--- - name: Configuration of the streaming replication block: - name: Create the replication user postgresql_user: name: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}' role_attr_flags: "REPLICATION" password: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_pwd }}' encrypted: yes state: present - name: Setup the streaming replication on the primary postgresql_set: name: '{{ item.name }}' value: "{{ item.value }}" loop: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_config }}' when: postgresql_streaming_replication_primary_node == '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' notify: Restart postgresql become: True become_user: postgres tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'postgresql_replication' ] - name: Configure the streaming replication user on deb systems block: - name: Configure the replication user permissions on deb postgresql_pg_hba: dest: '{{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf' contype: host users: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}' address: '{{ item }}' databases: 'replication' #method: 'scram-sha-256' method: 'md5' state: present loop: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_hosts }}' notify: Reload postgresql when: not psql_enable_ssl - name: Configure the replication user permissions on deb postgresql_pg_hba: dest: '{{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf' contype: hostssl users: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}' address: '{{ item }}' databases: 'replication' #method: 'scram-sha-256' method: 'md5' state: present loop: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_hosts }}' notify: Reload postgresql when: psql_enable_ssl when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pg_hba', 'postgresql_replication' ] - name: Configure the streaming replication user on EL block: - name: Configure the replication user permissions on EL postgresql_pg_hba: dest: '{{ psql_el_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf' contype: host users: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}' address: '{{ item }}' databases: 'replication' #method: 'scram-sha-256' method: 'md5' state: present loop: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_hosts }}' notify: Reload postgresql when: not psql_enable_ssl - name: Configure the replication user permissions on EL postgresql_pg_hba: dest: '{{ psql_el_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf' contype: hostssl users: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}' address: '{{ item }}' databases: 'replication' #method: 'scram-sha-256' method: 'md5' state: present loop: '{{ psql_streaming_replication_hosts }}' notify: Reload postgresql when: psql_enable_ssl when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat" tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pg_hba', 'postgresql_replication' ] - name: Manage the replica initialization block: - name: Set some paths when it is a deb based system set_fact: postgresql_user_home: '/var/lib/postgresql' postgresql_active_data_dir: '{{ psql_data_dir }}' when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" - name: Set some paths it is a EL based system set_fact: postgresql_user_home: '/var/lib/pgsql' postgresql_active_data_dir: '{{ psql_el_data_dir }}' when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat" - name: Create the .pgpass file inside the postgresql home {{ postgresql_user_home }} become: True become_user: postgres copy: content: "{{ postgresql_streaming_replication_primary_node }}:{{ psql_db_port }}:replication:{{ psql_streaming_replication_user }}:{{ psql_streaming_replication_pwd }}" dest: '{{ postgresql_user_home }}.pgpass' mode: '0400' - name: Check if a replica is already enabled stat: path: '{{ postgresql_active_data_dir }}/.standby.signal' register: standby_signal_file - name: Stop the postgresql service on deb systems service: name: postgresql state: stopped when: - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" - not standby_signal_file.stat.exists - name: Stop the postgresql service on EL systems service: name: 'postgresql-{{ psql_version }}' state: stopped when: - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat" - not standby_signal_file.stat.exists - name: Remove the data directory contents {{ postgresql_active_data_dir }} become: True become_user: postgres file: dest: '{{ postgresql_active_data_dir }}' state: absent when: not standby_signal_file.stat.exists - name: Run the pg_basebackup command that starts the replica become: True become_user: postgres shell: /usr/bin/pg_basebackup -h {{ postgresql_streaming_replication_primary_node }} -p {{ psql_db_port }} -U {{ psql_streaming_replication_user }} -D {{ postgresql_active_data_dir }} -Fp -R -Xs -P -w when: not standby_signal_file.stat.exists - name: Start the postgresql service service: name: postgresql state: started when: - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" - not standby_signal_file.stat.exists - name: Start the postgresql service on EL systems service: name: 'postgresql-{{ psql_version }}' state: started when: - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat" - not standby_signal_file.stat.exists when: postgresql_streaming_replication_primary_node != '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'postgresql_replication' ]