--- - name: Install the packages needed by postgres when running behind a pgpool server apt: pkg={{ postgresql_pgpool_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=3600 notify: Restart postgresql when: - psql_pgpool_install - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ] - name: PgPool II configuration block: - name: Add the postgres user that will manage the recovery, if not postgres become: True become_user: postgres postgresql_user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} password={{ pgpool_recovery_user_pwd }} role_attr_flags=REPLICATION port={{ psql_db_port }} when: - ('{{ pgpool_recovery_user }}' != 'postgres') - pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined - name: Give access to the pgpool recovery user, if it is not postgres lineinfile: name={{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf regexp="^host {{ item.0.name }} {{ pgpool_recovery_user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="host {{ item.0.name }} {{ pgpool_recovery_user }} {{ item.1 }} md5" with_subelements: - '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}' - allowed_hosts when: - psql_db_data is defined - item.1 is defined - pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined notify: Reload postgresql - name: Add the system user that will manage the recovery, if not postgres user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} password={{ pgpool_recovery_user_pwd | password_hash('sha512') }} groups=postgres shell=/bin/bash system=yes when: - ('{{ pgpool_recovery_user }}' != 'postgres') - pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined - name: Create the ssh keys for the recovery user user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa ssh_key_type=rsa - name: Install the pgpool recovery and remote restart scripts. They assume that the postgresql hosts can talk to each other template: src={{ item.1 }}.j2 dest={{ item.0.backend_data_directory }}/{{ item.1 }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0500 with_nested: - '{{ pgpool_backends | default([]) }}' - [ '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage1_script }}', '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage2_script }}', '{{ pgpool_remote_start_script }}' ] - name: Set the postgresql configuration parameters needed by pgpool action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key={{ item.name }} value="{{ item.value }}" with_items: '{{ psql_wal_files_conf }}' when: - item.set - psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled notify: Restart postgresql with pgpool config tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pgpool' ] - name: Ensure that the postgresql config file has the correct permissions file: dest={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf owner=root group=postgres mode='0440 tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pgpool' ] - name: Add the pgpool postgres extensions to the template1 dbs become: True become_user: postgres postgresql_ext: name={{ item }} db=template1 port={{ psql_db_port }} with_items: - pgpool_regclass - pgpool_recovery tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_extensions' ] - name: Install the sudoers config that permits the postgres user to restart the service after a recovery template: src=postgresql-sudoers.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/postgres-pgpool owner=root group=root mode=0440 tags: [ 'postgres', 'postgresql', 'sudo', 'pgpool' ] - name: Install a script that cleans up the wal log archives template: src=postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal.j2 dest=/usr/local/sbin/postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal owner=root group=root mode=0755 - name: Install a cron job to cleanup the wal log archives cron: name="Clean up the postgresql WAL log archives" user=postgres job="/usr/local/sbin/postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal > {{ psql_log_dir }}/wal_removal.log 2>&1" special_time=daily tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]