library/roles/smartgears/smartgears-service: Comprehensive role that installs all that's needed to have a running smartgears instance, via dependencies.

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Dell'Amico 2018-01-16 17:41:29 +01:00
parent 69f14daa94
commit 71d267e38d
2 changed files with 13 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- { role: '../../library/roles/smartgears/smartgears' }
- { role: '../../library/roles/smartgears/smartgears-nginx-frontend', when: setup_nginx is defined and setup_nginx }
- { role: '../../library/roles/d4s_user_services_perms', when: smartgears_node }
- role: '../../library/roles/ssh-keys'

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
smartgears_node: True
smartgears_install_generic_virthost: True
tomcat_m_webapps_unpack: True
- { http_enabled: True, http_port: '{{ smartgears_http_port }}', http_address: '{{ smartgears_tomcat_listen_address }}', ajp_enabled: False, ajp_port: '8109', ajp_address: '', restart_timeout: '{{ tomcat_m_restart_timeout }}', shutdown_port: '-1', java_home: '{{ jdk_java_home }}', user: '{{ smartgears_user }}', user_home: '{{ smartgears_user_home }}', user_shell: '{{ tomcat_m_default_user_shell }}', instance_path: '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}', max_threads: '{{ tomcat_m_max_threads }}', autodeploy: '{{ tomcat_m_webapps_autodeploy }}', unpack: '{{ tomcat_m_webapps_unpack }}', default_conf: True, java_opts: '{{ tomcat_m_java_opts }}', java_gc_opts: '{{ tomcat_m_java_gc_opts }}', other_java_opts: '{{ tomcat_m_other_java_opts }}', jmx_enabled: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_enabled }}', jmx_disable_additional_ports: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_disable_additional_ports }}', jmx_port: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_port }}', jmx_use_ssl: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_use_ssl }}', jmx_auth_enabled: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_auth_enabled }}', jmx_auth_dir: '{{ tomcat_m_instances_base_path }}/{{ smartgears_http_port }}/conf', jmx_monitorpass: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_monitorpass | default(omit) }}', jmx_controlpass: '{{ tomcat_m_jmx_controlpass | default(omit) }}', catalina_tmp_directory: '{{ smartgears_tomcat_tmp_dir }}', remote_debugging: '{{ tomcat_m_enable_remote_debugging }}', remote_debugging_port: '{{ smartgears_debugging_port }}', access_log_enabled: True, log_rotation_freq: daily, log_retain: 30, allowed_hosts: [ '' ], app_contexts: '{{ smartgears_tomcat_contexts }}', web_document_root: '{{ smartgears_web_document_root }}' , skip_smartgears: False, smartgears_id: 1, servername: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' }