--- sshd_port: 22 sshd_config_dir: /etc/ssh sshd_config_file: sshd_config sshd_protocol: 2 sshd_serverkeybits: 2048 sshd_password_authentication: "no" sshd_permit_empty_passwords: "no" # "no" or "without-password" sshd_permit_root_login: "without-password" sshd_strict_mode: "yes" # If set to no, the locked users cannot log in. adduser creates the users that have no password as locked sshd_use_pam: "no" # set to "yes" only if you are using s/key or something equivalent sshd_challenge_response_authentication: "no" sshd_enable_sftp_subsystem: True sshd_use_login: "no" sshd_permit_tunnel: "no" sshd_gssapi_authentication: "no" sshd_gssapi_credentials: "no" sshd_x11_forwarding: "no" sshd_agent_forwarding: "yes" sshd_tcp_forwarding: "no" sshd_permit_user_environment: "no" sshd_show_patchlevel: "no" # Usually /etc/issue.net sshd_banner_path: "none" sshd_acceptenv: "LANG LC_*"