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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
{% if openvpn_ldap_perl_auth_ssl %}
use Net::LDAPS;
{% else %}
use Net::LDAP;
{% endif %}
use strict;
my $ldap;
my $result;
my $opt_uri = "{{ openvpn_ldap_host }}";
my $opt_user = $ENV{'username'};
my $opt_passwd = $ENV{'password'};
my $opt_group = "cn={{ openvpn_ldap_perl_auth_group }},{{ openvpn_ldap_group_base }}";
my $opt_binddn = "uid=".$opt_user.",{{ openvpn_ldap_base_dn }}";
{% if openvpn_ldap_perl_auth_ssl %}
$ldap = Net::LDAPS->new($opt_uri, version => 3,
port => '{{ openvpn_ldap_perl_auth_sslport }}',
verify => 'require',
{% if openvpn_ca_dir %}
capath => '{{ openvpn_ldap_ca }}'
{% else %}
cafile => '{{ openvpn_ldap_ca }}'
{% endif %}
) or die("LDAPS connect to $opt_uri failed!");
{% else %}
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new($opt_uri) or die("LDAP connect to $opt_uri failed!");
{% endif %}
{% if openvpn_ldap_nonanon_bind %}
$result = $ldap->bind('{{ openvpn_ldap_binddn }}', password => '{{ openvpn_ldap_bindpwd | default('') }}');
{% else %}
$result = $ldap->bind($opt_binddn, password => $opt_passwd);
{% endif %}
$result->code and die($result->error);
$result = $ldap->search(base=>$opt_group, filter => "(&({{ openvpn_ldap_group_member_attr }}=$opt_user))");
if ($result->count == 1) { exit 0; }
unless($result->count){ exit 1; }