cleaning stuff from LeQua2022 branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2. tablas?
3. fetch dataset (download, unzip, etc.)
5. plots
11. Quitar las categorias como columnas de los ficheros de prevalences
12. sample_size cannot be set to a non-integer in GridSearchQ whith protocol="gen" (it could, but is not indicated in doc)
13. repair doc of GridSearchQ
14. reparar la calibracion en LR (lo tuve que quitar para que funcionara GridSearchQ, y lo quité en todos los ficheros)
15. podria poner que el eval_budget se usase en GridSearchQ con generator function para el progress bar de tqdm
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import pickle
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LR
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from LeQua2022.pretrained_embeddings import TfidfWordEmbeddingTransformer, WordEmbeddingAverageTransformer
from LeQua2022.word_class_embeddings import WordClassEmbeddingsTransformer, ConcatenateEmbeddingsTransformer
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
import quapy.functional as F
from data import *
import os
import constants
# LeQua official baselines for task T1A (Binary/Vector) and T1B (Multiclass/Vector)
# =========================================================
def baselines():
yield CC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "CC"
# yield ACC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "ACC"
# yield PCC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "PCC"
# yield PACC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "PACC"
# yield EMQ(CalibratedClassifierCV(LR(), n_jobs=-1)), "SLD"
# yield HDy(LR(n_jobs=-1)) if args.task == 'T2A' else OneVsAll(HDy(LR()), n_jobs=-1), "HDy"
# yield MLPE(), "MLPE"
def main(args):
models_path = qp.util.create_if_not_exist(os.path.join(args.modeldir, args.task))
path_dev_vectors = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'dev_samples')
path_dev_prevs = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'dev_prevalences.txt')
path_train = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'training_data.txt')
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = constants.SAMPLE_SIZE[args.task]
train = LabelledCollection.load(path_train, load_raw_documents)
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5, sublinear_tf=True, ngram_range=(1,2))
train.instances = tfidf.fit_transform(*train.Xy)
print(f'number of classes: {len(train.classes_)}')
print(f'number of training documents: {len(train)}')
print(f'training prevalence: {F.strprev(train.prevalence())}')
print(f'training matrix shape: {train.instances.shape}')
# param_grid = {
# 'C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7),
# 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]
# }
param_grid = {
'C': [1],
'class_weight': ['balanced']
def gen_samples():
return gen_load_samples(path_dev_vectors, ground_truth_path=path_dev_prevs,
load_fn=load_raw_unlabelled_documents, vectorizer=tfidf)
outs = []
for quantifier, q_name in baselines():
print(f'{q_name}: Model selection')
quantifier = qp.model_selection.GridSearchQ(
).fit(train, gen_samples)
print(f'{q_name} got MAE={quantifier.best_score_:.5f} (hyper-params: {quantifier.best_params_})')
outs.append(f'{q_name} got MAE={quantifier.best_score_:.5f} (hyper-params: {quantifier.best_params_})')
model_path = os.path.join(models_path, q_name+'.'+args.task+'.pkl')
print(f'saving model in {model_path}')
pickle.dump(quantifier.best_model(), open(model_path, 'wb'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
with open(f'{args.mode}.{args.task}.txt', 'wt') as foo:
for line in outs:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeQua2022 Task T2A/T2B baselines')
parser.add_argument('task', metavar='TASK', type=str, choices=['T2A', 'T2B'],
help='Task name (T2A, T2B)')
parser.add_argument('datadir', metavar='DATA-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of the directory containing "dev_prevalences.txt", "training_data.txt", and '
'the directory "dev_documents"')
parser.add_argument('modeldir', metavar='MODEL-PATH', type=str,
help='Path where to save the models. '
'A subdirectory named <task> will be automatically created.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.datadir):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not exist')
if not os.path.isdir(args.datadir):
raise ValueError(f'path {args.datadir} is not a valid directory')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "dev_prevalences.txt")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "dev_prevalences.txt" file')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "training_data.txt")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "training_data.txt" file')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "dev_samples")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "dev_samples" folder')
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import pickle
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LR
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
import quapy.functional as F
from data import *
import os
import constants
# LeQua official baselines for task T1A (Binary/Vector) and T1B (Multiclass/Vector)
# =========================================================
def baselines():
yield CC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "CC"
# yield ACC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "ACC"
# yield PCC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "PCC"
yield PACC(LR(n_jobs=-1)), "PACC"
yield EMQ(CalibratedClassifierCV(LR(), n_jobs=-1)), "SLD"
# yield HDy(LR(n_jobs=-1)) if args.task == 'T1A' else OneVsAll(HDy(LR()), n_jobs=-1), "HDy"
# yield MLPE(), "MLPE"
def main(args):
models_path = qp.util.create_if_not_exist(os.path.join(args.modeldir, args.task))
path_dev_vectors = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'dev_samples')
path_dev_prevs = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'dev_prevalences.txt')
path_train = os.path.join(args.datadir, 'training_data.txt')
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = constants.SAMPLE_SIZE[args.task]
if args.task in {'T1A', 'T1B'}:
train = LabelledCollection.load(path_train, load_vector_documents)
def gen_samples():
return gen_load_samples(path_dev_vectors, ground_truth_path=path_dev_prevs, load_fn=load_vector_documents)
train = LabelledCollection.load(path_train, load_raw_documents)
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5, sublinear_tf=True, ngram_range=(1, 2))
train.instances = tfidf.fit_transform(*train.Xy)
def gen_samples():
return gen_load_samples(path_dev_vectors, ground_truth_path=path_dev_prevs,
load_fn=load_raw_documents, vectorizer=tfidf)
print(f'number of classes: {len(train.classes_)}')
print(f'number of training documents: {len(train)}')
print(f'training prevalence: {F.strprev(train.prevalence())}')
print(f'training matrix shape: {train.instances.shape}')
param_grid = {
'C': np.logspace(-3, 3, 7),
'class_weight': ['balanced', None]
param_grid = {
'C': [0.01],
'class_weight': ['balanced']
for quantifier, q_name in baselines():
print(f'{q_name}: Model selection')
quantifier = qp.model_selection.GridSearchQ(
).fit(train, gen_samples)
print(f'{q_name} got MRAE={quantifier.best_score_:.5f} (hyper-params: {quantifier.best_params_})')
model_path = os.path.join(models_path, q_name+'.pkl')
print(f'saving model in {model_path}')
pickle.dump(quantifier.best_model(), open(model_path, 'wb'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeQua2022 baselines')
parser.add_argument('task', metavar='TASK', type=str, choices=['T1A', 'T1B', 'T2A', 'T2B'],
help='Task name (T1A, T1B, T2A, T2B)')
parser.add_argument('datadir', metavar='DATA-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of the directory containing "dev_prevalences.txt", "training_data.txt", and '
'the directory "dev_samples"')
parser.add_argument('modeldir', metavar='MODEL-PATH', type=str,
help='Path where to save the models. '
'A subdirectory named <task> will be automatically created.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.datadir):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not exist')
if not os.path.isdir(args.datadir):
raise ValueError(f'path {args.datadir} is not a valid directory')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "dev_prevalences.txt")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "dev_prevalences.txt" file')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "training_data.txt")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "training_data.txt" file')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.datadir, "dev_samples")):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.datadir} does not contain "dev_samples" folder')
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
import os.path
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
import quapy as qp
import numpy as np
import sklearn
import re
from glob import glob
import constants
def load_category_map(path):
cat2code = {}
with open(path, 'rt') as fin:
for line in fin:
category, code = line.split()
cat2code[category] = int(code)
code2cat = [cat for cat, code in sorted(cat2code.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
return cat2code, code2cat
def load_raw_documents(path, vectorizer=None):
df = pd.read_csv(path)
documents = list(df["text"].values)
if vectorizer:
documents = vectorizer.transform(documents)
labels = None
if "label" in df.columns:
labels = df["label"].values.astype(
return documents, labels
def load_vector_documents(path):
D = pd.read_csv(path).to_numpy(dtype=np.float)
labelled = D.shape[1] == 301
if labelled:
X, y = D[:,1:], D[:,0].astype(
X, y = D, None
return X, y
def __gen_load_samples_with_groudtruth(path_dir:str, return_id:bool, ground_truth_path:str, load_fn, **load_kwargs):
true_prevs = ResultSubmission.load(ground_truth_path)
for id, prevalence in true_prevs.iterrows():
sample, _ = load_fn(os.path.join(path_dir, f'{id}.txt'), **load_kwargs)
yield (id, sample, prevalence) if return_id else (sample, prevalence)
def __gen_load_samples_without_groudtruth(path_dir:str, return_id:bool, load_fn, **load_kwargs):
nsamples = len(glob(os.path.join(path_dir, f'*.txt')))
for id in range(nsamples):
sample, _ = load_fn(os.path.join(path_dir, f'{id}.txt'), **load_kwargs)
yield (id, sample) if return_id else sample
def gen_load_samples(path_dir:str, ground_truth_path:str = None, return_id=False, load_fn=load_vector_documents, **load_kwargs):
if ground_truth_path is None:
# the generator function returns tuples (docid:str, sample:csr_matrix or str)
gen_fn = __gen_load_samples_without_groudtruth(path_dir, return_id, load_fn, **load_kwargs)
# the generator function returns tuples (docid:str, sample:csr_matrix or str, prevalence:ndarray)
gen_fn = __gen_load_samples_with_groudtruth(path_dir, return_id, ground_truth_path, load_fn, **load_kwargs)
for r in gen_fn:
yield r
class ResultSubmission:
def __init__(self):
self.df = None
def __init_df(self, categories:int):
if not isinstance(categories, int) or categories < 2:
raise TypeError('wrong format for categories: an int (>=2) was expected')
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(range(categories)))
df.index.set_names('id', inplace=True)
self.df = df
def n_categories(self):
return len(self.df.columns.values)
def add(self, sample_id:int, prevalence_values:np.ndarray):
if not isinstance(sample_id, int):
raise TypeError(f'error: expected int for sample_sample, found {type(sample_id)}')
if not isinstance(prevalence_values, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(f'error: expected np.ndarray for prevalence_values, found {type(prevalence_values)}')
if self.df is None:
if sample_id in self.df.index.values:
raise ValueError(f'error: prevalence values for "{sample_id}" already added')
if prevalence_values.ndim!=1 and prevalence_values.size != self.n_categories:
raise ValueError(f'error: wrong shape found for prevalence vector {prevalence_values}')
if (prevalence_values<0).any() or (prevalence_values>1).any():
raise ValueError(f'error: prevalence values out of range [0,1] for "{sample_id}"')
if np.abs(prevalence_values.sum()-1) > constants.ERROR_TOL:
raise ValueError(f'error: prevalence values do not sum up to one for "{sample_id}"'
f'(error tolerance {constants.ERROR_TOL})')
self.df.loc[sample_id] = prevalence_values
def __len__(self):
return len(self.df)
def load(cls, path: str) -> 'ResultSubmission':
df = ResultSubmission.check_file_format(path)
r = ResultSubmission()
r.df = df
return r
def dump(self, path:str):
def prevalence(self, sample_id:int):
sel = self.df.loc[sample_id]
if sel.empty:
return None
return sel.values.flatten()
def iterrows(self):
for index, row in self.df.iterrows():
prevalence = row.values.flatten()
yield index, prevalence
def check_file_format(cls, path) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, str]]:
df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)
except Exception as e:
print(f'the file {path} does not seem to be a valid csv file. ')
return ResultSubmission.check_dataframe_format(df, path=path)
def check_dataframe_format(cls, df, path=None) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, str]]:
hint_path = '' # if given, show the data path in the error message
if path is not None:
hint_path = f' in {path}'
if != 'id' or len(df.columns) < 2:
raise ValueError(f'wrong header{hint_path}, '
f'the format of the header should be "id,0,...,n-1", '
f'where n is the number of categories')
if [int(ci) for ci in df.columns.values] != list(range(len(df.columns))):
raise ValueError(f'wrong header{hint_path}, category ids should be 0,1,2,...,n-1, '
f'where n is the number of categories')
if df.empty:
raise ValueError(f'error{hint_path}: results file is empty')
elif len(df) != constants.DEV_SAMPLES and len(df) != constants.TEST_SAMPLES:
raise ValueError(f'wrong number of prevalence values found{hint_path}; '
f'expected {constants.DEV_SAMPLES} for development sets and '
f'{constants.TEST_SAMPLES} for test sets; found {len(df)}')
ids = set(df.index.values)
expected_ids = set(range(len(df)))
if ids != expected_ids:
missing = expected_ids - ids
if missing:
raise ValueError(f'there are {len(missing)} missing ids{hint_path}: {sorted(missing)}')
unexpected = ids - expected_ids
if unexpected:
raise ValueError(f'there are {len(missing)} unexpected ids{hint_path}: {sorted(unexpected)}')
for category_id in df.columns:
if (df[category_id] < 0).any() or (df[category_id] > 1).any():
raise ValueError(f'error{hint_path} column "{category_id}" contains values out of range [0,1]')
prevs = df.values
round_errors = np.abs(prevs.sum(axis=-1) - 1.) > constants.ERROR_TOL
if round_errors.any():
raise ValueError(f'warning: prevalence values in rows with id {np.where(round_errors)[0].tolist()} '
f'do not sum up to 1 (error tolerance {constants.ERROR_TOL}), '
f'probably due to some rounding errors.')
return df
def evaluate_submission(true_prevs: ResultSubmission, predicted_prevs: ResultSubmission, sample_size=None, average=True):
if sample_size is None:
if qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] is None:
raise ValueError('Relative Absolute Error cannot be computed: '
'neither sample_size nor qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] have been specified')
sample_size = qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE']
if len(true_prevs) != len(predicted_prevs):
raise ValueError(f'size mismatch, ground truth file has {len(true_prevs)} entries '
f'while the file of predictions contain {len(predicted_prevs)} entries')
if true_prevs.n_categories != predicted_prevs.n_categories:
raise ValueError(f'these result files are not comparable since the categories are different: '
f'true={true_prevs.n_categories} categories vs. '
f'predictions={predicted_prevs.n_categories} categories')
rae, ae = [], []
for sample_id, true_prevalence in true_prevs.iterrows():
pred_prevalence = predicted_prevs.prevalence(sample_id)
rae.append(qp.error.rae(true_prevalence, pred_prevalence, eps=1./(2*sample_size)))
ae.append(, pred_prevalence))
rae = np.asarray(rae)
ae = np.asarray(ae)
if average:
return rae.mean(), ae.mean()
return rae, ae
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import quapy as qp
from data import ResultSubmission, evaluate_submission
import constants
LeQua2022 Official evaluation script
def main(args):
sample_size = constants.SAMPLE_SIZE[args.task]
true_prev = ResultSubmission.load(args.true_prevalences)
pred_prev = ResultSubmission.load(args.pred_prevalences)
mrae, mae = evaluate_submission(true_prev, pred_prev, sample_size)
print(f'MRAE: {mrae:.4f}')
print(f'MAE: {mae:.4f}')
if args.output is not None:
with open(args.output, 'wt') as foo:
foo.write(f'MRAE: {mrae:.4f}\n')
foo.write(f'MAE: {mae:.4f}\n')
if __name__=='__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeQua2022 official evaluation script')
parser.add_argument('task', metavar='TASK', type=str, choices=['T1A', 'T1B', 'T2A', 'T2B'],
help='Task name (T1A, T1B, T2A, T2B)')
parser.add_argument('true_prevalences', metavar='TRUE-PREV-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of ground truth prevalence values file (.csv)')
parser.add_argument('pred_prevalences', metavar='PRED-PREV-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of predicted prevalence values file (.csv)')
parser.add_argument('--output', metavar='SCORES-PATH', type=str, default=None,
help='Path where to store the evaluation scores')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.output is not None:
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import argparse
from data import ResultSubmission
LeQua2022 Official format-checker script
def main(args):
except Exception as e:
print('Format check: [not passed]')
print('Format check: [passed]')
if __name__=='__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeQua2022 official format-checker script')
parser.add_argument('prevalence_file', metavar='PREVALENCEFILE-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of the file containing prevalence values to check')
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import argparse
import quapy as qp
from data import ResultSubmission
import os
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
from data import gen_load_samples
from glob import glob
import constants
LeQua2022 prediction script
def main(args):
# check the number of samples
nsamples = len(glob(os.path.join(args.samples, '*.txt')))
if nsamples not in {constants.DEV_SAMPLES, constants.TEST_SAMPLES}:
print(f'Warning: The number of samples does neither coincide with the expected number of '
f'dev samples ({constants.DEV_SAMPLES}) nor with the expected number of '
f'test samples ({constants.TEST_SAMPLES}).')
# load pickled model
model = pickle.load(open(args.model, 'rb'))
# predictions
predictions = ResultSubmission()
for sampleid, sample in tqdm(gen_load_samples(args.samples, return_id=True, load_fn=), desc='predicting', total=nsamples):
predictions.add(sampleid, model.quantify(sample))
# saving
if __name__=='__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeQua2022 prediction script')
parser.add_argument('model', metavar='MODEL-PATH', type=str,
help='Path of saved model')
parser.add_argument('samples', metavar='SAMPLES-PATH', type=str,
help='Path to the directory containing the samples')
parser.add_argument('output', metavar='PREDICTIONS-PATH', type=str,
help='Path where to store the predictions file')
parser.add_argument('nf', metavar='NUM-FEATURES', type=int,
help='Number of features seen during training')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.samples):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'path {args.samples} does not exist')
if not os.path.isdir(args.samples):
raise ValueError(f'path {args.samples} is not a valid directory')
Reference in New Issue