from typing import Union, Callable, Iterable import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import quapy as qp from quapy.protocol import AbstractProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol from quapy.method.base import BaseQuantifier import pandas as pd def prediction(model: BaseQuantifier, protocol: AbstractProtocol, aggr_speedup='auto', verbose=False): assert aggr_speedup in [False, True, 'auto', 'force'], 'invalid value for aggr_speedup' sout = lambda x: print(x) if verbose else None apply_optimization = False if aggr_speedup in [True, 'auto', 'force']: # checks whether the prediction can be made more efficiently; this check consists in verifying if the model is # of type aggregative, if the protocol is based on LabelledCollection, and if the total number of documents to # classify using the protocol would exceed the number of test documents in the original collection from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeQuantifier if isinstance(model, AggregativeQuantifier) and isinstance(protocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol): if aggr_speedup == 'force': apply_optimization = True sout(f'forcing aggregative speedup') elif hasattr(protocol, 'sample_size'): nD = len(protocol.get_labelled_collection()) samplesD = * protocol.sample_size if nD < samplesD: apply_optimization = True sout(f'speeding up the prediction for the aggregative quantifier, ' f'total classifications {nD} instead of {samplesD}') if apply_optimization: pre_classified = model.classify(protocol.get_labelled_collection().instances) protocol_with_predictions = protocol.on_preclassified_instances(pre_classified) return __prediction_helper(model.aggregate, protocol_with_predictions, verbose) else: return __prediction_helper(model.quantify, protocol, verbose) def __prediction_helper(quantification_fn, protocol: AbstractProtocol, verbose=False): true_prevs, estim_prevs = [], [] for sample_instances, sample_prev in tqdm(protocol(),, desc='predicting') if verbose else protocol(): estim_prevs.append(quantification_fn(sample_instances)) true_prevs.append(sample_prev) true_prevs = np.asarray(true_prevs) estim_prevs = np.asarray(estim_prevs) return true_prevs, estim_prevs def evaluation_report(model: BaseQuantifier, protocol: AbstractProtocol, error_metrics: Iterable[Union[str,Callable]] = 'mae', aggr_speedup='auto', verbose=False): true_prevs, estim_prevs = prediction(model, protocol, aggr_speedup=aggr_speedup, verbose=verbose) return _prevalence_report(true_prevs, estim_prevs, error_metrics) def _prevalence_report(true_prevs, estim_prevs, error_metrics: Iterable[Union[str, Callable]] = 'mae'): if isinstance(error_metrics, str): error_metrics = [error_metrics] error_funcs = [qp.error.from_name(e) if isinstance(e, str) else e for e in error_metrics] assert all(hasattr(e, '__call__') for e in error_funcs), 'invalid error functions' error_names = [e.__name__ for e in error_funcs] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['true-prev', 'estim-prev'] + error_names) for true_prev, estim_prev in zip(true_prevs, estim_prevs): series = {'true-prev': true_prev, 'estim-prev': estim_prev} for error_name, error_metric in zip(error_names, error_funcs): score = error_metric(true_prev, estim_prev) series[error_name] = score df = df.append(series, ignore_index=True) return df def evaluate( model: BaseQuantifier, protocol: AbstractProtocol, error_metric:Union[str, Callable], aggr_speedup='auto', verbose=False): if isinstance(error_metric, str): error_metric = qp.error.from_name(error_metric) true_prevs, estim_prevs = prediction(model, protocol, aggr_speedup=aggr_speedup, verbose=verbose) return error_metric(true_prevs, estim_prevs)