--- - block: - name: Create the gitea service user user: name={{ gitea_user }} home=/srv/gitea createhome=yes shell=/bin/bash system=yes - name: Create the gitea directory tree file: dest={{ gitea_data_dir }}/{{ item }} state=directory owner={{ gitea_user }} group={{ gitea_group }} with_items: '{{ gitea_data_subdirs }}' - name: Create the gitea conf directory file: dest={{ gitea_conf_dir }} state=directory owner=root group={{ gitea_group }} mode=0750 - name: Download the gitea binary get_url: url={{ gitea_download_url }} dest={{ gitea_bin_path }} owner=root group={{ gitea_group }} mode=0750 - name: Install the required packages package: state=present use=auto name={{ gitea_required_packages }} - name: Check if the gitea configuration file exists stat: path={{ gitea_conf_dir }}/app.ini register: gitea_app_ini - name: Change the gitea configuration. After the installation ini_file: path={{ gitea_conf_dir }}/app.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} state={{ item.state }} owner={{ gitea_user }} group={{ gitea_group }} mode=0640 create=no with_items: '{{ gitea_app_configurations }}' when: - gitea_app_ini.stat.exists - gitea_app_configurations is defined notify: restart gitea - name: Install the gitea configuration file. At install time only template: src=app.ini.j2 dest={{ gitea_conf_dir }}/app.ini owner={{ gitea_user }} group={{ gitea_group }} mode=0640 force=no notify: restart gitea - name: Install the gitea systemd unit template: src=gitea.service.systemd dest=/etc/systemd/system/gitea.service register: gitea_systemd_unit - name: Reload the systemd configuration command: systemctl daemon-reload when: gitea_systemd_unit is changed tags: [ 'git', 'gitea' ]