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import quapy as qp
2023-02-14 19:15:59 +01:00
from quapy.data import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.base import BinaryQuantifier, BaseQuantifier
2023-02-14 19:15:59 +01:00
from quapy.model_selection import GridSearchQ
2023-11-15 10:55:13 +01:00
from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeSoftQuantifier
from quapy.protocol import APP
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from time import time
# Define a custom quantifier: for this example, we will consider a new quantification algorithm that uses a
# logistic regressor for generating posterior probabilities, and then applies a custom threshold value to the
# posteriors. Since the quantifier internally uses a classifier, it is an aggregative quantifier; and since it
# relies on posterior probabilities, it is a probabilistic-aggregative quantifier (aka AggregativeSoftQuantifier).
# Note also it has an internal hyperparameter (let say, alpha) which is the decision threshold.
# Let's also assume the quantifier is binary, for simplicity. Any quantifier (i.e., any subclass of BaseQuantifier)
# is required to implement the "fit" and "quantify" methods. Aggregative quantifiers are special subtypes of base
# quantifiers, i.e., are quantifiers that undertake a classification-phase followed by an aggregation-phase. QuaPy
# already implements most common functionality, and requires the developer to simply implement the "aggregation_fit"
# and the "aggregation" methods.
# We are providing two implementations of the same method to illustrate this characteristic of QuaPy. Let us begin
# with the general case, in which we implement a (base) quantifier
class MyQuantifier(BaseQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier, alpha=0.5):
self.alpha = alpha
self.classifier = classifier
# in general, we would need to implement the method fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True,
# val_split=None); this would amount to:
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection):
assert data.n_classes==2, \
'this quantifier is only valid for binary problems [abort]'
return self
# in general, we would need to implement the method quantify(self, instances); this would amount to:
def quantify(self, instances):
assert hasattr(self.classifier, 'predict_proba'), \
'the underlying classifier is not probabilistic! [abort]'
posterior_probabilities = self.classifier.predict_proba(instances)
positive_probabilities = posterior_probabilities[:, 1]
crisp_decisions = positive_probabilities > self.alpha
pos_prev = crisp_decisions.mean()
neg_prev = 1 - pos_prev
return np.asarray([neg_prev, pos_prev])
# Note that the above implementation contains a lot of boilerplate code. Many parts can be omitted since QuaPy
# provides implementations for them. Some of these routines (like, for example, training a classifier and generating
# posterior probabilities) are often carried out in a k-fold cross-validation manner. These, along with many other
# common routines are already provided by highly-optimized routines in QuaPy. Let's see a much better implementation
# of the method, now adhering to the AggregativeSoftQuantifier:
class MyAggregativeSoftQuantifier(AggregativeSoftQuantifier, BinaryQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier, alpha=0.5):
# aggregative quantifiers have an internal attribute called self.classifier
self.classifier = classifier
self.alpha = alpha
# since this method is of type aggregative, we can simply implement the method aggregation_fit, which
# assumes the classifier has already been fitted properly and the predictions for the training set required
# to train the aggregation function have been properly generated (i.e., on a validation split, or using a
# k-fold cross validation strategy). What remains ahead is to learn an aggregation function. In our case
# this amounts to doing... nothing, since our method was pretty basic. BinaryQuantifier also add some
# basic functionality for checking binary consistency.
def aggregation_fit(self, classif_predictions: LabelledCollection, data: LabelledCollection):
# since this method is of type aggregative, we can simply implement the method aggregate (i.e., we should
# only describe what to do with the classifier predictions --which in this case are posterior probabilities
# because we are inheriting from the "Soft" subtype). This comes down to:
def aggregate(self, classif_predictions: np.ndarray):
# the posterior probabilities have already been generated by the quantify method; we only need to
# specify what to do with them
positive_probabilities = classif_predictions[:, 1]
crisp_decisions = positive_probabilities > self.alpha
pos_prev = crisp_decisions.mean()
neg_prev = 1-pos_prev
return np.asarray([neg_prev, pos_prev])
# a small example using these two implementations of our method
if __name__ == '__main__':
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 250
# load the IMDb dataset
train, test = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews('imdb', tfidf=True, min_df=5).train_test
train, val = train.split_stratified(train_prop=0.75) # let's create a validation set for optimizing hyperparams
def test_implementation(quantifier):
class_name = quantifier.__class__.__name__
print(f'\ntesting implementation {class_name}...')
# model selection
# let us assume we want to explore our hyperparameter alpha along with one hyperparameter of the classifier
tinit = time()
param_grid = {
'alpha': np.linspace(0, 1, 11), # quantifier-dependent hyperparameter
'classifier__C': np.logspace(-2, 2, 5) # classifier-dependent hyperparameter
gridsearch = GridSearchQ(quantifier, param_grid, protocol=APP(val), n_jobs=-1, verbose=False).fit(train)
t_modsel = time() - tinit
print(f'\tmodel selection took {t_modsel:.2f}s', flush=True)
# evaluation
optimized_model = gridsearch.best_model_
mae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(
protocol=APP(test, repeats=5000, sanity_check=None), # disable the check, we want to generate many tests!
t_eval = time() - t_modsel - tinit
print(f'\tevaluation took {t_eval:.2f}s [MAE = {mae:.4f}]')
# define an instance of our custom quantifier and test it!
quantifier = MyQuantifier(LogisticRegression(), alpha=0.5)
# define an instance of our custom quantifier, with the second implementation, and test it!
quantifier = MyAggregativeSoftQuantifier(LogisticRegression(), alpha=0.5)
# the output should look like this:
testing implementation MyQuantifier...
model selection took 12.86s
predicting: 100%|| 105000/105000 [00:22<00:00, 4626.30it/s]
evaluation took 22.75s [MAE = 0.0630]
testing implementation MyAggregativeSoftQuantifier...
model selection took 3.10s
speeding up the prediction for the aggregative quantifier, total classifications 25000 instead of 26250000
predicting: 100%|| 105000/105000 [00:04<00:00, 22779.62it/s]
evaluation took 4.66s [MAE = 0.0630]
# Note that the first implementation is much slower, both in terms of grid-search optimization and in terms of
# evaluation. The reason why is that QuaPy is highly optimized for aggregative quantifiers (by far, the most
# popular type of quantification methods), thus significantly speeding up model selection and test routines.
# Furthermore, it is simpler to extend an aggregation type since QuaPy implements boilerplate functions for you.
# Final remarks: this method is only for demonstration purposes and makes little sense in general. The method relies
# on an hyperparameter alpha for binarizing the posterior probabilities. A much better way for fulfilling this
# goal would be to calibrate the classifier (LogisticRegression is already reasonably well calibrated) and then
# simply cut at 0.5.