--- - name: Debian or Ubuntu block: - name: Get the signing key for the postgresql.org repository apt_key: url=https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc state=present - name: Setup the postgresql.org repository apt_repository: repo='deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ {{ ansible_lsb.codename }}-pgdg main' update_cache=yes when: - pg_use_postgresql_org_repo - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian" tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgresql_repo' ] - name: EL block: - name: Install the pgsql pgdg repository yum: name={{ psql_el_pgdg_repo_url }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} when: - pg_use_postgresql_org_repo - ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat" tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgresql_repo' ]