# This file contains os configuration settings for clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh ################### # This is property of eXtremeSHOK.com # You are free to use, modify and distribute, however you may not remove this notice. # Copyright (c) Adrian Jon Kriel :: admin@extremeshok.com # License: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) ################## # # Script updates can be found at: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs # ################## # # NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VERSION 3.XX / 4.XX CONFIG # ################################################################################ # SEE MASTER.CONF FOR CONFIG EXPLANATIONS ################################################################################ # Rename to os.conf to enable this file ################################################################################ # RHEL/CentOS 7, using ClamAV packages from EPEL clam_user="{{ clamav_clamd_user }}" clam_group="{{ clamav_clamd_user }}" clam_dbs="/var/lib/clamav" clamd_pid="{{ clamav_clamd_pidfile }}" clamd_restart_opt="systemctl try-restart clamd@scan" {% if clamav_clamd_use_local_socket %} clamd_socket="{{ clamav_clamd_local_socket }}" {% endif %} clamd_reload_opt="clamdscan --config-file={{ clamav_clamd_conf_file }} --reload" # By default clamupdate has no permissions to run service restarts reload_dbs="no" # https://eXtremeSHOK.com ######################################################