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adfa235cce | |
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
En old stuff hay cosas interesantes, está bien escrita la motivación, aunque quiero rehacer esos métodos
con una abstracción mejor hecha.
@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.aggregative import PACC, _training_helper, PCC
from quapy.method.base import BaseQuantifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
# ideas: the observation proves that if you have a validation set from the target distribution, then it "repairs"
# the predictions of the classifier. This might sound as a triviliaty, but note that the classifier is trained on
# another distribution. So one could take a look at the test set (w/o labels) and extract a portion of the entire
# labelled collection that matches the test set well, and keep the remainder as the training set on which to train
# the classifier. (The version implemented so far follows a different heuristic, based on having a validation split
# which is iid wrt the training set, and using this validation split to extract another validation split closer to the
# test distribution.
# note: the T3 variant (the iterative one) admits two variants: (i) the estimated test prev is used to sample, via
# artificial sampling, a sample from the validation that reflects the desired prevalence; (ii) the test prev is used
# to compute the weights that compensate (i.e., rebalance) the relative importance of each of the current samples
# wrt to the believed prevalence. Both are implemented, but the current one is the (ii), and (i) is commented
class TransductivePACC(BaseQuantifier):
PACC works by adjusting the PCC estimate applying a linear correction. This correction assumes P(X|Y) is fixed
between the training and test distributions, meaning that the missclassification rates estimated in the training
distribution (e.g., by means of a train/val split, or by means of k-FCV) is a good representative of the
missclassification rates in the test. In situations in which the training and test distributions are shifted, and
in which P(X|Y) cannot be assumed to remain constant (e.g., in contexts of covariate shift), this adjustment
can be arbitrarily harmful. Transductive quantifiers decide the correction as a function of the test set.
TransductivePACC in particular implements this intuition by picking a validation subset from the training set
such that it is close to the test set. In this preliminary example, we simply rely on distances for choosing
points close to every test point. The missclassification rates are estimated in this "transductive" validation
:param learner:
:param how_many:
:param metric:
def __init__(self, learner, how_many=1, metric='euclidean'):
self.learner = learner
self.how_many = how_many
self.metric = metric
def quantify(self, instances):
validation_index = self.get_closer_val_intances(instances, how_many=self.how_many, metric=self.metric)
validation_selected = self.validation_pool.sampling_from_index(validation_index)
pacc = PACC(self.learner, val_split=validation_selected)
|, fit_learner=False)
self.to_show_val_selected = validation_selected # todo: remove
return pacc.quantify(instances)
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, val_split=Union[float,LabelledCollection]):
if isinstance(val_split, float):
|, self.validation_pool = data.split_stratified(1-val_split)
elif isinstance(val_split, LabelledCollection):
| = data
self.validation_pool = val_split
raise ValueError('val_split data type not understood')
self.learner, _ = _training_helper(self.learner,, fit_learner=True, ensure_probabilistic=True)
return self
def get_closer_val_intances(self, T, how_many=1, metric='euclidean'):
Takes "how_many" instances (indices) from X that are the closes to every instance in T
:param T: test instances
:param how_many: how many samples to choose for every test datapoint
:param metric: similarity function (see `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist`)
:return: ndarray with indices of validation_pool's datapoints
dist = cdist(T, self.validation_pool.instances, metric=metric)
indexes = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)[:, :how_many].flatten()
return indexes
class TransductiveInvdistancePACC(BaseQuantifier):
This is a modification of TransductivePACC. The idea is that, instead of choosing the closest validation points,
we could select all validation points but weighted inversely proportionally to the distance.
The main objective here is to repair the performance of the t-quantifier in cases of PPS.
:param learner:
:param how_many:
:param metric:
def __init__(self, learner, metric='euclidean'):
self.learner = learner
self.metric = metric
def quantify(self, instances):
validation_similarities = self.get_val_similarities(instances, metric=self.metric)
validation_weight = validation_similarities.sum(axis=0)
validation_posteriors = self.learner.predict_proba(self.validation_pool.instances)
positive_posteriors = validation_posteriors[self.validation_pool.labels == 1][:,1]
negative_posteriors = validation_posteriors[self.validation_pool.labels == 0][:,1]
positive_weights = validation_weight[self.validation_pool.labels == 1]
negative_weights = validation_weight[self.validation_pool.labels == 0]
soft_tpr = (positive_posteriors*positive_weights).sum()/(positive_weights.sum())
soft_fpr = (negative_posteriors*negative_weights).sum()/(negative_weights.sum())
pcc = PCC(learner=self.learner).quantify(instances)
adjusted = (pcc[1] - soft_fpr)/(soft_tpr-soft_fpr)
adjusted = np.clip(adjusted, 0, 1)
return np.asarray([1-adjusted,adjusted])
def set_params(self, **parameters):
def get_params(self, deep=True):
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, val_split=Union[float,LabelledCollection]):
if isinstance(val_split, float):
|, self.validation_pool = data.split_stratified(1-val_split)
elif isinstance(val_split, LabelledCollection):
| = data
self.validation_pool = val_split
raise ValueError('val_split data type not understood')
self.learner, _ = _training_helper(self.learner,, fit_learner=True, ensure_probabilistic=True)
return self
def get_val_similarities(self, T, metric='euclidean'):
Takes "how_many" instances (indices) from X that are the closes to every instance in T
:param T: test instances
:param metric: similarity function (see `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist`)
:return: ndarray with indices of validation_pool's datapoints
# dist = cdist(T, self.validation_pool.instances, metric=metric)
# norm_dist = (dist/np.max(dist))
# sim = 1 - norm_dist # other variants: divide by the max distance for each test point, and not overall distance
# norm_sim = normalize(sim**2, norm='l1') # <-- this kinds of helps
# return norm_sim
dist = cdist(T, self.validation_pool.instances, metric=metric)
# dist = dist**4 # <--
norm_dist = (dist / np.max(dist))
sim = 1 - norm_dist # other variants: divide by the max distance for each test point, and not overall distance
norm_sim = normalize(sim**4, norm='l1') # <-- this kinds helps a lot and don't know why
return norm_sim
# this doesn't work at all (dont know why)
# cut_dist = np.median(dist)/3
# dist[dist>cut_dist]=cut_dist
# norm_dist = (dist / cut_dist)
# sim = 1 - norm_dist # other variants: divide by the max distance for each test point, and not overall distance
# norm_sim = normalize(sim, norm='l1')
# return norm_sim
class TransductiveInvdistanceIterativePACC(BaseQuantifier):
This is a modification of TransductiveInvdistancePACC.
The idea is that, to also consider in the weight the importance prev_test / prev_train (where prev_test has to be
estimated by means of an auxiliary quantifier).
:param learner:
:param metric:
def __init__(self, learner, metric='euclidean', oracle_test_prev=None):
self.learner = learner
self.metric = metric
self.oracle_test_prev = oracle_test_prev
def quantify(self, instances):
if self.oracle_test_prev is None:
proxy = TransductiveInvdistancePACC(learner=clone(self.learner)).fit(training, val_split=self.validation_pool)
test_prev = proxy.quantify(instances)
test_prev = self.oracle_test_prev
#size = len(self.validation_pool)
#validation = self.validation_pool.sampling(size, *test_prev[:-1])
validation = self.validation_pool
validation_similarities = self.get_val_similarities(instances, validation, metric=self.metric, test_prev_estim=test_prev)
validation_weight = validation_similarities.sum(axis=0)
validation_posteriors = self.learner.predict_proba(validation.instances)
positive_posteriors = validation_posteriors[validation.labels == 1][:,1]
negative_posteriors = validation_posteriors[validation.labels == 0][:,1]
positive_weights = validation_weight[validation.labels == 1]
negative_weights = validation_weight[validation.labels == 0]
soft_tpr = (positive_posteriors*positive_weights).sum()/(positive_weights.sum())
soft_fpr = (negative_posteriors*negative_weights).sum()/(negative_weights.sum())
pcc = PCC(learner=self.learner).quantify(instances)
adjusted = (pcc[1] - soft_fpr)/(soft_tpr-soft_fpr)
adjusted = np.clip(adjusted, 0, 1)
return np.asarray([1-adjusted, adjusted])
def set_params(self, **parameters):
def get_params(self, deep=True):
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, val_split=Union[float,LabelledCollection]):
if isinstance(val_split, float):
|, self.validation_pool = data.split_stratified(1-val_split)
elif isinstance(val_split, LabelledCollection):
| = data
self.validation_pool = val_split
raise ValueError('val_split data type not understood')
self.learner, _ = _training_helper(self.learner,, fit_learner=True, ensure_probabilistic=True)
return self
def get_val_similarities(self, T, validation, metric='euclidean', test_prev_estim=None):
Takes "how_many" instances (indices) from X that are the closes to every instance in T
:param T: test instances
:param metric: similarity function (see `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist`)
:return: ndarray with indices of validation_pool's datapoints
dist = cdist(T, validation.instances, metric=metric)
# dist = dist**4 # <--
norm_dist = (dist / np.max(dist))
sim = 1 - norm_dist # other variants: divide by the max distance for each test point, and not overall distance
norm_sim = normalize(sim ** 4, norm='l1') # <-- this kinds helps a lot and don't know why
if test_prev_estim is not None:
pos_reweight = test_prev_estim[1] / validation.prevalence()[1]
neg_reweight = test_prev_estim[0] / validation.prevalence()[0]
pos_reweight /= (pos_reweight + neg_reweight)
neg_reweight /= (pos_reweight + neg_reweight)
rebalance_weight = np.zeros(len(validation))
rebalance_weight[validation.labels == 1] = pos_reweight
rebalance_weight[validation.labels == 0] = neg_reweight
rebalance_weight /= rebalance_weight.sum()
# norm_sim = normalize(sim, norm='l1')
norm_sim *= rebalance_weight
norm_sim = normalize(norm_sim**3, norm='l1')
return norm_sim
# norm_sim = normalize(sim, norm='l1') # <-- this kinds helps a lot and don't know why
# norm_sim = normalize(norm_sim**2, norm='l1') # <-- this kinds helps a lot and don't know why
#return norm_sim
def plot_samples(val_orig:LabelledCollection, val_sel:LabelledCollection, test):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
font = {'family': 'normal',
'weight': 'bold',
'size': 10}
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
# plot 1:
instances, labels = val_orig.Xy
x1 = instances[:,0]
x2 = instances[:,1]
# plt.ion()
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.scatter(x1[labels==0], x2[labels==0], s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.scatter(x1[labels==1], x2[labels==1], s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.title('Validation Pool')
# plot 2:
instances, labels = val_sel.Xy
x1 = instances[:, 0]
x2 = instances[:, 1]
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.scatter(x1[labels == 0], x2[labels == 0], s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.scatter(x1[labels == 1], x2[labels == 1], s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.title('Validation Choosen')
# plot 3:
instances, labels = test.Xy
x1 = instances[:, 0]
x2 = instances[:, 1]
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
# plt.scatter(x1, x2, s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.scatter(x1[labels == 0], x2[labels == 0], s=size, alpha=alpha)
plt.scatter(x1[labels == 1], x2[labels == 1], s=size, alpha=alpha)
# plt.draw()
# plt.pause(0.001)
class Distribution:
def sample(self, n): pass
class ThreeGMDist(Distribution):
Three Gaussian Mixture Distribution, with one negative normal, and two positive normals
def __init__(self, mean_neg, cov_neg, mean_pos_A, cov_pos_A, mean_pos_B, cov_pos_B, prior_pos, prior_A):
assert 0<=prior_pos<=1, 'pos_prior out of range'
assert len(mean_neg) == len(mean_pos_A) == len(mean_pos_B), 'dimension missmatch'
#todo check for cov dimensions
self.mean_neg = mean_neg
self.cov_neg = cov_neg
self.mean_pos_A = mean_pos_A
self.cov_pos_A = cov_pos_A
self.mean_pos_B = mean_pos_B
self.cov_pos_B = cov_pos_B
self.prior_pos = prior_pos
self.prior_A = prior_A
def sample(self, n):
npos = int(n*self.prior_pos)
nneg = n-npos
nposA = int(npos*self.prior_A)
nposB = npos-nposA
neg = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mean_neg, cov=self.cov_neg, size=nneg)
pos_A = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mean_pos_A, cov=self.cov_pos_A, size=nposA) # hard
pos_B = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=self.mean_pos_B, cov=self.cov_pos_B, size=nposB) # easy
return LabelledCollection(
instances=np.concatenate([neg, pos_A, pos_B]),
labels=[0]*nneg + [1]*(nposA+nposB)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import quapy as qp
import quapy.functional as F
print('proof of concept')
def test(q, testset, methodtag, show=False, scores=None):
estim_prev = q.quantify(testset.instances)
ae =, estim_prev)
print(f'{methodtag}\tpredicts={F.strprev(estim_prev)} true={F.strprev(testset.prevalence())} with an AE of {ae:.4f}')
if show:
plot_samples(q.validation_pool, q.to_show_val_selected, testset)
if scores is not None:
return ae
def rand():
return np.random.rand()
def cls():
return LogisticRegression()
def scores():
return {
'i-PACC': [],
'i-PCC': [],
't-PACC': [],
't2-PACC': [],
't3-PACC': [],
score_shift = {
'pps': scores(),
'cov': scores(),
'covs': scores(),
for i in range(1000):
mneg, covneg = [0, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
mposA, covposA = [2, 0], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
mposB, covposB = [3, 3], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
source_dist = ThreeGMDist(mneg, covneg, mposA, covposA, mposB, covposB, prior_pos=0.5, prior_A=0.5)
target_dist_pps = ThreeGMDist(mneg, covneg, mposA, covposA, mposB, covposB, prior_pos=rand(), prior_A=0.5)
target_dist_covs = ThreeGMDist(mneg, covneg, mposA, covposA, mposB, covposB, prior_pos=0.5, prior_A=rand())
target_dist_covs_pps = ThreeGMDist(mneg, covneg, mposA, covposA, mposB, covposB, prior_pos=rand(), prior_A=rand())
training = source_dist.sample(1000)
validation_iid = source_dist.sample(1000)
test_pps = target_dist_pps.sample(1000)
val_pps = target_dist_pps.sample(1000)
test_cov = target_dist_covs.sample(1000)
val_cov = target_dist_covs.sample(1000)
test_cov_pps = target_dist_covs_pps.sample(1000)
val_cov_pps = target_dist_covs_pps.sample(1000)
#inductive_pacc = PACC(cls())
|, val_split=val_cov)
#test(inductive_pacc, test_cov, 'i-PACC (val covs) on covariate shift')
|, val_split=val_cov_pps)
#test(inductive_pacc, test_cov_pps, 'i-PACC (val val_cov_pps) on covariate & prior shift')
inductive_pacc = PACC(cls())
|, val_split=validation_iid)
inductive_pcc = PCC(cls())
transductive_pacc = TransductivePACC(cls(), how_many=1)
|, val_split=validation_iid)
transductive_pacc2 = TransductiveInvdistancePACC(cls())
|, val_split=validation_iid)
transductive_pacc3 = TransductiveInvdistanceIterativePACC(cls())
|, val_split=validation_iid)
print('\nPrior Probability Shift')
test(inductive_pacc, test_pps, 'i-PACC', scores=score_shift['pps']['i-PACC'])
test(inductive_pcc, test_pps, 'i-PCC', scores=score_shift['pps']['i-PCC'])
test(transductive_pacc, test_pps, 't-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['pps']['t-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc2, test_pps, 't2-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['pps']['t2-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc3, test_pps, 't3-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['pps']['t3-PACC'])
print('\nCovariate Shift')
print('-' * 80)
test(inductive_pacc, test_cov, 'i-PACC', scores=score_shift['cov']['i-PACC'])
test(inductive_pcc, test_cov, 'i-PCC', scores=score_shift['cov']['i-PCC'])
test(transductive_pacc, test_cov, 't-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['cov']['t-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc2, test_cov, 't2-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['cov']['t2-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc3, test_cov, 't3-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['cov']['t3-PACC'])
print('\nCovariate Shift- TYPEII')
print('-' * 80)
test(inductive_pacc, test_cov_pps, 'i-PACC', scores=score_shift['covs']['i-PACC'])
test(inductive_pcc, test_cov_pps, 'i-PCC', scores=score_shift['covs']['i-PCC'])
test(transductive_pacc, test_cov_pps, 't-PACC', show=False, scores=score_shift['covs']['t-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc2, test_cov_pps, 't2-PACC', scores=score_shift['covs']['t2-PACC'])
test(transductive_pacc3, test_cov_pps, 't3-PACC', scores=score_shift['covs']['t3-PACC'])
for shift in score_shift.keys():
for method in score_shift[shift]:
print(f'\t{method}: {np.mean(score_shift[shift][method]):.4f}')
# print()
# print('-'*80)
# # proposed method
# transductive_pacc = TransductiveInvdistanceIterativePACC(cls(), oracle_test_prev=test_pps.prevalence())
#, val_split=validation_iid)
# test(transductive_pacc, test_pps, 't3(oracle)-PACC on prior probability shift', show=False)
# transductive_pacc = TransductiveInvdistanceIterativePACC(cls(), oracle_test_prev=test_cov.prevalence())
#, val_split=validation_iid)
# test(transductive_pacc, test_cov, 't3(oracle)-PACC on covariate shift', show=False)
# transductive_pacc = TransductiveInvdistanceIterativePACC(cls(), oracle_test_prev=test_cov_pps.prevalence())
#, val_split=validation_iid)
# test(transductive_pacc, test_cov_pps, 't3(oracle)-PACC on covariate & prior shift')
@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
import itertools
from typing import Iterable
from densratio import densratio
from scipy.sparse import issparse, vstack
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import quapy as qp
from Transduction_office.grid_naive_quantif import GridQuantifier, binned_indexer, Indexer, GridQuantifier2, \
from method.non_aggregative import MLPE
from quapy.protocol import AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol, UPP
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
import quapy.functional as F
from time import time
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from Transduction.pykliep import DensityRatioEstimator
from quapy.protocol import AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
import quapy.functional as F
plottting = False
def gaussian(mean, cov=0.1, label=0, size=100, random_state=0):
Creates a label collection in which the instances are distributed according to a Gaussian with specified
parameters and labels all data points with a specific label.
:param mean: ndarray of shape (n_dimensions) with the center
:param cov: ndarray of shape (n_dimensions, n_dimensions) with the covariance matrix, or a number for np.eye
:param label: the class label for the collection
:param size: number of instances
:param random_state: allows for replicating experiments
:return: an instance of LabelledCollection
mean = np.asarray(mean)
assert mean.ndim==1, 'wrong shape for mean'
n_features = mean.shape[0]
if isinstance(cov, (int, float)):
cov = np.eye(n_features) * cov
instances = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, cov, size, random_state=random_state)
return LabelledCollection(instances, labels=[label]*size)
def _internal_plot(train, val, test):
if plottting:
xmin = min(train.X[:, 0].min(), val.X[:, 0].min(), test[:, 0].min())
xmax = max(train.X[:, 0].max(), val.X[:, 0].max(), test[:, 0].max())
ymin = min(train.X[:, 1].min(), val.X[:, 1].min(), test[:, 1].min())
ymax = max(train.X[:, 1].max(), val.X[:, 1].max(), test[:, 1].max())
plot(train, 'sel_train.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax))
plot(val, 'sel_val.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax))
plot(test, 'test.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax))
def plot(data: LabelledCollection, path, xlim=None, ylim=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if isinstance(data, LabelledCollection):
if data.instances.shape[1] != 2:
negative, positive = data.separate()
plt.scatter(negative.X[:,0], negative.X[:,1], label='neg', alpha=0.5)
plt.scatter(positive.X[:, 0], positive.X[:, 1], label='pos', alpha=0.5)
if data.shape[1] != 2:
plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label='test', alpha=0.5)
if xlim is not None:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protocol for generating prior probability shift + covariate shift by mixing "domains"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CovPriorShift(AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol):
def __init__(self, domains: Iterable[LabelledCollection], sample_size=None, repeats=100, min_support=0, random_state=0,
super(CovPriorShift, self).__init__(random_state)
| = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lc.separate() for lc in domains))
self.sample_size = qp._get_sample_size(sample_size)
self.repeats = repeats
self.min_support = min_support
self.collator = OnLabelledCollectionProtocol.get_collator(return_type)
def samples_parameters(self):
Return all the necessary parameters to replicate the samples as according to the UPP protocol.
:return: a list of indexes that realize the UPP sampling
indexes = []
tentatives = 0
while len(indexes) < self.repeats:
alpha = F.uniform_simplex_sampling(n_classes=len(
sizes = (alpha * self.sample_size).astype(int)
if all(sizes > self.min_support):
indexes_i = [lc.sampling_index(size) for lc, size in zip(, sizes)]
tentatives = 0
tentatives += 1
if tentatives > 100:
raise ValueError('the support is too strict, and it is difficult '
'or impossible to generate valid samples')
return indexes
def sample(self, params):
indexes = params
lcs = [lc.sampling_from_index(index) for index, lc in zip(indexes,]
return LabelledCollection.join(*lcs)
def total(self):
Returns the number of samples that will be generated
:return: int
return self.repeats
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Methods of "importance weight", e.g., by ratio density estimation (KLIEP, SILF, LogReg)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ImportanceWeight:
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
class KLIEP(ImportanceWeight):
def __init__(self):
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
kliep = DensityRatioEstimator()
|, Xte)
return kliep.predict(Xtr)
class USILF(ImportanceWeight):
def __init__(self, alpha=0.):
self.alpha = alpha
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
dense_ratio_obj = densratio(Xtr, Xte, alpha=self.alpha, verbose=False)
return dense_ratio_obj.compute_density_ratio(Xtr)
class LogReg(ImportanceWeight):
def __init__(self):
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
# check "Direct Density Ratio Estimation for
# Large-scale Covariate Shift Adaptation", Eq.28
if issparse(Xtr):
X = vstack([Xtr, Xte])
X = np.concatenate([Xtr, Xte])
y = [0]*len(Xtr) + [1]*len(Xte)
logreg = GridSearchCV(
param_grid={'C':np.logspace(-3,3,7), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]},
|, y)
prob_train = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,0]
prob_test = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,1]
prior_train = len(Xtr)
prior_test = len(Xte)
w = (prior_train/prior_test)*(prob_test/prob_train)
return w
class MostTest(ImportanceWeight):
def __init__(self):
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
# check "Direct Density Ratio Estimation for
# Large-scale Covariate Shift Adaptation", Eq.28
if issparse(Xtr):
X = vstack([Xtr, Xte])
X = np.concatenate([Xtr, Xte])
y = [0]*len(Xtr) + [1]*len(Xte)
logreg = GridSearchCV(
param_grid={'C':np.logspace(-3,3,7), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]},
# logreg = LogisticRegression()
#, y)
# prob_test = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,1]
prob_test = cross_val_predict(logreg, X, y, n_jobs=-1, method="predict_proba")[:len(Xtr),1]
return prob_test
class Random(ImportanceWeight):
def __init__(self):
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
return np.random.rand(len(Xtr))
class MostSimilarK(ImportanceWeight):
# retains the training documents that are most similar in average to the k closest test points
def __init__(self, k):
self.k = k
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
distances = cdist(Xtr, Xte)
min_dist = np.min(distances)
max_dist = np.max(distances)
distances = (distances-min_dist)/(max_dist-min_dist)
similarities = 1 / (1+distances)
top_k_sim = np.sort(similarities, axis=1)[:,-self.k:]
ave_sim = np.mean(top_k_sim, axis=1)
return ave_sim
class MostSimilarTest(ImportanceWeight):
# retains the training documents that are the most similar to one test document
# i.e., for each test point, selects the K most similar train instances
def __init__(self, k=1):
self.k = k
def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte):
distances = cdist(Xtr, Xte)
most_similar_idx = np.argsort(distances, axis=0)[:self.k, :].flatten()
weights = np.zeros(shape=Xtr.shape[0])
weights[most_similar_idx] = 1
return weights
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Quantification Methods that rely on Importance Weight for reweighting the training instances
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TransductiveQuantifier(BaseQuantifier):
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection):
self.training_ = data
return self
def training(self):
return self.training_
class ReweightingAggregative(TransductiveQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=CC):
self.classifier = classifier
self.weighter = weighter
self.quantif_method = quantif_method
def quantify(self, instances):
# time_weight = 2.95340 time_train = 0.00619
w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances)
|*, sample_weight=w)
quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(, fit_classifier=False)
return quantifier.quantify(instances)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Quantification Methods that rely on Importance Weight for selecting a validation partition
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(TransductiveQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=ACC, val_split=0.4, only_positives=False):
self.classifier = classifier
self.weighter = weighter
self.quantif_method = quantif_method
self.val_split = val_split
self.only_positives = only_positives
def quantify(self, instances):
w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances)
train, val = self.select_from_weights(w,, self.val_split, self.only_positives)
_internal_plot(train, val, instances)
# print('\ttraining size', len(train), '\tval size', len(val))
quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(train, val_split=val)
return quantifier.quantify(instances)
def select_from_weights(self, w, data: LabelledCollection, val_prop=0.4, only_positives=False):
order = np.argsort(w)
if only_positives:
val_prop = np.mean(w > 0)
split_point = int(len(w) * val_prop)
different_idx, similar_idx = order[:-split_point], order[-split_point:]
different, similar = data.sampling_from_index(different_idx), data.sampling_from_index(similar_idx)
# return different, similar
train, val = similar.split_stratified(0.6)
return train, val
class SelectorQuantifiersTrain(TransductiveQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=ACC, only_positives=False):
self.classifier = classifier
self.weighter = weighter
self.quantif_method = quantif_method
self.only_positives = only_positives
def quantify(self, instances):
w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances)
train = self.select_from_weights(w,, select_prop=None, only_positives=self.only_positives)
# _internal_plot(train, None, instances)
# print('\ttraining size', len(train))
quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(train)
return quantifier.quantify(instances)
def select_from_weights(self, w, data: LabelledCollection, select_prop=0.5, only_positives=False):
order = np.argsort(w)
if only_positives:
select_prop = np.mean(w > 0)
split_point = int(len(w) * select_prop)
different_idx, similar_idx = order[:-split_point], order[-split_point:]
different, similar = data.sampling_from_index(different_idx), data.sampling_from_index(similar_idx)
return similar
if __name__ == '__main__':
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 500
dA_l0 = gaussian(mean=[0,0], label=0, size=5000)
dA_l1 = gaussian(mean=[1,0], label=1, size=5000)
dB_l0 = gaussian(mean=[0,1], label=0, size=5000)
dB_l1 = gaussian(mean=[1,1], label=1, size=5000)
dA = LabelledCollection.join(dA_l0, dA_l1)
dB = LabelledCollection.join(dB_l0, dB_l1)
dA_train, dA_test = dA.split_stratified(0.5, random_state=0)
dB_train, dB_test = dB.split_stratified(0.5, random_state=0)
train = LabelledCollection.join(dA_train, dB_train)
plot(train, 'train.png')
def lr():
return LogisticRegression()
# val_split = 0.5
k_sim = 10
methods = [
('MLPE', MLPE()),
('CC', CC(lr())),
('PCC', PCC(lr())),
('ACC', ACC(lr())),
('PACC', PACC(lr())),
('HDy', HDy(lr())),
('EMQ', EMQ(lr())),
('GridQ', GridQuantifier2(classifier=lr())),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=2)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=4)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=6)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=8)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=10)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=20)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))),
# ('kSim-ACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), ACC, val_split=val_split)),
# ('kSim-PACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), PACC, val_split=val_split)),
# ('kSim-HDy', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), HDy, val_split=val_split)),
# ('Sel-CC', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), CC, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-PCC', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), PCC, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-ACC', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), ACC, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-PACC', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), PACC, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-HDy', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), HDy, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-EMQ', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), EMQ, only_positives=True)),
# ('Sel-EMQ', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), USILF(), PACC, only_positives=False)),
# ('Sel-PACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostTest(), PACC)),
# ('Sel-HDy', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostTest(), HDy)),
# ('LogReg-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), CC)),
# ('LogReg-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), PCC)),
# ('LogReg-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), EMQ)),
# ('KLIEP-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), CC)),
# ('KLIEP-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), PCC)),
# ('KLIEP-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), EMQ)),
# ('SILF-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), CC)),
# ('SILF-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), PCC)),
# ('SILF-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), EMQ))
for name, model in methods:
with qp.util.temp_seed(5):
# print('original training size', len(train))
prot = CovPriorShift([dA_test, dB_test], repeats=1 if plottting else 150)
# prot = UPP(dA_test+dB_test, repeats=1 if plottting else 150)
mae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(model, protocol=prot, error_metric='mae')
print(f'{name}: {mae = :.4f}')
# mrae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(model, protocol=prot, error_metric='mrae')
# print(f'{name}: {mrae = :.4f}')
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
import numpy as np
import warnings
class DensityRatioEstimator:
Class to accomplish direct density estimation implementing the original KLIEP
algorithm from Direct Importance Estimation with Model Selection
and Its Application to Covariate Shift Adaptation by Sugiyama et al.
The training set is distributed via
train ~ p(x)
and the test set is distributed via
test ~ q(x).
The KLIEP algorithm and its variants approximate w(x) = q(x) / p(x) directly. The predict function returns the
estimate of w(x). The function w(x) can serve as sample weights for the training set during
training to modify the expectation function that the model's loss function is optimized via,
E_{x ~ w(x)p(x)} loss(x) = E_{x ~ q(x)} loss(x).
Usage :
The fit method is used to run the KLIEP algorithm using LCV and returns value of J
trained on the entire training/test set with the best sigma found.
Use the predict method on the training set to determine the sample weights from the KLIEP algorithm.
def __init__(self, max_iter=5000, num_params=[.1, .2], epsilon=1e-4, cv=3, sigmas=[.01, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1],
random_state=None, verbose=0):
Direct density estimation using an inner LCV loop to estimate the proper model. Can be used with sklearn
cross validation methods with or without storing the inner CV. To use a standard grid search.
max_iter : Number of iterations to perform
num_params : List of number of test set vectors used to construct the approximation for inner LCV.
Must be a float. Original paper used 10%, i.e. =.1
sigmas : List of sigmas to be used in inner LCV loop.
epsilon : Additive factor in the iterative algorithm for numerical stability.
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.num_params = num_params
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.verbose = verbose
self.sigmas = sigmas
| = cv
self.random_state = 0
def fit(self, X_train, X_test, alpha_0=None):
""" Uses cross validation to select sigma as in the original paper (LCV).
In a break from sklearn convention, y=X_test.
The parameter cv corresponds to R in the original paper.
Once found, the best sigma is used to train on the full set."""
# LCV loop, shuffle a copy in place for performance.
cv =
chunk = int(X_test.shape[0] / float(cv))
if self.random_state is not None:
X_test_shuffled = X_test.copy()
j_scores = {}
if type(self.sigmas) != list:
self.sigmas = [self.sigmas]
if type(self.num_params) != list:
self.num_params = [self.num_params]
if len(self.sigmas) * len(self.num_params) > 1:
# Inner LCV loop
for num_param in self.num_params:
for sigma in self.sigmas:
j_scores[(num_param, sigma)] = np.zeros(cv)
for k in range(1, cv + 1):
if self.verbose > 0:
print('Training: sigma: %s R: %s' % (sigma, k))
X_test_fold = X_test_shuffled[(k - 1) * chunk:k * chunk, :]
j_scores[(num_param, sigma)][k - 1] = self._fit(X_train=X_train,
j_scores[(num_param, sigma)] = np.mean(j_scores[(num_param, sigma)])
sorted_scores = sorted([x for x in j_scores.items() if np.isfinite(x[1])], key=lambda x: x[1],
if len(sorted_scores) == 0:
warnings.warn('LCV failed to converge for all values of sigma.')
return self
self._sigma = sorted_scores[0][0][1]
self._num_parameters = sorted_scores[0][0][0]
self._j_scores = sorted_scores
self._sigma = self.sigmas[0]
self._num_parameters = self.num_params[0]
# best sigma
self._j = self._fit(X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test_shuffled, num_parameters=self._num_parameters,
return self # Compatibility with sklearn
def _fit(self, X_train, X_test, num_parameters, sigma, alpha_0=None):
""" Fits the estimator with the given parameters w-hat and returns J"""
num_parameters = num_parameters
if type(num_parameters) == float:
num_parameters = int(X_test.shape[0] * num_parameters)
X_train = self._reshape_X(X_train)
X_test = self._reshape_X(X_test)
if alpha_0 is None:
alpha_0 = np.ones(shape=(num_parameters, 1)) / float(num_parameters)
return self._calculate_j(X_test, sigma=sigma)
def _calculate_j(self, X_test, sigma):
pred = self.predict(X_test, sigma=sigma)+0.0000001
log = np.log(pred).sum()
return log / (X_test.shape[0])
def score(self, X_test):
""" Return the J score, similar to sklearn's API """
return self._calculate_j(X_test=X_test, sigma=self._sigma)
def _reshape_X(X):
""" Reshape input from mxn to mx1xn to take advantage of numpy broadcasting. """
if len(X.shape) != 3:
return X.reshape((X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1]))
return X
def _select_param_vectors(self, X_test, sigma, num_parameters):
""" X_test is the test set. b is the number of parameters. """
indices = np.random.choice(X_test.shape[0], size=num_parameters, replace=False)
self._test_vectors = X_test[indices, :].copy()
self._phi_fitted = True
def _phi(self, X, sigma=None):
if sigma is None:
sigma = self._sigma
if self._phi_fitted:
return np.exp(-np.sum((X - self._test_vectors) ** 2, axis=-1) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
raise Exception('Phi not fitted.')
def _find_alpha(self, alpha_0, X_train, X_test, num_parameters, sigma, epsilon):
A = np.zeros(shape=(X_test.shape[0], num_parameters))
b = np.zeros(shape=(num_parameters, 1))
A = self._phi(X_test, sigma)
b = self._phi(X_train, sigma).sum(axis=0) / X_train.shape[0]
b = b.reshape((num_parameters, 1))
out = alpha_0.copy()
for k in range(self.max_iter):
mat =, out)
mat += 0.000000001
out += epsilon *, 1. / mat)
out += b * (((1 -, out)) /, b)))
out = np.maximum(0, out)
out /= (, out))
self._alpha = out
self._fitted = True
def predict(self, X, sigma=None):
""" Equivalent of w(X) from the original paper."""
X = self._reshape_X(X)
if not self._fitted:
raise Exception('Not fitted!')
return, sigma=sigma), self._alpha).reshape((X.shape[0],))
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
from copy import deepcopy
import quapy as qp
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from classification.methods import LowRankLogisticRegression
from quapy.method.meta import QuaNet
from quapy.protocol import APP
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, ACC, PCC, PACC, MAX, MS, MS2, EMQ, HDy, newSVMAE
from quapy.method.meta import EHDy
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import itertools
import argparse
import torch
import shutil
N_JOBS = -1
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100
def newLR():
return LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000, solver='lbfgs', n_jobs=-1)
def calibratedLR():
return CalibratedClassifierCV(LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000, solver='lbfgs', n_jobs=-1))
__C_range = np.logspace(-3, 3, 7)
lr_params = {'classifier__C': __C_range, 'classifier__class_weight': [None, 'balanced']}
svmperf_params = {'classifier__C': __C_range}
def quantification_models():
yield 'cc', CC(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'acc', ACC(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'pcc', PCC(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'pacc', PACC(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'MAX', MAX(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'MS', MS(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'MS2', MS2(newLR()), lr_params
yield 'sldc', EMQ(newLR(), recalib='platt'), lr_params
yield 'svmmae', newSVMAE(), svmperf_params
yield 'hdy', HDy(newLR()), lr_params
def quantification_cuda_models():
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
print(f'Running QuaNet in {device}')
learner = LowRankLogisticRegression()
yield 'quanet', QuaNet(learner, checkpointdir=args.checkpointdir, device=device), lr_params
def evaluate_experiment(true_prevalences, estim_prevalences):
print('\nEvaluation Metrics:\n' + '=' * 22)
for eval_measure in [qp.error.mae, qp.error.mrae]:
err = eval_measure(true_prevalences, estim_prevalences)
def result_path(path, dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss):
return os.path.join(path, f'{dataset_name}-{model_name}-run{run}-{optim_loss}.pkl')
def is_already_computed(dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss):
return os.path.exists(result_path(args.results, dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss))
def save_results(dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss, *results):
rpath = result_path(args.results, dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss)
with open(rpath, 'wb') as foo:
pickle.dump(tuple(results), foo, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def run(experiment):
optim_loss, dataset_name, (model_name, model, hyperparams) = experiment
if dataset_name in ['acute.a', 'acute.b', 'iris.1']: return
collection = qp.datasets.fetch_UCILabelledCollection(dataset_name)
for run, data in enumerate(, nfolds=5, nrepeats=1)):
if is_already_computed(dataset_name, model_name, run=run, optim_loss=optim_loss):
print(f'result for dataset={dataset_name} model={model_name} loss={optim_loss} run={run+1}/5 already computed.')
print(f'running dataset={dataset_name} model={model_name} loss={optim_loss} run={run+1}/5')
# model selection (hyperparameter optimization for a quantification-oriented loss)
train, test = data.train_test
train, val = train.split_stratified()
if hyperparams is not None:
model_selection = qp.model_selection.GridSearchQ(
protocol=APP(val, n_prevalences=21, repeats=25),
model = model_selection.best_model()
best_params = model_selection.best_params_
best_params = {}
# model evaluation
true_prevalences, estim_prevalences = qp.evaluation.prediction(
protocol=APP(test, n_prevalences=21, repeats=100)
test_true_prevalence = data.test.prevalence()
evaluate_experiment(true_prevalences, estim_prevalences)
save_results(dataset_name, model_name, run, optim_loss,
true_prevalences, estim_prevalences,
|, test_true_prevalence,
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run experiments for Tweeter Sentiment Quantification')
parser.add_argument('results', metavar='RESULT_PATH', type=str,
help='path to the directory where to store the results')
parser.add_argument('--svmperfpath', metavar='SVMPERF_PATH', type=str, default='../svm_perf_quantification',
help='path to the directory with svmperf')
parser.add_argument('--checkpointdir', metavar='PATH', type=str, default='./checkpoint',
help='path to the directory where to dump QuaNet checkpoints')
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f'Result folder: {args.results}')
qp.environ['SVMPERF_HOME'] = args.svmperfpath
optim_losses = ['mae']
datasets = qp.datasets.UCI_DATASETS[:4]
models = quantification_models()
qp.util.parallel(run, itertools.product(optim_losses, datasets, models), n_jobs=N_JOBS)
models = quantification_cuda_models()
qp.util.parallel(run, itertools.product(optim_losses, datasets, models), n_jobs=CUDA_N_JOBS)
shutil.rmtree(args.checkpointdir, ignore_errors=True)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
def __init__(self, n_components=100, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, n_components=100, **kwargs):
self.n_components = n_components
self.n_components = n_components
self.learner = LogisticRegression(**kwargs)
self.classifier = LogisticRegression(**kwargs)
def get_params(self):
def get_params(self):
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
:return: a dictionary with parameter names mapped to their values
:return: a dictionary with parameter names mapped to their values
params = {'n_components': self.n_components}
params = {'n_components': self.n_components}
return params
return params
def set_params(self, **params):
def set_params(self, **params):
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
if 'n_components' in params_:
if 'n_components' in params_:
self.n_components = params_['n_components']
self.n_components = params_['n_components']
del params_['n_components']
del params_['n_components']
def fit(self, X, y):
def fit(self, X, y):
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
if nF > self.n_components:
if nF > self.n_components:
self.pca = TruncatedSVD(self.n_components).fit(X)
self.pca = TruncatedSVD(self.n_components).fit(X)
X = self.transform(X)
X = self.transform(X)
||||||, y)
|, y)
self.classes_ = self.learner.classes_
self.classes_ = self.classifier.classes_
return self
return self
def predict(self, X):
def predict(self, X):
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
instances in `X`
instances in `X`
X = self.transform(X)
X = self.transform(X)
return self.learner.predict(X)
return self.classifier.predict(X)
def predict_proba(self, X):
def predict_proba(self, X):
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class LowRankLogisticRegression(BaseEstimator):
:return: array-like of shape `(n_samples, n_classes)` with the posterior probabilities
:return: array-like of shape `(n_samples, n_classes)` with the posterior probabilities
X = self.transform(X)
X = self.transform(X)
return self.learner.predict_proba(X)
return self.classifier.predict_proba(X)
def transform(self, X):
def transform(self, X):
@ -322,6 +322,22 @@ class LabelledCollection:
classes = np.unique(labels).sort()
classes = np.unique(labels).sort()
return LabelledCollection(instances, labels, classes=classes)
return LabelledCollection(instances, labels, classes=classes)
def separate(self):
Breaks down this labelled collection into a list of labelled collections such that each element in the list
contains all instances from a different class. The order in the list is consistent with the order in
`self.classes_`. If some class has 0 elements, then None will be returned in that position in the list.
:return: list `L` of :class:`LabelledCollection` with `len(L)==len(self.classes_)`
lcs = []
for class_label in self.classes_:
instances = self.instances[self.labels == class_label]
n_instances = len(instances)
new_lc = LabelledCollection(instances, [class_label]*n_instances) if (n_instances > 0) else None
return lcs
def Xy(self):
def Xy(self):
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def fetch_UCIDataset(dataset_name, data_home=None, test_split=0.3, verbose=False
return Dataset(*data.split_stratified(1 - test_split, random_state=0))
return Dataset(*data.split_stratified(1 - test_split, random_state=0))
def fetch_UCILabelledCollection(dataset_name, data_home=None, verbose=False) -> Dataset:
def fetch_UCILabelledCollection(dataset_name, data_home=None, verbose=False) -> LabelledCollection:
Loads a UCI collection as an instance of :class:``, as used in
Loads a UCI collection as an instance of :class:``, as used in
`Pérez-Gállego, P., Quevedo, J. R., & del Coz, J. J. (2017).
`Pérez-Gállego, P., Quevedo, J. R., & del Coz, J. J. (2017).
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def fetch_UCILabelledCollection(dataset_name, data_home=None, verbose=False) ->
>>> import quapy as qp
>>> import quapy as qp
>>> collection = qp.datasets.fetch_UCILabelledCollection("yeast")
>>> collection = qp.datasets.fetch_UCILabelledCollection("yeast")
>>> for data in, nfolds=5, nrepeats=2):
>>> for data in, nfolds=5, nrepeats=2):
>>> ...
>>> ...
The list of valid dataset names can be accessed in ``
The list of valid dataset names can be accessed in ``
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ def fetch_UCILabelledCollection(dataset_name, data_home=None, verbose=False) ->
~/quay_data/ directory)
~/quay_data/ directory)
:param test_split: proportion of documents to be included in the test set. The rest conforms the training set
:param test_split: proportion of documents to be included in the test set. The rest conforms the training set
:param verbose: set to True (default is False) to get information (from the UCI ML repository) about the datasets
:param verbose: set to True (default is False) to get information (from the UCI ML repository) about the datasets
:return: a :class:`` instance
:return: a :class:`` instance
assert dataset_name in UCI_DATASETS, \
assert dataset_name in UCI_DATASETS, \
@ -444,24 +444,28 @@ class EMQ(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier: BaseEstimator, exact_train_prev=True, recalib=None):
def __init__(self, classifier: BaseEstimator, exact_train_prev=True, recalib=None):
self.classifier = classifier
self.classifier = classifier
self.non_calibrated = classifier
self.exact_train_prev = exact_train_prev
self.exact_train_prev = exact_train_prev
self.recalib = recalib
self.recalib = recalib
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True):
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True):
if self.recalib is not None:
if self.recalib is not None:
if self.recalib == 'nbvs':
if self.recalib == 'nbvs':
self.classifier = NBVSCalibration(self.classifier)
self.classifier = NBVSCalibration(self.non_calibrated)
elif self.recalib == 'bcts':
elif self.recalib == 'bcts':
self.classifier = BCTSCalibration(self.classifier)
self.classifier = BCTSCalibration(self.non_calibrated)
elif self.recalib == 'ts':
elif self.recalib == 'ts':
self.classifier = TSCalibration(self.classifier)
self.classifier = TSCalibration(self.non_calibrated)
elif self.recalib == 'vs':
elif self.recalib == 'vs':
self.classifier = VSCalibration(self.classifier)
self.classifier = VSCalibration(self.non_calibrated)
elif self.recalib == 'platt':
elif self.recalib == 'platt':
self.classifier = CalibratedClassifierCV(self.classifier, ensemble=False)
self.classifier = CalibratedClassifierCV(self.classifier, ensemble=False)
raise ValueError('invalid param argument for recalibration method; available ones are '
raise ValueError('invalid param argument for recalibration method; available ones are '
'"nbvs", "bcts", "ts", and "vs".')
'"nbvs", "bcts", "ts", and "vs".')
self.recalib = None
self.classifier = self.non_calibrated
self.classifier, _ = _training_helper(self.classifier, data, fit_classifier, ensure_probabilistic=True)
self.classifier, _ = _training_helper(self.classifier, data, fit_classifier, ensure_probabilistic=True)
if self.exact_train_prev:
if self.exact_train_prev:
self.train_prevalence = F.prevalence_from_labels(data.labels, self.classes_)
self.train_prevalence = F.prevalence_from_labels(data.labels, self.classes_)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from torch.nn.functional import relu
from quapy.protocol import UPP
from quapy.protocol import UPP
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
from quapy.method.aggregative import *
from quapy.util import EarlyStop
from quapy.util import EarlyStop
from tqdm import tqdm
class QuaNetTrainer(BaseQuantifier):
class QuaNetTrainer(BaseQuantifier):
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class QuaNetTrainer(BaseQuantifier):
>>> # load the kindle dataset as text, and convert words to numerical indexes
>>> # load the kindle dataset as text, and convert words to numerical indexes
>>> dataset = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews('kindle', pickle=True)
>>> dataset = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews('kindle', pickle=True)
>>>, min_df=5, inplace=True)
>>>, min_df=5, inplace=True)
>>> # the text classifier is a CNN trained by NeuralClassifierTrainer
>>> # the text classifier is a CNN trained by NeuralClassifierTrainer
>>> cnn = CNNnet(dataset.vocabulary_size, dataset.n_classes)
>>> cnn = CNNnet(dataset.vocabulary_size, dataset.n_classes)
@ -263,15 +264,19 @@ class QuaNetTrainer(BaseQuantifier):
def get_params(self, deep=True):
def get_params(self, deep=True):
return {**self.classifier.get_params(), **self.quanet_params}
classifier_params = self.classifier.get_params()
classifier_params = {'classifier__'+k:v for k,v in classifier_params.items()}
return {**classifier_params, **self.quanet_params}
def set_params(self, **parameters):
def set_params(self, **parameters):
learner_params = {}
learner_params = {}
for key, val in parameters.items():
for key, val in parameters.items():
if key in self.quanet_params:
if key in self.quanet_params:
self.quanet_params[key] = val
self.quanet_params[key] = val
elif key.startswith('classifier__'):
learner_params[key.replace('classifier__', '')] = val
learner_params[key] = val
raise ValueError('unknown parameter ', key)
def __check_params_colision(self, quanet_params, learner_params):
def __check_params_colision(self, quanet_params, learner_params):
@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ class MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation(BaseQuantifier):
return self.estimated_prevalence
return self.estimated_prevalence
MLPE = MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class GridSearchQ(BaseQuantifier):
def _sout(self, msg):
def _sout(self, msg):
if self.verbose:
if self.verbose:
print(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}]: {msg}')
print(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}:{self.model.__class__.__name__}]: {msg}')
def __check_error(self, error):
def __check_error(self, error):
if error in qp.error.QUANTIFICATION_ERROR:
if error in qp.error.QUANTIFICATION_ERROR:
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import math
import quapy as qp
import quapy as qp
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 8]
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 6]
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 18
def binary_diagonal(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, pos_class=1, title=None, show_std=True, legend=True,
def binary_diagonal(method_names, true_prevs, estim_prevs, pos_class=1, title=None, show_std=True, legend=True,
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class APP(AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol):
to "labelled_collection" to get instead instances of LabelledCollection
to "labelled_collection" to get instead instances of LabelledCollection
def __init__(self, data:LabelledCollection, sample_size=None, n_prevalences=21, repeats=10,
def __init__(self, data: LabelledCollection, sample_size=None, n_prevalences=21, repeats=10,
smooth_limits_epsilon=0, random_state=0, return_type='sample_prev'):
smooth_limits_epsilon=0, random_state=0, return_type='sample_prev'):
super(APP, self).__init__(random_state)
super(APP, self).__init__(random_state)
|||||| = data
| = data
Reference in New Issue