diff -ruN svm_perf/svm_struct/svm_struct_main.c svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct/svm_struct_main.c
--- svm_perf/svm_struct/svm_struct_main.c	2020-10-28 12:23:19.000000000 +0100
+++ svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct/svm_struct_main.c	2020-10-28 12:23:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@
+  struct_parm->loss_parm=1.0;
+  struct_parm->beta=1.0; // AIC-QBETA
   strcpy (modelfile, "svm_struct_model");
   strcpy (learn_parm->predfile, "trans_predictions");
   strcpy (learn_parm->alphafile, "");
@@ -170,6 +171,7 @@
       case 'p': i++; struct_parm->slack_norm=atol(argv[i]); break;
       case 'e': i++; struct_parm->epsilon=atof(argv[i]); break;
       case 'k': i++; struct_parm->newconstretrain=atol(argv[i]); break;
+      case 'j': i++; struct_parm->beta=atof(argv[i]); break; // AIC-QBETA
       case 'h': i++; learn_parm->svm_iter_to_shrink=atol(argv[i]); break;
       case '#': i++; learn_parm->maxiter=atol(argv[i]); break;
       case 'm': i++; learn_parm->kernel_cache_size=atol(argv[i]); break;
@@ -189,6 +191,7 @@
       case '-': strcpy(struct_parm->custom_argv[struct_parm->custom_argc++],argv[i]);i++; strcpy(struct_parm->custom_argv[struct_parm->custom_argc++],argv[i]);break; 
       case 'v': i++; (*struct_verbosity)=atol(argv[i]); break;
       case 'y': i++; (*verbosity)=atol(argv[i]); break;
+      case '!': i++; struct_parm->loss_parm=atof(argv[i]); break;
       default: printf("\nUnrecognized option %s!\n\n",argv[i]);
@@ -396,6 +399,9 @@
   printf("                        (in the same order as in the training set)\n");
   printf("Application-Specific Options:\n");
+  printf("*************************************************\n"); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("         -j float    -> parameter beta for qbeta-based loss functions (default: 1.0)\n");
+  printf("*************************************************\n");
   printf("\nMore details in:\n");
diff -ruN svm_perf/svm_struct_api.c svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct_api.c
--- svm_perf/svm_struct_api.c	2020-10-28 12:23:19.000000000 +0100
+++ svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct_api.c	2020-10-28 12:23:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
 #include "svm_struct_api.h"
 #include "svm_light/svm_common.h"
 #include "svm_struct/svm_struct_common.h"
@@ -27,7 +28,9 @@
 #define MAX(x,y)      ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x))
 #define MIN(x,y)      ((x) > (y) ? (y) : (x))
+#define ABS(x)      ((x) < (0) ? (-(x)) : (x))
 #define SIGN(x)       ((x) > (0) ? (1) : (((x) < (0) ? (-1) : (0))))
+#define PI (3.141592653589793)
 int compareup(const void *a, const void *b) 
@@ -72,6 +75,16 @@
 double rocarea(LABEL y, LABEL ybar);
 double prbep(LABEL y, LABEL ybar);
 double avgprec(LABEL y, LABEL ybar);
+/* AIC-QBETA */
+double gm(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double nae(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double ae(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double rae(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double Qbeta(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_acc(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_f1(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_gm(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+/* AIC-QBETA */
 double zeroone_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
 double fone_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
@@ -82,6 +95,23 @@
 double swappedpairs_loss(LABEL y, LABEL ybar);
 double avgprec_loss(LABEL y, LABEL ybar);
+double kldiv(int a, int b, int c, int d); // KLD
+double kldiv_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d); // KLD
+double nkldiv_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d); // KLD
+double milli_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d); //MILL
+/* AIC-QBETA */
+double gm_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double nae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double ae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double rae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d);
+double Qbeta_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_acc_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_f1_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+double Qbeta_gm_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta);
+/* AIC-QBETA */
 void        svm_struct_learn_api_init(int argc, char* argv[])
   /* Called in learning part before anything else is done to allow
@@ -181,10 +211,22 @@
   /* change label value for better scaling using thresholdmetrics */
   if((sparm->loss_function == ZEROONE) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == FONE) 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == GM) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == NAE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == AE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == RAE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_ACC) // AIC-QBETA
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_F1) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_GM) // AIC-QBETA
      || (sparm->loss_function == ERRORRATE)
      || (sparm->loss_function == PRBEP) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == PREC_K) 
-     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)) {
+     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == KLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == NKLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == MILLI)
+     ) {
     for(i=0;i<sample.examples[0].x.totdoc;i++) {
@@ -520,10 +562,22 @@
   LABEL ybar;
   if((sparm->loss_function == ZEROONE) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == FONE) 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == GM) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == NAE) // AIC-QBETA
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == AE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == RAE) // AIC-QBETA
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_ACC) // AIC-QBETA
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_F1) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_GM) // AIC-QBETA
      || (sparm->loss_function == ERRORRATE)
      || (sparm->loss_function == PRBEP) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == PREC_K) 
-     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)) {
+     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == KLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == NKLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == MILLI)
+     ) {
@@ -562,9 +616,21 @@
      sparm->loss_type); */
   else if((sparm->loss_function == ZEROONE) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == FONE) 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == GM) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == NAE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == AE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == RAE) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_ACC) // AIC-QBETA
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_F1) // AIC-QBETA 
+	 || (sparm->loss_function == QBETA_GM) // AIC-QBETA
      || (sparm->loss_function == PRBEP) 
      || (sparm->loss_function == PREC_K) 
-     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)) 
+     || (sparm->loss_function == REC_K)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == KLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == NKLD)
+     || (sparm->loss_function == MILLI)
+	  ) 
   else if((sparm->loss_function == SWAPPEDPAIRS))
@@ -741,7 +807,23 @@
       if(sparm->loss_function == ZEROONE)
       else if(sparm->loss_function == FONE)
-	loss=fone_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+		  loss=fone_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == GM)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=gm_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == NAE)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=nae_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == AE)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=ae_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == RAE)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=rae_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=Qbeta_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d,sparm->beta);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_ACC)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=Qbeta_acc_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d,sparm->beta);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_F1)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=Qbeta_f1_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d,sparm->beta);
+	  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_GM)  // AIC-QBETA
+		  loss=Qbeta_gm_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d,sparm->beta);
       else if(sparm->loss_function == ERRORRATE)
       else if((sparm->loss_function == PRBEP) && (a+numn-d == nump))
@@ -750,6 +832,12 @@
       else if((sparm->loss_function == REC_K) && (a+numn-d <= prec_rec_k)) 
+      else if(sparm->loss_function == KLD) //KLD
+	loss=kldiv_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d); //KLD
+      else if(sparm->loss_function == NKLD) //KLD
+	loss=nkldiv_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d); //KLD
+      else if(sparm->loss_function == MILLI) //MILLI
+	loss=milli_loss(a,numn-d,nump-a,d); //MILLI
       else {
@@ -1213,6 +1301,7 @@
     /* printf("%f %f\n",y.class[i],ybar.class[i]); */
+	//printf("********** loss %d (a,b,c,d) (%d,%d,%d,%d) beta=%f\n",sparm->loss_function,a,b,c,d,sparm->beta);
   /* Return the loss according to the selected loss function. */
   if(sparm->loss_function == ZEROONE) { /* type 0 loss: 0/1 loss */
                                   /* return 0, if y==ybar. return 1 else */
@@ -1221,6 +1310,30 @@
   else if(sparm->loss_function == FONE) {
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == GM) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=gm_loss(a,b,c,d);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == NAE) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=nae_loss(a,b,c,d);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == AE) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=ae_loss(a,b,c,d);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == RAE) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=rae_loss(a,b,c,d);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=Qbeta_loss(a,b,c,d,sparm->beta);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_ACC) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=Qbeta_acc_loss(a,b,c,d,sparm->beta);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_F1) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=Qbeta_f1_loss(a,b,c,d,sparm->beta);
+  }
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == QBETA_GM) { // AIC-QBETA
+	  loss=Qbeta_gm_loss(a,b,c,d,sparm->beta);
+  }
   else if(sparm->loss_function == ERRORRATE) {
@@ -1242,6 +1355,15 @@
   else if(sparm->loss_function == AVGPREC) {
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == KLD) { //KLD
+    loss=kldiv_loss(a,b,c,d); //KLD
+  } //KLD
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == NKLD) { //KLD
+    loss=nkldiv_loss(a,b,c,d); //KLD
+  } //KLD
+  else if(sparm->loss_function == MILLI) { //MILLI
+    loss=milli_loss(a,b,c,d); //MILLI
+  } //MILLI
   else {
     /* Put your code for different loss functions here. But then
        find_most_violated_constraint_???(x, y, sm) has to return the
@@ -1320,6 +1442,16 @@
     printf("PRBEP    : %5.2f\n",teststats->prbep);
     printf("ROCArea  : %5.2f\n",teststats->rocarea);
     printf("AvgPrec  : %5.2f\n",teststats->avgprec);
+	printf("Qb       : %5.2f\n",teststats->Qbeta);
+	printf("Qb (Acc) : %5.2f\n",teststats->Qbeta_acc);
+	printf("Qb (F1)  : %5.2f\n",teststats->Qbeta_f1);
+	printf("Qb (GM)  : %5.2f\n",teststats->Qbeta_gm);
+	printf("NAE      : %5.2f\n",teststats->nae);
+	printf("AE       : %5.2f\n",teststats->ae);
+	printf("RAE      : %5.2f\n",teststats->rae);
+    printf("GM       : %5.2f\n",teststats->gm);
+    printf("KLD       : %5.2f\n",teststats->kld);
+    printf("NKLD       : %5.2f\n",teststats->nkld);
   else {
     printf("NOTE: %ld test examples are unlabeled, so performance cannot be computed. The\n",teststats->test_data_unlabeled);
@@ -1352,6 +1484,29 @@
+    sparm->loss_function=GM;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->gm=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=NAE;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->nae=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=AE;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->ae=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=RAE;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->rae=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=QBETA;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->Qbeta=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=QBETA_ACC;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->Qbeta_acc=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=QBETA_F1;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->Qbeta_f1=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=QBETA_GM;  // AIC-QBETA
+    teststats->Qbeta_gm=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=KLD; // KLD
+    teststats->kld=100-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
+    sparm->loss_function=NKLD; // KLD
+    teststats->nkld=100.0-loss(ex.y,ypred,sparm);
@@ -1403,6 +1558,7 @@
+	sparm->beta = 1;                      // AIC-QBETA *****************************
@@ -1514,6 +1670,18 @@
   printf("    %2d  Prec@k: 100 minus precision at k in percent.\n",PREC_K);
   printf("    %2d  Rec@k: 100 minus recall at k in percent.\n",REC_K);
   printf("    %2d  ROCArea: Percentage of swapped pos/neg pairs (i.e. 100 - ROCArea).\n\n",SWAPPEDPAIRS);
+  printf("    %2d  Kullback-Leibler divergence.\n",KLD); //KLD
+  printf("    %2d  Normalized Kullback-Leibler divergence.\n",NKLD); //KLD
+  printf("    %2d  MILLI.\n",MILLI); //MILLI
+  printf("    %2d  GM: geometric mean of tpr and tnr\n",GM); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  NAE: normalized absolute error (Esuli & Sebastiani)\n",NAE); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  AE: absolute error (Esuli & Sebastiani)\n",AE); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  RAE: relative absolute error (Esuli & Sebastiani)\n",RAE); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  Qbeta: 100 minus the Qbeta-score in percent (with recall)\n",QBETA); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  Qbeta_acc: 100 minus the Qbeta-score in percent (with acc)\n",QBETA_ACC); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  Qbeta_f1: 100 minus the Qbeta-score in percent (with F1)\n",QBETA_F1); // AIC-QBETA
+  printf("    %2d  Qbeta_gm: 100 minus the Qbeta-score in percent (with GM)\n",QBETA_GM); // AIC-QBETA
   printf("NOTE: The '-c' parameters in SVM-light and SVM-perf are related as\n");
   printf("      c_light = c_perf*100/n for the 'Errorrate' loss function, where n is the\n");
   printf("      number of training examples.\n\n");
@@ -1785,7 +1953,65 @@
+/* AIC-QBETA */
+double tnr(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	/* Returns tnr as fractional value. */
+	if((b+d) == 0) return(0.0);
+	return((double)d/(double)(b+d));
+double gm(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	double tprate = rec(a,b,c,d);
+	double tnrate = tnr(a,b,c,d);
+	return sqrt( tprate * tnrate );
+double nae(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	double maximo = (a+c > b+d? a+c: b+d);
+	return 1.0 - ( (double)abs(c-b) / maximo);
+	//return 1.0 - ( (double)abs(c-b) / (double)(a+b+c+d)); // ABSERR
+double ae(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	return (double)abs(c-b) / (double)(a+b+c+d) ; // ABSERR
+double rae(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	double absdif = (double)abs(c-b) ;
+	double smooth_rae_pos = absdif / ((double)(a+c+0.5)) ;
+	double smooth_rae_neg = absdif / ((double)(b+d+0.5)) ;
+	return 0.5*(smooth_rae_pos + smooth_rae_neg) ; 
+double Qbeta(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta) 
+	if(a+c == 0) return(0.0);
+	double qperf=nae(a,b,c,d);
+	double cperf=rec(a,b,c,d);
+	return((1+beta*beta)*qperf*cperf/((beta*beta*cperf)+qperf));
+double Qbeta_acc(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta) 
+	if(a+c == 0) return(0.0);
+	double qperf=nae(a,b,c,d);
+	double cperf=1.0-errorrate(a,b,c,d);
+	return((1+beta*beta)*qperf*cperf/((beta*beta*cperf)+qperf));
+double Qbeta_f1(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta) 
+	if(a+c == 0) return(0.0);
+	double qperf=nae(a,b,c,d);
+	double cperf=fone(a,b,c,d);
+	return((1+beta*beta)*qperf*cperf/((beta*beta*cperf)+qperf));
+double Qbeta_gm(int a, int b, int c, int d, double beta) 
+	if(a+c == 0) return(0.0);
+	double qperf=nae(a,b,c,d);
+	double cperf=gm(a,b,c,d);
+	return((1+beta*beta)*qperf*cperf/((beta*beta*cperf)+qperf));
+/* AIC-QBETA */
 /*------- Loss functions based on performance measures --------*/
 double zeroone_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
@@ -1846,4 +2072,70 @@
+double kldiv(int a, int b, int c, int d)
+  double sum = a+b+c+d+1.0;
+  double pab = (a+b+0.5)/sum;
+  double pac = (a+c+0.5)/sum;
+  double pbd = (b+d+0.5)/sum;
+  double pcd = (c+d+0.5)/sum;
+  double kl = pac*log(pac/pab)+pbd*log(pbd/pcd);
+  return kl;
+double kldiv_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d)
+  return kldiv(a,b,c,d);
+double nkldiv_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d)
+  return 100.0-(100.0*2.0/(1.0+exp(kldiv(a,b,c,d))));
+double milli_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d)
+  int sum = a+b+c+d;
+  return 100.0*(b+c)*ABS(b-c);
+/* AIC-QBETA */
+double gm_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	return  100.0 * (1.0-gm(a,b,c,d));
+double nae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	return  100.0 * (1.0-nae(a,b,c,d));
+double ae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	return  100.0 * ae(a,b,c,d);
+double rae_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d) 
+	return  100.0 * rae(a,b,c,d);
+double Qbeta_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d,double beta) 
+	return(100.0*(1.0-Qbeta(a,b,c,d,beta)));
+double Qbeta_acc_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d,double beta) 
+	return(100.0*(1.0-Qbeta_acc(a,b,c,d,beta)));
+double Qbeta_f1_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d,double beta) 
+	return(100.0*(1.0-Qbeta_f1(a,b,c,d,beta)));
+double Qbeta_gm_loss(int a, int b, int c, int d,double beta) 
+	return(100.0*(1.0-Qbeta_gm(a,b,c,d,beta)));
+/* AIC-QBETA */
diff -ruN svm_perf/svm_struct_api_types.h svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct_api_types.h
--- svm_perf/svm_struct_api_types.h	2020-10-28 12:23:19.000000000 +0100
+++ svm_perf_quantification/svm_struct_api_types.h	2020-10-28 12:23:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -28,14 +28,25 @@
 # define INST_VERSION_DATE  "15.07.2009"
 /* Identifiers for loss functions */
-#define ZEROONE      0
-#define FONE         1
-#define ERRORRATE    2
-#define PRBEP        3
-#define PREC_K       4
-#define REC_K        5
-#define SWAPPEDPAIRS 10
-#define AVGPREC      11
+#define ZEROONE       0
+#define FONE          1
+#define ERRORRATE     2
+#define PRBEP         3
+#define PREC_K        4
+#define REC_K         5
+#define SWAPPEDPAIRS  10
+#define AVGPREC       11
+#define KLD         12 //KLD
+#define NKLD         13 //KLD
+#define MILLI         16 //MILLI
+#define GM			 20 // AIC-QBETA
+#define NAE			 21 // AIC-QBETA
+#define QBETA        22 // AIC-QBETA
+#define QBETA_ACC    23 // AIC-QBETA
+#define QBETA_F1     24 // AIC-QBETA
+#define QBETA_GM     25 // AIC-QBETA
+#define AE			 26 // AIC-QBETA
+#define RAE			 27 // AIC-QBETA
 /* default precision for solving the optimization problem */
 # define DEFAULT_EPS         0.1 
@@ -169,6 +180,8 @@
 				  svm_perf_classify. This uses more
 				  memory, but is faster if the support
 				  vectors in the model are dense. */
+  double loss_parm;
+  double beta; /* AIC-QBETA */
 typedef struct struct_test_stats {
@@ -183,6 +196,16 @@
   double prbep;
   double rocarea;
   double avgprec;
+  double kld; //KLD
+  double nkld; //KLD
+  double gm; // AIC-QBETA
+  double nae; // AIC-QBETA
+  double ae; // AIC-QBETA
+  double rae; // AIC-QBETA
+  double Qbeta; // AIC-QBETA
+  double Qbeta_acc; // AIC-QBETA
+  double Qbeta_f1; // AIC-QBETA
+  double Qbeta_gm; // AIC-QBETA
 typedef struct struct_id_score {