- block:
    - name: Install the gdebi tool
      apt: pkg=gdebi-core state=latest update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800

    - name: Install the apparmor utilities
      apt: pkg=apparmor-utils state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=1800

    - name: Download the rstudio server deb package
#      get_url: url={{ rstudio_download_url }} dest=/srv/{{ rstudio_file }}
      shell: cd /srv ; wget {{ rstudio_download_url }}
        creates: /srv/{{ rstudio_file }}
      register: rstudio_download

    - name: Install the rstudio server package
      command: gdebi -n -q /srv/{{ rstudio_file }}
      when: rstudio_download is changed

    - name: Change the apparmor behaviour to complain, otherwise it cannot read the nslcd socket
      shell: RETVAL='' ; if [ -x /usr/sbin/apparmor_status ] ; then APPARMOR_STATE=$( /usr/sbin/apparmor_status ) ; RETVAL=$? ; if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] ; then aa-complain /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver ; fi ; fi
      when: rstudio_enabled

    - name: Ensure that rstudio server is enabled and running
      service: name=rstudio-server state=started enabled=yes
      when: rstudio_enabled

    - name: Ensure that rstudio server is disabled and stopped
      service: name=rstudio-server state=stopped enabled=no
      when: not rstudio_enabled

    - name: Install bc, needed by the script that kills abusive jobs
      apt: pkg=bc state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600
      when: rstudio_install_kill_script
      tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server', 'rstudio_kill_rogues' ]

    - name: Install a script that kills the abusive job processes
      copy: src=kill-rogue-jobs dest=/usr/local/bin/kill-rogue-jobs owner=root group=root mode=0755
      when: rstudio_install_kill_script
      tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server', 'rstudio_kill_rogues' ]

    - name: Install a cron job that kills the abusive jobs
      cron: name="Kill rogue jobs" job="/usr/local/bin/kill-rogue-jobs" user=root minute="{{ rstudio_kill_script_frequency }}"
      when: rstudio_install_kill_script
      tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server', 'rstudio_kill_rogues' ]
    - name: Install a script that check and restart tomcat
      copy: src=tomcat_checkandstart dest=/usr/local/bin/tomcat_checkandstart owner=root group=root mode=0755
      when: rstudio_install_tomcat_checkandstart_script
      tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server', 'rstudio_tomcat_checkandstart' ]

    - name: Install a cron job that check and restart tomcat
      cron: name="Tomcat check and start" job="/usr/local/bin/tomcat_checkandstart" user=root minute="{{ rstudio_tomcat_checkandstart_frequency }}"
      when: rstudio_install_tomcat_checkandstart_script
      tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server', 'rstudio_tomcat_checkandstart' ]

  when: rstudio_install_server
  tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server' ]

- block:
    - name: Ensure that rstudio server is disabled and stopped
      service: name=rstudio-server state=stopped enabled=no

    - name: Remove the rstudio-server and gdebi packages
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent
        - gdebi
        - rstudio-server

    - name: Remove the script that kills the abusive job processes
      file: dest=/usr/local/bin/kill-rogue-jobs state=absent

    - name: Remove the cron job that kills the abusive jobs
      cron: name="Kill rogue jobs" job="/usr/local/bin/kill-rogue-jobs" user=root minute="{{ rstudio_kill_script_frequency }}" state=absent

  when: not rstudio_install_server
  tags: [ 'rstudio', 'rstudio_server' ]