#!/bin/bash #echo "`date` mysql DUMP temporarly excluded (by Tom)" #exit 1 RETVAL=0 MY_BACKUP_USE_NAGIOS="False" MY_BACKUP_DIR=/var/lib/mysql-backup MY_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/mysql N_DAYS_TO_SPARE=7 # Exclude list EXCLUDE_LIST='performance_schema' if [ -f /etc/default/mysql_backup ] ; then . /etc/default/mysql_backup fi if [ ! -f /root/.my.cnf ] ; then exit 1 fi umask 0077 # Year month day - hour minute second SAVE_TIME=$( date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S ) TIMESTAMP= TIMESTAMP_LOG=$MY_BACKUP_DIR/.timestamp if [ ! -d $MY_BACKUP_DIR ] ; then mkdir -p $MY_BACKUP_DIR fi if [ ! -d $MY_BACKUP_LOG_DIR ] ; then mkdir -p $MY_BACKUP_LOG_DIR fi if [ ! -d $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history ] ; then mkdir -p $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history fi chmod 700 $MY_BACKUP_DIR LOCKFILE=$MY_DATA_DIR/.mysqldump.lock NAGIOS_LOG=$MY_BACKUP_DIR/.nagios-status if [ ! -f $LOCKFILE ] ; then touch $LOCKFILE if [ "${MY_BACKUP_USE_NAGIOS}" == "True" ] ; then > $NAGIOS_LOG fi for db in $( mysql -Bse "show databases;" | egrep -v $EXCLUDE_LIST ) ; do if [ "$db" == "information_schema" ]; then mysqldump --single-transaction -f --flush-privileges --opt $db > $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history/${db}.sql.${SAVE_TIME} 2> $MY_BACKUP_LOG_DIR/$db.log DUMP_RESULT=$? else mysqldump -f --flush-privileges --opt $db > $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history/${db}.sql.${SAVE_TIME} 2> $MY_BACKUP_LOG_DIR/$db.log DUMP_RESULT=$? fi chmod 600 $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history/${db}.sql.${SAVE_TIME} if [ "${MY_BACKUP_USE_NAGIOS}" == "True" ] ; then if [ $DUMP_RESULT -ne 0 ] ; then echo "$db:FAILED" >> $NAGIOS_LOG RETVAL=$DUMP_RESULT else echo "$db:OK" >> $NAGIOS_LOG fi fi pushd ${MY_BACKUP_DIR}/ >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f $db.sql ln -s $MY_BACKUP_DIR/history/${db}.sql.${SAVE_TIME} ./$db.sql popd >/dev/null 2>&1 done # Do a "flush-hosts" after the backup mysqladmin flush-hosts 2> $MY_BACKUP_LOG_DIR/flush-hosts.log TIMESTAMP=$( date +%s ) echo "$TIMESTAMP" > $TIMESTAMP_LOG rm -f $LOCKFILE else echo "Old backup still running" > /var/log/mysql-backup.log RETVAL=2 if [ "${MY_BACKUP_USE_NAGIOS}" == "True" ] ; then echo "old backup still running:WARNING" >> $NAGIOS_LOG fi fi # Remove the old backups find ${MY_BACKUP_DIR}/history -ctime +$N_DAYS_TO_SPARE -exec rm -f {} \; exit $RETVAL