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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alejandro Moreo Fernandez 517686eea1 improving the quality of the plots 2024-05-17 13:52:56 +02:00
Alejandro Moreo Fernandez 0df44c13a9 switching 2024-05-15 12:00:00 +02:00
5 changed files with 66 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ data_home = 'data'
datasets = ['continent', 'gender', 'years_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'num_sitelinks_category']
param_grid = {'C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 9), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]}
# param_grid = {'C': np.logspace(-1, 1, 2)}
classifiers = [
('LR', LogisticRegression(max_iter=5000), param_grid),
@ -44,6 +43,9 @@ table = Table(name=f'accuracy', benchmarks=[benchmark_name(d) for d in datasets]
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.stat_test = None
table.format.lower_is_better = False
table.format.color = False
table.format.remove_zero = True = 'rules'
for class_name, (cls_name, cls, grid) in itertools.product(datasets, classifiers):

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@ -51,22 +51,10 @@ def methods(classifier, class_name=None, binarize=False):
# yield ('Naive', Naive())
# yield ('NaiveHalf', Naive())
yield ('NaiveQuery', Naive())
yield ('CC', ClassifyAndCount(classifier))
# yield ('PCC', PCC(classifier))
# yield ('ACC', ACC(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
yield ('PACC', PACC(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
# yield ('EMQ', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True))
# yield ('EMQ-Platt', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True, recalib='platt'))
# yield ('EMQh', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False))
# yield ('EMQ-BCTS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True, recalib='bcts'))
# yield ('EMQ-TS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='ts'))
# yield ('EMQ-NBVS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='nbvs'))
# yield ('EMQ-VS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='vs'))
yield ('KDEy-ML', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=kde_param.get(class_name, 0.01)))
# yield ('KDE01', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.01))
if binarize:
yield ('M3b', M3rND_ModelB(classifier))
yield ('M3b+', M3rND_ModelB(classifier))
@ -153,10 +141,6 @@ def run_experiment():, val_split=train_col, fit_classifier=False)
elif method_name == 'Naive':
elif method_name == 'NaiveHalf':
n = len(ytr)//2
train_col = LabelledCollection(Xtr[:n], ytr[:n], classes=classifier.classes_)
test_col = LabelledCollection(Xte, yte, classes=classifier.classes_)
rKL_estim, rKL_true = [], []

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import itertools
import os.path
import pickle
import numpy as np
@ -15,11 +16,18 @@ method_names = [name for name, *other in methods(None, 'continent')]
all_results = {}
class_name_label = {
'continent': 'Geographic Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'years_category': 'Age of Topic'
# loads all MRAE results, and returns a dictionary containing the values, which is indexed by:
# class_name -> data_size -> method_name -> k -> stat -> float
# where stat is "mean", "std", "max"
def load_all_results():
for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
all_results[class_name] = {}
@ -56,13 +64,14 @@ results = load_all_results()
# - the x-axis displays the Ks
for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
for data_size in DATA_SIZES:
for data_size in DATA_SIZES[:1]:
log = True
log = class_name=='gender'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
max_means = []
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 's', '^', 'D', 'v', '*', '+'])
for method_name in method_names:
# class_name -> data_size -> method_name -> k -> stat -> float
means = [
@ -79,18 +88,23 @@ for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
means = np.asarray(means)
stds = np.asarray(stds)
line = ax.plot(Ks, means, 'o-', label=method_name, color=None)
method_name = method_name.replace('NaiveQuery', 'Naive@$k$')
marker = next(markers)
line = ax.plot(Ks, means, 'o-', label=method_name, color=None, linewidth=3, markersize=10, marker=marker)
color = line[-1].get_color()
if log:
# ax.fill_between(Ks, means - stds, means + stds, alpha=0.3, color=color)
ax.grid(True, which='both', axis='y', color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.3)
ax.set_ylabel('RAE' + ('(log scale)' if log else ''))
ax.set_title(f'{class_name} from {data_size}')
ax.set_ylabel('RAE' + (' (log scale)' if log else ''))
data_size_label = '$\mathcal{L}_{10\mathrm{K}}$'
ax.set_title(f'{class_name_label[class_name]} from {data_size_label}')
ax.set_ylim([0, max(max_means)*1.05])
if class_name == 'years_category':
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
os.makedirs(f'plots/var_k/{class_name}', exist_ok=True)
plotpath = f'plots/var_k/{class_name}/{data_size}_mrae.pdf'

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import itertools
import os.path
from Retrieval.experiments import methods
from Retrieval.commons import CLASS_NAMES, Ks, DATA_SIZES
@ -12,6 +13,11 @@ method_names = [name for name, *other in methods(None)]
all_results = {}
class_name_label = {
'continent': 'Geographic Location',
'gender': 'Gender',
'years_category': 'Age of Topic'
# loads all MRAE results, and returns a dictionary containing the values, which is indexed by:
# class_name -> data_size -> method_name -> k -> stat -> float
@ -20,14 +26,18 @@ results = load_all_results()
# generates the class-independent, size-independent plots for y-axis=MRAE in which:
# - the x-axis displays the Ks
for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
for k in Ks:
# X_DATA_SIZES = [int(x.replace('K', '000').replace('M', '000000').replace('FULL', '3250000')) for x in DATA_SIZES]
X_DATA_SIZES = [x.replace('FULL', '3.25M') for x in DATA_SIZES]
log = True
for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
for k in [100]: #Ks:
log = class_name=='gender'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
max_means = []
markers = itertools.cycle(['o', 's', '^', 'D', 'v', '*', '+'])
for method_name in method_names:
# class_name -> data_size -> method_name -> k -> stat -> float
means = [
@ -43,18 +53,22 @@ for class_name in CLASS_NAMES:
style = 'o-' if method_name != 'CC' else '--'
line = ax.plot(DATA_SIZES, means, style, label=method_name, color=None)
method_name = method_name.replace('NaiveQuery', 'Naive@$k$')
line = ax.plot(X_DATA_SIZES, means, style, label=method_name, color=None, linewidth=3, markersize=10, marker=marker)
color = line[-1].get_color()
if log:
# ax.fill_between(Ks, means - stds, means + stds, alpha=0.3, color=color)
ax.grid(True, which='both', axis='y', color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.3)
ax.set_xlabel('training pool size')
ax.set_ylabel('RAE' + ('(log scale)' if log else ''))
ax.set_title(f'{class_name} from {k=}')
ax.set_ylabel('RAE' + (' (log scale)' if log else ''))
ax.set_title(f'{class_name_label[class_name]} at exposure {k=}')
ax.set_ylim([0, max(max_means)*1.05])
if class_name == 'years_category':
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
os.makedirs(f'plots/var_size/{class_name}', exist_ok=True)
plotpath = f'plots/var_size/{class_name}/{k}_mrae.pdf'

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@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Plots the distribution of (predicted) relevance score for the test samples and for the training samples wrt:
- training pool size (100K, 500K, 1M, FULL)
- training pool size (10K, 50K, 100K, 500K, 1M, FULL)
- rank
data_home = 'data'
for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'years_category', 'continent', 'gender']:
up_to = 250
for class_name in ['continent']: # 'num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'years_category', 'continent', 'gender']:
test_added = False
Mtrs, Mtes, source = [], [], []
for data_size in DATA_SIZES:
@ -24,12 +26,14 @@ for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'yea
class_home = join(data_home, class_name, data_size)
classifier_path = join('classifiers', 'FULL', f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl')
test_rankings_path = join(data_home, 'testRanking_Results.json')
test_query_prevs_path = join(data_home, 'prevelance_vectors_judged_docs.json')
_, classifier = pickle.load(open(classifier_path, 'rb'))
experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples(
@ -38,9 +42,10 @@ for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'yea
Mtr = []
Mte = []
pbar = tqdm(experiment_prot(),
for train, test in pbar:
for train, test, *_ in pbar:
Xtr, ytr, score_tr = train
Xte, yte, score_te = test
if len(score_tr) >= up_to:
@ -51,8 +56,11 @@ for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'yea
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
train_source = ['train-'+s for s in source]
Ms = list(zip(Mtrs, train_source))+list(zip(Mtes, ['test']))
# train_source = ['train-'+s for s in source]
train_source = ['$\mathcal{L}_{'+s.replace('FULL', '3.25M').replace('K','\mathrm{K}').replace('M','\mathrm{M}')+'}$' for s in source]
# Ms = list(zip(Mtrs, train_source))+list(zip(Mtes, ['test']))
Ms = list(zip(Mtrs, train_source)) + list(zip(Mtes, ['$\mathcal{U}_{(3.25\mathrm{M})}$']))
for M, source in Ms:
M = np.asarray(list(zip_longest(*M, fillvalue=np.nan))).T
@ -68,17 +76,18 @@ for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'yea
ax.fill_between(range(num_docs), mean_values - std_errors, mean_values + std_errors, alpha=0.3, color=color)
ax.set_xlabel('Doc. Rank')
ax.set_ylabel('Rel. Score')
ax.set_xlabel('rank ($k$)')
ax.set_ylabel('predicted relevance score')
ax.set_title(class_name.replace('continent', 'Geographic Location'))
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True)
plotpath = f'plots/{class_name}.pdf'
plotpath = f'plots/{class_name}_rel_distrbution.pdf'
print(f'saving plot in {plotpath}')
plt.savefig(plotpath, bbox_inches='tight')