--- - name: Install the jetty packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed force=yes with_items: - jetty tags: - jetty - name: Fix the broken jetty startup script shell: perl -pi -e "s/\^\[:space:]\*/^[[:space:]]*/g" /etc/init.d/jetty ignore_errors: True tags: - jetty - name: Install the apache mod_jk module, if needed apt: pkg={{ item }} state=installed force=yes with_items: - libapache2-mod-jk when: jetty_use_apache is defined and jetty_use_apache notify: apache2 reload tags: - jetty - name: Ensure that the jetty cache directory exists file: dest={{ item }} owner={{ jetty_user }} group={{ jetty_group }} mode=0750 state=directory with_items: - '{{ jetty_cache_dir }}' - '{{ jetty_tmp_dir }}' - '{{ jetty_jvm_tmp_dir }}' tags: - jetty - name: Install the jetty defaults template: src=jetty-defaults.j2 dest=/etc/default/jetty notify: Restart jetty tags: - jetty - name: Set the jetty limits template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/security/limits.d/{{ item }} with_items: - jetty-limits.conf notify: Restart jetty tags: - jetty