diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/defaults/main.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/defaults/main.yml
index b6147d85..a69cb1fd 100644
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/defaults/main.yml
@@ -2,80 +2,10 @@
dataminer_app_install: False
dataminer_app_upgrade: False
+# dev or prod
+dataminer_product: prod
+dataminer_zip_url: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/webapp/{{ dataminer_product }}/wps.zip'
dataminer_52north_webapp_name: wps
-dataminer_52north_webapp_context: '/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}'
-dataminer_52north_webapp_file: 52n-wps-webapp-3.3.2-20150523.010021-9.war
-#dataminer_52north_webapp_url: 'http://build.dev.52north.org/jenkins/view/Processing/job/52n-wps_GIT-DEV_nightly_builds/lastSuccessfulBuild/org.n52.wps$52n-wps-webapp/artifact/org.n52.wps/52n-wps-webapp/3.3.2-20150523.010021-9/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_file }}'
-dataminer_52north_webapp_url: 'http://data.d4science.org/uri-resolver/id?fileName=wps-3.3.2.war&smp-id=565d67b7e4b0eacf4a0fc5ad&contentType=application%2Fx-tika-java-web-archive'
-dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_snapshots: False
-dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_staging: False
-dataminer_dataminer_jar_version: 1.2.0-4.0.0-129209
-#dataminer_dataminer_jar_version_range: "[1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)"
-dataminer_dataminer_jar_version_range: '{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }}'
-dataminer_gcube_web_xml: "http://data.d4science.org/id?fileName=web.xml&smp-id=56615ae0e4b0158fcb561817&contentType=application%2Fxml"
-dataminer_gcube_app_xml: "http://data.d4science.org/id?fileName=gcube-app.xml&smp-id=56615ae0e4b0158fcb561815&contentType=application%2Fxml"
- - 'http://data.d4science.org/dU50M0VvS1RuV2xrMXBkVER6VzVEYUtoSWhEVFdCWXFHbWJQNStIS0N6Yz0'
- - 'http://data.d4science.org/OVd0bVZaVlpSdDFrMXBkVER6VzVEU1ZnMmcvYWFrb2tHbWJQNStIS0N6Yz0'
- - 52n-wps-client-lib-3.2.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-impl-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-database-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-server-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-algorithm-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-commons-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-3.3.1.jar
- - 52n-wps-server-3.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
- - 52n-wps-algorithm-3.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
- - 52n-wps-algorithm-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-server-3.3.2.jar
- - 52n-wps-server-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-algorithm-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-commons-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-database-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-impl-3.4.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-algorithm-3.5.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-commons-3.5.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-database-3.5.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-3.5.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-io-impl-3.5.0.jar
- - 52n-wps-server-3.5.0.jar
- - commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar
- - dom4j-1.6.jar
- - jaxen-1.1.1.jar
- - jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.4.jar
- - log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.5.jar
- - jdom-1.0.jar
- - logback-core-1.0.13.jar
- - slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar
- - spring-beans-2.0.6.jar
- - spring-context-2.0.6.jar
- - spring-core-2.0.6.jar
- - registry-publisher-1.2.5-3.10.0.jar
-dataminer_ecocfg_svn_repo: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/cfg'
-dataminer_ecocfg_parallelproc_svn_repo: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/PARALLEL_PROCESSING'
-# Retrieve and modify in a template before each installation.
-dataminer_wps_config: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/wpscfg/wps_config.xml'
-dataminer_configuration_jar: 'dataminer-algorithms.jar'
-dataminer_configuration_jar_url: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/algorithms/{{ dataminer_configuration_jar }}'
dataminer_data_file_from_thredds: 'http://thredds.d4science.org/thredds/fileServer/public/netcdf/gebco_08_OCEANS_CLIMATOLOGY_METEOROLOGY_ATMOSPHERE_.nc'
-dataminer_algorithms_repo: 'http://svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/algorithms'
-# Those packages are needed to download and configure the dataminer application
- - subversion
- - maven
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml
index 3862781d..ecfde329 100644
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-app.yml
@@ -1,149 +1,24 @@
-- name: Install some packages needed to download the dataminer environment
- apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
- with_items: '{{ dataminer_additional_packages }}'
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer' ]
+- block:
+ - name: Get and unpack the dataminer application
+ unarchive: src={{ dataminer_zip_url }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps copy=no
+ notify: Restart smartgears
+ - name: Install the gebco_08.nc file from thredds. It is big, mostly 2GB
+ get_url: url={{ dataminer_data_file_from_thredds }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg/gebco_08.nc
+ notify: Restart smartgears
-- name: Ensure that the maven configuration directory exists for the smartgears user
+ - name: Install the script that fixes the WPS configuration
+ become: False
+ template: src=wps-config-fixer.j2 dest=/usr/local/bin/wps-config-fixer owner=root group=root mode=0555
+ with_items: '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}'
+ - name: Fix the WPS config file
+ shell: /usr/local/bin/wps-config-fixer
+# notify: Restart smartgears
become: True
become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2 state=directory mode=0755
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Create a directory where to install the pom file needed to download the dataminer jar
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- file: path={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/dataminer state=directory mode=0755
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the maven configuration
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- template: src=maven-settings.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/settings.xml mode=0640
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install a fake maven POM file to download the dataminer app dependencies
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- template: src=pom.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/pom.xml mode=0640
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install a fake maven POM file to download the dataminer jar
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- template: src=dataminer-pom.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/dataminer/pom.xml mode=0640
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the rapidminer-custom jar
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- shell: mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy -Dartifact=rapidminer-custom:52n-wps-server:3.3.2 -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
- args:
- creates: '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/52n-wps-server-3.3.2.jar'
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the org.gcube.dataanalysis dataminer jar
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- shell: cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/dataminer ; mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy -Dartifact=org.gcube.dataanalysis:dataminer:{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }} -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
- args:
- creates: '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/dataminer-{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }}.jar'
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the org.gcube.dataanalysis dataminer jar dependencies
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- shell: cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2 ; mvn -DexcludeScope=provided org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies -Dartifact=org.gcube.dataanalysis:dataminer:{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }} -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
- args:
- creates: '{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/ecological-engine-1.8.6-3.9.0.jar'
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the 52n jars modified by D4Science
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- get_url: url={{ item }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/
- with_items: '{{ dataminer_additional_jars_urls }}'
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_new_jars' ]
-- name: Remove the unwanted jars from the 52 north webapp distribution and from the org.gcube.dataanalysis dataminer dependencies
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- file: dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/{{ item }} state=absent
- with_items: '{{ dataminer_jars_to_remove }}'
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'dataminer_deps_cleanup' ]
-- name: Download the ecocfg config from subversion
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- subversion: repo={{ dataminer_ecocfg_svn_repo }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg force=yes
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Download the ecocfg parallel processing libraries from subversion
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- subversion: repo={{ dataminer_ecocfg_parallelproc_svn_repo }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg/PARALLEL_PROCESSING force=yes
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Install the gebco_08.nc file from thredds. It is big, mostly 2GB
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- get_url: url={{ dataminer_data_file_from_thredds }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg/gebco_08.nc
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Download the dataminer algorithms jars from subversion
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- subversion: repo={{ dataminer_algorithms_repo }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/.algorithms
- notify: Restart smartgears
- register: dataminer_algorithms
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'wps_algorithms' ]
-- name: Move the dataminer algorithms jars to the right place
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- shell: cd {{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib ; mv {{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/.algorithms/*.jar .
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when:
- - dataminer_app_install
- - ( dataminer_algorithms | changed )
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps', 'wps_algorithms' ]
-- name: Install the wps config file
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- template: src=wps_config.xml.j2 dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/config/wps_config.xml mode=0444
- notify: Restart smartgears
- when: dataminer_app_install
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
-- name: Download the dataminer config jar
- become: True
- become_user: '{{ smartgears_user }}'
- get_url: url={{ dataminer_configuration_jar_url }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib/{{ dataminer_configuration_jar }} force=yes
- notify: Restart smartgears
when: dataminer_app_install
tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'wps' ]
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-upgrade.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-upgrade.yml
index 4a41894a..e459da47 100644
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-upgrade.yml
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/dataminer-upgrade.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-- name: If it is an upgrade, shut down the server
- service: name=tomcat-instance-{{ smartgears_http_port }} state=stopped
- when: dataminer_app_upgrade
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'dataminer_upgrade' ]
+- block:
+ - name: If it is an upgrade, shut down the server
+ service: name=tomcat-instance-{{ smartgears_http_port }} state=stopped
-- name: If it is an upgrade, brutally remove the wps installation
- file: dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }} state=absent
- when: dataminer_app_upgrade
- tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'dataminer_upgrade' ]
+ - name: If it is an upgrade, brutally remove the wps installation
+ file: dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }} state=absent
+ when: dataminer_app_upgrade
+ tags: [ 'tomcat', 'dataminer', 'dataminer_upgrade', 'wps' ]
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/install-gcube-key.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/install-gcube-key.yml
index 8644d074..31297f17 100644
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/install-gcube-key.yml
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/install-gcube-key.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- '{{ gcube_prod_key_3 }}'
notify: Restart smartgears
when: install_gcube_prod_key
- tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key' ]
+ tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key', 'wps' ]
- name: Install the devel gcube keys
get_url: url={{ item.url }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg/PARALLEL_PROCESSING owner={{ smartgears_user }} group={{ smartgears_user }} mode=0400
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- '{{ gcube_dev_key_3 }}'
notify: Restart smartgears
when: install_gcube_dev_key
- tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key' ]
+ tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key', 'wps' ]
- name: Install the preprod gcube keys
get_url: url={{ item.url }} dest={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/ecocfg/PARALLEL_PROCESSING owner={{ smartgears_user }} group={{ smartgears_user }} mode=0400
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
- '{{ gcube_pre_key_1 }}'
notify: Restart smartgears
when: install_gcube_preprod_key
- tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key' ]
+ tags: [ 'dataminer', 'gcube_key', 'wps' ]
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/main.yml b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/main.yml
index a18b39bd..7241d0bc 100644
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- include: dataminer-upgrade.yml
when: dataminer_app_upgrade
-- include: w52n-app.yml
- include: dataminer-app.yml
- include: install-gcube-key.yml
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/dataminer-pom.xml.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/dataminer-pom.xml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1c4fdd..00000000
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/dataminer-pom.xml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- 4.0.0
- org.gcube
- dataminer
- jar
- {{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version_range }}
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- dataminer
- {{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version_range }}
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/download-dataminer.sh.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/download-dataminer.sh.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04c513e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/download-dataminer.sh.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}
+# Install the rapidminer custom jar
+mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy -Dartifact=rapidminer-custom:52n-wps-server:3.3.2 -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
+if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] ; then
+ exit 1
+# Install the org.gcube.dataanalysis dataminer jar
+{% if dataminer_jar_url is defined %}
+cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}/tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib
+wget {{ dataminer_jar_url }}
+{% else %}
+cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2/dataminer
+mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy -Dartifact=org.gcube.dataanalysis:dataminer:{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }} -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
+{% endif %}
+if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] ; then
+ exit 1
+# Install the org.gcube.dataanalysis dataminer jar dependencies
+cd {{ smartgears_user_home }}/.m2
+mvn -DexcludeScope=provided org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies -Dartifact=org.gcube.dataanalysis:dataminer:{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }} -DoutputDirectory={{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/WEB-INF/lib
+if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] ; then
+ exit 1
+touch {{ smartgears_user_home }}/.dataminer_installation_{{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }}
+exit 0
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/maven-settings.xml.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/maven-settings.xml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa86203..00000000
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/maven-settings.xml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- gcube-snapshots
- gcube
- {% if dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_snapshots %}
- gcube-snapshots
- gCube Snapshots
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-snapshots
- false
- true
- {% endif %}
- {% if dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_staging %}
- gcube-staging
- gCube Staging
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-staging
- false
- true
- {% endif %}
- gcube-releases
- gCube Releases
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-releases
- false
- true
- gcube-externals
- gCube Externals
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-externals
- false
- true
- {% if dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_snapshots %}
- gcube-snapshots
- gCube Snapshots
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-snapshots
- false
- true
- {% endif %}
- {% if dataminer_maven_enable_gcube_staging %}
- gcube-staging
- gCube Staging
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-staging
- false
- true
- {% endif %}
- gcube-releases
- gCube Releases
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-releases
- false
- true
- gcube-externals
- gCube Externals
- http://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/gcube-externals
- false
- true
- gcube
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/pom.xml.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/pom.xml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index a8db614a..00000000
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/pom.xml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
- 4.0.0
- maven-parent
- org.gcube.tools
- 1.0.0
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- dataminer
- {{ dataminer_dataminer_jar_version }}
- dataminer
- dataminer
- ${project.basedir}/distro
- org.gcube.dataaccess.algorithms
- database-rm-algorithms
- [1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,1.4.0-SNAPSHOT)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- common-encryption
- org.gcube.core
- common-scope-maps
- org.gcube.core
- ch.qos.logback
- logback-classic
- 1.1.2
- org.n52.wps
- 52n-wps-io
- [3.3.1,4.0.0)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.n52.wps
- 52n-wps-io-impl
- [3.3.1,4.0.0)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.n52.wps
- 52n-wps-algorithm
- [3.3.1,4.0.0)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.n52.wps
- 52n-wps-server
- [3.3.1,4.0.0)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- ecological-engine-wps-extension
- [1.0.2-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- ecological-engine-geospatial-extensions
- [1.3.2-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- common-scope-maps
- org.gcube.core
- common-encryption
- org.gcube.core
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- ecological-engine-external-algorithms
- [1.1.5-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- common-utils-encryption
- org.gcube.core
- common-encryption
- org.gcube.core
- org.gcube.dataanalysis
- ecological-engine-smart-executor
- [1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- org.slf4j
- slf4j-nop
- 1.7.10
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- junit
- junit
- 4.11
- org.gcube.common
- common-authorization
- [1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- provided
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- common-utils-encryption
- org.gcube.core
- org.gcube.core
- common-scope
- [1.2.0-SNAPSHOT,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- provided
- slf4j-api
- org.slf4j
- javassist
- javassist
- 3.12.1.GA
- org.gcube.common
- home-library-jcr
- [2.0.0-SNAPSHOT,3.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- org.gcube.common
- home-library
- [2.0.0-SNAPSHOT,3.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
- maven-compiler-plugin
- 3.1
- 1.6
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- 2.18.1
- true
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-resources-plugin
- 2.7
- copy-profile
- install
- copy-resources
- target
- ${distroDirectory}
- true
- profile.xml
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-assembly-plugin
- 2.5.3
- ${distroDirectory}/descriptor.xml
- servicearchive
- install
- single
- n52-releases
- 52n Releases
- http://52north.org/maven/repo/releases
- true
- false
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps-config-fixer.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps-config-fixer.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0d4a00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps-config-fixer.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+WPS_CONFIG_FILE='{{ smartgears_instance_path }}/webapps/{{ dataminer_52north_webapp_name }}/config/wps_config.xml'
+# Fix the hostname
+sed -Ei 's/hostname=\".*\"\ hostport/hostname="{{ ansible_fqdn }}" hostport/' $WPS_CONFIG_FILE
+# Fix the port
+{%if setup_nginx %}
+{% if https_port is defined %}
+{% if http_redirect_to_https is defined and http_redirect_to_https %}
+sed -Ei 's/hostport=\".*\"\ includeDataInputsInResponse/hostport="{{ https_port }}" includeDataInputsInResponse/' $WPS_CONFIG_FILE
+{% else %}
+sed -Ei 's/hostport=\".*\"\ includeDataInputsInResponse/hostport="{{ http_port }}" includeDataInputsInResponse/' $WPS_CONFIG_FILE
+{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+{%if http_port is defined %}
+sed -Ei 's/hostport=\".*\"\ includeDataInputsInResponse/hostport="{{ http_port }}" includeDataInputsInResponse/' $WPS_CONFIG_FILE
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+sed -Ei 's/hostport=\".*\"\ includeDataInputsInResponse/hostport="{{ item.http_port }}" includeDataInputsInResponse/' $WPS_CONFIG_FILE
+{% endif %}
+exit 0
diff --git a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps_config.xml.j2 b/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps_config.xml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index c74258d4..00000000
--- a/smartgears/dataminer_app/templates/wps_config.xml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@