(*vi).PD2() = v1global;
(*vi).K1() = c_val[1];
(*vi).K2() = c_val[0];
// ---- end Eigen stuff
class QuadricLocal
QuadricLocal ()
a() = b() = c() = d() = e() = 1.0;
QuadricLocal (double av, double bv, double cv, double dv, double ev)
a() = av;
b() = bv;
c() = cv;
d() = dv;
e() = ev;
double& a() { return data[0];}
double& b() { return data[1];}
double& c() { return data[2];}
double& d() { return data[3];}
double& e() { return data[4];}
double data[5];
double evaluate(double u, double v)
return a()*u*u + b()*u*v + c()*v*v + d()*u + e()*v;
double du(double u, double v)
return 2.0*a()*u + b()*v + d();
double dv(double u, double v)
return 2.0*c()*v + b()*u + e();
double duv(double u, double v)
return b();
double duu(double u, double v)
return 2.0*a();
double dvv(double u, double v)
return 2.0*c();
static QuadricLocal fit(std::vector<CoordType> &VV, bool svdRes, bool detCheck)
assert(VV.size() >= 5);
Eigen::MatrixXd A(VV.size(),5);
Eigen::MatrixXd b(VV.size(),1);
Eigen::MatrixXd sol(5,1);
for(unsigned int c=0; c < VV.size(); ++c)
double u = VV[c].X();
double v = VV[c].Y();
double n = VV[c].Z();
A(c,0) = u*u;
A(c,1) = u*v;
A(c,2) = v*v;
A(c,3) = u;
A(c,4) = v;
b[c] = n;
static int count = 0, index = 0;
double min = 0.000000000001; //1.0e-12
if (!count)
printf("GNE %e\n", min);
if (detCheck && ((A.transpose()*A).determinant() < min && (A.transpose()*A).determinant() > -min))
//A.svd().solve(b, &sol); A.svd().solve(b, &sol);
//cout << sol << endl;
printf("Quadric: unsolvable vertex %d %d\n", count, ++index);
//return Quadric (1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
A.svd().solve(b, &sol);
return QuadricLocal(sol[0],sol[1],sol[2],sol[3],sol[4]);
//for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (svdRes)
A.svd().solve(b, &sol);
sol = ((A.transpose()*A).inverse()*A.transpose())*b;
return QuadricLocal(sol[0],sol[1],sol[2],sol[3],sol[4]);
static void expandMaxLocal (MeshType & mesh, VertexType *v, int max, std::vector<VertexType*> *vv)
Nring<MeshType> rw = Nring<MeshType> (v, &mesh);
do rw.expand (); while (rw.allV.size() < max+1);
if (rw.allV[0] != v)
printf ("rw.allV[0] != *v\n");
vv->reserve ((size_t)max);
for (int i = 1; i < max+1; i++)
static void expandSphereLocal (MeshType & mesh, VertexType *v, float r, int min, std::vector<VertexType*> *vv)
Nring<MeshType> rw = Nring<MeshType> (v, &mesh);
bool isInside = true;
while (isInside)
typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator b = rw.lastV.begin();
typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator e = rw.lastV.end();
isInside = false;
while(b != e)
if (((*b)->P() - v->P()).Norm() < r)
isInside = true;
//printf ("%d\n", vv->size());
if (vv->size() < min)
expandMaxLocal (mesh, v, min, vv);
static void getAverageNormal (VertexType *vp, std::vector<VertexType*> &vv, CoordType *ppn)
*ppn = CoordType (0,0,0);
for (typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator vpi = vv.begin(); vpi != vv.end(); ++vpi)
*ppn += (*vpi)->N();
*ppn += (*vp).N();
*ppn /= vv.size() + 1;
static void applyProjOnPlane (CoordType ppn, std::vector<VertexType*> &vin, std::vector<VertexType*> *vout)
for (typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator vpi = vin.begin(); vpi != vin.end(); ++vpi)
if ((*vpi)->N() * ppn > 0.0f)
vout->push_back (*vpi);
static CoordType projectLocal(VertexType* v, VertexType* vp, CoordType ppn)
return vp->P() - (ppn * ((vp->P() - v->P()) * ppn));
static void computeReferenceFramesLocal (VertexType *v, CoordType ppn, std::vector<CoordType> *ref)
vcg::face::VFIterator<FaceType> vfi (v);
int i = (vfi.I() + 1) % 3;
VertexTypeP vp = vfi.F()->V(i);
CoordType x = (projectLocal (v, vp, ppn) - v->P()).Normalize();
assert(fabs(x * ppn) < 0.1);
*ref = std::vector<CoordType>(3);
(*ref)[0] = x;
(*ref)[1] = (ppn ^ (*ref)[0]).Normalize();
(*ref)[2] = ppn.Normalize(); //ppn / ppn.Norm();
static void fitQuadricLocal (VertexType *v, std::vector<CoordType> ref, std::vector<VertexType*> &vv, QuadricLocal *q)
bool svdResolution = false;
bool zeroDeterminantCheck = false;
std::vector<CoordType> points;
points.reserve (vv.size());
typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator b = vv.begin();
typename std::vector<VertexType*>::iterator e = vv.end();
while(b != e)
CoordType cp = (*b)->P();
// vtang non e` il v tangente!!!
CoordType vTang = cp - v->P();
double x = vTang * ref[0];
double y = vTang * ref[1];
double z = vTang * ref[2];
*q = QuadricLocal::fit (points, svdResolution, zeroDeterminantCheck);
static void finalEigenStuff (VertexType *v, std::vector<CoordType> ref, QuadricLocal q)
double a = q.a();
double b = q.b();
double c = q.c();
double d = q.d();
double e = q.e();
double E = 1.0 + d*d;
double F = d*e;
double G = 1.0 + e*e;
CoordType n = CoordType(-d,-e,1.0).Normalize();
v->N() = ref[0] * n[0] + ref[1] * n[1] + ref[2] * n[2];
double L = 2.0 * a * n.Z();
double M = b * n.Z();
double N = 2 * c * n.Z();
// ----------------- Eigen stuff
Eigen::Matrix2d m;
m << L*G - M*F, M*E-L*F, M*E-L*F, N*E-M*F;
m = m / (E*G-F*F);
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix2d> eig(m);
Eigen::Vector2d c_val = eig.eigenvalues();
Eigen::Matrix2d c_vec = eig.eigenvectors();
c_val = -c_val;
CoordType v1, v2;
v1[0] = c_vec[0];
v1[1] = c_vec[1];
v1[2] = d * v1[0] + e * v1[1];
v2[0] = c_vec[2];
v2[1] = c_vec[3];
v2[2] = d * v2[0] + e * v2[1];
v1 = v1.Normalize();
v2 = v2.Normalize();
CoordType v1global = ref[0] * v1[0] + ref[1] * v1[1] + ref[2] * v1[2];
CoordType v2global = ref[0] * v2[0] + ref[1] * v2[1] + ref[2] * v2[2];
v1global *= c_val[0];
v2global *= c_val[1];
if (c_val[0] > c_val[1])
(*v).PD1() = v1global;
(*v).PD2() = v2global;
(*v).K1() = c_val[0];
(*v).K2() = c_val[1];
(*v).PD1() = v2global;
(*v).PD2() = v1global;
(*v).K1() = c_val[1];
(*v).K2() = c_val[0];
// ---- end Eigen stuff
static void updateCurvatureLocal (MeshType & mesh, float radiusSphere)
bool verbose = false;
bool projectionPlaneCheck = true;
int vertexesPerFit = 0;
int i = 0;
VertexIterator vi;
for(vi = mesh.vert.begin(); vi != mesh.vert.end(); ++vi, i++)
std::vector<VertexType*> vv;
std::vector<VertexType*> vvtmp;
int count;
if (verbose && !((count = (vi - mesh.vert.begin())) % 1000))
printf ("vertex %d of %d\n",count,mesh.vert.size());
// if (kRing != 0)
// expandRing (&*vi, kRing, 5, &vv);
// else
expandSphereLocal (mesh, &*vi, radiusSphere, 5, &vv);
assert (vv.size() >= 5);
CoordType ppn;
// if (averageNormalMode)
// //ppn = (*vi).N();
getAverageNormal (&*vi, vv, &ppn);
// else
// getProjPlaneNormal (&*vi, vv, &ppn);
if (projectionPlaneCheck)
vvtmp.reserve (vv.size ());
applyProjOnPlane (ppn, vv, &vvtmp);
if (vvtmp.size() >= 5)
vv = vvtmp;
// if (montecarloMaxVertexNum)
// {
// //printf ("P: %d\n", vv.size());
// vvtmp.reserve (vv.size ());
// //printf ("TP: %d\n", vvtmp.size());
// applyMontecarlo (montecarloMaxVertexNum, vv, &vvtmp);
// //printf ("TD: %d\n", vvtmp.size());
// vv = vvtmp;
// //printf ("D: %d\n", vv.size());
// //printf ("\n");
// }
assert (vv.size() >= 5);
std::vector<CoordType> ref;
computeReferenceFramesLocal (&*vi, ppn, &ref);
printf ("%lf %lf %lf - %lf %lf %lf - %lf %lf %lf\n",
ref[0][0], ref[0][1], ref[0][2],
ref[1][0], ref[1][1], ref[1][2],
ref[2][0], ref[2][1], ref[2][2]);
vertexesPerFit += vv.size();
//printf ("size: %d\n", vv.size());
QuadricLocal q;
fitQuadricLocal (&*vi, ref, vv, &q);
finalEigenStuff (&*vi, ref, q);
//if (verbose)
//printf ("average vertex num in each fit: %f, total %d, vn %d\n", ((float) vertexesPerFit) /, vertexesPerFit,;
if (verbose)
printf ("average vertex num in each fit: %f\n", ((float) vertexesPerFit) /;