powerdns-admin: it now depends on nodejs, and the initialization procedure changed sightly.

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Dell'Amico 2019-08-06 15:31:40 +02:00
parent e6900dc4ae
commit 60128ad596
4 changed files with 21 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ pdns_admin_prereqs:
- python3
- python3-pip
- python3-virtualenv
- virtualenv
- python3-psycopg2
- python3-dev
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libxmlsec1-dev
@ -24,4 +26,3 @@ pdns_admin_prereqs:
- libsasl2-dev
- libldap2-dev
- libssl-dev
- python3-psycopg2

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- role: '../../library/roles/nginx'
- role: '../../library/roles/node_js'

View File

@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
- '{{ pdns_admin_logdir }}'
- name: Install the pdns_admin prerequisite deb packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800
with_items: '{{ pdns_admin_prereqs }}'
apt: pkg={{ pdns_admin_prereqs }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800
- name: Clone pdns_admin
git: repo={{ pdns_admin_git_repo_url }} dest={{ pdns_admin_home }}
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
file: dest={{ pdns_admin_home }}/upload recurse=yes owner={{ pdns_admin_user }} group={{ pdns_admin_user }}
- name: Install the pdns_admin configuration
template: src=config.py dest={{ pdns_admin_home }}/config.py
template: src=config.py dest={{ pdns_admin_home }}/config.py owner=root group={{ pdns_admin_user }} mode=0640
notify: Restart pdns_admin
- name: Create a python3 virtualenv
@ -42,10 +41,21 @@
notify: Restart pdns_admin
- name: Initialise the database
shell: cd {{ pdns_admin_home }}; . {{ pdns_admin_home }}/flask/bin/activate ; ./create_db.py ; touch {{ pdns_admin_logdir }}/.db_initialised
shell: cd {{ pdns_admin_home }}; . {{ pdns_admin_home }}/flask/bin/activate ; export FLASK_APP=app/__init__.py ; flask db upgrade && touch {{ pdns_admin_logdir }}/.db_initialised
creates: '{{ pdns_admin_logdir }}/.db_initialised'
- name: Create the assets files
shell: cd {{ pdns_admin_home }}; . {{ pdns_admin_home }}/flask/bin/activate ; yarn install --pure-lockfile ; flask assets build
creates: '{{ pdns_admin_home }}/app/static/generated/login.js'
- name: Some directories must be writeable by the pdnsadmin user
file: dest={{ item }} recurse=yes owner={{ pdns_admin_user }} group={{ pdns_admin_user }}
- '{{ pdns_admin_home }}/app/static/custom'
- '{{ pdns_admin_home }}/app/static/.webassets-cache'
- name: Install the pdns_admin server systemd unit
template: src=powerdns-admin.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/powerdns-admin.service mode=0644 owner=root group=root
when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
http_port: 80
https_port: 443
node_js_repo_version: 10
node_js_yarn_install: True
nginx_letsencrypt_managed: True
nginx_use_common_virthost: True