tables and plots updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ def plot_error_by_drift(methods, error_name, logscale=False, path=None):
method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, tr_prevs = gather_results(methods, error_name)
method_order = ['SVM(AE)' if error_name=='ae' else 'SVM(RAE)',
'PCC', 'SVM(KLD)', 'SVM(Q)', 'SVM(NKLD)', 'CC', 'HDy',
'E(PACC)$_\\mathrm{AE}$' if error_name=='ae' else 'E(PACC)$_\\mathrm{RAE}$',
'QuaNet', 'PACC', 'ACC', 'SLD']
'PCC', 'SVM(KLD)', 'SVM(Q)', 'SVM(NKLD)', 'CC', 'HDy',
'E(PACC)$_\\mathrm{AE}$' if error_name=='ae' else 'E(PACC)$_\\mathrm{RAE}$',
'QuaNet', 'PACC', 'ACC', 'SLD']
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ gao_seb_methods = ['cc', 'acc', 'pcc', 'pacc', 'sld', 'svmq', 'svmkld', 'svmnkld
new_methods_ae = ['svmmae' , 'epaccmaeptr', 'epaccmaemae', 'hdy', 'quanet']
new_methods_rae = ['svmmrae' , 'epaccmraeptr', 'epaccmraemrae', 'hdy', 'quanet']
# plot_error_by_drift(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_ae, error_name='ae', path=plotdir)
# plot_error_by_drift(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_rae, error_name='rae', logscale=True, path=plotdir)
plot_error_by_drift(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_ae, error_name='ae', path=plotdir)
plot_error_by_drift(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_rae, error_name='rae', logscale=True, path=plotdir)
diagonal_plot(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_ae, error_name='ae', path=plotdir)
diagonal_plot(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_rae, error_name='rae', path=plotdir)
# diagonal_plot(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_ae, error_name='ae', path=plotdir)
# diagonal_plot(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_rae, error_name='rae', path=plotdir)
# binary_bias_global(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_ae, error_name='ae', path=plotdir)
# binary_bias_global(gao_seb_methods+new_methods_rae, error_name='rae', path=plotdir)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from experiments import result_path
from tabular import Table
tables_path = './tables'
results_path = './results'
MAXTONE = 50 # sets the intensity of the maximum color reached by the worst (red) and best (green) results
makedirs(tables_path, exist_ok=True)
@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ def save_table(path, table):
def experiment_errors(path, dataset, method, loss):
path = result_path(path, dataset, method, 'm'+loss if not loss.startswith('m') else loss)
def experiment_errors(path, dataset, method, optloss, loss):
path = result_path(path, dataset, method, 'm'+optloss if not loss.startswith('m') else optloss)
if os.path.exists(path):
true_prevs, estim_prevs, _, _, _, _ = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
err_fn = getattr(qp.error, loss)
@ -35,13 +36,10 @@ def experiment_errors(path, dataset, method, loss):
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate tables for Tweeter Sentiment Quantification')
parser.add_argument('results', metavar='RESULT_PATH', type=str,
help='path to the directory where to store the results')
args = parser.parse_args()
evaluation_measures = [, qp.error.rae]
secundary_eval_measures = [qp.error.kld.__name__, qp.error.nkld.__name__,]
gao_seb_methods = ['cc', 'acc', 'pcc', 'pacc', 'sld', 'svmq', 'svmkld', 'svmnkld']
new_methods = ['hdy', 'quanet']
@ -52,94 +50,93 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Tables evaluation scores for AE and RAE (two tables)
# ----------------------------------------------------
eval_name = eval_func.__name__
added_methods = ['svmm' + eval_name, f'epaccm{eval_name}ptr', f'epaccm{eval_name}m{eval_name}'] + new_methods
main_eval_name = eval_func.__name__
added_methods = ['svmm' + main_eval_name, f'epaccm{main_eval_name}ptr', f'epaccm{main_eval_name}m{main_eval_name}'] + new_methods
methods = gao_seb_methods + added_methods
nold_methods = len(gao_seb_methods)
nnew_methods = len(added_methods)
# fill data table
table = Table(benchmarks=datasets, methods=methods)
for dataset in datasets:
for eval_name in [main_eval_name] + secundary_eval_measures:
# fill data table
table = Table(benchmarks=datasets, methods=methods)
for dataset in datasets:
for method in methods:
table.add(dataset, method, experiment_errors(results_path, dataset, method, main_eval_name, eval_name))
# write the latex table
tabular = """
\\begin{tabular}{|c||""" + ('c|' * nold_methods) + '|' + ('c|' * nnew_methods) + """} \hline
& \multicolumn{""" + str(nold_methods) + """}{c||}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} &
\multicolumn{""" + str(nnew_methods) + """}{c|}{Newly added methods} \\\\ \hline
rowreplace={dataset: nicename(dataset) for dataset in datasets}
colreplace={method: nicename(method, main_eval_name, side=True) for method in methods}
tabular += table.latexTabular(benchmark_replace=rowreplace, method_replace=colreplace)
tabular += """
save_table(f'./tables/tab_results_{main_eval_name}_{eval_name}.tex', tabular)
# Tables ranks for AE and RAE (two tables)
# ----------------------------------------------------
methods = gao_seb_methods
# fill the data table
ranktable = Table(benchmarks=datasets, methods=methods, missing='--')
for dataset in datasets:
for method in methods:
ranktable.add(dataset, method, values=table.get(dataset, method, 'rank'))
# write the latex table
tabular = """
\\begin{tabular}{|c||""" + ('c|' * len(gao_seb_methods)) + """} \hline
& \multicolumn{""" + str(nold_methods) + """}{c|}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} \\\\ \hline
for method in methods:
table.add(dataset, method, experiment_errors(args.results, dataset, method, eval_name))
tabular += ' & ' + nicename(method, eval_name, side=True)
tabular += "\\\\\hline\n"
# write the latex table
# tabular = """
# \\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{|c||""" + ('Y|'*nold_methods)+ '|' + ('Y|'*nnew_methods) + """} \hline
# & \multicolumn{"""+str(nold_methods)+"""}{c||}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} &
# \multicolumn{"""+str(nnew_methods)+"""}{c|}{} \\\\ \hline
# """
tabular = """
\\begin{tabular}{|c||""" + ('c|' * nold_methods) + '|' + ('c|' * nnew_methods) + """} \hline
& \multicolumn{""" + str(nold_methods) + """}{c||}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} &
\multicolumn{""" + str(nnew_methods) + """}{c|}{Newly added methods} \\\\ \hline
rowreplace={dataset: nicename(dataset) for dataset in datasets}
colreplace={method: nicename(method, eval_name, side=True) for method in methods}
for dataset in datasets:
tabular += nicename(dataset) + ' '
for method in methods:
newrank = ranktable.get(dataset, method)
oldrank = gao_seb_ranks[f'{dataset}-{method}-{eval_name}']
if newrank != '--':
newrank = f'{int(newrank)}'
color = ranktable.get_color(dataset, method)
if color == '--':
color = ''
tabular += ' & ' + f'{newrank}' + f' ({oldrank}) ' + color
tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
tabular += '\hline\n'
tabular += table.latexTabular(benchmark_replace=rowreplace, method_replace=colreplace)
tabular += """
save_table(f'./tables/tab_results_{eval_name}.new.tex', tabular)
# Tables ranks for AE and RAE (two tables)
# ----------------------------------------------------
methods = gao_seb_methods
# fill the data table
ranktable = Table(benchmarks=datasets, methods=methods, missing='--')
for dataset in datasets:
tabular += 'Average '
for method in methods:
ranktable.add(dataset, method, values=table.get(dataset, method, 'rank'))
# write the latex table
tabular = """
\\begin{tabular}{|c||""" + ('c|' * len(gao_seb_methods)) + """} \hline
& \multicolumn{""" + str(nold_methods) + """}{c|}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} \\\\ \hline
for method in methods:
tabular += ' & ' + nicename(method, eval_name, side=True)
tabular += "\\\\\hline\n"
for dataset in datasets:
tabular += nicename(dataset) + ' '
for method in methods:
newrank = ranktable.get(dataset, method)
oldrank = gao_seb_ranks[f'{dataset}-{method}-{eval_name}']
newrank = ranktable.get_average(method)
oldrank = gao_seb_ranks[f'Average-{method}-{eval_name}']
if newrank != '--':
newrank = f'{int(newrank)}'
color = ranktable.get_color(dataset, method)
newrank = f'{newrank:.1f}'
oldrank = f'{oldrank:.1f}'
color = ranktable.get_average(method, 'color')
if color == '--':
color = ''
tabular += ' & ' + f'{newrank}' + f' ({oldrank}) ' + color
tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
tabular += '\hline\n'
tabular += """
tabular += 'Average '
for method in methods:
newrank = ranktable.get_average(method)
oldrank = gao_seb_ranks[f'Average-{method}-{eval_name}']
if newrank != '--':
newrank = f'{newrank:.1f}'
oldrank = f'{oldrank:.1f}'
color = ranktable.get_average(method, 'color')
if color == '--':
color = ''
tabular += ' & ' + f'{newrank}' + f' ({oldrank}) ' + color
tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
tabular += """
save_table(f'./tables/tab_rank_{eval_name}.new.tex', tabular)
save_table(f'./tables/tab_rank_{main_eval_name}.{eval_name}.tex', tabular)
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class Table:
return t
def dropMethods(self, methods):
drop_index = [self.method_index[m] for m in methods]
drop_index = [self.method_index[m] for m in methods if m in self.method_index]
new_methods = np.delete(self.methods, drop_index)
new_index = {col:j for j, col in enumerate(new_methods)}
@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ nice = {
'svmkld': 'SVM(KLD)',
'svmnkld': 'SVM(NKLD)',
'svmq': 'SVM(Q)',
@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ def _merge(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs):
return method_order, true_prevs_, estim_prevs_
def _set_colors(ax, n_methods):
NUM_COLORS = n_methods
cm = plt.get_cmap('tab20')
ax.set_prop_cycle(color=[cm(1. * i / NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)])
def error_by_drift(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, tr_prevs, n_bins=20, error_name='ae', show_std=True,
title=f'Quantification error as a function of distribution shift',
@ -184,8 +190,10 @@ def error_by_drift(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, tr_prevs, n_bins=20, e
# join all data, and keep the order in which the methods appeared for the first time
data = defaultdict(lambda:{'x':np.empty(shape=(0)), 'y':np.empty(shape=(0))})
if method_order is None:
method_order = []
for method, test_prevs_i, estim_prevs_i, tr_prev_i in zip(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, tr_prevs):
tr_prev_i = np.repeat(tr_prev_i.reshape(1,-1), repeats=test_prevs_i.shape[0], axis=0)
@ -198,54 +206,57 @@ def error_by_drift(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, tr_prevs, n_bins=20, e
if method not in method_order:
_set_colors(ax, n_methods=len(method_order))
bins = np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins+1)
binwidth = 1 / n_bins
min_x, max_x = None, None
min_y, max_y = None, None
cm = plt.get_cmap('tab20')
NUM_COLORS = len(method_order)
ax.set_prop_cycle(color=[cm(1. * i / NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)])
for i,method in enumerate(method_order):
min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = None, None, None, None
npoints = np.zeros(len(bins), dtype=float)
for method in method_order:
tr_test_drifts = data[method]['x']
method_drifts = data[method]['y']
if logscale:
inds = np.digitize(tr_test_drifts, bins, right=True)
xs, ys, ystds = [], [], []
for ind in range(len(bins)):
for p,ind in enumerate(range(len(bins))):
selected = inds==ind
if selected.sum() > 0:
npoints[p] += len(method_drifts[selected])
xs = np.asarray(xs)
ys = np.asarray(ys)
ystds = np.asarray(ystds)
min_x_method, max_x_method = xs.min(), xs.max()
min_y_method, max_y_method = ys.min(), ys.max()
min_x_method, max_x_method, min_y_method, max_y_method = xs.min(), xs.max(), ys.min(), ys.max()
min_x = min_x_method if min_x is None or min_x_method < min_x else min_x
max_x = max_x_method if max_x is None or max_x_method > max_x else max_x
max_y = max_y_method if max_y is None or max_y_method > max_y else max_y
min_y = min_y_method if min_y is None or min_y_method < min_y else min_y
max_y = max_y_method if max_y is None or max_y_method > max_y else max_y
marker = 'o' #if i < 10 else '^'
ax.errorbar(xs, ys, fmt='-', marker=marker, label=method, markersize=6, zorder=2, linewidth=2.5)
ax.errorbar(xs, ys, fmt='-', marker='o', color='w', markersize=8, linewidth=4, zorder=1)
ax.errorbar(xs, ys, fmt='-', marker='o', label=method, markersize=6, linewidth=2, zorder=2)
if show_std:
ax.fill_between(xs, ys-ystds, ys+ystds, alpha=0.25)
||||[ind * binwidth-binwidth/2 for ind in range(len(bins))], max_y*npoints/np.max(npoints), alpha=0.15, color='g', width=binwidth, label='density')
ax.set(xlabel=f'Distribution shift between training set and test sample',
ylabel=f'{error_name.upper()} (true distribution, predicted distribution)',
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
ax.axvline(0.02, 0, 1, linestyle='--', color='k')
ax.axvline(0.1055, 0, 1, linestyle='--', color='k')
ax.set_xlim(0, max_x)
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
ax.set_xlim(min_x, max_x)
ax.fill_between([0.02, 0.1055], min_y, max_y,
facecolor='green', alpha=0.25)
Reference in New Issue