--- - name: Keycloak install ansible.builtin.import_tasks: keycloak-install.yml - name: TLS certificates ansible.builtin.import_tasks: keycloak-certificates.yml - name: Keycloak providers ansible.builtin.import_tasks: keycloak-providers.yml - name: Keycloak configuration ansible.builtin.import_tasks: keycloak-configuration.yml - name: Manage the keycloak service tags: - keycloak - keycloak_service - keycloak_conf - keycloak_providers - keycloak_providers_jar block: - name: Install the keycloak systemd unit ansible.builtin.template: src: keycloak.service.j2 dest: '/etc/systemd/system/{{ keycloak_service_name }}.service' owner: root group: root mode: "0644" notify: - Restart Keycloak - Reload the systemd service - name: Reload the systemd service ansible.builtin.meta: flush_handlers - name: Ensure that the Keycload service is running and enabled ansible.builtin.service: name: '{{ keycloak_service_name }}' state: started enabled: true - name: Wait for the service to be up before proceeding ansible.builtin.wait_for: port: "{% if keycloak_https_enabled %}{{ keycloak_https_port }}{% else %}{{ keycloak_http_port }}{% endif %}" delay: 10 timeout: 90