- block:
  - name: install the apache httpd packages
    yum: name={{ item }} state={{ httpd_pkg_state }}
    with_items: '{{ httpd_main_packages }}'

  - name: install the apache httpd mod_ssl packages
    yum: name={{ item }} state={{ httpd_pkg_state }}
    when: httpd_ssl_enabled
    with_items: '{{ httpd_ssl_packages }}'

  - name: Install the main httpd configuration file
    template: src=httpd.conf.j2 dest={{ httpd_base_conf_dir }}/conf/httpd.conf
    notify: httpd reload

  - name: Enable the modules we want active
    apache2_module: name={{ item.name }} state={{ item.state | default('present') }}
    with_items: '{{ httpd_modules }}'

  - name: Manage additional modules, if any
    apache2_module: name={{ item.name }} state={{ item.state | default('present') }}
    with_items: '{{ httpd_additional_modules | default([])}}'

  - name: Set the MPM mode
    template: src=00-mpm.conf.j2 dest={{ httpd_base_conf_dir }}/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf mode=0444 owner=root group=root
    notify: httpd reload
  - name: Ensure that httpd is stopped if it is not meant to be running
    service: name=httpd state=stopped enabled=no
    when: not httpd_service_enabled

  - name: Ensure that httpd is running and enabled
    service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes

  when: httpd_service_enabled
  tags: [ 'httpd', 'apache' ]