import os.path import pickle from itertools import zip_longest from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_sample, DATA_SIZES from os.path import join from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt """ Plots the distribution of (predicted) relevance score for the test samples and for the training samples wrt: - training pool size (100K, 500K, 1M, FULL) - rank """ data_home = 'data' for class_name in ['num_sitelinks_category', 'relative_pageviews_category', 'years_category', 'continent', 'gender']: test_added = False Mtrs, Mtes, source = [], [], [] for data_size in DATA_SIZES: class_home = join(data_home, class_name, data_size) classifier_path = join('classifiers', 'FULL', f'classifier_{class_name}.pkl') test_rankings_path = join(data_home, 'testRanking_Results.json') _, classifier = pickle.load(open(classifier_path, 'rb')) experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples( class_home, test_rankings_path, vectorizer=None, class_name=class_name, classes=classifier.classes_ ) Mtr = [] Mte = [] pbar = tqdm(experiment_prot(), for train, test in pbar: Xtr, ytr, score_tr = train Xte, yte, score_te = test Mtr.append(score_tr) Mte.append(score_te) Mtrs.append(Mtr) if not test_added: Mtes.append(Mte) test_added = True source.append(data_size) fig, ax = plt.subplots() train_source = ['train-'+s for s in source] Ms = list(zip(Mtrs, train_source))+list(zip(Mtes, ['test'])) for M, source in Ms: M = np.asarray(list(zip_longest(*M, fillvalue=np.nan))).T num_rep, num_docs = M.shape mean_values = np.nanmean(M, axis=0) n_filled = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(M), axis=0) std_errors = np.nanstd(M, axis=0) / np.sqrt(n_filled) line = ax.plot(range(num_docs), mean_values, '-', label=source, color=None) color = line[-1].get_color() ax.fill_between(range(num_docs), mean_values - std_errors, mean_values + std_errors, alpha=0.3, color=color) ax.set_xlabel('Doc. Rank') ax.set_ylabel('Rel. Score') ax.set_title(class_name) ax.legend() # os.makedirs('plots', exist_ok=True) plotpath = f'plots/{class_name}.pdf' print(f'saving plot in {plotpath}') plt.savefig(plotpath)