forked from ISTI-ansible-roles/ansible-roles
71 lines
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71 lines
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- name: Configure rsyslog so that it accepts logs from remote services
- name: Ensure that the rsyslog package is installed. deb/ubuntu
apt: pkg=rsyslog state=present cache_valid_time=1800
when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
- name: Ensure that the rsyslog package is installed. centos/rhel
yum: pkg=rsyslog state=present
when: ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
- name: Create the additional rsyslog directory
file: dest={{ rsyslog_remote_path }} state=directory owner=syslog group=adm
- name: Install the rsyslog configuration
template: src=rsyslog-remote-socket.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyslog.d/10-rsyslog-remote-socket.conf
notify: Restart rsyslog
- name: Ensure that rsyslog is running and enabled
service: name=rsyslog state=started enabled=yes
when: rsyslog_enable_remote_socket | bool
tags: [ 'syslog', 'rsyslog', 'remote_syslog' ]
- name: Install the rsyslog TLS package on deb/ubuntu
- name: Install the rsyslog TLS support
apt: pkg={{ rsyslog_tls_deb_pkgs }} state=present cache_valid_time=1800
notify: Restart rsyslog
- rsyslog_enable_remote_socket | bool
- rsyslog_tls_status == 'enabled'
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
tags: [ 'syslog', 'rsyslog', 'remote_syslog' ]
- name: Install the rsyslog TLS package on RHEL/CentOS
- name: Install the rsyslog TLS support
yum: pkg={{ rsyslog_tls_rh_pkgs }} state=present
notify: Restart rsyslog
- rsyslog_enable_remote_socket | bool
- rsyslog_tls_status == 'enabled'
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
tags: [ 'syslog', 'rsyslog', 'remote_syslog' ]
- name: Configure SELinux and firewalld on RHEL/CentOS
- name: SELinux udp port
seport: ignore_selinux_state=yes ports=514 proto=udp setype=syslogd_port_t state=present
when: rsyslog_enable_remote_udp == 'enabled'
- name: SELinux tcp port
seport: ignore_selinux_state=yes ports=514 proto=tcp setype=syslogd_port_t state=present
when: rsyslog_enable_remote_tcp == 'enabled'
- name: rsyslog firewalld services
firewalld: service={{ item.service }} zone={{ }} permanent={{ item.permanent | default(True) }} state={{ item.state }} immediate=True
with_items: '{{ rsyslog_firewalld_services }}'
- name: rsyslog firewalld ports
firewalld: port={{ item.port }}/{{ item.protocol }} zone={{ }} permanent={{ item.permanent | default(False) }} state={{ item.state }} immediate=True
with_items: '{{ rsyslog_firewalld_ports }}'
- rsyslog_enable_remote_socket | bool
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "RedHat"
tags: [ 'syslog', 'rsyslog', 'remote_syslog', 'selinux', 'firewalld' ]