--- apache_user: www-data apache_group: '{{ apache_user }}' apache_packages: - apache2 - apache2-mpm-prefork - apache2-utils - libapache2-mod-xsendfile - unzip - zip apache_default_modules: - headers - rewrite - expires - xsendfile apache_ssl_modules_enabled: True apache_ssl_modules: - ssl - socache_shmcb apache_http_proxy_modules_enabled: False apache_http_proxy_modules: - proxy - proxy_ajp - proxy_http apache_basic_auth: False apache_basic_auth_single_file: True apache_basic_auth_dir: /etc/apache2/auth apache_basic_auth_file: '{{ apache_basic_auth_dir }}/htpasswd' apache_basic_auth_modules: - auth_basic - authn_file - authz_user # Put them in a vault file. auth_file is optional. Not used when apache_basic_auth_single_file is true # apache_basic_users: # - { username:'', password:'', state:'present,absent', auth_file:'path_to_file' } # # Set this variable to load the modules you need #apache_additional_modules: # - # -