--- - name: Install the influxdb repo key apt_key: url={{ influxdb_repo_key }} state=present tags: [ 'influxdata', 'influxdb', 'tick' ] - name: Install the influxdb deb repository apt_repository: repo='{{ influxdb_repo }}' state=present update_cache=yes tags: [ 'influxdata', 'influxdb', 'tick' ] - name: Install the influxdb deb packages apt: name='{{ item }}' state=present with_items: '{{ influxdb_packages }}' tags: [ 'influxdata', 'influxdb', 'tick' ] - name: Ensure that influxdb is enabled and running service: name=influxdb state=started enabled=yes when: influxdb_enabled tags: [ 'influxdata', 'influxdb', 'tick' ]