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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alejandro Moreo Fernandez bc656fe207 kde working 2024-04-19 18:16:14 +02:00
Alejandro Moreo Fernandez 985f430d52 refactoring everything 2024-04-18 09:32:30 +02:00
16 changed files with 656 additions and 593 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
import itertools
import os.path
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import quapy as qp
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_sample
from method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as Naive
from quapy.method.aggregative import ClassifyAndCount, EMQ, ACC, PCC, PACC, KDEyML
from import LabelledCollection
from os.path import join
from tqdm import tqdm
from result_table.src.table import Table
data_home = 'data'
datasets = ['continent', 'gender', 'years_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'num_sitelinks_category']
param_grid = {'C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 9), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]}
# param_grid = {'C': np.logspace(-1, 1, 2)}
classifiers = [
('LR', LogisticRegression(max_iter=5000), param_grid),
('SVM', LinearSVC(), param_grid)
def benchmark_name(class_name):
return class_name.replace('_', '\_')
table = Table(name=f'accuracy', benchmarks=[benchmark_name(d) for d in datasets])
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.stat_test = None
table.format.lower_is_better = False
for class_name, (cls_name, cls, grid) in itertools.product(datasets, classifiers):
train_data_path = join(data_home, class_name, 'FULL', 'classifier_training.json') # <-------- fixed classifier
texts, labels = load_sample(train_data_path, class_name=class_name)
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=3)
Xtr = tfidf.fit_transform(texts)
print(f'Xtr shape={Xtr.shape}')
print('training classifier...', end='')
classifier = GridSearchCV(
), labels)
classifier_acc = classifier.best_score_
classifier_acc_per_fold = classifier.cv_results_['mean_test_score'][classifier.best_index_]
print(f'[done] best-params={classifier.best_params_} got {classifier_acc:.4f} score, per fold {classifier_acc_per_fold}')
table.add(benchmark=benchmark_name(class_name), method=cls_name, v=classifier_acc_per_fold)
Table.LatexPDF(f'./latex/classifier_Acc.pdf', tables=[table])

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@ -8,116 +8,102 @@ from quapy.protocol import AbstractProtocol
import json
def load_txt_sample(path, parse_columns, verbose=False, max_lines=None):
# print('reading', path)
if verbose:
print(f'loading {path}...', end='')
df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
if verbose:
X = df['text'].values
y = df['continent'].values
def load_sample(path, class_name):
Loads a sample json as a dataframe and returns text and labels for
the given class_name
if parse_columns:
rank = df['rank'].values
scores = df['score'].values
rank = rank[y != 'Antarctica']
scores = scores[y != 'Antarctica']
X = X[y!='Antarctica']
y = y[y!='Antarctica']
if parse_columns:
order = np.argsort(rank)
X = X[order]
y = y[order]
rank = rank[order]
scores = scores[order]
if max_lines is not None:
X = X[:max_lines]
y = y[:max_lines]
return X, y
:param path: path to a json file
:param class_name: string representing the target class
:return: texts, labels for class_name
df = pd.read_json(path)
text = df.text.values
labels = df[class_name].values
return text, labels
def load_json_sample(path, class_name, max_lines=-1):
obj = json.load(open(path, 'rt'))
keys = [f'{id}' for id in range(len(obj['text'].keys()))]
text = [obj['text'][id] for id in keys]
#import sys; sys.exit(0)
classes = [obj[class_name][id] for id in keys]
if max_lines is not None and max_lines>0:
text = text[:max_lines]
classes = classes[:max_lines]
return text, classes
def get_text_label_score(df, class_name, vectorizer=None, filter_classes=None):
text = df.text.values
labels = df[class_name].values
rel_score = df.score.values
if filter_classes is not None:
idx = np.isin(labels, filter_classes)
text = text[idx]
labels = labels[idx]
rel_score = rel_score[idx]
if vectorizer is not None:
text = vectorizer.transform(text)
order = np.argsort(-rel_score)
return text[order], labels[order], rel_score[order]
class TextRankings:
class RetrievedSamples:
def __init__(self, path, class_name):
self.obj = json.load(open(path, 'rt'))
self.class_name = class_name
def get_sample_Xy(self, sample_id, max_lines=-1):
sample_id = str(sample_id)
O = self.obj
docs_ids = [doc_id for doc_id, query_id in O['qid'].items() if query_id == sample_id]
texts = [O['text'][doc_id] for doc_id in docs_ids]
labels = [O[self.class_name][doc_id] for doc_id in docs_ids]
if max_lines > 0 and len(texts) > max_lines:
ranks = [int(O['rank'][doc_id]) for doc_id in docs_ids]
sel = np.argsort(ranks)[:max_lines]
texts = np.asarray(texts)[sel]
labels = np.asarray(labels)[sel]
return texts, labels
def get_query_id_from_path(path, prefix='training', posfix='200SPLIT'):
qid = path
qid = qid[:qid.index(posfix)]
qid = qid[qid.index(prefix)+len(prefix):]
return qid
class RetrievedSamples(AbstractProtocol):
def __init__(self, path_dir: str, load_fn, vectorizer, max_train_lines=None, max_test_lines=None, classes=None, class_name=None):
self.path_dir = path_dir
self.load_fn = load_fn
def __init__(self,
class_home: str,
test_rankings_path: str,
self.class_home = class_home
self.test_rankings_df = pd.read_json(test_rankings_path)
self.vectorizer = vectorizer
self.max_train_lines = max_train_lines
self.max_test_lines = max_test_lines
assert class_name is not None, 'class name should be specified'
self.class_name = class_name
self.text_samples = TextRankings(join(self.path_dir, 'testRankingsRetrieval.json'), class_name=class_name)
def __call__(self):
tests_df = self.test_rankings_df
class_name = self.class_name
vectorizer = self.vectorizer
for file in glob(join(self.path_dir, 'training*SPLIT.json')):
for file in self._list_queries():
X, y = self.load_fn(file, class_name=self.class_name, max_lines=self.max_train_lines)
X = self.vectorizer.transform(X)
train_sample = LabelledCollection(X, y, classes=self.classes)
# loads the training sample
train_df = pd.read_json(file)
Xtr, ytr, score_tr = get_text_label_score(train_df, class_name, vectorizer, filter_classes=self.classes)
query_id = get_query_id_from_path(file)
X, y = self.text_samples.get_sample_Xy(query_id, max_lines=self.max_test_lines)
# loads the test sample
query_id = self._get_query_id_from_path(file)
sel_df = tests_df[tests_df.qid == int(query_id)]
Xte, yte, score_te = get_text_label_score(sel_df, class_name, vectorizer, filter_classes=self.classes)
# if len(X)!=qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE']:
# print(f'[warning]: file {file} contains {len(X)} instances (expected: {qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"]})')
# assert len(X) == qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'], f'unexpected sample size for file {file}, found {len(X)}'
X = self.vectorizer.transform(X)
test_sample = LabelledCollection(X, y, classes=train_sample.classes_)
except ValueError as e:
print(f'file {file} caused error {e}')
yield None, None
yield (Xtr, ytr, score_tr), (Xte, yte, score_te)
def _list_queries(self):
return sorted(glob(join(self.class_home, 'training_Query*200SPLIT.json')))
# def _get_test_sample(self, query_id, max_lines=-1):
# df = self.test_rankings_df
# sel_df = df[df.qid==int(query_id)]
# return get_text_label_score(sel_df)
# texts = sel_df.text.values
# try:
# labels = sel_df[self.class_name].values
# except KeyError as e:
# print(f'error: key {self.class_name} not found in test rankings')
# raise e
# if max_lines > 0 and len(texts) > max_lines:
# ranks = sel_df.rank.values
# idx = np.argsort(ranks)[:max_lines]
# texts = np.asarray(texts)[idx]
# labels = np.asarray(labels)[idx]
# return texts, labels
def total(self):
return len(self._list_queries())
def _get_query_id_from_path(self, path):
prefix = 'training_Query-'
posfix = 'Sample-200SPLIT'
qid = path
qid = qid[:qid.index(posfix)]
qid = qid[qid.index(prefix) + len(prefix):]
return qid
# print('train #classes:', train_sample.n_classes, train_sample.prevalence())
# print('test #classes:', test_sample.n_classes, test_sample.prevalence())
yield train_sample, test_sample

Retrieval/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
import os.path
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import quapy as qp
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_sample
from method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as Naive
from quapy.method.aggregative import ClassifyAndCount, EMQ, ACC, PCC, PACC, KDEyML
from import LabelledCollection
from os.path import join
from tqdm import tqdm
from result_table.src.table import Table
In this sixth experiment, we have a collection C of >6M documents.
We split C in two equally-sized pools TrPool, TePool
I have randomly split the collection in 50% train and 50% split. In each split we have approx. 3.25 million documents.
We have 5 categories we can evaluate over: Continent, Years_Category, Num_Site_Links, Relative Pageviews and Gender.
From the training set I have created smaller subsets for each category:
100K, 500K, 1M and FULL (3.25M)
For each category and subset, I have created a training set called: "classifier_training.json". This is the "base" training set for the classifier. In this set we have 500 documents per group in a category. (For example: Male 500, Female 500, Unknown 500). Let me know if you think we need more.
To "bias" the quantifier towards a query, I have executed the queries (97) on the different training sets and retrieved the 200 most relevant documents per group.
For example: (Male 200, Female 200, Unknown 200)
Sometimes this is infeasible, we should probably discuss this at some point.
You can find the results for every query in a file named:
To evaluate our approach, I have executed the queries on the test split. You can find the results for all 97 queries up till k=1000 in this file.
def methods(classifier, class_name):
kde_param = {
'continent': 0.18,
'gender': 0.12,
yield ('Naive', Naive())
yield ('NaiveQuery', Naive())
yield ('CC', ClassifyAndCount(classifier))
# yield ('PCC', PCC(classifier))
# yield ('ACC', ACC(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
yield ('PACC', PACC(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
# yield ('EMQ', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True))
# yield ('EMQ-Platt', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True, recalib='platt'))
# yield ('EMQh', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False))
# yield ('EMQ-BCTS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=True, recalib='bcts'))
# yield ('EMQ-TS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='ts'))
# yield ('EMQ-NBVS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='nbvs'))
# yield ('EMQ-VS', EMQ(classifier, exact_train_prev=False, recalib='vs'))
# yield ('KDE001', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.001))
# yield ('KDE005', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.005)) # <-- wow!
# yield ('KDE01', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.01))
# yield ('KDE02', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.02))
# yield ('KDE03', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.03))
# yield ('KDE-silver', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth='silverman'))
# yield ('KDE-scott', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth='scott'))
yield ('KDE-opt', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=kde_param[class_name]))
yield ('KDE01', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.01))
yield ('KDE02', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.02))
yield ('KDE03', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.03))
yield ('KDE04', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.04))
yield ('KDE05', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.05))
yield ('KDE07', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.07))
# yield ('KDE10', KDEyML(classifier, val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.10))
def train_classifier(train_path):
Trains a classifier. To do so, it loads the training set, transforms it into a tfidf representation.
The classifier is Logistic Regression, with hyperparameters C (range [0.001, 0.01, ..., 1000]) and
class_weight (range {'balanced', None}) optimized via 5FCV.
:return: the tfidf-vectorizer and the classifier trained
texts, labels = load_sample(train_path, class_name=class_name)
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=3)
Xtr = tfidf.fit_transform(texts)
print(f'Xtr shape={Xtr.shape}')
print('training classifier...', end='')
classifier = LogisticRegression(max_iter=5000)
classifier = GridSearchCV(
param_grid={'C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 9), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]},
), labels)
classifier = classifier.best_estimator_
classifier_acc = classifier.best_score_
print(f'[done] best-params={classifier.best_params_} got {classifier_acc:.4f} score')
training = LabelledCollection(Xtr, labels)
print('training classes:', training.classes_)
print('training prevalence:', training.prevalence())
return tfidf, classifier
def reduceAtK(data: LabelledCollection, k):
# if k > len(data):
# print(f'[warning] {k=}>{len(data)=}')
X, y = data.Xy
X = X[:k]
y = y[:k]
return LabelledCollection(X, y, classes=data.classes_)
def benchmark_name(class_name, k):
scape_class_name = class_name.replace('_', '\_')
return f'{scape_class_name}@{k}'
def run_experiment():
results = {
'mae': {k: [] for k in Ks},
'mrae': {k: [] for k in Ks}
pbar = tqdm(experiment_prot(),
for train, test in pbar:
Xtr, ytr, score_tr = train
Xte, yte, score_te = test
if HALF:
n = len(ytr) // 2
train_col = LabelledCollection(Xtr[:n], ytr[:n], classes=classifier_trained.classes_)
train_col = LabelledCollection(Xtr, ytr, classes=classifier_trained.classes_)
if method_name not in ['Naive', 'NaiveQuery']:, val_split=train_col, fit_classifier=False)
elif method_name == 'Naive':
test_col = LabelledCollection(Xte, yte, classes=classifier_trained.classes_)
for k in Ks:
test_k = reduceAtK(test_col, k)
if method_name == 'NaiveQuery':
train_k = reduceAtK(train_col, k)
estim_prev = quantifier.quantify(test_k.instances)
mae = qp.error.mae(test_k.prevalence(), estim_prev)
mrae = qp.error.mrae(test_k.prevalence(), estim_prev, eps=(1. / (2 * k)))
return results
data_home = 'data'
exp_posfix = '_half'
method_names = [name for name, *other in methods(None, 'continent')]
Ks = [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000]
for class_name in ['gender', 'continent', 'years_category']: # 'relative_pageviews_category', 'num_sitelinks_category']:
tables_mae, tables_mrae = [], []
benchmarks = [benchmark_name(class_name, k) for k in Ks]
for data_size in ['10K', '50K', '100K', '500K', '1M', 'FULL']:
table_mae = Table(name=f'{class_name}-{data_size}-mae', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=method_names)
table_mrae = Table(name=f'{class_name}-{data_size}-mrae', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=method_names)
table_mae.format.mean_prec = 5
table_mae.format.remove_zero = True
table_mae.format.color_mode = 'global'
class_home = join(data_home, class_name, data_size)
# train_data_path = join(class_home, 'classifier_training.json')
# classifier_path = join('classifiers', data_size, f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl')
train_data_path = join(data_home, class_name, 'FULL', 'classifier_training.json') # <-------- fixed classifier
classifier_path = join('classifiers', 'FULL', f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl') # <------------ fixed classifier
test_rankings_path = join(data_home, 'testRanking_Results.json')
results_home = join('results'+exp_posfix, class_name, data_size)
tfidf, classifier_trained = qp.util.pickled_resource(classifier_path, train_classifier, train_data_path)
experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples(
for method_name, quantifier in methods(classifier_trained, class_name):
results_path = join(results_home, method_name + '.pkl')
if os.path.exists(results_path):
print(f'Method {method_name=} already computed')
results = pickle.load(open(results_path, 'rb'))
results = run_experiment()
os.makedirs(Path(results_path).parent, exist_ok=True)
pickle.dump(results, open(results_path, 'wb'), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
for k in Ks:
table_mae.add(benchmark=benchmark_name(class_name, k), method=method_name, v=results['mae'][k])
table_mrae.add(benchmark=benchmark_name(class_name, k), method=method_name, v=results['mrae'][k])
# Table.LatexPDF(f'./latex{exp_posfix}/{class_name}{exp_posfix}.pdf', tables=tables_mae+tables_mrae)
Table.LatexPDF(f'./latex{exp_posfix}/{class_name}{exp_posfix}.pdf', tables=tables_mrae)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import itertools
import os.path
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import quapy as qp
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_sample
from quapy.protocol import UPP
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as Naive
from quapy.model_selection import GridSearchQ
from quapy.method.aggregative import ClassifyAndCount, EMQ, ACC, PCC, PACC, KDEyML
from import LabelledCollection
from os.path import join
from tqdm import tqdm
from result_table.src.table import Table
data_home = 'data'
datasets = ['continent', 'gender', 'years_category'] #, 'relative_pageviews_category', 'num_sitelinks_category']
for class_name in datasets:
train_data_path = join(data_home, class_name, 'FULL', 'classifier_training.json') # <-------- fixed classifier
texts, labels = load_sample(train_data_path, class_name=class_name)
classifier_path = join('classifiers', 'FULL', f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl')
tfidf, classifier_trained = pickle.load(open(classifier_path, 'rb'))
classifier_hyper = classifier_trained.get_params()
X = tfidf.transform(texts)
print(f'Xtr shape={X.shape}')
pool = LabelledCollection(X, labels)
train, val = pool.split_stratified(train_prop=0.5, random_state=0)
q = KDEyML(LogisticRegression())
classifier_hyper = {'classifier__C':[classifier_hyper['C'], 0.00000001], 'classifier__class_weight':[classifier_hyper['class_weight']]}
quantifier_hyper = {'bandwidth': np.linspace(0.01, 0.2, 20)}
hyper = {**classifier_hyper, **quantifier_hyper}
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100
modsel = GridSearchQ(
protocol=UPP(val, sample_size=100),

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
import os.path
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import zip_longest
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import quapy as qp
import quapy.functional as F
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_sample
from method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as Naive
from quapy.method.aggregative import ClassifyAndCount, EMQ, ACC, PCC, PACC, KDEyML
from quapy.protocol import AbstractProtocol
from import LabelledCollection
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
from tqdm import tqdm
from result_table.src.table import Table
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Plots the distribution of (predicted) relevance score for the test samples and for the training samples wrt:
- training pool size (100K, 500K, 1M, FULL)
- rank
data_home = 'data'
Ks = [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000]
for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'years_category', 'continent', 'gender']:
test_added = False
Mtrs, Mtes, source = [], [], []
for data_size in ['10K', '50K', '100K', '500K', '1M', 'FULL']:
class_home = join(data_home, class_name, data_size)
classifier_path = join('classifiers', 'FULL', f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl')
test_rankings_path = join(data_home, 'testRanking_Results.json')
_, classifier = pickle.load(open(classifier_path, 'rb'))
experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples(
Mtr = []
Mte = []
pbar = tqdm(experiment_prot(),
for train, test in pbar:
Xtr, ytr, score_tr = train
Xte, yte, score_te = test
if not test_added:
test_added = True
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
train_source = ['train-'+s for s in source]
Ms = list(zip(Mtrs, train_source))+list(zip(Mtes, ['test']))
for M, source in Ms:
M = np.asarray(list(zip_longest(*M, fillvalue=np.nan))).T
num_rep, num_docs = M.shape
mean_values = np.nanmean(M, axis=0)
n_filled = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(M), axis=0)
std_errors = np.nanstd(M, axis=0) / np.sqrt(n_filled)
line = ax.plot(range(num_docs), mean_values, '-', label=source, color=None)
color = line[-1].get_color()
ax.fill_between(range(num_docs), mean_values - std_errors, mean_values + std_errors, alpha=0.3, color=color)
ax.set_xlabel('Doc. Rank')
ax.set_ylabel('Rel. Score')
os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True)
plotpath = f'plots/{class_name}.pdf'
print(f'saving plot in {plotpath}')

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@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
import os.path
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind_from_stats, wilcoxon
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join
class Table:
VALID_TESTS = [None, "wilcoxon", "ttest"]
def __init__(self, benchmarks, methods, lower_is_better=True, ttest='ttest', prec_mean=3,
clean_zero=False, show_std=False, prec_std=3, average=True, missing=None, missing_str='--',
color=True, color_mode='local', maxtone=50):
assert ttest in self.VALID_TESTS, f'unknown test, valid are {self.VALID_TESTS}'
self.benchmarks = np.asarray(benchmarks)
self.benchmark_index = {row:i for i, row in enumerate(benchmarks)}
self.methods = np.asarray(methods)
self.method_index = {col:j for j, col in enumerate(methods)} = {}
# keyed (#rows,#cols)-ndarrays holding computations from['values']
self._addmap('values', dtype=object)
self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better
self.ttest = ttest
self.prec_mean = prec_mean
self.clean_zero = clean_zero
self.show_std = show_std
self.prec_std = prec_std
self.add_average = average
self.missing = missing
self.missing_str = missing_str
self.color = color
self.color_mode = color_mode
self.maxtone = maxtone
def nbenchmarks(self):
return len(self.benchmarks)
def nmethods(self):
return len(self.methods)
def touch(self):
self._modif = True
def update(self):
if self._modif:
def _getfilled(self):
return np.argwhere(['fill'])
def values(self):
def _indexes(self):
return itertools.product(range(self.nbenchmarks), range(self.nmethods))
def _addmap(self, map, dtype, func=None):[map] = np.empty((self.nbenchmarks, self.nmethods), dtype=dtype)
if func is None:
m =[map]
f = func
indexes = self._indexes() if map == 'fill' else self._getfilled()
for i, j in indexes:
m[i, j] = f(self.values[i, j])
def _addrank(self):
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(['fill'][i]).flatten()
col_means = [['mean'][i,j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
ranked_cols_idx = filled_cols_idx[np.argsort(col_means)]
if not self.lower_is_better:
ranked_cols_idx = ranked_cols_idx[::-1]['rank'][i, ranked_cols_idx] = np.arange(1, len(filled_cols_idx)+1)
def _addcolor(self):
minval = {}
maxval = {}
if self.color_mode == 'global':
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(['fill'])
col_means = [['mean'][i, j] for i, j in filled_cols_idx]
if len(filled_cols_idx) > 0:
global_minval = min(col_means)
global_maxval = max(col_means)
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
minval[i] = global_minval
maxval[i] = global_maxval
elif self.color_mode == 'local':
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(['fill'][i, i + 1])
if len(filled_cols_idx)>0:
col_means = [['mean'][i, j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
minval[i] = min(col_means)
maxval[i] = max(col_means)
print(f'color mode {self.color_mode} not understood, valid ones are "local" and "global"; skip')
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(['fill'][i]).flatten()
for col_idx in filled_cols_idx:
val =['mean'][i,col_idx]
if i not in maxval or i not in minval:
norm = (maxval[i] - minval[i])
if norm > 0:
normval = (val - minval[i]) / norm
normval = 0.5
if self.lower_is_better:
normval = 1 - normval
normval = np.clip(normval, 0,1)['color'][i, col_idx] = color_red2green_01(normval, self.maxtone)
def _run_ttest(self, row, col1, col2):
mean1 =['mean'][row, col1]
std1 =['std'][row, col1]
nobs1 =['nobs'][row, col1]
mean2 =['mean'][row, col2]
std2 =['std'][row, col2]
nobs2 =['nobs'][row, col2]
_, p_val = ttest_ind_from_stats(mean1, std1, nobs1, mean2, std2, nobs2)
return p_val
def _run_wilcoxon(self, row, col1, col2):
values1 =['values'][row, col1]
values2 =['values'][row, col2]
_, p_val = wilcoxon(values1, values2)
except ValueError:
p_val = 0
return p_val
def _add_statistical_test(self):
if self.ttest is None:
self.some_similar = [False]*self.nmethods
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(['fill'][i]).flatten()
if len(filled_cols_idx) <= 1:
col_means = [['mean'][i,j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
best_pos = filled_cols_idx[np.argmin(col_means)]
for j in filled_cols_idx:
if j==best_pos:
if self.ttest == 'ttest':
p_val = self._run_ttest(i, best_pos, j)
p_val = self._run_wilcoxon(i, best_pos, j)
pval_outcome = pval_interpretation(p_val)['ttest'][i, j] = pval_outcome
if pval_outcome != 'Diff':
self.some_similar[j] = True
def compute(self):
self._addmap('fill', dtype=bool, func=lambda x: x is not None)
self._addmap('mean', dtype=float, func=np.mean)
self._addmap('std', dtype=float, func=np.std)
self._addmap('nobs', dtype=float, func=len)
self._addmap('rank', dtype=int, func=None)
self._addmap('color', dtype=object, func=None)
self._addmap('ttest', dtype=object, func=None)
self._addmap('latex', dtype=object, func=None)
if self.add_average:
self._modif = False
def _is_column_full(self, col):
return all(['fill'][:, self.method_index[col]])
def _addave(self):
ave = Table(['ave'], self.methods,
for col in self.methods:
values = None
if self._is_column_full(col):
if self.ttest == 'ttest':
# values = np.asarray(['mean'][:, self.method_index[col]])
values = np.concatenate(self.values[:, self.method_index[col]])
else: # wilcoxon
# values = np.asarray(['mean'][:, self.method_index[col]])
values = np.concatenate(self.values[:, self.method_index[col]])
ave.add('ave', col, values)
self.average = ave
def add(self, benchmark, method, values):
if values is not None:
values = np.asarray(values)
if values.ndim==0:
values = values.flatten()
rid, cid = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)['values'][rid, cid] = values
def get(self, benchmark, method, attr='mean'):
assert attr in, f'unknwon attribute {attr}'
rid, cid = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)
if['fill'][rid, cid]:
v =[attr][rid, cid]
if v is None or (isinstance(v,float) and np.isnan(v)):
return self.missing
return v
return self.missing
def _coordinates(self, benchmark, method):
assert benchmark in self.benchmark_index, f'benchmark {benchmark} out of range'
assert method in self.method_index, f'method {method} out of range'
rid = self.benchmark_index[benchmark]
cid = self.method_index[method]
return rid, cid
def get_average(self, method, attr='mean'):
if self.add_average:
return self.average.get('ave', method, attr=attr)
return None
def get_color(self, benchmark, method):
color = self.get(benchmark, method, attr='color')
if color is None:
return ''
return color
def latex(self, benchmark, method):
i,j = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)
if['fill'][i,j] == False:
return self.missing_str
mean =['mean'][i,j]
l = f" {mean:.{self.prec_mean}f}"
if self.clean_zero:
l = l.replace(' 0.', '.')
isbest =['rank'][i,j] == 1
if isbest:
l = "\\textbf{"+l.strip()+"}"
stat = '' if self.ttest is None else '^{\phantom{\ddag}}'
if self.ttest is not None and self.some_similar[j]:
test_label =['ttest'][i,j]
if test_label == 'Sim':
stat = '^{\dag}'
elif test_label == 'Same':
stat = '^{\ddag}'
elif isbest or test_label == 'Diff':
stat = '^{\phantom{\ddag}}'
std = ''
if self.show_std:
std =['std'][i,j]
std = f" {std:.{self.prec_std}f}"
if self.clean_zero:
std = std.replace(' 0.', '.')
std = f"\pm {std:{self.prec_std}}"
if stat!='' or std!='':
l = f'{l}${stat}{std}$'
if self.color:
l += ' ' +['color'][i,j]
return l
def latexPDF(self, path, name:str, *args, **kwargs):
if not name.endswith('.tex'):
name += '.tex'
self.latexSaveDocument(join(path, name), *args, **kwargs)
print("[Tables Done] runing latex")
os.system('pdflatex '+name)
basename = name.replace('.tex', '')
os.system(f'rm {basename}.aux {basename}.bbl {basename}.blg {basename}.log {basename}.out {basename}.dvi')
def latexSaveDocument(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
document = self.latexDocument(*args, **kwargs)
parent = Path(path).parent
os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wt') as foo:
print('text file save at ', path)
def latexDocument(self, *args, **kwargs):
document = """
document += self.latexTable(*args, **kwargs)
document += "\n\end{document}\n"
return document
def latexTable(self, benchmark_replace={}, method_replace={}, aslines=False, endl='\\\\\hline', resizebox=True):
table = """
%%%\\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{% \n
table += "\n\\begin{tabular}{|c"+"|c" * self.nmethods + "|}\n"
table += self.latexTabular(benchmark_replace, method_replace, aslines, endl)
table += "\n\\end{tabular}\n"
table += """
if resizebox:
table = table.replace("%%%", "")
return table
def latexTabular(self, benchmark_replace={}, method_replace={}, aslines=False, endl='\\\\\hline'):
lines = []
l = '\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & '
l += ' & '.join([method_replace.get(col, col) for col in self.methods])
l += ' \\\\\hline'
for row in self.benchmarks:
rowname = benchmark_replace.get(row, row)
l = rowname + ' & '
l += self.latexRow(row, endl=endl)
if self.add_average:
# l += '\hline\n'
l = '\hline \n \\textit{Average} & '
l += self.latexAverage(endl=endl)
if not aslines:
return lines
def latexRow(self, benchmark, endl='\\\\\hline\n'):
s = [self.latex(benchmark, col) for col in self.methods]
s = ' & '.join(s)
s += ' ' + endl
return s
def latexAverage(self, endl='\\\\\hline\n'):
if self.add_average:
return self.average.latexRow('ave', endl=endl)
def getRankTable(self, prec_mean=0):
t = Table(benchmarks=self.benchmarks, methods=self.methods, prec_mean=prec_mean, average=True, maxtone=self.maxtone, ttest=None)
for rid, cid in self._getfilled():
row = self.benchmarks[rid]
col = self.methods[cid]
t.add(row, col, self.get(row, col, 'rank'))
return t
def dropMethods(self, methods):
drop_index = [self.method_index[m] for m in methods]
new_methods = np.delete(self.methods, drop_index)
new_index = {col:j for j, col in enumerate(new_methods)}['values'] = self.values[:,np.asarray([self.method_index[m] for m in new_methods], dtype=int)]
self.methods = new_methods
self.method_index = new_index
def pval_interpretation(p_val):
if 0.005 >= p_val:
return 'Diff'
elif 0.05 >= p_val > 0.005:
return 'Sim'
elif p_val > 0.05:
return 'Same'
def color_red2green_01(val, maxtone=50):
if np.isnan(val): return None
assert 0 <= val <= 1, f'val {val} out of range [0,1]'
# rescale to [-1,1]
val = val * 2 - 1
if val < 0:
color = 'red'
tone = maxtone * (-val)
color = 'green'
tone = maxtone * val
return '\cellcolor{' + color + f'!{int(tone)}' + '}'

Retrieval/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join
from Retrieval.commons import load_json_sample
from import LabelledCollection
data_home = 'data'
CLASS_NAME = 'continent'
datasize = '100K'
file_path = join(data_home, CLASS_NAME, datasize, 'training_Query-84Sample-200SPLIT.json')
text, classes = load_json_sample(file_path, CLASS_NAME)
data = LabelledCollection(text, classes)
test_ranking_path = join(data_home, 'testRanking_Results.json')
# obj = json.load(open(test_ranking_path))
df = pd.read_json(test_ranking_path)

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, f1_score
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from import LabelledCollection
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV
from os.path import join
In this experiment, I simply try to understand whether the learning task can be learned or not.
The problem is that we are quantifying the categories based on the alphabetical order (of what?).
def load_txt_sample(path, parse_columns, verbose=False, max_lines=None):
if verbose:
print(f'loading {path}...', end='')
df = pd.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
if verbose:
X = df['text'].values
y = df['continent'].values
if parse_columns:
rank = df['rank'].values
scores = df['score'].values
order = np.argsort(rank)
X = X[order]
y = y[order]
rank = rank[order]
scores = scores[order]
if max_lines is not None:
X = X[:max_lines]
y = y[:max_lines]
return X, y
data_path = './50_50_split_trec'
train_path = join(data_path, 'train_50_50_continent.txt')
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=10)
data = LabelledCollection.load(train_path, loader_func=load_txt_sample, verbose=True, parse_columns=False)
data = data.sampling(20000)
train, test = data.split_stratified()
train.instances = tfidf.fit_transform(train.instances)
test.instances = tfidf.transform(test.instances)
# svm = LinearSVC()
# cls = GridSearchCV(svm, param_grid={'C':np.logspace(-3,3,7), 'class_weight':['balanced', None]})
cls = LogisticRegression()*train.Xy)
# score = cross_val_score(LogisticRegressionCV(), *data.Xy, scoring=make_scorer(f1_score, average='macro'), n_jobs=-1, cv=5)
# print(score)
# print(np.mean(score))
y_pred = cls.predict(test.instances)
macrof1 = f1_score(y_true=test.labels, y_pred=y_pred, average='macro')
microf1 = f1_score(y_true=test.labels, y_pred=y_pred, average='micro')
print('macro', macrof1)
print('micro', microf1)

View File

@ -141,6 +141,19 @@ def uniform_prevalence_sampling(n_classes, size=1):
return u
def uniform_prevalence(n_classes):
Returns a vector representing the uniform distribution for `n_classes`
:param n_classes: number of classes
:return: np.ndarray with all values 1/n_classes
assert isinstance(n_classes, int) and n_classes>0, \
(f'param {n_classes} not understood; must be a positive integer representing the '
f'number of classes ')
return np.full(shape=n_classes, fill_value=1./n_classes)
uniform_simplex_sampling = uniform_prevalence_sampling

View File

@ -62,7 +62,13 @@ class KDEBase:
:param bandwidth: float, the bandwidth of the kernel
:return: a list of KernelDensity objects, each fitted with the corresponding class-specific covariates
return [self.get_kde_function(X[y == cat], bandwidth) for cat in classes]
class_cond_X = []
for cat in classes:
selX = X[y==cat]
if selX.size==0:
selX = [F.uniform_prevalence(len(classes))]
return [self.get_kde_function(X_cond_yi, bandwidth) for X_cond_yi in class_cond_X]

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, Union
import numpy as np
from abstention.calibration import NoBiasVectorScaling, TempScaling, VectorScaling
from abstention.calibration import NoBiasVectorScaling, TempScaling, VectorScaling, PlattScaling
from scipy import optimize
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
@ -636,19 +636,34 @@ class EMQ(AggregativeSoftQuantifier):
calibrator = TempScaling()
elif self.recalib == 'vs':
calibrator = VectorScaling()
elif self.recalib == 'platt':
calibrator = CalibratedClassifierCV(estimator=self.classifier, cv='prefit')
raise ValueError('invalid param argument for recalibration method; available ones are '
'"nbvs", "bcts", "ts", and "vs".')
if not np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.number):
y = np.searchsorted(data.classes_, y)
if self.recalib == 'platt':
self.classifier =*data.Xy)
self.calibration_function = calibrator(P, np.eye(data.n_classes)[y], posterior_supplied=True)
except RuntimeError as e:
print('defaults to I')
self.calibration_function = lambda P:P
if self.exact_train_prev:
self.train_prevalence = data.prevalence()
train_posteriors = classif_predictions.X
if self.recalib is not None:
if self.recalib == 'platt':
train_posteriors = self.classifier.predict_proba(train_posteriors)
train_posteriors = self.calibration_function(train_posteriors)
self.train_prevalence = F.prevalence_from_probabilities(train_posteriors)