
220 lines
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# Define your custom settings in this file and/or include settings defined in
# other properties files.
# Include Gitblit's '' within your configuration.
# NOTE: Gitblit will not automatically reload "included" properties. Gitblit
# only watches the '' file for modifications.
# Paths may be relative to the ${baseFolder} or they may be absolute.
# SINCE 1.7.0
include = {{ gitblit_data_dir }}/
# Define your overrides or custom settings below
server.httpPort = {{ gitblit_http_port }}
server.httpsPort = {{ gitblit_https_port }}
server.redirectToHttpsPort = {{ gitblit_redirect_to_https }}
server.httpBindInterface = {{ gitblit_http_interface }}
server.httpsBindInterface = {{ gitblit_https_interface }}
server.shutdownPort = {{ gitblit_shutdown_port }}
server.storePassword = {{ gitblit_server_storepassword }}
git.daemonPort = {{ gitblit_git_daemon_port }}
git.daemonBindInterface = {{ gitblit_daemon_interface }}
git.sshPort = {{ gitblit_ssh_port }}
git.sshBindInterface = {{ gitblit_ssh_interface }}
git.requiresClientCertificate = {{ gitblit_require_client_ssl_certs }}
git.acceptedPushTransports = {{ gitblit_git_accepted_push_transport }}
git.defaultAuthorizationControl = {{ gitblit_default_auth_control }}
git.createRepositoriesShared = {{ gitblit_creates_repo_shared }}
git.enableGitServlet = {{ gitblit_enable_git_servlet }}
# This requires git.enableGitServlet = true AND it requires an authenticated
# git transport connection (http/https) when pushing from a client.
# Valid services include:
# SINCE 1.4.0
tickets.service = {{ gitblit_tickets_service }}
tickets.acceptNewTickets = {{ gitblit_accept_new_tickets }}
web.allowDeletingNonEmptyRepositories = {{ gitblit_allow_deleting_non_empty_repo }}
realm.authenticationProviders = {{ gitblit_auth_providers }}
web.siteName = {{ gitblit_web_sitename }}
web.headerLogo = {{ gitblit_web_logo }}
web.canonicalUrl = {{ gitblit_canonical_url }}
# Auth
{% if gitblit_auth_ldap_enabled %}
realm.userService = com.gitblit.LdapUserService
realm.ldap.backingUserService = ${baseFolder}/users.conf
{% endif %} = {{ gitblit_windows_permitbuiltinadmin }}
# Redmine backend
realm.redmine.url = {{ gitblit_redmine_url }}
# URL of the LDAP server.
# To use encrypted transport, use either ldaps:// URL for SSL or ldap+tls:// to
# send StartTLS command.
realm.ldap.server = {{ gitblit_ldap_server_url }}
# Login username for LDAP searches.
# If this value is unspecified, anonymous LDAP login will be used.
# e.g. mydomain\\username
realm.ldap.username = {{ gitblit_ldap_username }}
# Login password for LDAP searches.
realm.ldap.password = {{ gitblit_ldap_password }}
# Bind pattern for Authentication.
# Allow to directly authenticate an user without LDAP Searches.
# e.g. CN=${username},OU=Users,OU=UserControl,OU=MyOrganization,DC=MyDomain
realm.ldap.bindpattern = {{ gitblit_ldap_auth_bind_pattern }}
# Delegate team membership control to LDAP.
# If true, team user memberships will be specified by LDAP groups. This will
# disable team selection in Edit User and user selection in Edit Team.
# If false, LDAP will only be used for authentication and Gitblit will maintain
# team memberships with the *realm.ldap.backingUserService*.
realm.ldap.maintainTeams = {{ gitblit_ldap_maintainteams }}
# Root node for all LDAP users
# This is the root node from which subtree user searches will begin.
# If blank, Gitblit will search ALL nodes.
realm.ldap.accountBase = {{ gitblit_ldap_accountbase }}
# Filter criteria for LDAP users
# Query pattern to use when searching for a user account. This may be any valid
# LDAP query expression, including the standard (&) and (|) operators.
# Variables may be injected via the ${variableName} syntax.
# Recognized variables are:
# ${username} - The text entered as the user name
realm.ldap.accountPattern = {{ gitblit_ldap_accountpattern }}
# Root node for all LDAP groups to be used as Gitblit Teams
# This is the root node from which subtree team searches will begin.
# If blank, Gitblit will search ALL nodes.
realm.ldap.groupBase = {{ gitblit_ldap_groupbase }}
# Filter criteria for LDAP groups
# Query pattern to use when searching for a team. This may be any valid
# LDAP query expression, including the standard (&) and (|) operators.
# Variables may be injected via the ${variableName} syntax.
# Recognized variables are:
# ${username} - The text entered as the user name
# ${dn} - The Distinguished Name of the user logged in
# All attributes from the LDAP User record are available. For example, if a user
# has an attribute "fullName" set to "John", "(fn=${fullName})" will be
# translated to "(fn=John)".
realm.ldap.groupMemberPattern = {{ gitblit_ldap_groupmemberpattern }}
# Filter criteria for empty LDAP groups
# Query pattern to use when searching for an empty team. This may be any valid
# LDAP query expression, including the standard (&) and (|) operators.
# default: (&(objectClass=group)(!(member=*)))
realm.ldap.groupEmptyMemberPattern = {{ gitblit_ldap_groupemptymemberpattern }}
# LDAP users or groups that should be given administrator privileges.
# Teams are specified with a leading '@' character. Groups with spaces in the
# name can be entered as "@team name". This setting only applies when using
# LDAP to maintain team memberships.
# e.g. realm.ldap.admins = john @git_admins "@git admins"
realm.ldap.admins = {{ gitblit_ldap_git_admins }}
# Attribute(s) on the USER record that indicate their display (or full) name.
# Leave blank for no mapping available in LDAP.
# This may be a single attribute, or a string of multiple attributes. Examples:
# displayName - Uses the attribute 'displayName' on the user record
# ${personalTitle}. ${givenName} ${surname} - Will concatenate the 3
# attributes together, with a '.' after personalTitle
realm.ldap.displayName = {{ gitblit_ldap_displayname }}
# Attribute(s) on the USER record that indicate their email address.
# Leave blank for no mapping available in LDAP.
# This may be a single attribute, or a string of multiple attributes. Examples:
# email - Uses the attribute 'email' on the user record
# ${givenName}.${surname} -Will concatenate the 2 attributes
# together with a '.' and '@' creating something like
# = {{ gitblit_ldap_email }}
# Attribute on the USER record that indicate their username to be used in gitblit
# when synchronizing users from LDAP
# if blank, Gitblit will use uid
# For MS Active Directory this may be sAMAccountName
realm.ldap.uid = {{ gitblit_ldap_uid }}
# Defines whether to synchronize all LDAP users and teams into the user service
# Valid values: true, false
# If left blank, false is assumed
realm.ldap.synchronize = {{ gitblig_ldap_synchronize }}
# Defines the period to be used when synchronizing users and teams from ldap.
# Must be of the form '<long> <TimeUnit>' where <TimeUnit> is one of 'MILLISECONDS', 'SECONDS', 'MINUTES', 'HOURS', 'DAYS'
# default: 5 MINUTES
realm.ldap.syncPeriod = {{ gitblit_ldap_syncperiod }}
# Defines whether to delete non-existent LDAP users from the user service
# during synchronization. depends on realm.ldap.synchronize = true
# Valid values: true, false
# If left blank, true is assumed
realm.ldap.removeDeletedUsers = {{ gitblit_ldap_remove_deleted_users }}
# Context path for the GO application. You might want to change the context
# path if running Gitblit behind a proxy layer such as mod_proxy.
# SINCE 0.7.0
server.contextPath = {{ gitblit_server_contextpath }}