--- - name: Install the script that allows the tomcat user to start and stop the service without using the full path template: src={{ item.1 }}.j2 dest={{ item.0.user_home }}/{{ item.1 }} owner={{ item.0.user }} group={{ item.0.user }} mode=0755 with_nested: - '{{ tomcat_m_instances | default ([]) }}' - [ 'startContainer.sh', 'stopContainer.sh' ] when: tomcat_m_instances is defined tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'sudo', 'startup_cmd' ] - name: Install the README file that explains where the options files are placed and how start/stop the service template: src={{ item.1 }}.j2 dest={{ item.0.user_home }}/{{ item.1 }} owner={{ item.0.user }} group={{ item.0.user }} mode=0444 with_nested: - '{{ tomcat_m_instances }}' - [ 'README-tomcat' ] when: tomcat_m_instances is defined tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'd4s_readme' ] # A manual tomcat installation. We try to fix it in some way - name: Create the d4science tomcat user user: name={{ d4science_user }} home={{ d4science_user_home }} createhome={{ d4science_user_create_home }} shell={{ d4science_user_shell }} when: tomcat_m_instances is not defined tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'users' ] - name: Install the script that allows the tomcat user to start and stop the service without using the full path template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/home/{{ d4science_user }}/{{ item }} owner={{ d4science_user }} group={{ d4science_user }} mode=0755 with_items: - 'startContainer.sh' - 'stopContainer.sh' when: tomcat_m_instances is not defined tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'sudo', 'startup_cmd' ] - name: Install a logrotate rule for catalina.out and access_log template: src=catalina-logrotate.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/catalina_access owner=root group=root mode=0644 when: tomcat_m_instances is not defined tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'startup_cmd' ] # We always install the sudoers file - name: Install the sudoers config that permits the tomcat user to restart the service template: src=tomcat-sudoers.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/tomcat-d4science owner=root group=root mode=0440 tags: [ 'tomcat', 'd4science', 'sudo', 'startup_cmd' ]