175 lines
6.2 KiB
175 lines
6.2 KiB
from cgi import test
import os
import sys
from typing import Union, Callable
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import quapy as qp
from quapy.data import LabelledCollection
from quapy.protocol import APP, UPP
from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier, _training_helper, cross_generate_predictions, \
DistributionMatching, _get_divergence
import scipy
from scipy import optimize
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_density import KDEMultivariateConditional
from time import time
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel
def gram_matrix_mix(bandwidth, X, Y=None):
# this adapts the output of the rbf_kernel function (pairwise evaluations of Gaussian kernels k(x,y))
# to contain pairwise evaluations of N(x|mu,Sigma1+Sigma2) with mu=y and Sigma1 and Sigma2 are
# two "scalar matrices" (h^2) I each, so Sigma1+Sigma2 has scalar 2(h^2) (h is the bandwidth)
variance = 2 * (bandwidth**2)
nD = X.shape[1]
gamma = 1/(2*variance)
gram = rbf_kernel(X, Y, gamma=gamma)
norm_factor = 1/np.sqrt(((2*np.pi)**nD) * (variance**(nD)))
gram *= norm_factor
print('GRAM SUM:', gram.sum())
return gram
def weighted_prod(pi, tau, G):
return pi[:,np.newaxis] * G * tau
def tril_weighted_prod(pi, G):
M = weighted_prod(pi, pi, G)
return np.triu(M,1)
class KDEyclosed(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
def __init__(self, classifier: BaseEstimator, val_split=0.4, bandwidth=0.1, n_jobs=None, random_state=0):
self.classifier = classifier
self.val_split = val_split
self.bandwidth = bandwidth
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True, val_split: Union[float, LabelledCollection] = None):
:param data: the training set
:param fit_classifier: set to False to bypass the training (the learner is assumed to be already fit)
:param val_split: either a float in (0,1) indicating the proportion of training instances to use for
validation (e.g., 0.3 for using 30% of the training set as validation data), or a LabelledCollection
indicating the validation set itself, or an int indicating the number k of folds to be used in kFCV
to estimate the parameters
# print('[fit] enter')
if val_split is None:
val_split = self.val_split
self.classifier, y, posteriors, classes, class_count = cross_generate_predictions(
data, self.classifier, val_split, probabilistic=True, fit_classifier=fit_classifier, n_jobs=self.n_jobs
# from distribution_matching.binary_debug import HACK
# posteriors, y = HACK(posteriors, y)
# print('[fit] precomputing stuff')
n = data.n_classes
#L = [posteriors[y==i] for i in range(n)]
#l = [len(Li) for Li in L]
D = n
h = self.bandwidth
#cov_mix_scalar = 2 * h * h # corresponds to a bandwidth of sqrt(2)*h
#Kernel = multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(D), cov=cov_mix_scalar)
# print('[fit] classifier ready; precomputing gram')
self.gram_tr_tr = gram_matrix_mix(h, posteriors)
# li_inv keeps track of the relative weight of each datapoint within its class
# (i.e., the weight in its KDE model)
counts_inv = 1/(data.counts())
self.li_inv = counts_inv[y]
# Khash = {}
# for a in range(n):
# for b in range(l[a]):
# for i in range(n):
# Khash[(a,b,i)] = sum(Kernel.pdf(L[i][j] - L[a][b]) for j in range(l[i]))
# for j in range(l[i]): # this for, and index j, can be supressed and store the sum across j
# Khash[(a, b, i, j)] = Kernel.pdf(L[i][j] - L[a][b])
self.n = n
#self.L = L
#self.l = l
#self.Kernel = Kernel
#self.Khash = Khash
self.C = ((2 * np.pi) ** (-D / 2)) * h ** (-D)
print('C:', self.C)
self.Ptr = posteriors
self.ytr = y
assert all(sorted(np.unique(y)) == np.arange(data.n_classes)), 'label name gaps not allowed in current implementation'
# print('[fit] exit')
return self
def aggregate(self, posteriors: np.ndarray):
# print('[aggregate] enter')
Ptr = self.Ptr
Pte = posteriors
gram_te_te = gram_matrix_mix(self.bandwidth, Pte, Pte)
gram_tr_te = gram_matrix_mix(self.bandwidth, Ptr, Pte)
K = Pte.shape[0]
tau = np.full(shape=K, fill_value=1/K, dtype=float)
h = self.bandwidth
D = Ptr.shape[1]
C = self.C
partC = 0.5 * np.log( C/K + 2 * tril_weighted_prod(tau, gram_te_te).sum())
def match(alpha):
pi = alpha[self.ytr] * self.li_inv
partA = -np.log(weighted_prod(pi, tau, gram_tr_te).sum())
# print('gram_Tr_Tr sum', self.gram_tr_tr.sum())
# print('pretril', (np.triu(self.gram_tr_tr,1).sum()))
# print('tril', (2 * tril_weighted_prod(pi, self.gram_tr_tr).sum()))
# print('pi', pi.sum(), pi[:10])
# print('Cs', C*(pi**2).sum())
partB = 0.5 * np.log(C*(pi**2).sum() + 2*tril_weighted_prod(pi, self.gram_tr_tr).sum())
Dcs = partA + partB + partC
# print(f'{alpha=}\t{partA=}\t{partB=}\t{partC}')
# print()
return Dcs
# print('[aggregate] starts search')
# the initial point is set as the uniform distribution
uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / self.n, shape=(self.n,))
# uniform_distribution = [0.2, 0.8]
# solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for _ in range(self.n)) # values in [0,1]
constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1
r = optimize.minimize(match, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
# print('[aggregate] end')
return r.x