from typing import List, Union import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import issparse from scipy.sparse import vstack from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, RepeatedStratifiedKFold from quapy.functional import artificial_prevalence_sampling, strprev class LabelledCollection: ''' A LabelledCollection is a set of objects each with a label associated to it. ''' def __init__(self, instances, labels, classes_=None): """ :param instances: list of objects :param labels: list of labels, same length of instances :param classes_: optional, list of classes from which labels are taken. When used, must contain the set of values used in labels. """ if issparse(instances): self.instances = instances elif isinstance(instances, list) and len(instances) > 0 and isinstance(instances[0], str): # lists of strings occupy too much as ndarrays (although python-objects add a heavy overload) self.instances = np.asarray(instances, dtype=object) else: self.instances = np.asarray(instances) self.labels = np.asarray(labels) n_docs = len(self) if classes_ is None: self.classes_ = np.unique(self.labels) self.classes_.sort() else: self.classes_ = np.unique(np.asarray(classes_)) self.classes_.sort() if len(set(self.labels).difference(set(classes_))) > 0: raise ValueError('labels contains values not included in classes_') self.index = {class_: np.arange(n_docs)[self.labels == class_] for class_ in self.classes_} @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, loader_func: callable, classes=None): return LabelledCollection(*loader_func(path), classes) def __len__(self): return self.instances.shape[0] def prevalence(self): return self.counts() / len(self) def counts(self): return np.asarray([len(self.index[class_]) for class_ in self.classes_]) @property def n_classes(self): return len(self.classes_) @property def binary(self): return self.n_classes == 2 def sampling_index(self, size, *prevs, shuffle=True): if len(prevs) == 0: # no prevalence was indicated; returns an index for uniform sampling return np.random.choice(len(self), size, replace=False) if len(prevs) == self.n_classes - 1: prevs = prevs + (1 - sum(prevs),) assert len(prevs) == self.n_classes, 'unexpected number of prevalences' assert sum(prevs) == 1, f'prevalences ({prevs}) wrong range (sum={sum(prevs)})' taken = 0 indexes_sample = [] for i, class_ in enumerate(self.classes_): if i == self.n_classes - 1: n_requested = size - taken else: n_requested = int(size * prevs[i]) n_candidates = len(self.index[class_]) index_sample = self.index[class_][ np.random.choice(n_candidates, size=n_requested, replace=(n_requested > n_candidates)) ] if n_requested > 0 else [] indexes_sample.append(index_sample) taken += n_requested indexes_sample = np.concatenate(indexes_sample).astype(int) if shuffle: indexes_sample = np.random.permutation(indexes_sample) return indexes_sample def uniform_sampling_index(self, size): return np.random.choice(len(self), size, replace=False) def uniform_sampling(self, size): unif_index = self.uniform_sampling_index(size) return self.sampling_from_index(unif_index) def sampling(self, size, *prevs, shuffle=True): prev_index = self.sampling_index(size, *prevs, shuffle=shuffle) return self.sampling_from_index(prev_index) def sampling_from_index(self, index): documents = self.instances[index] labels = self.labels[index] return LabelledCollection(documents, labels, classes_=self.classes_) def split_stratified(self, train_prop=0.6, random_state=None): # with temp_seed(42): tr_docs, te_docs, tr_labels, te_labels = \ train_test_split(self.instances, self.labels, train_size=train_prop, stratify=self.labels, random_state=random_state) return LabelledCollection(tr_docs, tr_labels), LabelledCollection(te_docs, te_labels) def artificial_sampling_generator(self, sample_size, n_prevalences=101, repeats=1): dimensions = self.n_classes for prevs in artificial_prevalence_sampling(dimensions, n_prevalences, repeats): yield self.sampling(sample_size, *prevs) def artificial_sampling_index_generator(self, sample_size, n_prevalences=101, repeats=1): dimensions = self.n_classes for prevs in artificial_prevalence_sampling(dimensions, n_prevalences, repeats): yield self.sampling_index(sample_size, *prevs) def natural_sampling_generator(self, sample_size, repeats=100): for _ in range(repeats): yield self.uniform_sampling(sample_size) def natural_sampling_index_generator(self, sample_size, repeats=100): for _ in range(repeats): yield self.uniform_sampling_index(sample_size) def __add__(self, other): if other is None: return self elif issparse(self.instances) and issparse(other.instances): join_instances = vstack([self.instances, other.instances]) elif isinstance(self.instances, list) and isinstance(other.instances, list): join_instances = self.instances + other.instances elif isinstance(self.instances, np.ndarray) and isinstance(other.instances, np.ndarray): join_instances = np.concatenate([self.instances, other.instances]) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported operation for collection types') labels = np.concatenate([self.labels, other.labels]) return LabelledCollection(join_instances, labels) @property def Xy(self): return self.instances, self.labels def stats(self, show=True): ninstances = len(self) instance_type = type(self.instances[0]) if instance_type == list: nfeats = len(self.instances[0]) elif instance_type == np.ndarray or issparse(self.instances): nfeats = self.instances.shape[1] else: nfeats = '?' stats_ = {'instances': ninstances, 'type': instance_type, 'features': nfeats, 'classes': self.classes_, 'prevs': strprev(self.prevalence())} if show: print(f'#instances={stats_["instances"]}, type={stats_["type"]}, #features={stats_["features"]}, ' f'#classes={stats_["classes"]}, prevs={stats_["prevs"]}') return stats_ def kFCV(self, nfolds=5, nrepeats=1, random_state=0): kf = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=nfolds, n_repeats=nrepeats, random_state=random_state) for train_index, test_index in kf.split(*self.Xy): train = self.sampling_from_index(train_index) test = self.sampling_from_index(test_index) yield train, test class MultilingualLabelledCollection: def __init__(self, langs:List[str], labelledCollections:List[LabelledCollection]): assert len(langs) == len(labelledCollections), 'length mismatch for langs and labelledCollection lists' assert all(isinstance(lc, LabelledCollection) for lc in labelledCollections), 'unexpected type for labelledCollections' assert all(labelledCollections[0].classes_ == lc_i.classes_ for lc_i in labelledCollections[1:]), \ 'inconsistent classes found for some labelled collections' = {l: lc for l, lc in zip(langs, labelledCollections)} self.classes_=labelledCollections[0].classes_ @classmethod def fromLangDict(cls, lang_labelledCollection:dict): return MultilingualLabelledCollection(*list(zip(*list(lang_labelledCollection.items())))) def langs(self): return list(sorted( def __getitem__(self, lang)->LabelledCollection: return[lang] @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, loader_func: callable): return MultilingualLabelledCollection(*loader_func(path)) def __len__(self): return sum(map(len, def prevalence(self): prev = np.asarray([lc.prevalence() * len(lc) for lc in]).sum(axis=0) return prev / prev.sum() def language_prevalence(self): lang_count = np.asarray([len([l]) for l in self.langs()]) return lang_count / lang_count.sum() def counts(self): return np.asarray([lc.counts() for lc in]).sum(axis=0) @property def n_classes(self): return len(self.classes_) @property def binary(self): return self.n_classes == 2 def __check_langs(self, l_dict:dict): assert len(l_dict)==len(self.langs()), 'wrong number of languages' assert all(l in l_dict for l in self.langs()), 'missing languages in l_sizes' def __check_sizes(self, l_sizes: Union[int,dict]): assert isinstance(l_sizes, int) or isinstance(l_sizes, dict), 'unexpected type for l_sizes' if isinstance(l_sizes, int): return {l:l_sizes for l in self.langs()} self.__check_langs(l_sizes) return l_sizes def sampling_index(self, l_sizes: Union[int,dict], *prevs, shuffle=True): l_sizes = self.__check_sizes(l_sizes) return {l:lc.sampling_index(l_sizes[l], *prevs, shuffle=shuffle) for l,lc in} def uniform_sampling_index(self, l_sizes: Union[int, dict]): l_sizes = self.__check_sizes(l_sizes) return {l: lc.uniform_sampling_index(l_sizes[l]) for l,lc in} def uniform_sampling(self, l_sizes: Union[int, dict]): l_sizes = self.__check_sizes(l_sizes) return MultilingualLabelledCollection.fromLangDict( {l: lc.uniform_sampling(l_sizes[l]) for l,lc in} ) def sampling(self, l_sizes: Union[int, dict], *prevs, shuffle=True): l_sizes = self.__check_sizes(l_sizes) return MultilingualLabelledCollection.fromLangDict( {l: lc.sampling(l_sizes[l], *prevs, shuffle=shuffle) for l,lc in} ) def sampling_from_index(self, l_index:dict): self.__check_langs(l_index) return MultilingualLabelledCollection.fromLangDict( {l: lc.sampling_from_index(l_index[l]) for l,lc in} ) def split_stratified(self, train_prop=0.6, random_state=None): train, test = list(zip(*[self[l].split_stratified(train_prop, random_state) for l in self.langs()])) return MultilingualLabelledCollection(self.langs(), train), MultilingualLabelledCollection(self.langs(), test) def asLabelledCollection(self, return_langs=False): lXy_list = [([l]*len(lc),*lc.Xy) for l, lc in] # a list with (lang_i, Xi, yi) ls,Xs,ys = list(zip(*lXy_list)) ls = np.concatenate(ls) vertstack = vstack if issparse(Xs[0]) else np.vstack Xs = vertstack(Xs) ys = np.concatenate(ys) lc = LabelledCollection(Xs, ys, classes_=self.classes_) # return lc, ls if return_langs else lc # # # class Dataset: def __init__(self, training: LabelledCollection, test: LabelledCollection, vocabulary: dict = None, name=''): assert set(training.classes_) == set(test.classes_), 'incompatible labels in training and test collections' = training self.test = test self.vocabulary = vocabulary = name @classmethod def SplitStratified(cls, collection: LabelledCollection, train_size=0.6): return Dataset(*collection.split_stratified(train_prop=train_size)) @property def classes_(self): return @property def n_classes(self): return @property def binary(self): return @classmethod def load(cls, train_path, test_path, loader_func: callable): training = LabelledCollection.load(train_path, loader_func) test = LabelledCollection.load(test_path, loader_func) return Dataset(training, test) @property def vocabulary_size(self): return len(self.vocabulary) def stats(self): tr_stats = te_stats = self.test.stats(show=False) print(f'Dataset={} #tr-instances={tr_stats["instances"]}, #te-instances={te_stats["instances"]}, ' f'type={tr_stats["type"]}, #features={tr_stats["features"]}, #classes={tr_stats["classes"]}, ' f'tr-prevs={tr_stats["prevs"]}, te-prevs={te_stats["prevs"]}') return {'train': tr_stats, 'test': te_stats} @classmethod def kFCV(cls, data: LabelledCollection, nfolds=5, nrepeats=1, random_state=0): for i, (train, test) in enumerate(data.kFCV(nfolds=nfolds, nrepeats=nrepeats, random_state=random_state)): yield Dataset(train, test, name=f'fold {(i % nfolds) + 1}/{nfolds} (round={(i // nfolds) + 1})') def isbinary(data): if isinstance(data, Dataset) or isinstance(data, LabelledCollection): return data.binary return False